WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

I'm just wondering why we don't use coals to power the nation, if they burn hotter than jet fuel

well what a stupid musing that is...however it does not change the fact that forensic testing provides ZERO evidence that temperatures required to soften the steel in question was present

[ame=]YouTube - Becky's Homestead 11: Kerosene Heater[/ame]
NatGeo softened some steel with some jet fuel

are they a part of the reptilian jeluminati enforcement squad for the NWO, too?

Of course they are. Ever notice how they're magazines are in yellow...which symbolizes....Asians.....which speaks to Viet Nam......which is Anti-American. If they change their colors to, lets say a more patriotic and staunchly American, red for example, then maybe they'd be okay. Maybe.

Of course I'm a disinfo agent so I'm not to be trusted. Or maybe since I'm a disinfo agent you can't believe what I just wrote. Or maybe thats just what I want you to think..
so when ever you losers lose a debate you go into you lame..comedy routine..but none of it changes the fact that the 9/11 commission was a cover -up...that the temperatures required to soften the steel in question was not present at the wtc according to forensic testing
so when ever you losers lose a debate you go into you lame..comedy routine..but none of it changes the fact that the 9/11 commission was a cover -up...that the temperatures required to soften the steel in question was not present at the wtc according to forensic testing
and that is a lie

i agree that the commission was a cover up, but not the way you do
they were simply covering their own asses for failures to put the pieces together to stop it
so when ever you losers lose a debate you go into you lame..comedy routine..but none of it changes the fact that the 9/11 commission was a cover -up...that the temperatures required to soften the steel in question was not present at the wtc according to forensic testing
So you take the one test you like and ignor all the rest?

Did you ever tell us what that temperature is?

wait... wait... so superthermite's not hot enough to weaken steel, either...

then how does superthermite bring down the buildings?
none of your rambling changes the fact that there is ZERO evidence that the temperatures required to soften the steel in question was obtained at the wtc..and the lead investigator expressed in no uncertain terms the government blocked the investigation and did not appear to be interested in finding the truth and has strongly recommended an independent investigation with subpoena powers
none of your rambling changes the fact that there is ZERO evidence that the temperatures required to soften the steel in question was obtained at the wtc..

Well, that debunks your superthermite... and your detcord and other methods used to 'cut' through steel with superheated gasses during a demolition...

Who knew wood and coals burned hotter than jet fuel and superthermite?

I'm shocked.
NIST never did the hypothetical blast scenario as requested by the lead fire investigator and was no privileged to the eyewitnesses accounts of molten metal or supplied with any such metal for cant find what you don't look for...hence his request a independent investigation with subpoena power...but maybe if you sent him a picture of your beloved swords the light would come on and he would...get
eyewitnesses accounts of molten metal

wait.. you can melt metal without being hot enough to even weaken it? :cuckoo:

Or was it mercury or something else other than the steel from the towers that was melted?

I don't know what universe you live in, but it's clearly not the same as the rest of us.

You never did explain how those swords were made, btw
the areas that were cut with charges are the only areas the would forensically show the extreme temperatures required to weaken the steel in question..the rest of the steel would indicate only the heat it was subjected to due to fire and this is why there is no indication of temperatures sufficient to cause failure
the areas that were cut with charges are the only areas the would forensically show the extreme temperatures required to weaken the steel in question..the rest of the steel would indicate only the heat it was subjected to due to fire and this is why there is no indication of temperatures sufficient to cause failure

No evidence of such temperatures were found on those sections

you debunk yourself again
From a trufer site:
Previously molten metal was found "flowing like lava" by the FDNY in the basements of all 3 WTC High-rises.

How do you melt steel without being hot enough to weaken it?
you have zero evidence that fire temperatures were sufficient to weaken steel...there is however evidence to suggest it did not

But your "lead fire investigator" says that he believes, based on everything he has seen, that the trusses were weakened by heat and thus caused the collapse.

The person you use to support your claim of "no evidence of temperatures existing to cause weakening of steel" says that all the evidence and testing that was done SUPPORTS his claim of the trusses being WEAKENED by heat.

How can this be? You keep pointing to him as evidence of there NOT being proof, yet he contradicts your claim in the same breath.
you have zero evidence that fire temperatures were sufficient to weaken steel...there is however evidence to suggest it did not

I'm curious. What evidence do you have to support cutting charges/thermite?

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