WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

Conservative Role Model
Member #19862

Since your buddy id-eots can't answer the question, maybe you think you can do so.

Why did nobody see the walls broken to get the bombs planted at the structural points on all the floors where all the explosives had been set?

Why did nobody see the detonator wires. Wait. Don't tell me. These were those super secret special invisible military high explosives that also magically require no detonator cords.

Ah. What's the use?

You loons are beyond hope of reason.

There is, however, a good reason the entire world laughs at you imbeciles. Your position is one that only a raving lunatic could hold. And you are utterly unaware of how impossible your scenario is.

Wireless detonators, and corresponding wireless detonator systems present opportunities for blasting arrangements that avoid the need for physical wire

Title:Wireless detonator European Patent EP0480673 Kind Code:B1
Abstract:Abstract of EP0480673

A wireless detonator is disclosed that includes an antenna for receiving microwaves, a detonator provided with a heating element, and a transmission circuit. The heating element in the detonator is heated by the energy of the microwaves. The transmission circuit transmits the microwave energy from the antenna directly to the heating element. The antenna has a relative gain of 0 to 20 dB in the frequency band of the microwaves. The absolute value of the reactance component in the radiation impedance of the antenna is at most 50% of the pure resistance component of that impedance. The absolute value of the reactance component in the impedance of the heating element is at most 50% of the pure resistance component of that impedance. The pure resistance components of the radiation impedance of the antenna and of the impedance of the heating element are in a range of 70 to 130% of the characteristic impedance of the transmission circuit.

Wireless detonator - Patent EP0480673
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Interview with Controlled Demo Expert, Danny Jowenko, confirming that Building 7 was brought ... Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko on WTC7 ...

[ame=]YouTube - Danny Jowenko on WTC 7 controlled demolition[/ame]
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Government secrecy
Governments often attempt to conceal information from other governments and the public. These state secrets can include weapon designs, military plans, diplomatic negotiation tactics, and secrets obtained illicitly from others ("intelligence"). Most nations have some form of Official Secrets Act (the Espionage Act in the U.S.) and classify material according to the level of protection needed (hence the term "classified information"). An individual needs a security clearance for access and other protection methods, such as keeping documents in a safe, are stipulated.

Few people dispute the desirability of keeping Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information secret, but many believe government secrecy to be excessive and too often employed for political purposes. Many countries have laws that attempt to limit government secrecy, such as the U.S. Freedom of Information Act and sunshine laws. Government officials sometimes leak information they are supposed to keep secret. (For a recent (2005) example, see Plame affair.)

Secrecy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Conservative Role Model
Member #19862

Since your buddy id-eots can't answer the question, maybe you think you can do so.

Why did nobody see the walls broken to get the bombs planted at the structural points on all the floors where all the explosives had been set?

Why did nobody see the detonator wires. Wait. Don't tell me. These were those super secret special invisible military high explosives that also magically require no detonator cords.

Ah. What's the use?

You loons are beyond hope of reason.

There is, however, a good reason the entire world laughs at you imbeciles. Your position is one that only a raving lunatic could hold. And you are utterly unaware of how impossible your scenario is.

Wireless detonators, and corresponding wireless detonator systems present opportunities for blasting arrangements that avoid the need for physical wire

Title:Wireless detonator European Patent EP0480673 Kind Code:B1
Abstract:Abstract of EP0480673

A wireless detonator is disclosed that includes an antenna for receiving microwaves, a detonator provided with a heating element, and a transmission circuit. The heating element in the detonator is heated by the energy of the microwaves. The transmission circuit transmits the microwave energy from the antenna directly to the heating element. The antenna has a relative gain of 0 to 20 dB in the frequency band of the microwaves. The absolute value of the reactance component in the radiation impedance of the antenna is at most 50% of the pure resistance component of that impedance. The absolute value of the reactance component in the impedance of the heating element is at most 50% of the pure resistance component of that impedance. The pure resistance components of the radiation impedance of the antenna and of the impedance of the heating element are in a range of 70 to 130% of the characteristic impedance of the transmission circuit.

Wireless detonator - Patent EP0480673
now prove they were ever built
[ame=]YouTube - Jowenko WTC7 Demolition Interviews, 2 of 3[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Jowenko WTC7 Demolition Interviews, 3 of 3[/ame]
Conservative Role Model
Member #19862

Since your buddy id-eots can't answer the question, maybe you think you can do so.

Why did nobody see the walls broken to get the bombs planted at the structural points on all the floors where all the explosives had been set?

Why did nobody see the detonator wires. Wait. Don't tell me. These were those super secret special invisible military high explosives that also magically require no detonator cords.

Ah. What's the use?

You loons are beyond hope of reason.

There is, however, a good reason the entire world laughs at you imbeciles. Your position is one that only a raving lunatic could hold. And you are utterly unaware of how impossible your scenario is.

Wireless detonators, and corresponding wireless detonator systems present opportunities for blasting arrangements that avoid the need for physical wire

Title:Wireless detonator European Patent EP0480673 Kind Code:B1
Abstract:Abstract of EP0480673

A wireless detonator is disclosed that includes an antenna for receiving microwaves, a detonator provided with a heating element, and a transmission circuit. The heating element in the detonator is heated by the energy of the microwaves. The transmission circuit transmits the microwave energy from the antenna directly to the heating element. The antenna has a relative gain of 0 to 20 dB in the frequency band of the microwaves. The absolute value of the reactance component in the radiation impedance of the antenna is at most 50% of the pure resistance component of that impedance. The absolute value of the reactance component in the impedance of the heating element is at most 50% of the pure resistance component of that impedance. The pure resistance components of the radiation impedance of the antenna and of the impedance of the heating element are in a range of 70 to 130% of the characteristic impedance of the transmission circuit.

Wireless detonator - Patent EP0480673

Id-eots might be getting warmer.

If we believe that a patent means that wireless detonators got built in sufficient numbers to account for ALL of the explosives that would have to have been used in the 2 WT Towers (as well as Building 7), then all that's left is the super secret (and presumably invisible) high powered explosives that were used (with the magic wireless detonators with no worries about any radio interference setting any of them off prematurely), and the planting of the aforementioned super secret (and presumably invisible) high powered explosives at all of the requisite structural locations within the buildings that would make them fall pretty much on their own footprint, but without the mess of breaking through any walls to get to the structural spots in the building (unless they did make a mess when planting the charges but also had a super secret team of Molly Maids doing clean-up), and oh yeah, the manpower required to do this (invisibly, one is forced to presume) at the time when their fore-knowledge permitted them to know that the al qaeda camel fuckers would be hijacking civilian jetliners to use as missles into those same buildings....

(Short sentences kinda suck. Id-eots theories definitely blow.)
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Conservative Role Model
Member #19862

Since your buddy id-eots can't answer the question, maybe you think you can do so.

Why did nobody see the walls broken to get the bombs planted at the structural points on all the floors where all the explosives had been set?

Why did nobody see the detonator wires. Wait. Don't tell me. These were those super secret special invisible military high explosives that also magically require no detonator cords.

Ah. What's the use?

You loons are beyond hope of reason.

There is, however, a good reason the entire world laughs at you imbeciles. Your position is one that only a raving lunatic could hold. And you are utterly unaware of how impossible your scenario is.
Wireless detonators, and corresponding wireless detonator systems present opportunities for blasting arrangements that avoid the need for physical wire

Title:Wireless detonator European Patent EP0480673 Kind Code:B1
Abstract:Abstract of EP0480673

A wireless detonator is disclosed that includes an antenna for receiving microwaves, a detonator provided with a heating element, and a transmission circuit. The heating element in the detonator is heated by the energy of the microwaves. The transmission circuit transmits the microwave energy from the antenna directly to the heating element. The antenna has a relative gain of 0 to 20 dB in the frequency band of the microwaves. The absolute value of the reactance component in the radiation impedance of the antenna is at most 50% of the pure resistance component of that impedance. The absolute value of the reactance component in the impedance of the heating element is at most 50% of the pure resistance component of that impedance. The pure resistance components of the radiation impedance of the antenna and of the impedance of the heating element are in a range of 70 to 130% of the characteristic impedance of the transmission circuit.

Wireless detonator - Patent EP0480673

Id-eots might be getting warmer.

If we believe that a patent means that wireless detonators got built in sufficient numbers to account for ALL of the explosives that would have to have been used in the 2 WT Towers (as well as Building 7), then all that's left is the super secret (and presumably invisible) high powered explosives that were used (with the magic wireless detonators with no worries about any radio interference setting any of them off prematurely), and the planting off the aforementioned super secret (and presumably invisible) high powered explosives at all of the requisite structural locations within the buildings that would make them fall pretty much on their own footprint, but without the mess of breaking through any walls to get to the structural spots in the building (unless they did make a mess when planting the charges but also had a super secret team of Molly Maids doing clean-up), and oh yeah, the manpower required to do this (invisibly, one is forced to presume) at the time when their fore-knowledge permitted them to know that the al qaeda camel fuckers would be hijacking civilian jetliners to use as missles into those same buildings....

(Short sentences kinda suck. Id-eots theories definitely blow.)
especially when the time frame window they talk about it being done in, was nearly a year before the event when they were working on updating the elevators
Conservative Role Model
Member #19862

Id-eots might be getting warmer.

If we believe that a patent means that wireless detonators got built in sufficient numbers to account for ALL of the explosives that would have to have been used in the 2 WT Towers (as well as Building 7),

oh so now its some unfounded belife the problum is insuffient are too funny
and why do you pretend that it was at a time of hightened security and awarness a the WTC...when the truth is the oppisite

then all that's left is the super secret (and presumably invisible) high powered explosives that were used

they could of been planted in weeks prior and kept unseen

(with the magic wireless detonators with no worries about any radio interference setting any of them off prematurely),

what reason do you have to belive this technolgy is so out of date as to be set off by a

and the planting off the aforementioned super secret (and presumably invisible) high powered explosives at all of the requisite structural locations within the buildings that would make them fall pretty much on their own footprint, but without the mess of breaking through any walls to get to the structural spots in the building (unless they did make a mess when planting the charges but also had a super secret team of Molly Maids doing clean-up), and oh yeah, the manpower required to do this (invisibly, one is forced to presume) at the time when their fore-knowledge permitted them to know that the al qaeda camel fuckers would be hijacking civilian jetliners to use as missles into those same buildings....

(Short sentences kinda suck. Id-eots theories definitely blow.

the nonsense immediately above is your theory's and assumptions...not mine
and why do you pretend this was during a time of heightened awareness and security at the WTC when it was not
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Conservative Role Model
Member #19862

Id-eots might be getting warmer.

oh so now its some unfounded belife the problum is insuffient are too funny
and why do you pretend that it was at a time of hightened security and awarness a the WTC...when the truth is the oppisite

they could of been planted in weeks prior and kept unseen

what reason do you have to belive this technolgy is so out of date as to be set off by

and the planting off the aforementioned super secret (and presumably invisible) high powered explosives at all of the requisite structural locations within the buildings that would make them fall pretty much on their own footprint, but without the mess of breaking through any walls to get to the structural spots in the building (unless they did make a mess when planting the charges but also had a super secret team of Molly Maids doing clean-up), and oh yeah, the manpower required to do this (invisibly, one is forced to presume) at the time when their fore-knowledge permitted them to know that the al qaeda camel fuckers would be hijacking civilian jetliners to use as missles into those same buildings....

(Short sentences kinda suck. Id-eots theories definitely blow.

the nonsense immediately above is your theory's and assumptions...not mine
and why do you pretend this was during a time of heightened awareness and security at the WTC when it was not
now you have to find a demo expert that would be willing to do it in an OCCUPIED building
Conservative Role Model
Member #19862

Id-eots might be getting warmer.

oh so now its some unfounded belief the problem is insufficient are too funny
and why do you pretend that it was at a time of heightened security and awareness a the WTC...when the truth is the opposite

they could of been planted in weeks prior and kept unseen

what reason do you have to believe this technology is so out of date as to be set off by

and the planting off the aforementioned super secret (and presumably invisible) high powered explosives at all of the requisite structural locations within the buildings that would make them fall pretty much on their own footprint, but without the mess of breaking through any walls to get to the structural spots in the building (unless they did make a mess when planting the charges but also had a super secret team of Molly Maids doing clean-up), and oh yeah, the manpower required to do this (invisibly, one is forced to presume) at the time when their fore-knowledge permitted them to know that the al qaeda camel fuckers would be hijacking civilian jetliners to use as missles into those same buildings....

(Short sentences kinda suck. Id-eots theories definitely blow.

the nonsense immediately above is your theory's and assumptions...not mine
and why do you pretend this was during a time of heightened awareness and security at the WTC when it was not
now you have to find a demo expert that would be willing to do it in an OCCUPIED building

it is not fully occupied 24/7..and there is testimony of strange activity's ..power downs
in the weeks prior to 9/11
Conservative Role Model
Member #19862

Id-eots might be getting warmer.

oh so now its some unfounded belief the problem is insufficient are too funny
and why do you pretend that it was at a time of heightened security and awareness a the WTC...when the truth is the opposite

they could of been planted in weeks prior and kept unseen

what reason do you have to believe this technology is so out of date as to be set off by

and the planting off the aforementioned super secret (and presumably invisible) high powered explosives at all of the requisite structural locations within the buildings that would make them fall pretty much on their own footprint, but without the mess of breaking through any walls to get to the structural spots in the building (unless they did make a mess when planting the charges but also had a super secret team of Molly Maids doing clean-up), and oh yeah, the manpower required to do this (invisibly, one is forced to presume) at the time when their fore-knowledge permitted them to know that the al qaeda camel fuckers would be hijacking civilian jetliners to use as missles into those same buildings....

(Short sentences kinda suck. Id-eots theories definitely blow.

the nonsense immediately above is your theory's and assumptions...not mine
and why do you pretend this was during a time of heightened awareness and security at the WTC when it was not
now you have to find a demo expert that would be willing to do it in an OCCUPIED building

it is not fully occupied 24/7..and there is testimony of strange activity's ..power downs
in the weeks prior to 9/11
power downs would not have been related to the placement of explosives
the ONLY time anyone had access to the core was during the elevator updates a year earlier

so, are you saying they placed the explosives in for a FULL year before?
now you have to find a demo expert that would be willing to do it in an OCCUPIED building

it is not fully occupied 24/7..and there is testimony of strange activity's ..power downs
in the weeks prior to 9/11
power downs would not have been related to the placement of explosives
the ONLY time anyone had access to the core was during the elevator updates a year earlier

so, are you saying they placed the explosives in for a FULL year before?

you have no Idea when the core was accessed if it was done covertly and if there is a connection with power downs or not...if the elevator guy could access the core I am sure a covert operation like this could also
it is not fully occupied 24/7..and there is testimony of strange activity's ..power downs
in the weeks prior to 9/11
power downs would not have been related to the placement of explosives
the ONLY time anyone had access to the core was during the elevator updates a year earlier

so, are you saying they placed the explosives in for a FULL year before?

you have no Idea when the core was accessed if it was done covertly and if there is a connection with power downs or not...if the elevator guy could access the core I am sure a covert operation like this could also
and you have how much experience in covert ops?
power downs would not have been related to the placement of explosives
the ONLY time anyone had access to the core was during the elevator updates a year earlier

so, are you saying they placed the explosives in for a FULL year before?

you have no Idea when the core was accessed if it was done covertly and if there is a connection with power downs or not...if the elevator guy could access the core I am sure a covert operation like this could also
and you have how much experience in covert ops?

well I have a lot of indirect experience as that was my fathers occupation..and many of the adult males that surrounded me in my youth,,but regardless this is not necessary to understand that if an elevator company could access the core..then certain covert elements within our government could access the core..that would fall into the category of basic logic and reason
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you have no Idea when the core was accessed if it was done covertly and if there is a connection with power downs or not...if the elevator guy could access the core I am sure a covert operation like this could also
and you have how much experience in covert ops?

well I have a lot of indirect experience as that was my fathers occupation..and many of the adult males that surrounded me in my youth,,but regardless this is not necessary to understand that if an elevator company could access the core..then certain covert elements within our government could access the core..that would fall into the category of basic logic and reason
yeah, they might be able to
but dont you think that OTHERS had access and might have seen it
and there is NO EVIDENCE of ANY explosive devices in the rubble
and you have how much experience in covert ops?

well I have a lot of indirect experience as that was my fathers occupation..and many of the adult males that surrounded me in my youth,,but regardless this is not necessary to understand that if an elevator company could access the core..then certain covert elements within our government could access the core..that would fall into the category of basic logic and reason
yeah, they might be able to
but dont you think that OTHERS had access and might have seen it
and there is NO EVIDENCE of ANY explosive devices in the rubble

oh now its everyone could access the core..and there was no search for them either and firemen reported the biggest piece they found of anything was a broken piece of a telephone key pad all else was unrecognizable fragments....the evidence was rapidly removed,,something ex-NIST investigators found extremely unusual and unprecedented
well I have a lot of indirect experience as that was my fathers occupation..and many of the adult males that surrounded me in my youth,,but regardless this is not necessary to understand that if an elevator company could access the core..then certain covert elements within our government could access the core..that would fall into the category of basic logic and reason
yeah, they might be able to
but dont you think that OTHERS had access and might have seen it
and there is NO EVIDENCE of ANY explosive devices in the rubble

oh now its everyone could access the core..and there was no search for them either and firemen reported the biggest piece they found of anything was a broken piece of a telephone key pad all else was unrecognizable fragments....the evidence was rapidly removed,,something ex-NIST investigators found extremely unusual and unprecedented
not everyone, but they had a maintenance crew for the building

dont you think THEY would have seen something?
I have no idea who or how many..people had access..or what maintenance requirements there are in the core or the backgrounds of these individuals with access..but if i was investigating the collapse of towers as a criminal investigation I would certainly find out

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