WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

I have no idea who or how many..people had access..or what maintenance requirements there are in the core or the backgrounds of these individuals with access..but if i was investigating the collapse of towers as a criminal investigation I would certainly find out
there was no way anyone had enough access without others being involved
there was ZERO evidence of explosives having been used
In those massive towers, police and fire department radio communication was shown to be dangerously unreliable, intermittent or non-existent. But still, the magic detonators (that may or may not even have been produced in large numbers) were not only usable despite that kind of interference, but secure enough for supposed demo experts to use in placing the detonators into the magic invisible top secret high grade military explosives with no fear that in the process a random radio signal could blow the experts to smithereens.


It all becomes clear now.


There are, clearly, no problems whatsoever with id-eots' hypothetical massive criminal conspiracy.
the best evidence is the unexplained molten metal and free fall uniformed collapse

What kind of "molten metal" are you speaking of? Steel? Aluminum? The melting point of each is different. Metal can mean anything.
the best evidence is the unexplained molten metal and free fall uniformed collapse

What kind of "molten metal" are you speaking of? Steel? Aluminum? The melting point of each is different. Metal can mean anything.

I understand that the temperature reached inside the towers after the fires had been going uncontrolled for a period of time probably reached over a thousand degrees F.

I further understand that the aluminum structure (fuselage/skin) of the jets would have reached melting point at only around 700 degrees F.

Molten metal in such a furnace, therefore, would not be in the slightest little bit unexpected.
Hi Lia:

In those massive towers, police and fire department radio communication was shown to be dangerously unreliable, intermittent or non-existent. But still, the magic detonators . . .


It all becomes clear now.


There are, clearly, no problems whatsoever with id-eots' hypothetical massive criminal conspiracy.

Lia's task is to prove that WTC-1, WTC-2 and WTC-7 collapsed Controlled Demolition Style into their own footprints @ free fall speed from building fires and/or debris. The very first thing that I want to see from Lia is his precedent for overbuilt skyscrapers collapsing from building fires. Good luck, because that never happened anywhere on this planet before or after 9/11. The biggest problem with the Official Cover Story is that WTC-7 was struck by no Jetliner, but all three skyscrapers collapsed DC-style anyway.

Terral and Eots have 864 professional architects and engineers and 4721 support members ( who agree that the WTC Skyscrapers were taken down by Controlled Demolition. We have tons and tons of 'scholars' ( who agree that the WTC Skyscrapers were DEFINITELY taken down using Controlled Demolition. We have hundreds and hundreds of military/aviation experts/patriots who agree that 9/11 was DEFINITELY and inside job ( that includes people like General Wesley Clark (bio) and Colonel Nelson, Commander Muga, Lt. Col. Kwiatkowski, Lt. Col. Latas, Major Rokke, Capt. Wittenberg, Capt. Davis, Barbara Honegger, April Gallop, Colonel Bunel, and Steve DeChiaro. And yet, this Princess Lia cartoon character wants you to believe that attacking Eots and Terral with NONSENSE AND STUPIDITY makes the case that WTC-7 was taken down from building fires and debris. :0)

This WTC-7 CD Topic is Reason #9 that the USA Will Certainly Be Destroyed (my Topic), because We The Sheeple 'are' just that STUPID!!!

GL, because you desperately need it,

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Hi Lia:

In those massive towers, police and fire department radio communication was shown to be dangerously unreliable, intermittent or non-existent. But still, the magic detonators . . .


It all becomes clear now.


There are, clearly, no problems whatsoever with id-eots' hypothetical massive criminal conspiracy.

Lia's task is to prove that WTC-1, WTC-2 and WTC-7 collapsed Controlled Demolition Style into their own footprints @ free fall speed from building fires and/or debris. The very first thing that I want to see from Lia is his precedent for overbuilt skyscrapers collapsing from building fires. Good luck, because that never happened anywhere on this planet before or after 9/11. The biggest problem with the Official Cover Story is that WTC-7 was struck by no Jetliner, but all three skyscrapers collapsed DC-style anyway.

Terral and Eots have 864 professional architects and engineers and 4721 support members ( who agree that the WTC Skyscrapers were taken down by Controlled Demolition. We have tons and tons of 'scholars' ( who agree that the WTC Skyscrapers were DEFINITELY taken down using Controlled Demolition. We have hundreds and hundreds of military/aviation experts/patriots who agree that 9/11 was DEFINITELY and inside job ( that includes people like General Wesley Clark (bio) and Colonel Nelson, Commander Muga, Lt. Col. Kwiatkowski, Lt. Col. Latas, Major Rokke, Capt. Wittenberg, Capt. Davis, Barbara Honegger, April Gallop, Colonel Bunel, and Steve DeChiaro. And yet, this Princess Lia cartoon character wants you to believe that attacking Eots and Terral with NONSENSE AND STUPIDITY makes the case that WTC-7 was taken down from building fires and debris. :0)

This WTC-7 CD Topic is Reason #9 that the USA Will Certainly Be Destroyed (my Topic), because We The Sheeple 'are' just that STUPID!!!

GL, because you desperately need it,


No asshat. My "job" is my job and what I choose to debate is for me to decide. But your transparent effort to shift the discussion is QUITE telling.

So, I advise you to try for once to just squarely confront your own inability to meet your burden of peursuasion.

The ridiculous conspiracy theory you nurture like a festering wound requires that MANY things ALL be true. You can establish none of them. So, for all your conern about the physics involved in the collapse of the trade towers, you are still without the slightest evidence to support that anybody actually DID anything to deliberately cause the collapses (except that some terrorists did crash jet planes into those towers).

What follows is just a small sample of the huge list of things you cannot answer but which all have to have good answers in order for there to be ANY baiss to believe your fantasy of conpiracy and mass-murder by the American government against (mostly) Americans.

  • Who were the conspirators? Evidence?
  • How did they manage to plant the explosives in an occupied office tower (two of them, in fact) without EVER being seen? Evidence?
  • How did they SET the charges? Evidence?
  • How did they manage to get so many demo experts to commit mass murder? Evidence?
  • What experts WOULD set demo charges in an occupied office skyscraper at all? Evidence?
  • What "expert" would do so using radio controlled detonators? Evidence?
  • How did they get access to the crucial structural points within the buildings without leaving evidence behind that would have alerted tenants, workers, police, etc? Evidence?
  • How MANY demo-experts minimally would be required to do all of this? Evidence?
  • How LONG would the "wiring" and the setting of the exposives have taken, minimally? Evidence?
    When did this army of demo-experts have any opportunity to do all this planting and setting? Evidence?
Hi Lia:

No asshat. My "job" is my job and what I choose to debate is for me to decide. But your transparent effort to shift the discussion is QUITE telling.

My WTC-7 Controlled Demolition Case appears in the Opening Post of this thread like my Flight 93 Topic is here and my Pentagon Presentation is here. I have proven that the Pentagon was first attacked at 9:31:39 AM and 'not' at 9:38 AM like the Official Cover Story LIES. You can quote from my work and make a case for something else on my 9:31 Topic here. In fact, you can challenge any entry on my "Pentagon Timeline" on my Topic here.

Where can I go to see 'your' Opening Post Presentation proving that building fires/debris took down WTC-7? Princess Lia thinks these readers are moved by his whining and crying, when his 'job' on this Topic is to prove that WTC-7 was taken down by building fires and/or WTC-1 falling debris. The ONLY two explanations for what took WTC-7 down are:

1. Controlled Demolition.
2. Building Fires/Debris.

Lia is trying desperately to discredit 'the' 911Truth that WTC-7 was taken down using Controlled Demolition as part of a definitely Inside-Job Attack. Okay, so again, where is your thesis, claims and evidence to support any "Building Fires Did It" conclusions?

Some idiot convinced Lia that building fires took down WTC-7 using nothing but his flapping lips :)cuckoo:). Now Lia thinks that you 'are' that STUPID too (my Topic) . . .



I took the liberty of snipping from my quote of your prior post everything that amounts to another mere deflection by you.

Doesn't leave anything.

Don't fret, Turd. I understand. I pity you.

When you have nothing but your irrational paranoid stupid theories to keep you warm at night, it IS a bother to have to confront all the things that establish that you are just a bubbling moron. And yet, you deflect all the more; for to confront the impossibility of what you believe is to end up with NOTHING.

Poor you.
Hi Lia:

I took the liberty of snipping ... you are just a bubbling moron . . . And yet, you deflect all the more; for to confront the impossibility of what you believe is to end up with NOTHING . . .

Translation: Poor Lia has no 911Truth Case for anything at all. :0)

[ame=]. . . The Poor Thing . . . :0)[/ame]


Congratulations! And their hands never get tired . . .



Once again, since Turd has NOTHING BUT DEFLECTION to offer, snipping out of his post anything that fails to address the point leaves a huge void.

Turd ducks and misses yet again.

The impossibility of his moronic paranoid conspiracy theory doesn't phase him in the least!

He just ignores it all. :razz:
Hi Lia:

I took the liberty of snipping ... you are just a bubbling moron . . . And yet, you deflect all the more; for to confront the impossibility of what you believe is to end up with NOTHING . . .

Translation: Poor Lia has no 911Truth Case for anything at all. :0)

[ame=]. . . The Poor Thing . . . :0)[/ame]


Congratulations! And their hands never get tired . . .



Poor Princess Lia has no interest in the truth on ANY government corruption of the united states and just wants to bury his head in the sand like an ostrich cause the facts scare him.Yeah lets applaud him for that.
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Hi Lia:

In those massive towers, police and fire department radio communication was shown to be dangerously unreliable, intermittent or non-existent. But still, the magic detonators . . .


It all becomes clear now.


There are, clearly, no problems whatsoever with id-eots' hypothetical massive criminal conspiracy.

Lia's task is to prove that WTC-1, WTC-2 and WTC-7 collapsed Controlled Demolition Style into their own footprints @ free fall speed from building fires and/or debris. The very first thing that I want to see from Lia is his precedent for overbuilt skyscrapers collapsing from building fires. Good luck, because that never happened anywhere on this planet before or after 9/11. The biggest problem with the Official Cover Story is that WTC-7 was struck by no Jetliner, but all three skyscrapers collapsed DC-style anyway.

Terral and Eots have 864 professional architects and engineers and 4721 support members ( who agree that the WTC Skyscrapers were taken down by Controlled Demolition. We have tons and tons of 'scholars' ( who agree that the WTC Skyscrapers were DEFINITELY taken down using Controlled Demolition. We have hundreds and hundreds of military/aviation experts/patriots who agree that 9/11 was DEFINITELY and inside job ( that includes people like General Wesley Clark (bio) and Colonel Nelson, Commander Muga, Lt. Col. Kwiatkowski, Lt. Col. Latas, Major Rokke, Capt. Wittenberg, Capt. Davis, Barbara Honegger, April Gallop, Colonel Bunel, and Steve DeChiaro. And yet, this Princess Lia cartoon character wants you to believe that attacking Eots and Terral with NONSENSE AND STUPIDITY makes the case that WTC-7 was taken down from building fires and debris. :0)

This WTC-7 CD Topic is Reason #9 that the USA Will Certainly Be Destroyed (my Topic), because We The Sheeple 'are' just that STUPID!!!

GL, because you desperately need it,


funny how NONE of these high ranking credible people in the military that Eots and Terral have posted for Princess Lia to see mean diddly squat to Princess Lia here.:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo: Great example of how she only sees what she WANTS to see.Princess Lia is one of those psych op agents that have penetrated this board to disrupt 9/11 truth movements.
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Terral and Eots have 864 professional architects and engineers

Wow. Really?

Let's put this into perspective for you so we can actually see how "impressive" this number is for you. On AIA's site, they say there are 108000 licensed architects in the United States. As of 2004 (5 years ago mind you), there were 1.4 million licensed engineers in the United States. Using those numbers, that's 1,508,000 people. And you're proud to have 864?!


That's 1 out of every 1745 architects and engineers that believes your garbage. You effectively have .05729% of the total architects and engineers in the United States alone. 1% would be 15080 people.

All this dead nuts evidence and that's all the architects and engineers you have in 8 years?!

Pathetic. Yeah, you're convincing people.
Hi Gam:

And you're proud to have 864?!

Oh. I forgot. Gam is all proud of his Loyal Bushie Conspiracy Theory . . .





You proudly displayed that number of 864 as if it were important and that we should be afraid of your movement for some reason.

8 years and you've managed to only scrap up 864 architects and engineers with your ROCK SOLID evidence. 1 out of every 1745 architects and engineers in the United States that you've managed to convince with your crap.

Think about that. .05729% of the total architects and engineers in the US. And you supposedly have concrete evidence that isn't wrong.

looks like not many people believe your crap. Come back when you reach at least 1% for crying out loud.

Terral and Eots have 864 professional architects and engineers

Wow. Really?

Let's put this into perspective for you so we can actually see how "impressive" this number is for you. On AIA's site, they say there are 108000 licensed architects in the United States. As of 2004 (5 years ago mind you), there were 1.4 million licensed engineers in the United States. Using those numbers, that's 1,508,000 people. And you're proud to have 864?!


1 out of every 1745 architects and engineers that believes your garbage. You effectively have .05729% of the total architects and engineers in the United States alone. 1% would be 15080 people.

All this dead nuts evidence and that's all the architects and engineers you have in 8 years?!

Pathetic. Yeah, you're convincing people.

it is a wild assumption to believe any engineer that has not signed the petition or written an essay on the topic..supports the official story...and many of the engineers I have posted are NASA research scientist ,NORAD tac directors..professors and have lead government research depts..

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