WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

Frank Demartini the onsite construction manager, also said when interviewed in jan 2001 for a special on the history channel called Modern Marvels that it was designed so that it could take MULTIPLE hits from airliners and the structure would still remain standing.
Oh well I guess if a construction manager said so... notice how wrong he was, yet you still take his advice!

Multiple hits, YES. Thousands of pounds of burning jet fuel , NO.

A stated numerous times, the steel didn't need to melt, only weaken to the point where it would collapse.

The terrorists themselves figured it would work and it did, no History Channel needed. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?

as usual,when people such as myself or Terral provide evidence, Mad here comes back with stupid ramblings with no evidence or facts to back up his ramblings.:cuckoo: as usual,Mad automatilly assumes that just because the government and the CIA corporate controlled media said it,he takes it as face value as the ultimate truth.

As usual,Mad believes that just because the government said thousands of pounds of burning jet fuel caused the towers to collapse,its automatically true.what Mad ignores is the fact that the majority of the jet fuel exploded OUTSIDE of the can see that by watching the films of the huge fireball explosion when the Airliners slam into the towers.

That disproves Mads theory that thousands of pounds of burning jet fuel caused the towers to collapse when its obvious that about 80% of the fuel explodes outside of the towers.According to Mad, a highly qualified construction manager who was highly involved in the towers being built, means NOTHING to Mad, but the governments version does.Priceless.I love it.

As I have stated numerous times Mad,Steel doesnt even begin to weaken till it gets around 2500F.You guys obviously never took a metal shop class in your entire life or you would know that to be a fact.I know it to be true because my neighbor is a retired ceritifed steel worker who built buildings for over 30 years. I also notice how Mad reads only PARTS of posts when he reads posts in the fact that he ignored the comments of John Skilling the lead engineer of the towers comments back in 93 where he was quoted there would be a great loss of life due to the fires but the structure would remain standing. evidence that mad only sees what he WANTS to see and hears what he wants to hear.

The REAL terrorists Mad are the people in the Bush administration.Its hard for YOU to understand that cause like I just proved,you only see waht you WANT to see.until you take a metal shop class mad,your just continuing to talk out the side of your ass.
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We already told you what happened to the fireproofing and even Eots already called you out for your moronic claims about heat conducting heat instantly at the speed of light 'like electricity'

you simply repeated what popular mechanics told you happened to the fire proofing
the lab test showed it was extremely difficult to remove the fire proofing from impact and had to resort to blasting it at very short range with a shot gun to dislodge it and then it only came off in the immediate area in a all circle...and as 9/11 said...i already posted the information on fireproofing upgrades after 93
I think the crack pot is you implying that there is not more advanced form of thermite or super thermite`

true enough.notice how he came back with things like -thermite doesnt explode and stuff like that.well both thermite and explosives were used.:cuckoo:
wait, wouldnt explosives blow the thermite away from the steel?

an improvement was noted in the velocity of detonation and in plate dent ... “super thermite” area with mixes of nanometric aluminum and metal oxides ...
true enough.notice how he came back with things like -thermite doesnt explode and stuff like that.well both thermite and explosives were used.:cuckoo:
wait, wouldnt explosives blow the thermite away from the steel?

an improvement was noted in the velocity of detonation and in plate dent ... “super thermite” area with mixes of nanometric aluminum and metal oxides ...
now, prove it would take out the type of beams used in the towers
wait, wouldnt explosives blow the thermite away from the steel?

an improvement was noted in the velocity of detonation and in plate dent ... “super thermite” area with mixes of nanometric aluminum and metal oxides ...
now, prove it would take out the type of beams used in the towers

that's what I find interesting..that all of the scientist and researchers that don't believe the bush/cheney story ...including 9/11 commission members and nist researchers...all want just do the science..peer review it..have full disclosure of evidence...with subpoena powers...and let the truth be told as it is the defenders of the bush/cheney story that oppose this in ever way possible
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Take a rock, go to the roof of a 110 story building, let the rock go. It will hit the ground in about 11 seconds.

This is virtual freefall speed. This can only be achieved when NO MASS is present.

NO MASS present in the WTC??!!?! Let us take a look.

Google Image Result for

MMM,I can see it,must have mass,ok,mass is here.

so how to get rid of all that annoying mass? Use Bombs!The ONLY way the WTC was able to collapse in 11 seconds is by using explosives.

who is lying? Physics or the official american story?

Think deeply people! You can do it!
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oh uh Ditzcon you might want ot get off the drugs you smoke for once in your life and read what I just now the time I made this last post I hadnt typed anything in yet.
oh uh Ditzcon you might want ot get off the drugs you smoke for once in your life and read what I just now the time I made this last post I hadnt typed anything in yet.
then maybe its YOU on the drugs, because your post had NOTHING but the link at the time i replied to it
and it didnt collapse to ground level in 11 sec you dumbass
there was still a 4 story PILE
that changes the rate of the fall to MORE than freefall speed
that is on WTC7 and not WTC1 or 2
and then, it was only that speed for a BRIEF time

a brief time ?..the entire collapse took seconds so even a few seconds is a long time
the towers fell at free speed for the entire visible portion of the collapse which is substantial then the last few floors are hidden from view where NIST speculates in the potion not visible the collapse may have an attempt to not use the words free fall and add a potential couple of seconds to the collapse

[ame=]YouTube - wtc 7 collapse[/ame]
that is on WTC7 and not WTC1 or 2
and then, it was only that speed for a BRIEF time

a brief time ?..the entire collapse took seconds so even a few seconds is a long time
the towers fell at free speed for the entire visible portion of the collapse which is substantial then the last few floors are hidden from view where NIST speculates in the potion not visible the collapse may have an attempt to not use the words free fall and add a potential couple of seconds to the collapse

[ame=]YouTube - wtc 7 collapse[/ame]
but again, the pile of debris was not at ground level
and again you support the cover up and oppose the request of NIST lead fire investigators for a peer reviewed independent investigation ..with floor model test ..calibration of computer models and investigation of hypothetical blast scenarios..and have no concern he calls NISTs finding questionable
and again you support the cover up and oppose the request of NIST lead fire investigators for a peer reviewed independent investigation ..with floor model test ..calibration of computer models and investigation of hypothetical blast scenarios..and have no concern he calls NISTs finding questionable
the only "cover up" i see was in the placing of fault on the various intel groups not being able to share information
and the responsibility there
the rest is correct
so the timeline is correct ?...the complete omission of building 7 is the omission of testimony of all first responders of explosions and molten metal is correct..
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so the timeline is correct ?...the complete omission of building 7 is the omission of testimony of all first responders of explosions and molten metal is correct..
you are stuck on minutia
WTC was able to collapse in 11 seconds is by using explosives.

More incorrect information. Have you ever actually watched the videos of the collapses? 11 seconds?

Are you serious?

The amount of stupid you bring to the table is amazing. I guess the "11 second" claim comes from the same source as your "steel only starts to weaken at 2700F" crap.


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