WSJ: US Trade deficit climbs 10%

Record illegals coming in and record trade deficit. Wow.

Donnie isn’t doing much.
Thank you Donald Trump & all the morons that voted for him. Thank you Republicans in Congress for not stepping in.

Trump's trade war hurting US manufacturers. Hurting US farmers.

When will it end? When will Trump supporters realize that Trump knows nothing about world economics or trade.

Care to point out how the trade policy is hurting manufacturing?

The only thing hurting US farmers are China’s tariffs. But you claim tariffs don’t work. So which is it?
Americans are buying a lot of Chinese shit.

That’s not necessarily bad in and of itself.

What manufacturing should we be doing here and selling to China?

Liberals hate industry.
Our trade deficits are skyrocketing. Our trade deficit with China is at the highest in history. Our trade deficit with Mexico is also exploding.

Our federal deficit has gone nuclear, rising 77 percent higher than last year!

Federal spending is at record highs, and the fake tax cut has reduced federal revenues.

President Clinton is an unmitigated disaster.

Oh wait...

U.S. trade gap with China reaches all-time high under Trump

The U.S. trade deficit in goods with China set a new record during President Donald Trump’s second year in office

Mexico can thank the US for its record-high trade surplus

Mexico sure is paying for TH3 WALLE, eh?

U.S. Trade Gap Surged to $621 Billion in 2018, Highest in Decade

Okay Drama Queen cool, now tell us how your quality of life has changed as a result of “EXPLODING” trade deficits. We’re standing by.
Since you are all about racism, let me put it to you this way, retard: The MEXICANS are winning! :lol:

The slanty eyed Chinee are winning! :lol:
That one has a permanent hard on for what he calls wetbacks. He can't post one comment without bringing them into the equation.
4 threads merged that were started today on this topic.

Check before you start a new thread, please
View attachment 248966 We seem to be losing the trade war.

Why? Because Americans have so much money they can buy lots of stuff? A “trade deficit” has got to be the lamest thing to get bent out of shape on.

Not out of shape at all. Pointing out the tariffs are not stopping the influx of goods from over-seas.
We’re told by the blob that trade deficits are bad. If a trade deficit of $100B is bad, a deficit one $110B is worse right? By that measure, we’re losing.

As a consumer of the goods of the world, the products, the food, the music, the art, the services…. I’m quite content spending my dollars where I get the most ROI.
View attachment 248966 We seem to be losing the trade war.

Why? Because Americans have so much money they can buy lots of stuff? A “trade deficit” has got to be the lamest thing to get bent out of shape on.

Not out of shape at all. Pointing out the tariffs are not stopping the influx of goods from over-seas.
We’re told by the blob that trade deficits are bad. If a trade deficit of $100B is bad, a deficit one $110B is worse right? By that measure, we’re losing.

As a consumer of the goods of the world, the products, the food, the music, the art, the services…. I’m quite content spending my dollars where I get the most ROI.

I agree the tariffs aren’t enough. President Trump only implemented a small tariff on very limited goods. I hope he kicks it up a notch.
Look, I get it, tards. When Trump catastrophically fails to deliver on a promise, it is part of your submissive lickspittle nature to throw yet another of your principles out the window rather than wake up to the reality of the clown show that is Donald J. Trump.

I get it.

I am just curious to know just how low you will go. I guess we haven't found the bottom yet.
View attachment 248966 We seem to be losing the trade war.

Why? Because Americans have so much money they can buy lots of stuff? A “trade deficit” has got to be the lamest thing to get bent out of shape on.

Not out of shape at all. Pointing out the tariffs are not stopping the influx of goods from over-seas.
We’re told by the blob that trade deficits are bad. If a trade deficit of $100B is bad, a deficit one $110B is worse right? By that measure, we’re losing.

As a consumer of the goods of the world, the products, the food, the music, the art, the services…. I’m quite content spending my dollars where I get the most ROI.

I agree the tariffs aren’t enough. President Trump only implemented a small tariff on very limited goods. I hope he kicks it up a notch.

Classic stupidity
View attachment 248966 We seem to be losing the trade war.

Why? Because Americans have so much money they can buy lots of stuff? A “trade deficit” has got to be the lamest thing to get bent out of shape on.

Not out of shape at all. Pointing out the tariffs are not stopping the influx of goods from over-seas.
We’re told by the blob that trade deficits are bad. If a trade deficit of $100B is bad, a deficit one $110B is worse right? By that measure, we’re losing.

As a consumer of the goods of the world, the products, the food, the music, the art, the services…. I’m quite content spending my dollars where I get the most ROI.

I agree the tariffs aren’t enough. President Trump only implemented a small tariff on very limited goods. I hope he kicks it up a notch.

Classic stupidity
How so? Tariffs are the only way to bring manufacturing back to the US. Otherwise you fully support moving all manufacturing to China and other third world shitholes. Unless of course you have some brilliant solution to fix the “trade deficit”.
View attachment 248966 We seem to be losing the trade war.

Why? Because Americans have so much money they can buy lots of stuff? A “trade deficit” has got to be the lamest thing to get bent out of shape on.

outside of the wall and mexico paying for it, no issue was more important to Trump during the campaign than ending the trade deficit. you people are so fucking dishonest
View attachment 248966 We seem to be losing the trade war.

Why? Because Americans have so much money they can buy lots of stuff? A “trade deficit” has got to be the lamest thing to get bent out of shape on.

Not out of shape at all. Pointing out the tariffs are not stopping the influx of goods from over-seas.
We’re told by the blob that trade deficits are bad. If a trade deficit of $100B is bad, a deficit one $110B is worse right? By that measure, we’re losing.

As a consumer of the goods of the world, the products, the food, the music, the art, the services…. I’m quite content spending my dollars where I get the most ROI.

I agree the tariffs aren’t enough. President Trump only implemented a small tariff on very limited goods. I hope he kicks it up a notch.

Classic stupidity
How so? Tariffs are the only way to bring manufacturing back to the US. Otherwise you fully support moving all manufacturing to China and other third world shitholes. Unless of course you have some brilliant solution to fix the “trade deficit”.

Tell us how it that all our manufacturing is moving to other countries, yet our manufacturing output has been steady going up with the exception of during the recession


little known fact about trade deficits...the better the economy, the bigger the deficit.

the lemmings have been told for a decade that trade deficits are evil and will be the death of our country, yet none of them can tell you why

I sorta disagree with this on some level.

Let's say I buy a $100 widget from Walmart that's made in China.

$80 goes to Walmart and the shipping companies.

$10 goes to big government tariffs (which I have some support for being and America First guy, but I also recognize the genius of the Marshall Plan in fighting communism)

$10 goes to China.

That $10 helps fund whatever manufacturing facilities they have which make widgets and nuclear submarines.
That $10 is no longer in America.
That $10 is helping build their SpaceForce not ours.

Its one thing if we have a deficit with Mexico, Ethiopia, or some third world country. Our $'s will go way further over there building their country. Our $ will raise their standard of living and keep some stupid communist revolution from happening.

Don't get me wrong, trading with China has made the world a more friendly place and I would keep doing it. I'm just realistic about trade deficits with countries we want to...what's the naval aircraft carrier term....project power over.

The trade deficit gets invested back into America. China owns dollars. The only thing they can do with dollars is to invest in America.

People fundamentally do not understand this. The reason why we have trade deficits is because we don’t save enough to fund our consumption and investment, and need to import savings from elsewhere to fill that gap. If we need to import capital, we MUST run a trade deficit to finance it.

This is Macroeconomics 101. Trump’s mercantilist belief about trade was discredited in the 19th century.

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