WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

What happens when a soda can hits the ground at several hundred miles per hour?

yeah that exolains a lot and feloow Bush dupe miss kitty ignore facts and ignore science and only see what you WANT to see.
Translation: Just believe George Bush and Bern's version of what really happened on 9/11:

Translation: Just believe whatever the corrupt U.S. Govt Officials want to cram down your throat. Nonsense! Examine 'all' the evidence 'and' draw your own 911Truth Conclusions like a thinking U.S. Citizen. My three primary 911Truth Papers are here:

Something has to be true before you can accuse someone of it. What exactley has lead you to assume that because I don't believe in your conspiracy theory, I must believe Bush and the 9/11 report. I can't even say that I know what the government's postion is. I imagine it is something along the lines of what we saw (two planes crashing into WTC, the damage causing an eventual collapse) is what happened. But to make the idiotic argument that the reason I disagree with you is because I am a brainwashed Bushite, is just that, an idiotic cop out.

Bern is invited to 'quote me' and prove that any part of my thesis, claims, evidence or conclusions contain even a single lie. Good Luck. :0)

The problem is your flawed methodology. You are what is considered a 'junk' or hack scientist. Your methodology is to find evidence that supports a belief and that simply isn't how good science is done.

And this guy is trying to lead others 'away' from the 911Truth by asking stupid questions, because he is delusional beyond our collective abilities to fathom. Somebody tell us what you see in this empty hole:

What is unreasonable about the questions I asked that need to be answered for your theory to hold water? Everyone saw two planes crash into the WTC. How was the simultaneous crash and building demoition accomplished? No one has provided a shred of evidence showing any government official conspiring with Al Quaida to accomplish this. No one has come forth who worked in the WTC to say they saw suspicious people during the months it would have taken to prep the building for demolition. No one has linked the government to paying off pilots to crash into the WTC. No has provided evidence that the government knew the timing of the attacks (which they would have needed to know many months before hand) and waited to time the demolition with it. No one has come forth with any evidence that the planes were flown remotely. Those things need to be shown for your theory to work because what CAN'T be true is that coincidentally the government planned to demolish the buildings meanwhile Al Qaida planned to crash planes into them and both events miraculously happened at the same time.

I see a man walking from our right to our left wearing a dark shirt and a light-colored pair of pants. The time is around noon, which we know by the shadow gathered at his feet. However, there is no sign of any crashed 100-Ton Jetliner. Now Bern can try to prove that I am lying, but we already know Bush has been lying from day one:

Except there was evidence of the wreckage, hell they found the frickin engine at the pentagon. It's clearly visible in pictures the truthers claim there isn't any.

But the overall point would be your dishonesty and primarily your dishonesty with yourself. My belief is that people like yourself, eots and inside job aren't capable of onjectively evaluating the evidence. You NEED for the government to have done this so it will fit in with the fucked up reality your brains have created for you.
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No idiot thats common knowledge EVERYBODY knows that steel doesnt lose weaken till around've obviously never taken a science or metal shop class in your entire life.if you HAD,you would realise what an idiot you keep making yourself look like.:lol:

Come on idiot. Source your "knowledge EVERYBODY knows". Please point us to any textbook, manual, website, article, science paper, etc., that says anything like you claim. Let's see how "COMMON" this information is. I bet you can't find ONE source that says steel starts to weaken at 2700F.

Come on mental giant. You can do it.


It doesnt matter if I do that for you.Eots did that for you once on another ignored it so why bother.:cuckoo:

Nice dodge. I want YOUR source for this incredibly COMMON knowledge. Or are you saying that you are riding on eots' coattails and can't research for yourself?
To those of you trying to debate the Bush dupes, Don't bother. The block here in reaching the truth is not in who has the best evidence. Forget trying to have a real debate of finding the truth. The Bush dupes are liars because they are unwilling to admit to others or maybe even themselves that it isn't the truth they are trying to prove. The block is in the mental disorder that is inside their heads. The truth that I am fairly convinced of is that there is no mountain of evidence you could provide that it was an inside job. You couldn't give them the power omniscience and convince them that thats what happened.

Liability is an idiot. He is clueless,ignores evidence and facts sinc e it doesnt fit HIS version of events and only sees what he wants to see like all us Bush dupes. There are simply too many things that also would have to happen for this to be a job done by 19 Terrorists and Bin Laden that they refuse to account for. It is really interesting to see them point to the minimal evidence for their theories and feel they don't need to provide evidence at all for how the towers collapsed. Why are they not interested in interviewing people who were in teh WTC and listening to their testiomonys? why are they afraid to watch videos we show them?. Why are they not interested in reading testimonys of witnesses and looking at suppressed videos? Why do the Bush dupes REFUSE to look at links that prove it was an inside job? These are just a few of the minor points you can't even begin to get these people to address.

Very good post there Bern.:clap2:

That your are willig to plagarise for amusement does not lend you anymore of your already extremely lacking credibility.
I would love to see Lia's commentary on what he sees in the empty hole:

Where are the following people?

Full Name (apparent passenger list abbreviation)

Christian Adams (C ADAMS)

Saeed Alghamdi (S ALGHAMDI)

Ahmed Ibrahim A. Al Haznawi (A ALHAZNAW)

3C or 8C
Ahmed Alnami (A ALNAMI)

Todd Beamer (T BEAMER)

Alan Beaven (A BEAVEN)

Deora Frances Bodley (D BODLEY)

Marion Britton (M BRITTON)

Unknown (E BRITTON)
A handwritten note on the manifest next to this record says “Extra seat”. We’re assuming this means Marion Britton bought two tickets to ensure there was an empty seat next to her, and that it wasn’t occupied by another passenger. Although that doesn’t explain why it seems to have a different first initial (unless “E” = extra).

Thomas E Burnett (T BURNETT)

William Cashman (W CASHMAN)

Georgine Rose Corrigan (G CORRIGAN)

Patricia Cushing (P CUSHING)

Joseph Deluca (J DELUCA)

Patrick Joseph Driscoll (P DRISCOLL)

Edward P Felt (E Felt)

Jane C Folger (J FOLGER)

Colleen Laura Fraser (C FRASER)

Andrew Garcia (A GARCIA)

Jeremy Glick (J GLICK)

Lauren Grandcolas (L GRANCOL)

Donald F Greene (D GREENE)

Linda Gronlund (L GRONLUND)

Richard Guadagno (R GUADAGNO)

Ziad Samir Jarrah (Z JARRAH)

Toshiya Kuge (T KUGE)

Hilda Marcin (H MARCIN)

Nicole Miller (N MILLER)

Louis J Nacke (L NACKE)

Jean Hoadley Peterson (J PETERSON)

Donald Arthur Peterson (D PETERSON)

Waleska Martinez Rivera (W MARTINEZ)

Mark Rothenberg (M ROTHENBE)

Christine Snyder (C SNYDER)

John Talignani (J TALIGNAN)

Honor Elizabeth Waino (H WAINO)

Olga Kristin Gould White (K GOULD)
Hi Bern:

Something has to be true before you can accuse someone of it. What exactley has lead you to assume that because I don't believe in your conspiracy theory, I must believe Bush and the 9/11 report. I can't even say that I know what the government's postion is. I imagine it is something along the lines of . . .

Translation: Bern :)confused:) is completely ignorant about 9/11!!!


Go and educate yourself by running your own 911Truth Investigation and then return to these deliberations and pretend to know something. You :)cuckoo:) should be embarrassed for wasting our time with your nonsense and utter stupidity . . .


No idiot thats common knowledge EVERYBODY knows that steel doesnt lose weaken till around've obviously never taken a science or metal shop class in your entire life.if you HAD,you would realise what an idiot you keep making yourself look like.:lol:

Come on idiot. Source your "knowledge EVERYBODY knows". Please point us to any textbook, manual, website, article, science paper, etc., that says anything like you claim. Let's see how "COMMON" this information is. I bet you can't find ONE source that says steel starts to weaken at 2700F.

Come on mental giant. You can do it.


It doesnt matter if I do that for you.Eots did that for you once on another ignored it so why bother.:cuckoo:

Hey stupid. JBeukema brings up a good point in another thread. How were swords made?

HowStuffWorks "How Sword Making Works"

Steel becomes red hot around 1200 to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit (649 to 816 degrees Celsius) and glows orange at about 1800 F (982 C). Most steel alloys should be worked somewhere within this range. If the steel is cooler and appears bluish in color, it can be shattered by the hammering. Conversely, the steel should not be heated any higher than 1800 F (982 C) unless specified by the alloy's use guidelines.

Uh oh. If steel doesn't WEAKEN until 2700F, how in the WORLD did the steel become malleable/workable at the temps listed above?


I haven't read Popular Mechanics.

Is it also the same kind of ignorance that leads you to believe that the temperature at whcih steel starts to lose it's strength and the temperature at which steel melts is almost the same?

Do you even research the stuff you read or just believe in it because it goes along with your views of the government?

yes unlike you I research it,everytime we post it for you though you ignore it though.

I've asked you to source your claims every time you supposedly state a fact and you can;t do it. For example.

Let's see your source for the claim you have made that steel STARTS to weaken at 2700F.

all forensic test of materials from the trade center..showed temperatures did not reach what is required to weaken steel...according to the lead fire investigator at NIST
So... when NIST says they don't think the fires were hot enough, you believe them

when they say no evidence of explosives was found, they're lying?

You remind me of a song by FGFC820
'pick a side and bend the truth to fit'
Hi Eots:

all forensic test of materials from the trade center..showed temperatures did not reach what is required to weaken steel...according to the lead fire investigator at NIST

Think about what you are saying for one minute. We are talking about massive skyscrapers and a 'steel-framed network' with components (girders, columns, beams, bar-joists) that weigh tens and hundreds of tons. The steel-frame network itself has the potential to transport any amount of heat energy to the cooler parts of the network MUCH more quickly than any single component can become weakened.

The hypothesis of the 'weakened steel' idiots is that heat energy sits still within the steel-frame network, which is nothing more than fantasy. Heat moves within the network like electricity through wires and NEVER sits still for even one moment. No sir. We are looking at hundreds and even thousands of massive steel connections that were 'severed' to cause massive skyscrapers to collapse at free fall speed, which cannot be done using any building fire and/or debris-causing scenarios. Period. Controlled Demolition is the ONLY way that all three of the skyscrapers could possibly be taken down . . .


Think about what you are saying for one minute. We are talking about massive skyscrapers and a 'steel-framed network' with components (girders, columns, beams, bar-joists) that weigh tens and hundreds of tons. The steel-frame network itself has the potential to transport any amount of heat energy to the cooler parts of the network MUCH more quickly than any single component can become weakened.

[ame=]YouTube - branding cattle[/ame]

The hypothesis of the 'weakened steel' idiots is that heat energy sits still within the steel-frame network,

Straw man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

which is nothing more than fantasy. Heat moves within the network like electricity through wires

not quite

once again,

thermodynamics for dummies - Google Search
yes unlike you I research it,everytime we post it for you though you ignore it though.

I've asked you to source your claims every time you supposedly state a fact and you can;t do it. For example.

Let's see your source for the claim you have made that steel STARTS to weaken at 2700F.

all forensic test of materials from the trade center..showed temperatures did not reach what is required to weaken steel...according to the lead fire investigator at NIST

Answer the damn question. It's like pulling teeth. Are you afraid to be wrong or something?

At what temperature does steel BEGIN to lose it's strength? It's a simple question that both you and 9/11 inside job keep saying is common knowledge.

Well what is it? Are you agreeing with 9/11 inside job that steel STARTS to weaken at 2700F?

Source please?
Hi Bern:

Something has to be true before you can accuse someone of it. What exactley has lead you to assume that because I don't believe in your conspiracy theory, I must believe Bush and the 9/11 report. I can't even say that I know what the government's postion is. I imagine it is something along the lines of . . .

Translation: Bern :)confused:) is completely ignorant about 9/11!!!


Go and educate yourself by running your own 911Truth Investigation and then return to these deliberations and pretend to know something. You :)cuckoo:) should be embarrassed for wasting our time with your nonsense and utter stupidity . . .



ActualLY I have quite directly challenged your position. I am perfectly capable of being persuaded by a good argument, you quite simply don't have one is all. All of the questions i asked are perfectly legitimate instead you seem more content to hurl insults then find the truth (not that that surprises me at all).

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