WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

by the way divecon thanks to you I have taken to calling people morons,,,my girlfreind makes some mistake and im all like duh...moron..the other day she was saying.. thats so rude ..whats with this moron stuff?? is a terrible habit and its... ALL YOUR FAULT !..thanks a lot ...MORON
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by the way divecon thanks to you I have taken to calling people morons,,,my girlfreind makes some mistake and im all like duh...moron..the other day she was saying.. thats so rude ..whats with this moron stuff?? is a terrible habit and its... ALL YOUR FAULT !..thanks a lot ...MORON
dont blame me for your failings in life, idiot
ya its my own my diving days we called it boat mouth its hard to break the habit of cursing when you step off the boat and these discussions with you present the same problem for to turn the call people moron switch off when speaking to others less offensive than yourself
ya its my own my diving days we called it boat mouth its hard to break the habit of cursing when you step off the boat and these discussions with you present the same problem for to turn the call people moron switch off when speaking to others less offensive than yourself
ya see, i just dont give a shit when people i dont know show they dont have a grasp on reality i'll call them the moron they are

and that covers ALL 9/11 troofer morons
totally out of touch with reality

and christophera is a special case of he is in his own "special" reality
uh huh...right.... and speaking of special reality's could you elaborate on your NIST got it wrong theory that building fires alone were not the cause of the collapse of the wtc 7
i dont have a theory, asswipe you don't believe so called conspiracy theories and you don't believe the official theories have no theories of your own..,.wow dude yer like the let me guess your motivation is you like to type the words LIAR and MORON in ALL CAPS..and this seems as good a forum as the next...LMAO....thanks.... you don't believe so called conspiracy theories and you don't believe the official theories have no theories of your own..,.wow dude yer like the let me guess your motivation is you like to type the words LIAR and MORON in ALL CAPS..and this seems as good a forum as the next...LMAO....thanks....
we have gone through this for several months, you are still delusional and you have had the facts given to you and you just go back to your same delusional bullshit
do you actually expect the bullshit that doesnt change anyone mind about this to suddenly change someones mind?
that is the height of insanity you don't believe so called conspiracy theories and you don't believe the official theories have no theories of your own..,.wow dude yer like the let me guess your motivation is you like to type the words LIAR and MORON in ALL CAPS..and this seems as good a forum as the next...LMAO....thanks....
we have gone through this for several months, you are still delusional and you have had the facts given to you and you just go back to your same delusional bullshit
do you actually expect the bullshit that doesnt change anyone mind about this to suddenly change someones mind?
that is the height of insanity

but were do these facts of yours come from diveconman ? the nist facts ? popular mechanics facts ? myths and misconceptions ? or a collage of all of the above ? so are you saying you think you are insane ? delusional ? for thinking your inane ranting post would change how I think ? do you even know what it is you think ? my confused compadre ?
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my father was in the British army Sgt in the paratroop regiment and a murder homicide detective after immigrating ..he shared the opinion of an inside job..he said it the day of the attacks..nothing of this magnitude could occur without complicity and prior knowledge... I thought he was nuts

I have an uncle that is well respected in the community. Pillar of the community if you will..

Anyways one day when he was visiting I just brought up the subject on 9/11 without disclosing my views.

WOW...without hesitation he went on to say how and why he believed 9/11 was an inside job!

And I have our Mayor living across the street from me who would be happy to laugh in his face.
my father was in the British army Sgt in the paratroop regiment and a murder homicide detective after immigrating ..he shared the opinion of an inside job..he said it the day of the attacks..nothing of this magnitude could occur without complicity and prior knowledge... I thought he was nuts

I have an uncle that is well respected in the community. Pillar of the community if you will..

Anyways one day when he was visiting I just brought up the subject on 9/11 without disclosing my views.

WOW...without hesitation he went on to say how and why he believed 9/11 was an inside job!

And I have our Mayor living across the street from me who would be happy to laugh in his face.

he most likely also believes that structural damage played a role in the official collapse scenario of building 7 as well...perhaps you should ask him and see
but were do these facts of yours come from diveconman ? the nist facts ? popular mechanics facts ? myths and misconceptions ? or a collage of all of the above ? so are you saying you think you are insane ? delusional ? for thinking your inane ranting post would change how I think ? do you even know what it is you think ? my confused compadre ?

where is your theory and the facts to back it up?
my father was in the British army Sgt in the paratroop regiment and a murder homicide detective after immigrating ..he shared the opinion of an inside job..he said it the day of the attacks..nothing of this magnitude could occur without complicity and prior knowledge... I thought he was nuts

I have an uncle that is well respected in the community. Pillar of the community if you will..

Anyways one day when he was visiting I just brought up the subject on 9/11 without disclosing my views.

WOW...without hesitation he went on to say how and why he believed 9/11 was an inside job!

And I have our Mayor living across the street from me who would be happy to laugh in his face.

No doubt he is an evil and corrupt politician like most of them are just like the evil army operative YOU are.
but were do these facts of yours come from diveconman ? the nist facts ? popular mechanics facts ? myths and misconceptions ? or a collage of all of the above ? so are you saying you think you are insane ? delusional ? for thinking your inane ranting post would change how I think ? do you even know what it is you think ? my confused compadre ?

where is your theory and the facts to back it up?

He has proved it was an inside job with MANY threads of his he has made in the past and in his posts here on this thread.if you actually took the time to read his posts and watch our videos we have proven it with as well instead of only seeing what you WANT to see,you would KNOW it was an inside job.:cuckoo:
but were do these facts of yours come from diveconman ? the nist facts ? popular mechanics facts ? myths and misconceptions ? or a collage of all of the above ? so are you saying you think you are insane ? delusional ? for thinking your inane ranting post would change how I think ? do you even know what it is you think ? my confused compadre ?

where is your theory and the facts to back it up?

ultimately my theory is we need to heed the calls of lead investigators of NIST and senior council for the 9/11 commision that a re- investigation is required ..with full subpoena powers testimony under oath full disclosure of all still classified information with oversight for the media and the family steering committee and the admitted failure of these reports by participants at the highest level is all the evidence required for this
ultimately my theory is we need to heed the calls of lead investigators of NIST and senior council for the 9/11 commision that a re- investigation is required ..with full subpoena powers testimony under oath full disclosure of all still classified information with oversight for the media and the family steering committee and the admitted failure of these reports by participants at the highest level is all the evidence required for this

actually, i agree with everything you have said except the disclosure of classified information. there is no need to give our enemies access to all our information and how we got it by making it public.

until then we go with the best information we have.
ultimately my theory is we need to heed the calls of lead investigators of NIST and senior council for the 9/11 commision that a re- investigation is required ..with full subpoena powers testimony under oath full disclosure of all still classified information with oversight for the media and the family steering committee and the admitted failure of these reports by participants at the highest level is all the evidence required for this

actually, i agree with everything you have said except the disclosure of classified information. there is no need to give our enemies access to all our information and how we got it by making it public.

until then we go with the best information we have.

well I am Impressed with impressed with that display of reason..but there is little requirement to withhold evidence after this many years especially the forensic evidence of the attacks itself specifically ie; surveillance video of the pentagon and ..materials and samples salvage from the crash sites

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