WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

The investigation team considered the possibility of other factors playing a role in the collapse of WTC 7, including the possible use of explosives, fires fed by the fuel supply tanks in and under the building, and damage from the falling debris of WTC 1.

The team said that the smallest blast event capable of crippling the critical column would have produced a “sound level of 130 to 140 decibels at a distance of half a mile,” yet no noise this loud was reported by witnesses or recorded on videos.
As for fuel fires, the team found that they could not have been sustained long enough, could not have generated sufficient heat to fail a critical column, and/or would have produced “large amounts of visible smoke” from Floors 5 and 6, which was not observed.

in the last video people are describing being in WTC7 and hearing explosions? how do controlled demolition explosions give someone enough time to get from the 6th (or 8th, i forget) floor and out of the building before it collapses?
i believe the critical column you are talking about failing was the 13th floor, not the 5th or 6th floor.
the person claimg the red cross radio had a countdown on it is ridiculous. he admits he couldnt hear what they were saying and only heard the rhythm of what was being said. this could be anything!! i can think of a thousands things i have heard listening to radios that were said rythmically. thats the most ridiculous assumption i have heard.

its stupid leaps of logic like this that hurt the entire troofer movement.
The investigation team considered the possibility of other factors playing a role in the collapse of WTC 7, including the possible use of explosives, fires fed by the fuel supply tanks in and under the building, and damage from the falling debris of WTC 1.

The team said that the smallest blast event capable of crippling the critical column would have produced a “sound level of 130 to 140 decibels at a distance of half a mile,” yet no noise this loud was reported by witnesses or recorded on videos.
As for fuel fires, the team found that they could not have been sustained long enough, could not have generated sufficient heat to fail a critical column, and/or would have produced “large amounts of visible smoke” from Floors 5 and 6, which was not observed.

in the last video people are describing being in WTC7 and hearing explosions? how do controlled demolition explosions give someone enough time to get from the 6th (or 8th, i forget) floor and out of the building before it collapses?

the central columns are always done first then the outside is imploded inward the building wont fall from blowing the central column alone
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looking at the video that claims to be explosions from WTC7. there's a huge glaring problem with it, apparently.

the video is from a documentary titled "9/11 Stories From The City" which was broadcast by Zone Reality TV in the UK". interestingly enough the phone booth location is known and also that it was recorded between 10:15am and 10:28am.

don't believe me? check it out some of the details for yourself if you like.
Google Map Link to the location of the phone booth. it is on the north side of the street. this means if you are standing in the street and facing the phone booth you are facing north. during the recording of this clip the camera turns to the right, facing east, at an approaching fireman. you can see the sun is behind him and he casts a shadow towards the camera. the sun rises in the east, gentlemen. this video was shot in the morning not in the late afternoon.

once again we have a major credibility problem with the troofer claims. it seems they we believe anything at all without questioning it as long as it is anti-government. whoever made the claim that this was an explosion from WTC 7 is simply outright LYING.
the central columns are always done first then the outside is imploded inward the building wont fall from blowing the central column alone

and how much time is between the two? are you saying the central columns of the building were blown up while people were still in the building yet these people still had enough time to leave the building from the 8th floor before it collapsed?
the central columns are always done first then the outside is imploded inward the building wont fall from blowing the central column alone

and how much time is between the two? are you saying the central columns of the building were blown up while people were still in the building yet these people still had enough time to leave the building from the 8th floor before it collapsed?

that appears to be the case and as far as your video analysis goes. ?.what was exploding then ?..
and why reports of explosions within the wtc 7..before the second tower was hit ?? and why does NIST final report claim no explosions were witnessed or reported ?? the huge glaring problem seems to be with the NIST report
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i believe the critical column you are talking about failing was the 13th floor, not the 5th or 6th floor.

this is from the NISTwtc 7 final report

NIST report, chapter 2 page 22:

"Fire-induced thermal expansion of the floor system surrounding Column 79 led to the collapse of Floor 13, which triggered a cascade of floor failures. In this case, the floor beams on the east side of the building expanded enough that they pushed the girder connecting Columns 79 and 44 to the west on the 13th floor......

This movement was enough for the girder to walk off it's support at column 79."

so there is no melting of steel or weakening of steel. the cause of the collapse is due to thermal expansion.
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the central columns are always done first then the outside is imploded inward the building wont fall from blowing the central column alone

and how much time is between the two? are you saying the central columns of the building were blown up while people were still in the building yet these people still had enough time to leave the building from the 8th floor before it collapsed?

that appears to be the case and as far as your video analysis goes. ?.what was exploding then ?..
and why reports of explosions within the wtc 7..before the second tower was hit ?? and why does NIST final report claim no explosions were witnessed or reported ?? the huge glaring problem seems to be with the NIST report

wait a second!!

it's YOUR VIDEO!!!!

you tell me that it contains explosions from WTC 7 and i have proved that it happened in the morning not the afternoon as needed to be in your "explosions brought down WTC 7" scenario. YOU TELL ME WHAT YOUR VIDEO CONTAINS!!! obviously it is not what you originally claimed it was. THE HUGE GLARING PROBLEM ISNT WITH THE NIST IT IS THAT YOUR EVIDENCE IS COMPLETELY FALSE!!!

i can speculate all day as to what the explosions were at 10:30 in the morning which is shortly after the tower collapsed and there were car fires everywhere and fire trucks burning but ITS NOT MY EVIDENCE. YOU POSTED IT SO YOU TELL ME WHAT IT IS!!!

(did you ever hear what happens to a fire truck tire tire with 90 pounds of air pressure catches on fire?)
i believe the critical column you are talking about failing was the 13th floor, not the 5th or 6th floor.

this is from the NISTwtc 7 final report

NIST report, chapter 2 page 22:

"Fire-induced thermal expansion of the floor system surrounding Column 79 led to the collapse of Floor 13, which triggered a cascade of floor failures. In this case, the floor beams on the east side of the building expanded enough that they pushed the girder connecting Columns 79 and 44 to the west on the 13th floor......

This movement was enough for the girder to walk off it's support at column 79."

so there is no melting of steel or weakening of steel. the cause of the collapse is due to thermal expansion.

thats correct in the case of wtc 7 weakend steel was the first offical explantion then it was revised to the thermal expansion due to office fires alone theory
i believe the critical column you are talking about failing was the 13th floor, not the 5th or 6th floor.

this is from the NISTwtc 7 final report

NIST report, chapter 2 page 22:

"Fire-induced thermal expansion of the floor system surrounding Column 79 led to the collapse of Floor 13, which triggered a cascade of floor failures. In this case, the floor beams on the east side of the building expanded enough that they pushed the girder connecting Columns 79 and 44 to the west on the 13th floor......

This movement was enough for the girder to walk off it's support at column 79."

so there is no melting of steel or weakening of steel. the cause of the collapse is due to thermal expansion.

ludacris isn't it you can now apparently create a controlled demolition of a mammoth building by lighting paper office furniture and carpet on fire randomly
and how much time is between the two? are you saying the central columns of the building were blown up while people were still in the building yet these people still had enough time to leave the building from the 8th floor before it collapsed?

that appears to be the case.....

what appears to be the case is that once again your evidence is false. building demolition explosive detonations are calculated to the milisecond...... they dont blow up the inside of the building (in which case the guy wouldnt have been able to escape anyway) and then blow up the outside of the building several minutes later.

your idea that someone was inside a building on the 8th floor when they heard the building demolition charges going off and then he had enough time to leave the building safely before it collapsed defies all logic (and physics).
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and how much time is between the two? are you saying the central columns of the building were blown up while people were still in the building yet these people still had enough time to leave the building from the 8th floor before it collapsed?

that appears to be the case.....

what appears to be the case is that once again your evidence is false. building demolition explosive detonations are calculated to the milisecond...... they dont blow up the inside of the building (in which case the guy wouldnt have been able to escape anyway) and then blow up the outside of the building several minutes later.

your idea that someone was inside a building on the 8th floor when they heard the building demolition charges going off and then he had enough time to leave the building safely before it collapsed defies all logic (and physics).

a building like the wtc 7 falling from random office fires alone defies logic and physics
the central column could of been blown first as in a standard controlled demolition
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ludacris isn't it you can now apparently create a controlled demolition of a mammoth building by lighting paper office furniture and carpet on fire randomly

it makes no difference what was burning. what makes a difference is how much a metal beam expands when heated. if the supports joining two beams together do not account for this expansion then the joint fails. its really not that difficult to understand. :eusa_doh:
a building like the wtc 7 falling from random office fires alone defies logic and physics.
it doesnt defy physics or logic.

your attempts to make it sound as if there were a few simple office trash cans on fire are a deliberate attempt to misrepresent what was happening in the building. this was an out of control fire burning for hours.





the central column could of been blown first as in a standard controlled demolition

you're getting way ahead of yourself there cowboy. you need to prove explosives were used before we start worrying about what column it was used on.

there is no pause of at least 5 to 10 minutes between explosions in any "standard controlled demolition".
a building like the wtc 7 falling from random office fires alone defies logic and physics.
it doesnt defy physics or logic.

your attempts to make it sound as if there were a few simple office trash cans on fire are a deliberate attempt to misrepresent what was happening in the building. this was an out of control fire burning for hours.





the central column could of been blown first as in a standard controlled demolition

you're getting way ahead of yourself there cowboy. you need to prove explosives were used before we start worrying about what column it was used on.

there is no pause of at least 5 to 10 minutes between explosions in any "standard controlled demolition".

the proof you speak of would only come with a proper investigation but there is less proof of the incredible improbable theory random office fires can create a controlled demolition for the first time in history 3 times in one day..than there is explosives can take building down in a controlled manner
I have never understood this conspiracy crap.

If you have to believe in something moronic and idiotic, pick a God, something that you can pretend gives something back.

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