WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

it is a wild assumption to believe any engineer that has not signed the petition or written an essay on the topic..supports the official story...and many of the engineers I have posted are NASA research scientist ,NORAD tac directors..professors and have lead government research depts..

And it's a "wild assumption" on your part that that's what my point was.

My point is that after 8 years of you guys "pounding the pavement" with your rock solid evidence, you've only managed to get 864 people out of a total of 1,508,000 possible.


Let me reiterate. You've had 8 years and claim that your evidence has no holes in it yet you've only managed to get .05729% of the total amount of engineers and architects on board? Are you guys that lazy then? How many of those 1,508,000 people said that they DON'T believe you? Have you got that number?

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funny how NONE of these high ranking credible people

Highly credible?!

France: Former intelligence officer Bunel jailed
Former NATO Officer Convicted of Treason - Los Angeles Times

Looks like one of your "highly credible" people was found guilty of treason a few years ago. Nice job guys. Let's add a few more derelicts to the list!

Credible... Good grief.


this guy is french...and I have never posted him and have no idea who he is...but regardless once again your point is your logic if someone ..some where who believes the white house story is charged with a crime then the white house story is no longer credible or anyone else who supports are an idiot
funny how NONE of these high ranking credible people

Highly credible?!

France: Former intelligence officer Bunel jailed
Former NATO Officer Convicted of Treason - Los Angeles Times

Looks like one of your "highly credible" people was found guilty of treason a few years ago. Nice job guys. Let's add a few more derelicts to the list!

Credible... Good grief.


this guy is french...and I have never posted him and have no idea who he is...but regardless once again your point is your logic if someone ..some where who believes the white house story is charged with a crime then the white house story is no longer credible or anyone else who supports are an idiot

Pot meet kettle.

Just like when people bring up evidence from different sources that support the official story and then you guys claim "shill" because they have some type of government tie somewhere that makes them "in on it". If you believe THAT kind of logic then YOU'RE an idiot.
it is a wild assumption to believe any engineer that has not signed the petition or written an essay on the topic..supports the official story...and many of the engineers I have posted are NASA research scientist ,NORAD tac directors..professors and have lead government research depts..

And it's a "wild assumption" on your part that that's what my point was.

My point is that after 8 years of you guys "pounding the pavement" with your rock solid evidence, you've only managed to get 864 people out of a total of 1,508,000 possible.


Let me reiterate. You've had 8 years and claim that your evidence has no holes in it yet you've only managed to get .05729% of the total amount of engineers and architects on board? Are you guys that lazy then? How many of those 1,508,000 people said that they DON'T believe you? Have you got that number?


like all your post these are your made up statistics and assumption that not signing a petition or writing an essay on the subject implies acceptance of the white house story
and you keep losing sight of the fact that the commission and members of NIST
do not support this story and call it questionable and call for an independent investigation
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it is a wild assumption to believe any engineer that has not signed the petition or written an essay on the topic..supports the official story...and many of the engineers I have posted are NASA research scientist ,NORAD tac directors..professors and have lead government research depts..

And it's a "wild assumption" on your part that that's what my point was.

My point is that after 8 years of you guys "pounding the pavement" with your rock solid evidence, you've only managed to get 864 people out of a total of 1,508,000 possible.


Let me reiterate. You've had 8 years and claim that your evidence has no holes in it yet you've only managed to get .05729% of the total amount of engineers and architects on board? Are you guys that lazy then? How many of those 1,508,000 people said that they DON'T believe you? Have you got that number?


like all your post these are your made up statistics and assumption that not signing a petition or writing an essay on the subject implies acceptance of the white house story
and you keep losing sight of the fact that the commission and members of NIST
do not support this story and call it questionable and call for an independent investigation


I am NOT saying that the statistics show that the rest of the people support the official story.

What I am saying, and that you seem to be missing the point on, is that after 8 years, all you've managed to scrap up to sign a petition is .05729% of the total architects and engineers in the United States.

THAT SUCKS. You guys must be lazy.
And it's a "wild assumption" on your part that that's what my point was.

My point is that after 8 years of you guys "pounding the pavement" with your rock solid evidence, you've only managed to get 864 people out of a total of 1,508,000 possible.


Let me reiterate. You've had 8 years and claim that your evidence has no holes in it yet you've only managed to get .05729% of the total amount of engineers and architects on board? Are you guys that lazy then? How many of those 1,508,000 people said that they DON'T believe you? Have you got that number?


like all your post these are your made up statistics and assumption that not signing a petition or writing an essay on the subject implies acceptance of the white house story
and you keep losing sight of the fact that the commission and members of NIST
do not support this story and call it questionable and call for an independent investigation


I am NOT saying that the statistics show that the rest of the people support the official story.

What I am saying, and that you seem to be missing the point on, is that after 8 years, all you've managed to scrap up to sign a petition is .05729% of the total architects and engineers in the United States.

THAT SUCKS. You guys must be lazy.

laziness is reading popular mechanics and listening to some bush sound-bites as the basis of your opinion
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Glad you're on top of this breaking news story, Terral. You'll probably be named Obama's "Stupidity Czar" any day now.
Hi Dog:

Glad you're on top of this breaking news story, Terral. You'll probably be named Obama's "Stupidity Czar" any day now.


Please forgive, but that sounds funny coming from a guy naming himself Big Black Dog. :0) Terral is my real name (#3 + AE911Truth link = search 'Terral') and I likely know more about Commercial Building/Demolition than all of my debating adversaries combined . . .


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like all your post these are your made up statistics and assumption that not signing a petition or writing an essay on the subject implies acceptance of the white house story
and you keep losing sight of the fact that the commission and members of NIST
do not support this story and call it questionable and call for an independent investigation


I am NOT saying that the statistics show that the rest of the people support the official story.

What I am saying, and that you seem to be missing the point on, is that after 8 years, all you've managed to scrap up to sign a petition is .05729% of the total architects and engineers in the United States.

THAT SUCKS. You guys must be lazy.

laziness is reading popular mechanics and listening to some bush sound-bites as the basis of your opinion

Laziness is refusing to even address the problems with your conspiracy theories because you know they present the proof that your ignorant views are impossible.

Troofers: "I know it couldn't have happened the way THEY say it happened because I saw these videos and I find them highly credible. Freefall!"

Real world: But for it to have happened any OTHER way would require you to believe a wide array of absurd things to each and collectively be simultaneously true, and those things boil down to one word, "impossible."

Troofers: "But, freefall! Molten metal! Err -- core! And -uhm - more videos!"

Real world: Again, you have stated some "reasons" (sort of) for why you don't buy the official explanation. But that doesn't address all of the things that would have to be true for your alternative explantion (mass murder conspiracy) to be true. And those things are still impossible. Don't you see?

Troofers: "Freefall! Footprint! Videos! Molecular analysis! Molten metal! Uhm Freefall!"
Hi Lia:

laziness is reading popular mechanics and listening to some bush sound-bites as the basis of your opinion

My WTC-7 Controlled Demolition Paper appears as the Opening Post of this thread (link). This was the very first Topic started in the WTC-7 Forum at the AE911Truth Website where I was a member for years (search "Terral"). Stop being so lazy and try 'debunking' anything (heh) from my work. :0)

Laziness is refusing to even address the problems with your conspiracy theories because you know they present the proof that your ignorant views are impossible.

My 911Truth papers have withstood the test of debate at the Loose Change Boards, the Let's Roll Board, the PilotsForTruth Board, so on and so forth 'and' Princess Lia still has no "Building Fires Did It" Case. The problem is not that Lia is so lazy, but that he simply has no case. Period.

If Lia really wants to defend Official Cover Story LIES, then go right ahead and start your Topic . . .


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like all your post these are your made up statistics and assumption that not signing a petition or writing an essay on the subject implies acceptance of the white house story
and you keep losing sight of the fact that the commission and members of NIST
do not support this story and call it questionable and call for an independent investigation


I am NOT saying that the statistics show that the rest of the people support the official story.

What I am saying, and that you seem to be missing the point on, is that after 8 years, all you've managed to scrap up to sign a petition is .05729% of the total architects and engineers in the United States.

THAT SUCKS. You guys must be lazy.

laziness is reading popular mechanics and listening to some bush sound-bites as the basis of your opinion

and its also ignorance to buy into what popular mechanics says as well.

I am NOT saying that the statistics show that the rest of the people support the official story.

What I am saying, and that you seem to be missing the point on, is that after 8 years, all you've managed to scrap up to sign a petition is .05729% of the total architects and engineers in the United States.

THAT SUCKS. You guys must be lazy.

laziness is reading popular mechanics and listening to some bush sound-bites as the basis of your opinion

Laziness is refusing to even address the problems with your conspiracy theories because you know they present the proof that your ignorant views are impossible.

Troofers: "I know it couldn't have happened the way THEY say it happened because I saw these videos and I find them highly credible. Freefall!"

Real world: But for it to have happened any OTHER way would require you to believe a wide array of absurd things to each and collectively be simultaneously true, and those things boil down to one word, "impossible."

Troofers: "But, freefall! Molten metal! Err -- core! And -uhm - more videos!"

Real world: Again, you have stated some "reasons" (sort of) for why you don't buy the official explanation. But that doesn't address all of the things that would have to be true for your alternative explantion (mass murder conspiracy) to be true. And those things are still impossible. Don't you see?

Troofers: "Freefall! Footprint! Videos! Molecular analysis! Molten metal! Uhm Freefall!"

all things the 9/11 commission and popular mechanics have said is impossible .you just dont want to see it.:rolleyes:

Turd, as is usual, I snipped the portion of your post wherein you chose to deflect and stray away from the actual point.

When you are ready to explain away all the impossible things that nevertheless HAVE to be true for your paranoid delusional conspiracy theory to be even possible, then I would be happy to explore your "evidence" for any of that.

Until then, as we can all plainly see, you are merely re-hashing the basis for your disbelief in the "official" explanation.

We get it. You don't "buy" it. I don't CARE what you buy or not.

What I do care about is that you posit an alternative "explanation" which requires that a LOT of things HAVE TO BE TRUE. You consistently evade addressing ANY of those many things. You have NO evidence to support any part (much less all parts) of your alternative "theory."

You can't.

The pre-conditions needed for your conspiracy theory to be credible are impossible. Thus, your conspiracy theory is absurd and not worth talking about. And until you face up to that, you will forever be reduced to trying to make the case that the official story is itself invalid. Ho hum. It's far better and meticulously better supported than anything YOU have to say.

Thus, again, you will come back to demand that I explain all the issues in the official reports that trouble you. No need. Your alternative theory is facially absurd. It is sufficienet to know that. And since your alternative explanation is an empty void, the official one stands.
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I am NOT saying that the statistics show that the rest of the people support the official story.

What I am saying, and that you seem to be missing the point on, is that after 8 years, all you've managed to scrap up to sign a petition is .05729% of the total architects and engineers in the United States.

THAT SUCKS. You guys must be lazy.

Troofers: "I know it couldn't have happened the way THEY say it happened because I saw these videos and I find them highly credible. Freefall!"

free-fall speed for the visible portion of the collapse has been admitted by NIST

Troofers: "But, freefall! Molten metal! Err -- core! And -uhm - more videos!"

the existence of molten metal is not possible with the temperatures reportedly reached at the wtc...yet it exist...why ??

Real world: Again, you have stated some "reasons" (sort of) for why you don't buy the official explanation. But that doesn't address all of the things that would have to be true for your alternative explantion (mass murder conspiracy) to be true. And those things are still impossible. Don't you see?

they are not just offer that opinion..what is however impossible is free fall collapse and molten metal ..under the conditions of the official story

Troofers: "Freefall! Footprint! Videos! Molecular analysis! Molten metal! Uhm Freefall!"

yes indeed...they fell at free fall speed...there was molten metal..and even though the investigation was impeded (as noted by NIST investigators) by the rapid and unprecedented
destruction of evidence,,,forensic investigation of the renaming materials should be done
like all your post these are your made up statistics and assumption that not signing a petition or writing an essay on the subject implies acceptance of the white house story
and you keep losing sight of the fact that the commission and members of NIST
do not support this story and call it questionable and call for an independent investigation


I am NOT saying that the statistics show that the rest of the people support the official story.

What I am saying, and that you seem to be missing the point on, is that after 8 years, all you've managed to scrap up to sign a petition is .05729% of the total architects and engineers in the United States.

THAT SUCKS. You guys must be lazy.

laziness is reading popular mechanics and listening to some bush sound-bites as the basis of your opinion

I haven't read the Popular Mechanics article. I don't. And I don't listen to "Bush sound-bites" either. I go out and research everything myself unlike you and the other two three stooges.

For example, you guys parrot the "molten METAL" comments and then move right over to the melting point of steel as proof that the official story is crap because jet fuel can't melt steel.

I bring up the fact that there was also a large amount of aluminum cladding on the outside of the perimeter columns. Not STEEL, but ALUMINUM, which has a much lower melting point than STEEL.

I would like to know who either you or any of the other "truther brain trust" gets MOLTEN STEEL from MOLTEN METAL comments? I asked this before and you guys skip right over it. Not to mention that the ring leader here, 9/11 inside job, can't even answer to the fact that he effed up the MELTING point temperature and the temperature at which steel loses it's strength.

Yeah, you guys are working with correct facts to come up with your end results.

Talk about lazy.

Glad you're on top of this breaking news story, Terral. You'll probably be named Obama's "Stupidity Czar" any day now.

so says a loyal brainwashed Bush/Obama dupe sheepie.

Still don't know the difference between the MELTING point of steel and when steel starts to lose it's strength?

I see you totally avoid answering that HUGE mistake on your part.


I am NOT saying that the statistics show that the rest of the people support the official story.

What I am saying, and that you seem to be missing the point on, is that after 8 years, all you've managed to scrap up to sign a petition is .05729% of the total architects and engineers in the United States.

THAT SUCKS. You guys must be lazy.

laziness is reading popular mechanics and listening to some bush sound-bites as the basis of your opinion

and its also ignorance to buy into what popular mechanics says as well.


I haven't read Popular Mechanics.

Is it also the same kind of ignorance that leads you to believe that the temperature at whcih steel starts to lose it's strength and the temperature at which steel melts is almost the same?

Do you even research the stuff you read or just believe in it because it goes along with your views of the government?
Terral and Eots have 864 professional architects and engineers

Wow. Really?

Let's put this into perspective for you so we can actually see how "impressive" this number is for you. On AIA's site, they say there are 108000 licensed architects in the United States. As of 2004 (5 years ago mind you), there were 1.4 million licensed engineers in the United States. Using those numbers, that's 1,508,000 people. And you're proud to have 864?!


1 out of every 1745 architects and engineers that believes your garbage. You effectively have .05729% of the total architects and engineers in the United States alone. 1% would be 15080 people.

All this dead nuts evidence and that's all the architects and engineers you have in 8 years?!

Pathetic. Yeah, you're convincing people.

it is a wild assumption to believe any engineer that has not signed the petition or written an essay on the topic..supports the official story...and many of the engineers I have posted are NASA research scientist ,NORAD tac directors..professors and have lead government research depts..

Why are most of them retired? Is it because they are now allowed to speak out without fear of repercussions because they are no longer under the steel fist of the governement?

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