WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

ultimately my theory is we need to heed the calls of lead investigators of NIST and senior council for the 9/11 commision that a re- investigation is required ..with full subpoena powers testimony under oath full disclosure of all still classified information with oversight for the media and the family steering committee and the admitted failure of these reports by participants at the highest level is all the evidence required for this

actually, i agree with everything you have said except the disclosure of classified information. there is no need to give our enemies access to all our information and how we got it by making it public.

until then we go with the best information we have.

well I am Impressed with impressed with that display of reason..but there is little requirement to withhold evidence after this many years especially the forensic evidence of the attacks itself specifically ie; surveillance video of the pentagon and ..materials and samples salvage from the crash sites
thing is, you wouldnt accept any new investigation either
so it would be a waste of money

because any new investigation would STILL not support your bullshit
actually, i agree with everything you have said except the disclosure of classified information. there is no need to give our enemies access to all our information and how we got it by making it public.

until then we go with the best information we have.

well I am Impressed with impressed with that display of reason..but there is little requirement to withhold evidence after this many years especially the forensic evidence of the attacks itself specifically ie; surveillance video of the pentagon and ..materials and samples salvage from the crash sites
thing is, you wouldnt accept any new investigation either
so it would be a waste of money

because any new investigation would STILL not support your bullshit

that's is just a weasley assumption..because I reject these clearly inadequate investigations
well I am Impressed with impressed with that display of reason..but there is little requirement to withhold evidence after this many years especially the forensic evidence of the attacks itself specifically ie; surveillance video of the pentagon and ..materials and samples salvage from the crash sites
thing is, you wouldnt accept any new investigation either
so it would be a waste of money

because any new investigation would STILL not support your bullshit

that's is just a weasley assumption..because I reject these clearly inadequate investigations
no, you have proven that no amount of facts will change you mind
thus, you would still be of the same mind if they did another investigation
so it would be nothing but a huge waste of money to do another investigation when we already know what happened
I'm sure there are, But in my world, they no longer count.

We all have opinions, you have yours, I have mine. Yours are based upon BS mine is based upon knowledge, fact, and common sense.

other way around moron.HIS are based on knowledge,facts,evidence and common sense,YOURS is based on lies,bullshit,and propaganda that you fucking disinfo agents propagate.your a disgrace to those 3000 plus people who lost their lives that day along with ditzcon,cornboy troll and fitz troll and agent Gam.
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i see. i must be a government plant now!! :lol:

we arent allowed to critisize theories NOT supplied by the government. we can only critisize theories that are supplied by the government. is that what is going on here?

it's actually a really simple question. i dont know why nobody can answer it. if the buildings were brought down by explosives then why was there a bulge in the building reported between the 10th and 13th floors hours before?

i'm trying to be open minded but this really needs to be addressed before i can believe that the collapse was caused by explosives. there are problems with the governments version and there are problems with the explosives version. right now neither one seems right to me. the title of the thread states that it was an inside job. so i am asking for some simple proof of the claim.

the fact that you ignore overwhelming evidence that proves explosives brought the towers down is pretty obvious you guys lie so often that if pinochio was true,your nose would grow thousands of miles
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if you speaking of wtc 7 although I am aware that a fire chief gave an account to popular mechanics about bulging and creaking .. there are however many more first responder reports of no such noises or instability and of explosions

you are hilarious, dude. you just provided a video in which a guy describes being on the 8th floor of WTC7 and hearing an explosion.

this guy apparently lived (i think we can agree on that).

so you are saying that a controlled demolition collapsed building seven but allowed enough time for people to escape?

seriously, do you have ANYTHING that refutes reports of the building bulging from the 10th to the 13th floors for up to two hours before your controlled demolition is supposed to have taken place?

he was trapped in he building for hours so what about this supposed raging inferno and if the building was bulging on the 13Th floor why did the collapse initiate with the penthouse then collapse in a controlled fashion


you disinfo agents havent been able to refute this evidence that explosives brought the towers down yet.:lol:
NOR have you been able to refute THIS evidence either that explosives brought the towers down.:lol::lol:
{rolls on floor laughing} thats why this whole discussion is irrelevent and mute cause you idiots CANT refute this evidence as we both know.
since this thread is the TRUTH and I havent posted this post here on this thread yet,I will do so now.this post is WHY this whole discussion is irrelevent and mute cause knowing THESE facts below,only a moron would STILL defend the official version that the fires caused the collapse of the buildings lol. You all STILL going to make yourselfs look like morons saying it wasnt a controlled demolition? lol. psyche op agents candycorn,sfc ollie,gam and ditzcon will since thats what their paid to do,how bout the rest of you Bush/Obama dupes? lol.

QUOTE=9/11 inside job;1677848]
I think you MEANT to say his job is to prove that it didnt collapse CD style in its own footprint Terral? which of of course the Bush dupe cant do that.He has made pathetic attempts to convince us that it didnt fall at 6.5 seconds freefall speed to no avail and also satalite photos taken a week after the towers collapsed showed heat temperatures still going with temps that were far too hot and intense to be office fires.:lol:

the fires had been hosed down everyday for that whole much so one firefighter said it was like a lake because there was so much water sprayed down on the fires.impossible for office fires to STILL be burning at that point.:lol:

However molten metal which many rescue workers spotted underneath all three towers at the bottom of the towers which was still burning despite all the fires put on it,IS a consistant sign of thermite.Not to mention that 7 of the most renowed scientists discovered through samples taken that nano thermite was found. office fires would have been put out several days ago being :cuckoo: thermite though and molten metal still burning at high intense temps after that period of time days later is consistant with explosives being used.which pretty much ends this debate and why this whole discussion is mute at this point. this is also a smoking gun they cant get around.
he was trapped in he building for hours so what about this supposed raging inferno and if the building was bulging on the 13Th floor why did the collapse initiate with the penthouse then collapse in a controlled fashion

this video pretty much ends the debate and proves explosives brought the towers down.of course the Bush dupes wont watch it since they only see what they WANT to see.this video is the smoking gun they cant get around.

A video of one person making a statement is proof of nothing.

you never refuted my last post army disinfo agent.:lol:
you are hilarious, dude. you just provided a video in which a guy describes being on the 8th floor of WTC7 and hearing an explosion.

this guy apparently lived (i think we can agree on that).

so you are saying that a controlled demolition collapsed building seven but allowed enough time for people to escape?

seriously, do you have ANYTHING that refutes reports of the building bulging from the 10th to the 13th floors for up to two hours before your controlled demolition is supposed to have taken place?

he was trapped in he building for hours so what about this supposed raging inferno and if the building was bulging on the 13Th floor why did the collapse initiate with the penthouse then collapse in a controlled fashion


you disinfo agents havent been able to refute this evidence that explosives brought the towers down yet.:lol:

One Unnamed person on a youtube video does not constitute any type of proof.
NOR have you been able to refute THIS evidence either that explosives brought the towers down.:lol::lol:
{rolls on floor laughing} thats why this whole discussion is irrelevent and mute cause you idiots CANT refute this evidence as we both know.
since this thread is the TRUTH and I havent posted this post here on this thread yet,I will do so now.this post is WHY this whole discussion is irrelevent and mute cause knowing THESE facts below,only a moron would STILL defend the official version that the fires caused the collapse of the buildings lol. You all STILL going to make yourselfs look like morons saying it wasnt a controlled demolition? lol. psyche op agents candycorn,sfc ollie,gam and ditzcon will since thats what their paid to do,how bout the rest of you Bush/Obama dupes? lol.

QUOTE=9/11 inside job;1677848]
I think you MEANT to say his job is to prove that it didnt collapse CD style in its own footprint Terral? which of of course the Bush dupe cant do that.He has made pathetic attempts to convince us that it didnt fall at 6.5 seconds freefall speed to no avail and also satalite photos taken a week after the towers collapsed showed heat temperatures still going with temps that were far too hot and intense to be office fires.:lol:

the fires had been hosed down everyday for that whole much so one firefighter said it was like a lake because there was so much water sprayed down on the fires.impossible for office fires to STILL be burning at that point.:lol:

However molten metal which many rescue workers spotted underneath all three towers at the bottom of the towers which was still burning despite all the fires put on it,IS a consistant sign of thermite.Not to mention that 7 of the most renowed scientists discovered through samples taken that nano thermite was found. office fires would have been put out several days ago being :cuckoo: thermite though and molten metal still burning at high intense temps after that period of time days later is consistant with explosives being used.which pretty much ends this debate and why this whole discussion is mute at this point. this is also a smoking gun they cant get around.

Ever Used Thermite? I have! it doesn't burn for weeks, it burns for a few moments, You would have needed to fill the entire building with it to make it burn for weeks. numbnutz.:cuckoo:
NOR have you been able to refute THIS evidence either that explosives brought the towers down.:lol::lol:
{rolls on floor laughing} thats why this whole discussion is irrelevent and mute cause you idiots CANT refute this evidence as we both know.
since this thread is the TRUTH and I havent posted this post here on this thread yet,I will do so now.this post is WHY this whole discussion is irrelevent and mute cause knowing THESE facts below,only a moron would STILL defend the official version that the fires caused the collapse of the buildings lol. You all STILL going to make yourselfs look like morons saying it wasnt a controlled demolition? lol. psyche op agents candycorn,sfc ollie,gam and ditzcon will since thats what their paid to do,how bout the rest of you Bush/Obama dupes? lol.

QUOTE=9/11 inside job;1677848]
I think you MEANT to say his job is to prove that it didnt collapse CD style in its own footprint Terral? which of of course the Bush dupe cant do that.He has made pathetic attempts to convince us that it didnt fall at 6.5 seconds freefall speed to no avail and also satalite photos taken a week after the towers collapsed showed heat temperatures still going with temps that were far too hot and intense to be office fires.:lol:

the fires had been hosed down everyday for that whole much so one firefighter said it was like a lake because there was so much water sprayed down on the fires.impossible for office fires to STILL be burning at that point.:lol:

However molten metal which many rescue workers spotted underneath all three towers at the bottom of the towers which was still burning despite all the fires put on it,IS a consistant sign of thermite.Not to mention that 7 of the most renowed scientists discovered through samples taken that nano thermite was found. office fires would have been put out several days ago being :cuckoo: thermite though and molten metal still burning at high intense temps after that period of time days later is consistant with explosives being used.which pretty much ends this debate and why this whole discussion is mute at this point. this is also a smoking gun they cant get around.

Ever Used Thermite? I have! it doesn't burn for weeks, it burns for a few moments, You would have needed to fill the entire building with it to make it burn for weeks. numbnutz.:cuckoo:

I worked for a decade as doing underwater cutting and welding so so claiming you have for some reason used thermite means nothing...the heat created by such substances is intense and that heat in a insulated condition of being covered in rubble and dust could smolder for weeks without question
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NOR have you been able to refute THIS evidence either that explosives brought the towers down.:lol::lol:
{rolls on floor laughing} thats why this whole discussion is irrelevent and mute cause you idiots CANT refute this evidence as we both know.

Ever Used Thermite? I have! it doesn't burn for weeks, it burns for a few moments, You would have needed to fill the entire building with it to make it burn for weeks. numbnutz.:cuckoo:

I worked for a decade as doing underwater cutting and welding so so claiming you have for some reason used thermite means nothing...the heat created by such substances is intense and that heat in a insulated condition of being covered in rubble and dust could smolder for weeks without question
except thermite wont cut horizontally
NOR have you been able to refute THIS evidence either that explosives brought the towers down.:lol::lol:
{rolls on floor laughing} thats why this whole discussion is irrelevent and mute cause you idiots CANT refute this evidence as we both know.

Ever Used Thermite? I have! it doesn't burn for weeks, it burns for a few moments, You would have needed to fill the entire building with it to make it burn for weeks. numbnutz.:cuckoo:

I worked for a decade as doing underwater cutting and welding so so claiming you have for some reason used thermite means nothing...the heat created by such substances is intense and that heat in a insulated condition of being covered in rubble and dust could smolder for weeks without question

I was part of a team that made a US Army Training video on using Thermite to destroy COMSEC equipment and other classified material. I don't know what you did underwater but that certainly does not compare to WTC.
the most common iron oxide used in thermite. Other oxides are occasionally used, such as MnO2 in manganese thermite, Cr2O3 in chromium thermite, or copper(II) oxide in copper thermite, but only for highly specialised purposes. All examples use aluminium as the reactive metal. Fluoropolymers can be used in special formulations, Teflon with magnesium or aluminium being a relatively common example. Magnesium/teflon/viton is another pyrolant of this type.

In principle, any reactive metal could be used instead of aluminium. This is rarely done, however, because the properties of aluminium are ideal for this reaction. It is by far the cheapest of the highly reactive metals; it also forms a passivation layer making it safer to handle than many other reactive metals. The melting and boiling points of aluminium also make it ideal for thermite reactions. Its relatively low melting point (660 °C, 1221 °F) means that it is easy to melt the metal, so that the reaction can occur mainly in the liquid phase[6] and thus proceeds fairly quickly. At the same time, its high boiling point ( 2,519 °C (4,566 °F) ) enables the reaction to reach very high temperatures, since several processes tend to limit the maximum temperature to just below the boiling point.[7] Such a high boiling point is common among transition metals (e.g. iron and copper boil at 2,887 °C (5,229 °F) and 2,582 °C (4,680 °F) respectively), but is especially unusual among the highly reactive metals (cf. magnesium and sodium which boil at 1,090 °C (1,990 °F) and 883 °C (1,621 °F) respectively). Further, the low density of the aluminium oxide formed as a result of the reaction tends to cause it to float on the iron, reducing contamination of the weld.

Although the reactants are stable at room temperature, they burn with an extremely intense exothermic reaction when they are heated to ignition temperature. The products emerge as liquids due to the high temperatures reached (up to 2500 °C (4500 °F) with iron(III) oxide)—although the actual temperature reached depends on how quickly heat can escape to the surrounding environment. Thermite contains its own supply of oxygen and does not require any external source of air. Consequently, it cannot be smothered and may ignite in any environment, given sufficient initial heat. It will burn well while wet and cannot be extinguished with water. Small amounts of water will boil before reaching the reaction. If thermite is ignited underwater, the molten iron produced will extract oxygen from water and generate hydrogen gas in a single-replacement reaction. This gas may, in turn, burn by combining with oxygen in the air

An underwater cutting tool for steel, concrete, or the like, comprising a tubular oxygen ... The priming or firing substance preferably is iron thermite. ...

Underwater cutting tool - Patent 4477060
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you guys are straying a bit off topic. how much thermite was found at the WTC site?
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