WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

yeah, those rods are so close to the thickness of the WTC columns
and if something larger simliar to that was used, dont you think it would have been found in the rubble?
this is the logic you FAIL at
and besides, that is NOT thermite
its a shape charge

and your bottom video is about fucking CARS moron

it utilizes thermite and how do cars melt with fires of paper.. capet.... office furniture ??
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yeah, those rods are so close to the thickness of the WTC columns
and if something larger simliar to that was used, dont you think it would have been found in the rubble?
this is the logic you FAIL at
and besides, that is NOT thermite
its a shape charge

and your bottom video is about fucking CARS moron

it utilizes thermite and how do cars melt with fires of paper.. capet.... office furniture ??
SIMPLE, moron
the fires were hot enough and they was fuel IN the fucking cars asswipe
god damn you are too fucking stupid for words
all you fucking conspiracy nutters need professional help
fuel does not burn hot or long enough to melt steel cars and create molten metal only hours after the crash and this occurred in the basement what caused these fires in the first place
do you know what most cars have been made out of for the last 20+ years?

nothing in that video was proof of thermite
just more of you taking something and blowing it out of proportion
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the testimony of dozen eyewitnesses and first responders in detail means nothing,,,whos grasping at straws ? and lets not forget as a diveconspirator you have no theories... asswipe
wash, rinse, repeat

everything you use is out of context quotes
you guys are nothing but fucking LIARS
tell us the one about how despite what NIST says diveconspirators still like to pretend that structural damage and fire lead to the total collapse of wtc 7...that's my favourite one
you are such a fucking idiot
grow a brain
Hi Dive:

the testimony of dozen eyewitnesses and first responders in detail means nothing,,,whos grasping at straws ? and lets not forget as a diveconspirator you have no theories... asswipe
wash, rinse, repeat

everything you use is out of context quotes
you guys are nothing but fucking LIARS

And yet, DiveConMan uses these same three stupid sentences to call people names and play the Official Cover Story Fool :)confused:)!!!! Diver has never made any contribution to these Conspiracy Theory Topics. He just runs around calling people names and throwing as much Official Cover Story dust into the air as humanly possible.


So now we see that thermite shape charges were set and there was thermite in the parked cars around the buildings too. Damn sure wished i owned some stock in some chemical companies, They must have made a small fortune in thermite sales.

So now we see that thermite shape charges were set and there was thermite in the parked cars around the buildings too. Damn sure wished i owned some stock in some chemical companies, They must have made a small fortune in thermite sales.


the cars were moved out on to the street afterwards and the central core was blown up in the basement
Thermite does not "Blow up". I thought you said you had used it?

(though it can blow up if it hits magnesium) (You should see what happens to a Porsche engine)
has any thermite actually been found at any WTC site? not melted steel. melted steel comes from steel. you people are acting like the only thing in the world that can possibly melt steel is thermite.

so where is the proof of the thermite?
NOR have you been able to refute THIS evidence either that explosives brought the towers down.:lol::lol:
{rolls on floor laughing} thats why this whole discussion is irrelevent and mute cause you idiots CANT refute this evidence as we both know.
since this thread is the TRUTH and I havent posted this post here on this thread yet,I will do so now.this post is WHY this whole discussion is irrelevent and mute cause knowing THESE facts below,only a moron would STILL defend the official version that the fires caused the collapse of the buildings lol. You all STILL going to make yourselfs look like morons saying it wasnt a controlled demolition? lol. psyche op agents candycorn,sfc ollie,gam and ditzcon will since thats what their paid to do,how bout the rest of you Bush/Obama dupes? lol.

QUOTE=9/11 inside job;1677848]
I think you MEANT to say his job is to prove that it didnt collapse CD style in its own footprint Terral? which of of course the Bush dupe cant do that.He has made pathetic attempts to convince us that it didnt fall at 6.5 seconds freefall speed to no avail and also satalite photos taken a week after the towers collapsed showed heat temperatures still going with temps that were far too hot and intense to be office fires.:lol:

the fires had been hosed down everyday for that whole much so one firefighter said it was like a lake because there was so much water sprayed down on the fires.impossible for office fires to STILL be burning at that point.:lol:

However molten metal which many rescue workers spotted underneath all three towers at the bottom of the towers which was still burning despite all the fires put on it,IS a consistant sign of thermite.Not to mention that 7 of the most renowed scientists discovered through samples taken that nano thermite was found. office fires would have been put out several days ago being :cuckoo: thermite though and molten metal still burning at high intense temps after that period of time days later is consistant with explosives being used.which pretty much ends this debate and why this whole discussion is mute at this point. this is also a smoking gun they cant get around.

Ever Used Thermite? I have! it doesn't burn for weeks, it burns for a few moments, You would have needed to fill the entire building with it to make it burn for weeks. numbnutz.:cuckoo:

hey army agent?,why dont you try reading what I posted? if you DID,you would have seen the part about the satalites giving off EXTREME hot temperatures after a week long after the fires had been put out. FAR too intense to be office fires.impossible for it to be office fires when they had long been put out several days ago dorkball.:lol:they sure dont pay you enough for the b.s you post for the contiuned ass beatings you get here.
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you disinfo agents havent been able to refute this evidence that explosives brought the towers down yet.:lol:

let me remind you of the answer you gave me earlier......

people will do anything for money idiot.:cuckoo:

you sir, are a jackass!!! :lol:

yeah thats what you pathetic disinfo agents dont give a shit that the government murdered over 3000 of its own citizens,just as long as they keep paying you for the bullshit you post is all you care about.if there is any such thing as a hell,your going with those people in the bush administration who pulled this off for your participation in this coverup.
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