WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

and again you support the cover up and oppose the request of NIST lead fire investigators for a peer reviewed independent investigation

You mean the same one who doesn't agree it was supposedly a controlled demolition?

That one?
Take a rock, go to the roof of a 110 story building, let the rock go. It will hit the ground in about 11 seconds.

Ok smart guy. Can you please explain why then, if the towers totally collapsed in 11 seconds (free fall), there were pieces of the tower that fell AHEAD of where the collapse was progressing?


So what you are saying is that the debris was falling FASTER than free fall? Let me guess. Each individual piece of debris had a rocket attached to it that propelled it towards the ground.

The Official Cover Story LIE says that massive girders, columns, beams and bar-joists were softened/melted from building fires that burn in the neighborhood of 800 to 1000 degrees 'and' for only about 20 minutes in any single location (Schwab/UL Lab Info).

Let's see if you can answer this question since nobody else seems to have the balls to.

At what temperature does steel BEGIN to lose it's strength? What temperatures can offices fires reach?
show me that NIST did forensic test that showed the steel was subjected to temperature sufficient to weaken steel to the point of structural failure...they went on the presumption that fire must have weakened the steel even though there is no evidence then made computer models with the necessary temperatures and tweaked them ever way they could to fit the assumption...but never investigated hypothetical blast scenarios as they stated to their investigators and the public that they would..

Did you watch the NGO piece on this. Steel beams can and do soften and fail when exposed to flame of jet fuel

that is not an answer to this question

Oh yes it does. We know the flames were burning jet fuel which was spilled on floor from the wings of the plane possibly even coating the steal beams. We now know that with such a flame it is possible to to weakn steal to the point of collapse.

Now you answer some questions.

How did our government coincide it's inside job attack with the crashing of the planes?

Where is the evidence of the prep work (that would have taken months to accomplish and many men) that would have been required to implode the building?

I have more. You can start there.
and again you support the cover up and oppose the request of NIST lead fire investigators for a peer reviewed independent investigation

You mean the same one who doesn't agree it was supposedly a controlled demolition?

That one?

well that statement was actually editorial not in quotes however what he did say in his letter to NIST was questioning why alternative theory's where not examined ..including hypothetical and that the fire scenario had a low probability
The Official Cover Story LIE says that massive girders, columns, beams and bar-joists were softened/melted from building fires that burn in the neighborhood of 800 to 1000 degrees 'and' for only about 20 minutes in any single location (Schwab/UL Lab Info).

Let's see if you can answer this question since nobody else seems to have the balls to.

At what temperature does steel BEGIN to lose it's strength? What temperatures can offices fires reach?

Kevin Ryan of underwriters stated ..test on the steel done at maximum possible temperatures for extended periods of time caused no weakening of the steel....NIST lead fire investigator says..of the forensic test done on recovered steel and material show temperatures required to weaken steel where not present...
molten metal is correct..

Still haven't answered the question. What type of metal was it? Steel? Aluminum?

it was steel as reported by first responders and engineers on site that molten metal was was still flowing down the metal columns was found it blobs they dubbed was evident in the glowing red supports pulled from the wreckage
WTC was able to collapse in 11 seconds is by using explosives.

More incorrect information. Have you ever actually watched the videos of the collapses? 11 seconds?

Are you serious?

The amount of stupid you bring to the table is amazing. I guess the "11 second" claim comes from the same source as your "steel only starts to weaken at 2700F" crap.


yeah but YOU havent as we both know.your putting words in my mouth I never said before.I said MANY times it weakens at 2500F and melts at 2800F.I know that to be fact cause I already told you,my next door neighbor is a retired certified steel worker who built buildings for over 30 years.You have blatantly ignored facts and evidence just like the disinformation agent you are.

sorry but I will listen to a ceritifed steel worker I have met in real life than some internet loon who rambles on and on and can never admit it when he has been proven also conviently ignored my long post I made like disinformation agents ALWAYS do.somehow you believe everything NIST says but when they admit they screwed up and that the towers fell at freefall speed as Eots just posted for you in his video,you all of a sudden say that NIST doesnt know what their talking about.Lol.I love it.
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Take a rock, go to the roof of a 110 story building, let the rock go. It will hit the ground in about 11 seconds.

Ok smart guy. Can you please explain why then, if the towers totally collapsed in 11 seconds (free fall), there were pieces of the tower that fell AHEAD of where the collapse was progressing?


So what you are saying is that the debris was falling FASTER than free fall? Let me guess. Each individual piece of debris had a rocket attached to it that propelled it towards the ground.


demolitions fool.I never said that debris fell faster than free fall.YOU did.thats normal in a controlled demolition for that to happen agent.
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The Official Cover Story LIE says that massive girders, columns, beams and bar-joists were softened/melted from building fires that burn in the neighborhood of 800 to 1000 degrees 'and' for only about 20 minutes in any single location (Schwab/UL Lab Info).

Let's see if you can answer this question since nobody else seems to have the balls to.

At what temperature does steel BEGIN to lose it's strength? What temperatures can offices fires reach?

Kevin Ryan of underwriters stated ..test on the steel done at maximum possible temperatures for extended periods of time caused no weakening of the steel....NIST lead fire investigator says..of the forensic test done on recovered steel and material show temperatures required to weaken steel where not present...
and why was Kevin Ryan fired again?
Vulcan Solutions - Cardington Fire Test Comparisons

Interesting. I see office fire temps from of 763C (1405F) to 1213C (2215F). Must be government funded.

so you use something you can find on the INTERNET as your source and AGAIN despite what HUNDREDS at LEAST of architects and engineers and demolition experts say, means NOTHING to you? got you.brilliant reasoning there.:lol: you continue to make yourself look like a fool with all these lies and disinformation you spread as well.

Eots already posted the video for you before where they provided FACTS that the towers steel after the 93 bombing were REINFORCED with fireproofing.YOU ignored it like you always ignore facts.
You continue to make yourself look like a deluded fool as well in the fact that if you ever bothered to do any research,you would know that in 75 there was fire there back then that burned and lasted for over two much for your office fire theory.:lol::lol:your hilarious.:lol::lol:

You Bush dupes cant even agree on what caused the fire,thats whats funny.You told Eots earlier that the jet fuel fire had no impact in the towers collapse,that it was the office material that office fires have that made it collapse,yet Mad Moron here just said that it WAS the jet fuel fires that caused it to collapse.You two cant even make up your minds if jet fuel caused the fires to collapse.:lol::lol: I love it.
Did you watch the NGO piece on this. Steel beams can and do soften and fail when exposed to flame of jet fuel

NGO test are basically irrelevant and unverified...the fact both the Kevin Ryan of underwriters and the lead fire investigator of NIST..say the temperatures required to weaken steel cant be found in examination of the forensic evidence is of far greater relevance than what you watched in a 30 sec sound bite from a t.v show

We know the flames were burning jet fuel which was spilled on floor from the wings of the plane possibly even coating the steal beams. We now know that with such a flame it is possible to to weakn steal to the point of collapse

this is completely untrue ..we know no such thing...that is only what popular mechanics told you..

How did our government coincide it's inside job attack with the crashing of the planes?

Where is the evidence of the prep work (that would have taken months to accomplish and many men) that would have been required to implode the building?

without an investigation this is only assumption and speculation

this is why we have a real investigation..we don't just not investigate because you have some why didn't they do this instead of that..questions...
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Let's see if you can answer this question since nobody else seems to have the balls to.

At what temperature does steel BEGIN to lose it's strength? What temperatures can offices fires reach?

Kevin Ryan of underwriters stated ..test on the steel done at maximum possible temperatures for extended periods of time caused no weakening of the steel....NIST lead fire investigator says..of the forensic test done on recovered steel and material show temperatures required to weaken steel where not present...
and why was Kevin Ryan fired again?

for the same reason Steven Jones was ...speaking out on 9/11 same reason the lead fire investigator of NIST quite after writing his article and voicing his concerns out side of NIST...I would suspect...same reason most of the high ranking military experts and researchers that have had the balls to speak are retired...make sense ?
Kevin Ryan of underwriters stated ..test on the steel done at maximum possible temperatures for extended periods of time caused no weakening of the steel....NIST lead fire investigator says..of the forensic test done on recovered steel and material show temperatures required to weaken steel where not present...
and why was Kevin Ryan fired again?

for the same reason Steven Jones was ...speaking out on 9/11 same reason the lead fire investigator of NIST quite after writing his article and voicing his concerns out side of NIST...I would suspect...same reason most of the high ranking military experts and researchers that have had the balls to speak are retired...make sense ?
he was fired for making statements not supported by UL
he was NOT what he claimed to be at the company and was lying
thus they fired him and his wrongful firing law suit proved he was fired for that
Eots posted this video before on Chris's thread but since it doesnt go along with your delusions,you conviently ignored it just like you conviently ignored his other video where NIST confesses the towers fell at freefall never watch videos though cause you only see what you want to see as we both know.This video puts an end to the whole thing and proves beyond a doubt that demolitions brought down the towers.of course as we both know,you wont watch this video since disinformation agents like you and Bush dupes like DITZCON only see what you guys WANT to see.. Too bad your not mature enough to admit you have been proven wrong that the fires did not cause the collapses.

Kevin Ryan of course got fired for not going along with their coverup as many people have been around the country in jobs what a free country this cant even disagree with the government without fear of losing your jobs.thats how nazi germany was.The latest person who got fired for not accepting the governments version of events was one van johnson I think his name was.the environmentalist who was serving on the Obama administration for signing a petition to open up a new what freedoms we have here in america.cant question the governments version without losing your job.
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Eots posted this video before on Chris's thread but since it doesnt go along with your delusions,you conviently ignored it just like you conviently ignored his other video where NIST confesses the towers fell at freefall never watch videos though cause you only see what you want to see as we both know.This video puts an end to the whole thing and proves beyond a doubt that demolitions brought down the towers.of course as we both know,you wont watch this video since disinformation agents like you and Bush dupes like DITZCON only see what you guys WANT to see.. Too bad your not mature enough to admit you have been proven wrong that the fires did not cause the collapses.

Kevin Ryan of course got fired for not going along with their coverup as many people have been around the country in jobs what a free country this cant even disagree with the government without fear of losing your jobs.thats how nazi germany was.The latest person who got fired for not accepting the governments version of events was one van johnson I think his name was.the environmentalist who was serving on the Obama administration for signing a petition to open up a new what freedoms we have here in america.cant question the governments version without losing your job.
Kevin Ryan is a court documented LIAR
Lets not forget the hostile environment...they don't call it programing for nothing

[ame=]YouTube - Michael Reagan Solicits Murder on Mark Dice and 9/11 Truth[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Rosie attacked over 'unpopular' 9/11 theories[/ame]


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