WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

To those of you trying to debate the troofers. Don't bother. The block here in reaching the truth is not in who has the best evidence. Forget trying to have a real debate of finding the truth. The truthers are liars because they are unwilling to admit to others or maybe even themselves that it isn't the truth they are trying to prove. The block is in the mental disorder that is inside their heads. Do you really think 9/11 was the first time people like eots, indside job and Terrell thought there was an evil government cover up? The truth that I am fairly convinced of is that there is no mountain of evidence you could provide that a group of terrorists crashed planes into the WTC, spilling jet fuel, which burned, weakend the steel and caused the buildings to collapse. You couldn't give them the power omniscience and convince them that thats what happened.

Liability is correct. There are simply too many things that also would have to happen for this to be an inside job that they refuse to account for. It is really interesting to see them point to the minimal evidence for their theories (claims of SUPER thermite residue) and feel they don't need to provide evidence at all for how the thermite got there. Why are they not interested in interviewing people who were in teh WTC to see if the noticed the many people it would have taken to rig the building for a controlled demolition. Why are they not interested in searching for teh government officials for the many people it would have taken to orchestrate all of this. How did 'they' (who is them, they, whoever, btw?) organize everything required for the demolition and somehow arrange for the plans to crash into the buildings? These are just a few of the minor points you can't even begin to get these people to address.
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Hi Bern:

To those of you trying to debate the troofers. Don't bother.

Translation: Just believe George Bush and Bern's version of what really happened on 9/11:


The block here in reaching the truth is not in who has the best evidence. Forget trying to have a real debate of finding the truth.

Translation: Just believe whatever the corrupt U.S. Govt Officials want to cram down your throat. Nonsense! Examine 'all' the evidence 'and' draw your own 911Truth Conclusions like a thinking U.S. Citizen. My three primary 911Truth Papers are here:

Flight 93/Shanksville
Flight 77/Pentagon
WTC-7 Controlled Demolition

Everyone is free to 'quote >>' anything at all from my work to then offer your advocating 'or' opposing views using whatever you call 'credible evidence.' My work has withstood the test of the debate all over the internet 'and' Bern simply has no case, because he has spent the last 8 years doing this (pic). :0)

The truthers are liars because they are unwilling to admit to others or maybe even themselves that it isn't the truth they are trying to prove.

Bern is invited to 'quote me' and prove that any part of my thesis, claims, evidence or conclusions contain even a single lie. Good Luck. :0)

The block is in the mental disorder that is inside their heads. Do you really think 9/11 was the first time people like eots, indside job and Terrell thought there was an evil government cover up?

And this guy is trying to lead others 'away' from the 911Truth by asking stupid questions, because he is delusional beyond our collective abilities to fathom. Somebody tell us what you see in this empty hole:

My Flight 93 Topic:


I see a man walking from our right to our left wearing a dark shirt and a light-colored pair of pants. The time is around noon, which we know by the shadow gathered at his feet. However, there is no sign of any crashed 100-Ton Jetliner. Now Bern can try to prove that I am lying, but we already know Bush has been lying from day one:

[ame=""]Bush Caught Lying About 9/11 . . .[/ame]

[ame=""]There Are A LOT Of People Who Lie And Get Away With It . . .[/ame]


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* * * *

To those of you trying to debate the troofers. Don't bother.

Translation: Just believe George Bush and Bern's version of what really happened on 9/11:* * * *

To correct Turd's ^ MIS-translation:

Recognize that the 9/11 Trufers are uninterested in actual facts, logic OR "truth." Their minds are rusted-shut on their imbecilic and unpersuasive views and notions.
Hi Lia:

To correct Turd's ^ MIS-translation:

Recognize that the 9/11 Trufers are uninterested in actual facts, logic OR "truth." Their minds are rusted-shut on their imbecilic and unpersuasive views and notions.

I would love to see Lia's commentary on what he sees in the empty hole:

My Flight 93 Topic:


This idiot cannot even spell "911Truther" and he is the one ignoring the facts in these related 9/11 Cases.


Okay hotshot: Tell us what you see? :0)


Wow. Really?

Let's put this into perspective for you so we can actually see how "impressive" this number is for you. On AIA's site, they say there are 108000 licensed architects in the United States. As of 2004 (5 years ago mind you), there were 1.4 million licensed engineers in the United States. Using those numbers, that's 1,508,000 people. And you're proud to have 864?!


1 out of every 1745 architects and engineers that believes your garbage. You effectively have .05729% of the total architects and engineers in the United States alone. 1% would be 15080 people.

All this dead nuts evidence and that's all the architects and engineers you have in 8 years?!

Pathetic. Yeah, you're convincing people.

it is a wild assumption to believe any engineer that has not signed the petition or written an essay on the topic..supports the official story...and many of the engineers I have posted are NASA research scientist ,NORAD tac directors..professors and have lead government research depts..

Why are most of them retired? Is it because they are now allowed to speak out without fear of repercussions because they are no longer under the steel fist of the governement?

They are not afraid to speak out NOW cause their retired and no longer have to worry about losing their jobs doofus.:cuckoo:
it is a wild assumption to believe any engineer that has not signed the petition or written an essay on the topic..supports the official story...and many of the engineers I have posted are NASA research scientist ,NORAD tac directors..professors and have lead government research depts..

Why are most of them retired? Is it because they are now allowed to speak out without fear of repercussions because they are no longer under the steel fist of the governement?

They are not afraid to speak out NOW cause their retired and no longer have to worry about losing their jobs doofus.:cuckoo:

I suppose their LIVES are safe though right? No threats against them to keep quiet? I mean the BIGGEST scam in the world with 3,000 deaths at stake and the government just let's them roll on without any fear of retaliation. You guys are FAMOUS for saying that certain people are lying or hiding something because they are AFRAID to come forward.

What a joke.


Still haven't found the source for your claim that steel starts to lose it's strength at 2700F eh? Keep dodging. You made that up didn't you? If not, you'd be able to source it right?

To those of you trying to debate the Bush dupes, Don't bother. The block here in reaching the truth is not in who has the best evidence. Forget trying to have a real debate of finding the truth. The Bush dupes are liars because they are unwilling to admit to others or maybe even themselves that it isn't the truth they are trying to prove. The block is in the mental disorder that is inside their heads. The truth that I am fairly convinced of is that there is no mountain of evidence you could provide that it was an inside job. You couldn't give them the power omniscience and convince them that thats what happened.

Liability is an idiot. He is clueless,ignores evidence and facts sinc e it doesnt fit HIS version of events and only sees what he wants to see like all us Bush dupes. There are simply too many things that also would have to happen for this to be a job done by 19 Terrorists and Bin Laden that they refuse to account for. It is really interesting to see them point to the minimal evidence for their theories and feel they don't need to provide evidence at all for how the towers collapsed. Why are they not interested in interviewing people who were in teh WTC and listening to their testiomonys? why are they afraid to watch videos we show them?. Why are they not interested in reading testimonys of witnesses and looking at suppressed videos? Why do the Bush dupes REFUSE to look at links that prove it was an inside job? These are just a few of the minor points you can't even begin to get these people to address.

Very good post there Bern.:clap2:
Why are most of them retired? Is it because they are now allowed to speak out without fear of repercussions because they are no longer under the steel fist of the governement?

They are not afraid to speak out NOW cause their retired and no longer have to worry about losing their jobs doofus.:cuckoo:

I suppose their LIVES are safe though right? No threats against them to keep quiet? I mean the BIGGEST scam in the world with 3,000 deaths at stake and the government just let's them roll on without any fear of retaliation. You guys are FAMOUS for saying that certain people are lying or hiding something because they are AFRAID to come forward.

What a joke.


Still haven't found the source for your claim that steel starts to lose it's strength at 2700F eh? Keep dodging. You made that up didn't you? If not, you'd be able to source it right?


Too many people around the world know it was an inside job now.If they start that now that just backs up everything they been thing to do is try and discredit them the way you psyhe op agents do.yep your a joke alright.refusing to watch videos,thats a joke.:lol:No idiot thats common knowledge EVERYBODY knows that steel doesnt lose weaken till around've obviously never taken a science or metal shop class in your entire life.if you HAD,you would realise what an idiot you keep making yourself look like.:lol:
* * * *

To those of you trying to debate the troofers. Don't bother.

Translation: Just believe George Bush and Bern's version of what really happened on 9/11:* * * *

To correct Turd's ^ MIS-translation:

Recognize that the 9/11 Trufers are uninterested in actual facts, logic OR "truth." Their minds are rusted-shut on their imbecilic and unpersuasive views and notions.

yep thats you Bush dupes alright.:eusa_liar:
laziness is reading popular mechanics and listening to some bush sound-bites as the basis of your opinion

and its also ignorance to buy into what popular mechanics says as well.


I haven't read Popular Mechanics.

Is it also the same kind of ignorance that leads you to believe that the temperature at whcih steel starts to lose it's strength and the temperature at which steel melts is almost the same?

Do you even research the stuff you read or just believe in it because it goes along with your views of the government?

yes unlike you I research it,everytime we post it for you though you ignore it though.
Glad you're on top of this breaking news story, Terral. You'll probably be named Obama's "Stupidity Czar" any day now.

so says a loyal brainwashed Bush/Obama dupe sheepie.

Still don't know the difference between the MELTING point of steel and when steel starts to lose it's strength?

I see you totally avoid answering that HUGE mistake on your part.


No its just you only see what you want to see so you ignore it.just like you refuse to watch videos that prove your full of shit in everything you say.:cuckoo:
so says a loyal brainwashed Bush/Obama dupe sheepie.

Still don't know the difference between the MELTING point of steel and when steel starts to lose it's strength?

I see you totally avoid answering that HUGE mistake on your part.


No its just you only see what you want to see so you ignore it.just like you refuse to watch videos that prove your full of shit in everything you say.:cuckoo:

Where is the source of your claim that steel starts to lose it's strength at 2700F. it's a simple question really. If you don't provide one, then you have no clue.

So where did you get that info?
and its also ignorance to buy into what popular mechanics says as well.


I haven't read Popular Mechanics.

Is it also the same kind of ignorance that leads you to believe that the temperature at whcih steel starts to lose it's strength and the temperature at which steel melts is almost the same?

Do you even research the stuff you read or just believe in it because it goes along with your views of the government?

yes unlike you I research it,everytime we post it for you though you ignore it though.

I've asked you to source your claims every time you supposedly state a fact and you can;t do it. For example.

Let's see your source for the claim you have made that steel STARTS to weaken at 2700F.
No idiot thats common knowledge EVERYBODY knows that steel doesnt lose weaken till around've obviously never taken a science or metal shop class in your entire life.if you HAD,you would realise what an idiot you keep making yourself look like.:lol:

Come on idiot. Source your "knowledge EVERYBODY knows". Please point us to any textbook, manual, website, article, science paper, etc., that says anything like you claim. Let's see how "COMMON" this information is. I bet you can't find ONE source that says steel starts to weaken at 2700F.

Come on mental giant. You can do it.

Hi Bern:

To those of you trying to debate the troofers. Don't bother.

Translation: Just believe George Bush and Bern's version of what really happened on 9/11:


The block here in reaching the truth is not in who has the best evidence. Forget trying to have a real debate of finding the truth.

Translation: Just believe whatever the corrupt U.S. Govt Officials want to cram down your throat. Nonsense! Examine 'all' the evidence 'and' draw your own 911Truth Conclusions like a thinking U.S. Citizen. My three primary 911Truth Papers are here:

Flight 93/Shanksville
Flight 77/Pentagon
WTC-7 Controlled Demolition

Everyone is free to 'quote >>' anything at all from my work to then offer your advocating 'or' opposing views using whatever you call 'credible evidence.' My work has withstood the test of the debate all over the internet 'and' Bern simply has no case, because he has spent the last 8 years doing this (pic). :0)

The truthers are liars because they are unwilling to admit to others or maybe even themselves that it isn't the truth they are trying to prove.

Bern is invited to 'quote me' and prove that any part of my thesis, claims, evidence or conclusions contain even a single lie. Good Luck. :0)

The block is in the mental disorder that is inside their heads. Do you really think 9/11 was the first time people like eots, indside job and Terrell thought there was an evil government cover up?

And this guy is trying to lead others 'away' from the 911Truth by asking stupid questions, because he is delusional beyond our collective abilities to fathom. Somebody tell us what you see in this empty hole:

My Flight 93 Topic:


I see a man walking from our right to our left wearing a dark shirt and a light-colored pair of pants. The time is around noon, which we know by the shadow gathered at his feet. However, there is no sign of any crashed 100-Ton Jetliner. Now Bern can try to prove that I am lying, but we already know Bush has been lying from day one:

[ame=""]Bush Caught Lying About 9/11 . . .[/ame]

[ame=""]There Are A LOT Of People Who Lie And Get Away With It . . .[/ame]



See Gam dis in fo agent,Terral makes a well thought out post like this asking a simple question.Your fellow Bush dupe Bern and Princess Lia come back with moronic posts like Berns first on this page and Lia's first post to terral after this.they avoid answering his question he poses that proves the government is lying with the crap they just came back and posted.thats really a great way to win a debate.:cuckoo: Also I have explained that hundreds of times in the past to Bush dupes like Bern HOW the government was able to wire the explosives in the towers without people recognizing it but since they only see what they want to see,they ignored it just like they are ignoring this post of terrals and the question he is asking.why answer the questions for you if your just going to ignore it cause you only see what you want to see? :cuckoo:pretty stupid in bothering with people like that.

Bern is being an idiot cause its just the opposite here and he knows it.that to accept the governments version of events to be correct,too many bizarre incidents and coincidences beyond reaslity would have to occur.:cuckoo: Like Terral said so Bush dupes just want to believe whatever the corrupt government officials want to cram down your throats and not examine the evidence.
Terral, even Eots said you're a fucking idiot with no comprehension of fundamental thermodynamics.

We keep providing evidence, but you're all like

Lies by the Bush dupes as always.yeah your right,we keep providing you evidence but thats what you do,refuse to look,hear or listen to it.were not the ones who refuse to look at look haer and listen to videos.thats you Bush dupes.:cuckoo:
so says a loyal brainwashed Bush/Obama dupe sheepie.

Still don't know the difference between the MELTING point of steel and when steel starts to lose it's strength?

I see you totally avoid answering that HUGE mistake on your part.


No its just you only see what you want to see so you ignore it.just like you refuse to watch videos that prove your full of shit in everything you say.:cuckoo:

Here idiot. Educate yourself: Your claim that STEEL only starts to lose it's strength at 2700F is a bunch of bullshit. I can source claims that prove completely wrong.

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I guess STEEL loses it's strength STARTING at 2700F in idiotville where you all reside.

No idiot thats common knowledge EVERYBODY knows that steel doesnt lose weaken till around've obviously never taken a science or metal shop class in your entire life.if you HAD,you would realise what an idiot you keep making yourself look like.:lol:

Come on idiot. Source your "knowledge EVERYBODY knows". Please point us to any textbook, manual, website, article, science paper, etc., that says anything like you claim. Let's see how "COMMON" this information is. I bet you can't find ONE source that says steel starts to weaken at 2700F.

Come on mental giant. You can do it.


It doesnt matter if I do that for you.Eots did that for you once on another ignored it so why bother.:cuckoo:

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