WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

NOR have you been able to refute THIS evidence either that explosives brought the towers down.:lol::lol:
{rolls on floor laughing} thats why this whole discussion is irrelevent and mute cause you idiots CANT refute this evidence as we both know.

Ever Used Thermite? I have! it doesn't burn for weeks, it burns for a few moments, You would have needed to fill the entire building with it to make it burn for weeks. numbnutz.:cuckoo:

I worked for a decade as doing underwater cutting and welding so so claiming you have for some reason used thermite means nothing...the heat created by such substances is intense and that heat in a insulated condition of being covered in rubble and dust could smolder for weeks without question

the moron ignores my point also that jet fuel fires after a weeks spaying for so many hours would have been longggggg put out.:lol::lol::lol: these morons will post ANYTHING for money.


Niels Harrit: Tons! Hundreds of tons! Many, many, many tons!


Once again, just how many people over what length of time to plant those "Hundreds of tons" of explosives? Without anyone being seen or anyone talking.......


several people took you to school on that over at AWE.of course you never read the evidence and threads that people there posted since you only see what you WANT to see like all you government plants do.


Niels Harrit: Tons! Hundreds of tons! Many, many, many tons!


Once again, just how many people over what length of time to plant those "Hundreds of tons" of explosives? Without anyone being seen or anyone talking.......


several people took you to school on that over at AWE.of course you never read the evidence and threads that people there posted since you only see what you WANT to see like all you government plants do.
YOU wouldnt know evidence if it hit you on the nose

btw, asswipe, i know you have me on ignore, but guess what, other people can read what i post to you even if your are too much of a fucking pussy to read it
yeah thats what you pathetic disinfo agents dont give a shit that the government murdered over 3000 of its own citizens
the government didnt kill anyone. the deaths happened because terrorists flew planes into buildings. are you denying that?

,just as long as they keep paying you for the bullshit you post is all you care about.if there is any such thing as a hell,your going with those people in the bush administration who pulled this off for your participation in this coverup.

damn, you mean i can get paid for showing what a completely paranoid lunatic you are? where do i sign up?!!!! :lol:

terrorists flew planes into buildings. it killed lots and lots of innocent americans. if anyone is going to hell its the people blaming other americans for the acts of these terrorists. i'm sure osama is having a nice laugh at you people.
yeah thats what you pathetic disinfo agents dont give a shit that the government murdered over 3000 of its own citizens
the government didnt kill anyone. the deaths happened because terrorists flew planes into buildings. are you denying that?

,just as long as they keep paying you for the bullshit you post is all you care about.if there is any such thing as a hell,your going with those people in the bush administration who pulled this off for your participation in this coverup.

damn, you mean i can get paid for showing what a completely paranoid lunatic you are? where do i sign up?!!!! :lol:

terrorists flew planes into buildings. it killed lots and lots of innocent americans. if anyone is going to hell its the people blaming other americans for the acts of these terrorists. i'm sure osama is having a nice laugh at you people.

sure thats what you moron agents like to do is TRY to brainwash people with that the government didnt kill anyone,the only terrorists are the people in the bush administration who pulled this off as we BOTH know. the only lunatics are you idiots who defend the fairy tale version of the governments lies that muslin terrorists pulled this off.No YOUR going to hell so is agent SFC ollie.i actually feel sorry for you pathetic guys cause you both are going to suffer unbearable pain for your participation in these lies.

Neither one of you idiots have been able to refute my post that explosives brought the towers down when the planes struck.
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NOR have you been able to refute THIS evidence either that explosives brought the towers down.:lol::lol:
{rolls on floor laughing} thats why this whole discussion is irrelevent and mute cause you idiots CANT refute this evidence as we both know.

Ever Used Thermite? I have! it doesn't burn for weeks, it burns for a few moments, You would have needed to fill the entire building with it to make it burn for weeks. numbnutz.:cuckoo:

hey army agent?,why dont you try reading what I posted? if you DID,you would have seen the part about the satalites giving off EXTREME hot temperatures after a week long after the fires had been put out. FAR too intense to be office fires.impossible for it to be office fires when they had long been put out several days ago dorkball.:lol:they sure dont pay you enough for the b.s you post for the contiuned ass beatings you get here.

Hey stupid agent, that still does not change the facts that thermite does not and can not burn for weeks at a time.


Niels Harrit: Tons! Hundreds of tons! Many, many, many tons!


Once again, just how many people over what length of time to plant those "Hundreds of tons" of explosives? Without anyone being seen or anyone talking.......


several people took you to school on that over at AWE.of course you never read the evidence and threads that people there posted since you only see what you WANT to see like all you government plants do.

LOL No one ever took me to school little boy. In awe you were on ignore for a month because you were too stupid to realize I was the real thing and not Candy. Now can you answer the question or not? My guess is not.
yeah thats what you pathetic disinfo agents dont give a shit that the government murdered over 3000 of its own citizens
the government didnt kill anyone. the deaths happened because terrorists flew planes into buildings. are you denying that?

,just as long as they keep paying you for the bullshit you post is all you care about.if there is any such thing as a hell,your going with those people in the bush administration who pulled this off for your participation in this coverup.

damn, you mean i can get paid for showing what a completely paranoid lunatic you are? where do i sign up?!!!! :lol:

terrorists flew planes into buildings. it killed lots and lots of innocent americans. if anyone is going to hell its the people blaming other americans for the acts of these terrorists. i'm sure osama is having a nice laugh at you people.

sure thats what you moron agents like to do is TRY to brainwash people with that the government didnt kill anyone,the only terrorists are the people in the bush administration who pulled this off as we BOTH know. the only lunatics are you idiots who defend the fairy tale version of the governments lies that muslin terrorists pulled this off.No YOUR going to hell so is agent SFC ollie.i actually feel sorry for you pathetic guys cause you both are going to suffer unbearable pain for your participation in these lies.

Neither one of you idiots have been able to refute my post that explosives brought the towers down when the planes struck.

Actually the planes hitting the buildings is what proves that explosives did not bring them down. All those fires and cut wires and all that. Now again, how many people to plant those hundreds of tons of explosives?

Niels Harrit: Tons! Hundreds of tons! Many, many, many tons!


Once again, just how many people over what length of time to plant those "Hundreds of tons" of explosives? Without anyone being seen or anyone talking.......


several people took you to school on that over at AWE.of course you never read the evidence and threads that people there posted since you only see what you WANT to see like all you government plants do.

LOL No one ever took me to school little boy. In awe you were on ignore for a month because you were too stupid to realize I was the real thing and not Candy. Now can you answer the question or not? My guess is not.

see unlike you,I CAN admit it when I have been proven the troll jerk you are have yet to admit I have proven you wrong that explosives brought the towers down like the arrogant disinfo agent you are.plenty of people like creative dreams took you to school that it was an inside job and explosives brought the towers down,but like that other troll cornboy,you ignored the evidence cause like him, you only see what you WANT to was pretty easy to make the mistake that you were him cause you always posted the same bullshit,lies and propaganda HE always does there and the fact that he has MANY other socks he posts there under was also why it was an easy mistake to make.

MOLTEN steel WAS found under neath the rubble,IMPOSSIBLE due to fires idiot,ONLY explosives can do that when under water for so long moron.

I have said this hundreds of times in the past but agents like you ignore it since you only are interested in posting only takes a hundred or less people over a few months time to plant the explosives,when you have marvin bush the head of the security of the towers and that other corrupt bastard silverstein in charge as well,pretty easy to get the operatives inside disguised as construction workers to plant the explosives.:cuckoo:
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the government didnt kill anyone. the deaths happened because terrorists flew planes into buildings. are you denying that?

damn, you mean i can get paid for showing what a completely paranoid lunatic you are? where do i sign up?!!!! :lol:

terrorists flew planes into buildings. it killed lots and lots of innocent americans. if anyone is going to hell its the people blaming other americans for the acts of these terrorists. i'm sure osama is having a nice laugh at you people.

sure thats what you moron agents like to do is TRY to brainwash people with that the government didnt kill anyone,the only terrorists are the people in the bush administration who pulled this off as we BOTH know. the only lunatics are you idiots who defend the fairy tale version of the governments lies that muslin terrorists pulled this off.No YOUR going to hell so is agent SFC ollie.i actually feel sorry for you pathetic guys cause you both are going to suffer unbearable pain for your participation in these lies.

Neither one of you idiots have been able to refute my post that explosives brought the towers down when the planes struck.

Actually the planes hitting the buildings is what proves that explosives did not bring them down. All those fires and cut wires and all that. Now again, how many people to plant those hundreds of tons of explosives?

lies as always from you doesnt prove jack shit.the fires were NOT intense enough to cause the towers to collapse army agent.i just answered that for you.
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Ever Used Thermite? I have! it doesn't burn for weeks, it burns for a few moments, You would have needed to fill the entire building with it to make it burn for weeks. numbnutz.:cuckoo:

hey army agent?,why dont you try reading what I posted? if you DID,you would have seen the part about the satalites giving off EXTREME hot temperatures after a week long after the fires had been put out. FAR too intense to be office fires.impossible for it to be office fires when they had long been put out several days ago dorkball.:lol:they sure dont pay you enough for the b.s you post for the contiuned ass beatings you get here.

Hey stupid agent, that still does not change the facts that thermite does not and can not burn for weeks at a time.

whatever lying agent.
Ever Used Thermite? I have! it doesn't burn for weeks, it burns for a few moments, You would have needed to fill the entire building with it to make it burn for weeks. numbnutz.:cuckoo:

hey army agent?,why dont you try reading what I posted? if you DID,you would have seen the part about the satalites giving off EXTREME hot temperatures after a week long after the fires had been put out. FAR too intense to be office fires.impossible for it to be office fires when they had long been put out several days ago dorkball.:lol:they sure dont pay you enough for the b.s you post for the contiuned ass beatings you get here.

Hey stupid agent, that still does not change the facts that thermite does not and can not burn for weeks at a time.

what poor little retarded Ollie does not realize no one claims it does
hey army agent?,why dont you try reading what I posted? if you DID,you would have seen the part about the satalites giving off EXTREME hot temperatures after a week long after the fires had been put out. FAR too intense to be office fires.impossible for it to be office fires when they had long been put out several days ago dorkball.:lol:they sure dont pay you enough for the b.s you post for the contiuned ass beatings you get here.

Hey stupid agent, that still does not change the facts that thermite does not and can not burn for weeks at a time.

whatever lying agent.

Whatever, I'm a liar, that's the best you got? You got nothing little boy. You have no proof of any explosives and there is no way in hell that much explosives were smuggled into a Building that was occupied by thousands of people a day, let alone the miles of wiring and thousands of hookups that would have had to be made. And still none of these people talked? Bullshit alert.

And thermite still only burns for a very brief period of time. That is what you are claiming that because of thermite there were pools of molten steel weeks after the attacks.....
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Nice videos, we've seen them all before. I only have one question; Were these videos presented in court during the Zacarias Moussaoui trial? And if not, why?
Nice videos, we've seen them all before. I only have one question; Were these videos presented in court during the Zacarias Moussaoui trial? And if not, why?

because the trial was a scam like the investigation all witnesses regardless of rank or expertise that conflicted with the official story were ignored completely in the 9/11 commission report and NIST lead fire investigator complained in writing about as 2007 not being supplied witness statements and photo evidence
SO again you dismiss any evidence that does not fit into what you want to be true. It was a court of law with a Judge and lawyers on both sides and a Jury and everything, But because the evidence presented points toward the official story, you consider it a sham....

You are a fucking idiot.

SO again you dismiss any evidence that does not fit into what you want to be true. It was a court of law with a Judge and lawyers on both sides and a Jury and everything, But because the evidence presented points toward the official story, you consider it a sham....

You are a fucking idiot.


no the commison and nist and you are guilty of that not me..and it is because information and testomony that did not fit the offical story was excluded and therefore is a sham..

sure thats what you moron agents like to do is TRY to brainwash people with that the government didnt kill anyone,the only terrorists are the people in the bush administration who pulled this off as we BOTH know. the only lunatics are you idiots who defend the fairy tale version of the governments lies that muslin terrorists pulled this off.No YOUR going to hell so is agent SFC ollie.i actually feel sorry for you pathetic guys cause you both are going to suffer unbearable pain for your participation in these lies.

Neither one of you idiots have been able to refute my post that explosives brought the towers down when the planes struck.

see, this is where the the troofers lose me. its paranoid rants like this that makes everyone think you ALL are whackos.

you claim:

1 i am trying to brainwash people.

2. because i dont agree with your whacko conspiracy theories (just like 77% of the american public) i must be a government agent (just like 77% of the american public?!!). its total paranoid lunacy.

3. you claim neither one of us have been able to refute your evidence that explosives brought down the twim towers but you dont have any evidence of explosives. how do i disprove something that doesnt exist? its like trying to prove there is no easter bunny. you need to show me something exists before i can disprove your theory.

4. i find your claim that no muslims were involved in 9/11 so absurd it's funny. they even admit they did it.

and finally, i find it interesting that there can be so many different and conflicting examples of conspiracy theories yet when two conspiracy theories contradict each other the troofers refuse to debate another troofer. its as if they dont really care about finding the truth. they are more interested in blaming the government and it doesnt matter if someone else's theory conflicts with their own. its ok as long as the government gets blamed.

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