WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck: "I hate 9/11 victims families for asking questions"[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck on the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory (10/22/07)[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Mainstream Media vs 9/11 Truth[/ame]
NGO test are basically irrelevant and unverified...the fact both the Kevin Ryan of underwriters and the lead fire investigator of NIST..say the temperatures required to weaken steel cant be found in examination of the forensic evidence is of far greater relevance than what you watched in a 30 sec sound bite from a t.v show

That's what the truther on the show told you to say (see what a stupid argument that is when someone fires it back at ya? So why is it irrelevent? Do you ever listen to yourself and the asinine lengths you have to go to for your 'theory' to still work. Was the experiment faked?

this is completely untrue ..we know no such thing...that is only what popular mechanics told you..

Again was the experiment faked in some way that you're aware of?

without an investigation this is only assumption and speculation

this is why we have a real investigation..we don't just not investigate because you have some why didn't they do this instead of that..questions...

Yet it is a vital piece of proving your theory. It's not asking what someone did or didn't do. I am asking why is there ZERO evidence for somehting that MUST be true to prove your theory correct?
That's what the truther on the show told you to say (see what a stupid argument that is when someone fires it back at ya? So why is it irrelevent? Do you ever listen to yourself and the asinine lengths you have to go to for your 'theory' to still work. Was the experiment faked?

no its not what a truther told me to is the opinion of the lead fire investigator of nist..and it is seconded from ex-underwriters employee Kevin Ryan...and the test done on NGO.. did not meet the standards required and was unrealistic and nowhere near the level a nist investigator would consider in anyway conclusive

Yet it is a vital piece of proving your theory. It's not asking what someone did or didn't do. I am asking why is there ZERO evidence for somehting that MUST be true to prove your theory correct

because without a true criminal investigation with testimony under oath and subpoena power the perpetrators are not required to give or release information or evidence or acknowledge witnesses
That's what the truther on the show told you to say (see what a stupid argument that is when someone fires it back at ya? So why is it irrelevent? Do you ever listen to yourself and the asinine lengths you have to go to for your 'theory' to still work. Was the experiment faked?

Please explain to me why a beam of steel exposed to a flame fueled by jet fuel that eventually failed doesn't count. How can someone who claims to be after the truth not find that compelling?

no its not what a truther told me to is the opinion of the lead fire investigator of nist..and it is seconded from ex-underwriters employee Kevin Ryan...and the test done on NGO.. did not meet the standards required and was unrealistic and nowhere near the level a nist investigator would consider in anyway conclusive

As i said, annoying when someones throws your ridiculous argument back at you isn't it?

because without a true criminal investigation with testimony under oath and subpoena power the perpetrators are not required to give or release information or evidence or acknowledge witnesses

Oh for stupid eots. I'm telling you're just digging yourself a deeper hole. Ya know how we kinda just went over this concept that for a theory to be valid there are variables that must hold true? The same would apply to this particular line of ridiculousness. What you just said is that we can't get to the truth because we can't officially subpoena suspects who would tell us what happened. Can you figure out what would have to be true there? I'll help. WE WOULD HAVE TO HAVE A SUSPECT BELIEVED TO BE PART OF THE INSIDE JOB. Have you heard of ANYONE, any person at all suspected of working for the government to commit this plot?

Oh for stupid eots. I'm telling you're just digging yourself a deeper hole. Ya know how we kinda just went over this concept that for a theory to be valid there are variables that must hold true? The same would apply to this particular line of ridiculousness. What you just said is that we can't get to the truth because we can't officially subpoena suspects who would tell us what happened. Can you figure out what would have to be true there? I'll help. WE WOULD HAVE TO HAVE A SUSPECT BELIEVED TO BE PART OF THE INSIDE JOB. Have you heard of ANYONE, any person at all suspected of working for the government to commit this plot?

WTF are you babbling about ??....all roads lead to Cheney and clearly bush, Cheney rumsfeld and rice would be among those required to testify under oath...that silverstein fellow is also a weak link a few hours in a room and a bright light and a phone book and he would squeal like a pig.. as well there are indeed active military that have stated an unspecified direct knowledge but wont speak out of the chain of command unless called to testify...this was a crime and should proceed as any crime investigation would have..
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WTF are you babbling about ??....all roads lead to Cheney and clearly bush, Cheney rumsfeld and rice would be among those required to testify under oath...that silverstein fellow is also a weak link a few hours in a room and a bright light and a phone book and he would squeal like a pig.. as well there are indeed active military that have stated an unspecified direct knowledge but wont speak out of the chain of command unless called to testify...this was a crime and should proceed as any crime investigation would have..

Well at least part of the truth comes out. Again quite reveaing about you and the truthers. If you had to guess, how many truthers would you say voted for Bush/Cheney?

What SPECIFICALLY points to their involvement? If they are your prime suspects how did they orchestrate the entire thing? After all it couldn't have been just them. What was their motive? You think if you can subpoena them? Politicians, like no other group, take lies to the grave. For your own sake try a different approach because even assuming something so ridiculous were true you're probably not going any of them to tell the truth.
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molten metal is correct..

Still haven't answered the question. What type of metal was it? Steel? Aluminum?

it was steel as reported by first responders and engineers on site that molten metal was was still flowing down the metal columns was found it blobs they dubbed was evident in the glowing red supports pulled from the wreckage

STILL haven't answer the question. What type of METAL was it. Steel or Aluminum? I suppose they were experts and could tell by sight alone?

So which was it? Let's see you source that it was 100% steel.
well that statement was actually editorial not in quotes however what he did say in his letter to NIST was questioning why alternative theory's where not examined ..including hypothetical and that the fire scenario had a low probability

Right, but not any conspiracy garbage. He even stated what he thought might have actually happened. Did you read what he said HIS alternative theory was?
Kevin Ryan of underwriters stated ..test on the steel done at maximum possible temperatures for extended periods of time caused no weakening of the steel....

Can you please supply me with that quote from Kevin Ryan? I would like to read it for myself from the same source you are.
WTC was able to collapse in 11 seconds is by using explosives.

More incorrect information. Have you ever actually watched the videos of the collapses? 11 seconds?

Are you serious?

The amount of stupid you bring to the table is amazing. I guess the "11 second" claim comes from the same source as your "steel only starts to weaken at 2700F" crap.


yeah but YOU havent as we both know.your putting words in my mouth I never said before.I said MANY times it weakens at 2500F and melts at 2800F.I know that to be fact cause I already told you,my next door neighbor is a retired certified steel worker who built buildings for over 30 years.You have blatantly ignored facts and evidence just like the disinformation agent you are.

sorry but I will listen to a ceritifed steel worker I have met in real life than some internet loon who rambles on and on and can never admit it when he has been proven also conviently ignored my long post I made like disinformation agents ALWAYS do.somehow you believe everything NIST says but when they admit they screwed up and that the towers fell at freefall speed as Eots just posted for you in his video,you all of a sudden say that NIST doesnt know what their talking about.Lol.I love it.

Then you are both wrong idiot. As has been proven time and time again, your lie that "steel only starts to weaken at 2500F" is total idiocy. I don't don't give a shit about a "steel worker's" opinion on the properties of steel. Is he an engineer? I worked in quite a few steel mills where they MAKE steel and know that you and he are full of shit. Go look around. I asked you AND eots for your source of your claim that steel weakens at 2500F and you have not provided it, which tells me that you're making stuff up.

All you can do is take incorrect quotes from other idiots and pass them on because you're too stupid to do research yourself.

Take a rock, go to the roof of a 110 story building, let the rock go. It will hit the ground in about 11 seconds.

Ok smart guy. Can you please explain why then, if the towers totally collapsed in 11 seconds (free fall), there were pieces of the tower that fell AHEAD of where the collapse was progressing?


So what you are saying is that the debris was falling FASTER than free fall? Let me guess. Each individual piece of debris had a rocket attached to it that propelled it towards the ground.


demolitions fool.I never said that debris fell faster than free fall.YOU did.thats normal in a controlled demolition for that to happen agent.

Ok dumbass. Let's go REAL slow for you so you can understand.

If you claim that the towers collapsed in free fall, then how did the debris in that photo fall AHEAD of the collapse? With your "the towers collapsed at free fall" claim you are essentially saying that anything that is falling AHEAD of where the front of the collapse "wave" is at is falling FASTER than free fall.

Do you get it now or do I have to explain it again? Here, I'll even mark up the photo for you.

So again, if you are claiming that the towers collapsed at free fall, how is it possible that the debris piece I have circled in red is going to hit the ground BEFORE the entire tower completes it's collapse? So with your "towers fell at freefall claim" you have indirectly also claimed that that piece of debris is falling FASTER than free fall.

Eots posted this video before on Chris's thread but since it doesnt go along with your delusions,you conviently ignored it just like you conviently ignored his other video where NIST confesses the towers fell at freefall never watch videos though cause you only see what you want to see as we both know.This video puts an end to the whole thing and proves beyond a doubt that demolitions brought down the towers.of course as we both know,you wont watch this video since disinformation agents like you and Bush dupes like DITZCON only see what you guys WANT to see.. Too bad your not mature enough to admit you have been proven wrong that the fires did not cause the collapses.
YouTube - Kevin Ryan 9/11 Truth

Kevin Ryan of course got fired for not going along with their coverup as many people have been around the country in jobs what a free country this cant even disagree with the government without fear of losing your jobs.thats how nazi germany was.The latest person who got fired for not accepting the governments version of events was one van johnson I think his name was.the environmentalist who was serving on the Obama administration for signing a petition to open up a new what freedoms we have here in america.cant question the governments version without losing your job.

Wow. More stupid coming from you. Who would have thought....

Him getting fired because he didn't go along with their cover-up is pure speculation. He was FIRED because he expressed opinions about MANY things in his letter as if it were the opinions of the company as a whole. Did you not even read Kevin Ryan's letter? Here's part of it:

There is no question that the events of 9/11 are the emotional driving force behind the War on Terror. And the issue of the WTC collapse is at the crux of the story of 9/11. My feeling is that your metallurgical tests are at the crux of the crux of the crux. Either you can make sense of what really happened to those buildings, and communicate this quickly, or we all face the same destruction and despair that come from global decisions based on disinformation and “chatter”.

Thanks for your efforts to determine what happened on that day. You may know that there are a number of other current and former government employees that have risked a great deal to help us to know the truth. I've copied one of these people on this message as a sign of respect and support. I believe your work could also be a nucleus of fact around which the truth, and thereby global peace and justice, can grow again. Please do what you can to quickly eliminate the confusion regarding the ability of jet fuel fires to soften or melt structural steel.

He was NOT involved in the fire testing. He was a SITE MANAGER, not an EXECUTIVE as I have seen claimed by other people. He worked for a subsidiary of UL in a lab used for WATER TESTING.

This video puts an end to the whole thing and proves beyond a doubt that demolitions brought down the towers.of course as we both know,you wont watch this video since disinformation agents like you and Bush dupes

Did I hear him right? He actually said that they proved the floors SAGGED? I thought steel didn't weaken?


He then goes on to state that steel can't "MELT" at these temperatures, yet, as stated above, they he says they supposedly proved that the floors could SAG a little.

What gives?

What a joke. You guys provide evidence against your own claims.

Kevin Ryan of underwriters stated ..test on the steel done at maximum possible temperatures for extended periods of time caused no weakening of the steel....

Why in his video you posted does Kevin state that they showed the floors sagged just a bit. Was he involved in the fire testing?
Also concerning Kevin Ryan's testing. Were the tests done with loads applied on the floors like similar to the loads on the floors of the towers?

Were the tests done with or without insulation?
More incorrect information. Have you ever actually watched the videos of the collapses? 11 seconds?

Are you serious?

The amount of stupid you bring to the table is amazing. I guess the "11 second" claim comes from the same source as your "steel only starts to weaken at 2700F" crap.


yeah but YOU havent as we both know.your putting words in my mouth I never said before.I said MANY times it weakens at 2500F and melts at 2800F.I know that to be fact cause I already told you,my next door neighbor is a retired certified steel worker who built buildings for over 30 years.You have blatantly ignored facts and evidence just like the disinformation agent you are.

sorry but I will listen to a ceritifed steel worker I have met in real life than some internet loon who rambles on and on and can never admit it when he has been proven also conviently ignored my long post I made like disinformation agents ALWAYS do.somehow you believe everything NIST says but when they admit they screwed up and that the towers fell at freefall speed as Eots just posted for you in his video,you all of a sudden say that NIST doesnt know what their talking about.Lol.I love it.

Then you are both wrong idiot. As has been proven time and time again, your lie that "steel only starts to weaken at 2500F" is total idiocy. I don't don't give a shit about a "steel worker's" opinion on the properties of steel. Is he an engineer? I worked in quite a few steel mills where they MAKE steel and know that you and he are full of shit. Go look around. I asked you AND eots for your source of your claim that steel weakens at 2500F and you have not provided it, which tells me that you're making stuff up.

All you can do is take incorrect quotes from other idiots and pass them on because you're too stupid to do research yourself.


Yeah like we're going to listen to the guy who can't punctuate properly.

I'll take grammar for $200 Alex!


Eots posted this video before on Chris's thread but since it doesnt go along with your delusions,you conviently ignored it just like you conviently ignored his other video where NIST confesses the towers fell at freefall never watch videos though cause you only see what you want to see as we both know.This video puts an end to the whole thing and proves beyond a doubt that demolitions brought down the towers.of course as we both know,you wont watch this video since disinformation agents like you and Bush dupes like DITZCON only see what you guys WANT to see.. Too bad your not mature enough to admit you have been proven wrong that the fires did not cause the collapses.
YouTube - Kevin Ryan 9/11 Truth

Kevin Ryan of course got fired for not going along with their coverup as many people have been around the country in jobs what a free country this cant even disagree with the government without fear of losing your jobs.thats how nazi germany was.The latest person who got fired for not accepting the governments version of events was one van johnson I think his name was.the environmentalist who was serving on the Obama administration for signing a petition to open up a new what freedoms we have here in america.cant question the governments version without losing your job.

the other thing that puts this to an end that explosives brought down the towers is that there were aeriel photos taken from above that showed intense heat emitting from ALL 3 of the towers grounds.Molten metal was found in all 3 basements of the 3 collapsed towers 3 weeks later.Temperatures FAR too intense for jet fuel and office fires.The fire department after 3 weeks of spraying water on them,the heat was STILL there.Rescue workers reported feeling intense heat below the bottom so hot that their boots gus going to say that the office fires or the jet fuel caused THAT after 3 weeks? nice try psche op agents.:lol::lol::cuckoo: As i said before,Bld 7 is the crux of the 9/11 COVERUP commission in the fact that there were other buildings that were hit with debris that had MUSH far more extensive damagae done to them,yet THOSE buildings structures remained standing unlike bld 7 that the 9/11 coverup commission conviently did not even mention in their report.

Get off the drugs your lose.:lol::lol:thanks for the laughs exposed yourselfs as the disinformation agents you are "except for Ditzcon of course.He is afraid on ANY government conspiracy and is just in denial." in the fact that none of these architects and engineers and even demolition experts testimonys are good enough for you.Priceless.I love it.LOL.
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Kevin Ryan of underwriters stated ..test on the steel done at maximum possible temperatures for extended periods of time caused no weakening of the steel....

Can you please supply me with that quote from Kevin Ryan? I would like to read it for myself from the same source you are.

I supplied you with the video of that to watch before where he says all of that.You never bothered to watch it like you 9/11 apologists NEVER do since as we both know,you only see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear.:rolleyes:

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