WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

oh bullshit what facts ? it was a long process that stared on 9/11 when my father who was involved in covert fact after the cold war was over he received medals from operations he never spoke of that were now declassified so secrets can be kept..and he was a murder homicide detective..anyway it was he on 9/11 that said bullshit..could not happen without inside involvement..and i thought he was nuts then I heard other CIA AND FBI say the same i started to investigate the facts and that lead to ..let it happen ...then I looked at the case of wtc7..the commision cover up....the rest is history

a new investigation would be a waste of time money and resources
oh bullshit what facts ? it was a long process that stared on 9/11 when my father who was involved in covert fact after the cold war was over he received medals from operations he never spoke of that were now declassified so secrets can be kept..and he was a murder homicide detective..anyway it was he on 9/11 that said bullshit..could not happen without inside involvement..and i thought he was nuts then I heard other CIA AND FBI say the same i started to investigate the facts and that lead to ..let it happen ...then I looked at the case of wtc7..the commision cover up....the rest is history

actually, i was kinda with you until you got to the wtc7 part.

i think its a big leap from not doing anything to stop it to planting explosives in the buildings.
oh bullshit what facts ? it was a long process that stared on 9/11 when my father who was involved in covert fact after the cold war was over he received medals from operations he never spoke of that were now declassified so secrets can be kept..and he was a murder homicide detective..anyway it was he on 9/11 that said bullshit..could not happen without inside involvement..and i thought he was nuts then I heard other CIA AND FBI say the same i started to investigate the facts and that lead to ..let it happen ...then I looked at the case of wtc7..the commision cover up....the rest is history

actually, i was kinda with you until you got to the wtc7 part.

i think its a big leap from not doing anything to stop it to planting explosives in the buildings.

yes it is but the fact is office fires don't cause collapses of highrises and that the proof it did in this one rare event is just not sound and the insuing cover-up at both NIST and the 9/11 commision is proof the truth is not being told and in fact is intentional being impeded
Jan. 14, 2008: Twenty-five U.S. Military Officers Challenge Official Account of 9/11 – Official Account of 9/11 “Impossible”, “A Bunch of Hogwash”, “Total B.S.”, “Ludicrous”, “A Well-Organized Cover-up”, “A White-Washed Farce”
Article on OpEdNews

Summary: Twenty-five U.S. military officers condemn the official account of 9/11. The article details severe criticism of the official account of 9/11 by: General Albert Stubblebine, former commander of U.S. Army Intelligence, Col. Ronald D. Ray, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Major John M. Newman, PhD, former Executive Assistant to the Director of the National Security Agency, Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, PhD, former staff member of the Director of the National Security Agency, Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD, Director of Advanced Space Programs Development under Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, and 20 other officers

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

And an additional 25,000 Military officers and 250,000 NCO's say that they are out of their ever loving minds.
LOL I just had to stop while I laughed so hard. I was going to actually research some of these Officers that Eots keeps trowing in front of us. But then I noticed this one.

apt. Daniel Davis, U.S. Army – Former U.S. Army Air Defense Officer and NORAD Tac Director. Decorated with the Bronze Star and the Soldiers Medal for bravery under fire and the Purple Heart for injuries sustained in Viet Nam. Also served in the Army Air Defense Command as Nike Missile Battery Control Officer for the Chicago-Milwaukee Defense Area. Founder and former CEO of Turbine Technology Services Corp., a turbine (jet engine) services and maintenance company (15 years). Former Senior Manager at General Electric Turbine (jet) Engine Division (15 years). Private pilot.

Now why does this statement about the soldiers medal jump out at me? Here is the criteria for earning the soldiers medal:

Criteria: The Soldier’s Medal is awarded to any person of the Armed Forces of the United States, or of a friendly foreign nation who while serving in any capacity with the Army of the United States, distinguished him/herself by heroism not involving actual conflict with an enemy. The same degree of heroism is required as for the award of the Distinguished Flying Cross. The performance must have involved personal hazard or danger and the voluntary risk of life under conditions not involving conflict with an armed enemy. Awards will not be made solely on the basis of having saved a life.

Not involving actual conflict with the enemy.....So how can we believe any of this BS if they can't even get the mans awards right? You simply do not get the Soldiers Medal for Bravery under fire. I don't need to see any more of these heroes.
Hey Eots, i love your Neg Rep on me..

Classy, but hey, the way you post around here doesn't surprise me..

You don't see me going around Neg repping people for having a different View..

Just sayin' ;)
meh, dont let a neg rep bother ya
its a peer review system and he knows you will shortly have more than he does, so he's getting in the hits before you get there

Yeah he got me once too, But he'll grow up someday.
LOL I just had to stop while I laughed so hard. I was going to actually research some of these Officers that Eots keeps trowing in front of us. But then I noticed this one.

apt. Daniel Davis, U.S. Army – Former U.S. Army Air Defense Officer and NORAD Tac Director. Decorated with the Bronze Star and the Soldiers Medal for bravery under fire and the Purple Heart for injuries sustained in Viet Nam. Also served in the Army Air Defense Command as Nike Missile Battery Control Officer for the Chicago-Milwaukee Defense Area. Founder and former CEO of Turbine Technology Services Corp., a turbine (jet engine) services and maintenance company (15 years). Former Senior Manager at General Electric Turbine (jet) Engine Division (15 years). Private pilot.

Now why does this statement about the soldiers medal jump out at me? Here is the criteria for earning the soldiers medal:

Criteria: The Soldier’s Medal is awarded to any person of the Armed Forces of the United States, or of a friendly foreign nation who while serving in any capacity with the Army of the United States, distinguished him/herself by heroism not involving actual conflict with an enemy. The same degree of heroism is required as for the award of the Distinguished Flying Cross. The performance must have involved personal hazard or danger and the voluntary risk of life under conditions not involving conflict with an armed enemy. Awards will not be made solely on the basis of having saved a life.

Not involving actual conflict with the enemy.....So how can we believe any of this BS if they can't even get the mans awards right? You simply do not get the Soldiers Medal for Bravery under fire. I don't need to see any more of these heroes.
troofers will believe anything if they support the bullshit the same as they do
they lack common sense and reason
yes it is but the fact is office fires don't cause collapses of highrises and that the proof it did in this one rare event is just not sound and the insuing cover-up at both NIST and the 9/11 commision is proof the truth is not being told and in fact is intentional being impeded

i can show you fire. can you show me explosions?

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - World Trade Center 7, Building 7


Structure Magazine explains one probable cause of the WTC 7 collapse. "Single Point of Failure: How the Loss of One Column May Have Led to the Collapse of WTC 7"

Conspiracy theorists say World Trade Center 7 is the best proof for controlled demolition because it wasn't hit by airliners and only had a few fires. They also claim that there was a confession from the building owner who said he "pulled" it. But this is deceptive because while building 7 wasn't hit by an airliner, it was hit by the large perimeter columns of the Tower collapse. It was 400 ft away but the towers were more than 1300 ft tall. As the tower peeled open, it easily tilted over to reach building 7. Below is evidence showing that conspiracy theorists are wrong.

As you can see from the graphic below, all the buildings just as far away from both towers as WTC7 were hit. The others were either very short buildings which didn't have to support a massive load above or had no fire. Only Building 7 had unfought fires and the massive load of 40 stories above them.


The second paragraph above has been challenged by conspiracy theorists. For more information on this and a rebuttal read the update around the middle of the page.



As you can see, the building never caught fire so it was never in any danger of collapse. It also was constructed differently, with a web column design. The interior columns were not pushed out to the perimeter.

Note the WTC columns laid out as if there were a path to the building. There are no concrete slabs attached to columns. This is yet another example of pancaking. With the floors pancaking straight down, the perimeter walls were free to lean over in tall sections before breaking off and coming down. That's what gave them distance.

So we know the building should have been hit given the debris field above. But what of the damage to the building? Conspiracy sites say there were small fires. And what of Silverstein's comments in the PBS special? He used the term "Pull" to describe a decision made. Conspiracy theorists say "Pull" is a term used by demolition experts. This is one of those many half truths conspiracy theorists use to convince the ignorant. "Pull" is used when they "Pull" a building away from another with cables during demolition.


And so on... Read the whole story.

hey disinfo agent,David Ray Griffiths book Deunking the 9/11 Debunking,an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory debunk that crap you posted.if you were open minded and interested in the truth,you would KNOW that to be true.:cuckoo:

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - World Trade Center 7, Building 7


Structure Magazine explains one probable cause of the WTC 7 collapse. "Single Point of Failure: How the Loss of One Column May Have Led to the Collapse of WTC 7"

Conspiracy theorists say World Trade Center 7 is the best proof for controlled demolition because it wasn't hit by airliners and only had a few fires. They also claim that there was a confession from the building owner who said he "pulled" it. But this is deceptive because while building 7 wasn't hit by an airliner, it was hit by the large perimeter columns of the Tower collapse. It was 400 ft away but the towers were more than 1300 ft tall. As the tower peeled open, it easily tilted over to reach building 7. Below is evidence showing that conspiracy theorists are wrong.

As you can see from the graphic below, all the buildings just as far away from both towers as WTC7 were hit. The others were either very short buildings which didn't have to support a massive load above or had no fire. Only Building 7 had unfought fires and the massive load of 40 stories above them.


The second paragraph above has been challenged by conspiracy theorists. For more information on this and a rebuttal read the update around the middle of the page.



As you can see, the building never caught fire so it was never in any danger of collapse. It also was constructed differently, with a web column design. The interior columns were not pushed out to the perimeter.

Note the WTC columns laid out as if there were a path to the building. There are no concrete slabs attached to columns. This is yet another example of pancaking. With the floors pancaking straight down, the perimeter walls were free to lean over in tall sections before breaking off and coming down. That's what gave them distance.

So we know the building should have been hit given the debris field above. But what of the damage to the building? Conspiracy sites say there were small fires. And what of Silverstein's comments in the PBS special? He used the term "Pull" to describe a decision made. Conspiracy theorists say "Pull" is a term used by demolition experts. This is one of those many half truths conspiracy theorists use to convince the ignorant. "Pull" is used when they "Pull" a building away from another with cables during demolition.


And so on... Read the whole story.

hey disinfo agent,David Ray Griffiths book Deunking the 9/11 Debunking,an answer to popular mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory debunk that crap you posted.if you were open minded and interested in the truth,you would KNOW that to be true.:cuckoo:

So buy us the book, he's not getting my money.
if you were open minded and interested in the truth,you would KNOW that to be true.:cuckoo:

i am. as soon as you show any physical evidence that the truth is other than the official story i'm willing to change my mind. until then all the "this could have happened or that could have happened" nonsense is just silly.....

show me proof.:cuckoo:
Hey Eots, i love your Neg Rep on me..

Classy, but hey, the way you post around here doesn't surprise me..

You don't see me going around Neg repping people for having a different View..

Just sayin' ;)
meh, dont let a neg rep bother ya
its a peer review system and he knows you will shortly have more than he does, so he's getting in the hits before you get there

Yeah he got me once too, But he'll grow up someday.

LOL He did it again. Way to go EOTS, throw that Neg rep around some more. It doesn't hurt at all. And all it proves is that you are immature and cannot handle the real world. But that's OK I understand, in your world everyone believes you.
Hey gomer pyle agent, havent you learned yet that since your posts are as moronic as cornboy trolls and that like him,your a paid disinfo agent as well and the fact that he has so many other socks there at that site that I made the easy mistake of thinking you were him,that because your posts are as moronic as his,Im done with you? havent you figured that fact out yet agent? same goes for you agent fizz. I know you guys like Ditzcon,will blatantly ignore facts and evidence of experts since thats all they do is pay you guys here to post bullshit and lies,and are too arrogant to admit it when you have been proven wrong so im done with you trolls.

Its just the ones that are not disinfo agents that are only Bush/Obama dupes such as manu that have been brainwashed by not only the media and government agencys but agents like yourselfs that have been sent here,that I TRY to reason with.Since he isnt an agent and just a Bush/Obama dupe brainwashed by the government and media,I have at least SOME hope that they will listen someday and wake agents dont give a fuck about those 3000 plus people that the the government and mossad murdered,just the paychecks these agencys are paying you.
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Hey gomer pyle agent, havent you learned yet that since your posts are as moronic as cornboy trolls and that like him,your a paid disinfo agent as well and the fact that he has so many other socks there at that site that I made the easy mistake of thinking you were him,that because your posts are as moronic as his,Im done with you? havent you figured that fact out yet agent? same goes for you agent fizz. I know you guys like Ditzcon,will blatantly ignore facts and evidence of experts since thats all they do is pay you guys here to post bullshit and lies,and are too arrogant to admit it when you have been proven wrong so im done with you trolls.

Its just the ones that are not disinfo agents that are only Bush/Obama dupes such as manu that have been brainwashed by not only the media and government agencys but agents like yourselfs that have been sent here,that I TRY to reason with.Since he isnt an agent and just a Bush/Obama dupe brainwashed by the government and media,I have at least SOME hope that they will listen someday and wake agents dont give a fuck about those 3000 plus people that the the government and mossad murdered,just the paychecks these agencys are paying you.

Fuck you asswipe, what have you ever cared about your fellow man? I served on active duty for 22 years, I care more than you will ever know. But that does not mean that I will allow people like you to post their poison in a forum without responding with the truth. You don't post facts, you post lies that prove you want to tear this great nation down. You are done with me? Not in a long shot, because where i come from there are millions more.

Fuck you very much and have a great day.
Hey gomer pyle agent, havent you learned yet that since your posts are as moronic as cornboy trolls and that like him,your a paid disinfo agent as well and the fact that he has so many other socks there at that site that I made the easy mistake of thinking you were him,that because your posts are as moronic as his,Im done with you? havent you figured that fact out yet agent? same goes for you agent fizz. I know you guys like Ditzcon,will blatantly ignore facts and evidence of experts since thats all they do is pay you guys here to post bullshit and lies,and are too arrogant to admit it when you have been proven wrong so im done with you trolls.

Its just the ones that are not disinfo agents that are only Bush/Obama dupes such as manu that have been brainwashed by not only the media and government agencys but agents like yourselfs that have been sent here,that I TRY to reason with.Since he isnt an agent and just a Bush/Obama dupe brainwashed by the government and media,I have at least SOME hope that they will listen someday and wake agents dont give a fuck about those 3000 plus people that the the government and mossad murdered,just the paychecks these agencys are paying you.

Fuck you asswipe, what have you ever cared about your fellow man? I served on active duty for 22 years, I care more than you will ever know. But that does not mean that I will allow people like you to post their poison in a forum without responding with the truth. You don't post facts, you post lies that prove you want to tear this great nation down. You are done with me? Not in a long shot, because where i come from there are millions more.

Fuck you very much and have a great day.
dont let 9/11 rimjob bother you
he's the moron
Hey gomer pyle agent, havent you learned yet that since your posts are as moronic as cornboy trolls and that like him,your a paid disinfo agent as well and the fact that he has so many other socks there at that site that I made the easy mistake of thinking you were him,that because your posts are as moronic as his,Im done with you? havent you figured that fact out yet agent? same goes for you agent fizz. I know you guys like Ditzcon,will blatantly ignore facts and evidence of experts since thats all they do is pay you guys here to post bullshit and lies,and are too arrogant to admit it when you have been proven wrong so im done with you trolls.

Its just the ones that are not disinfo agents that are only Bush/Obama dupes such as manu that have been brainwashed by not only the media and government agencys but agents like yourselfs that have been sent here,that I TRY to reason with.Since he isnt an agent and just a Bush/Obama dupe brainwashed by the government and media,I have at least SOME hope that they will listen someday and wake agents dont give a fuck about those 3000 plus people that the the government and mossad murdered,just the paychecks these agencys are paying you.

Fuck you asswipe, what have you ever cared about your fellow man? I served on active duty for 22 years, I care more than you will ever know. But that does not mean that I will allow people like you to post their poison in a forum without responding with the truth. You don't post facts, you post lies that prove you want to tear this great nation down. You are done with me? Not in a long shot, because where i come from there are millions more.

Fuck you very much and have a great day.
dont let 9/11 rimjob bother you
he's the moron

Bother me? I was a Platoon Sergeant, there is no way this little asswipe can bother me. No more than a sand flea.
Hey gomer pyle agent, havent you learned yet that since your posts are as moronic as cornboy trolls and that like him,your a paid disinfo agent as well and the fact that he has so many other socks there at that site that I made the easy mistake of thinking you were him,that because your posts are as moronic as his,Im done with you? havent you figured that fact out yet agent? same goes for you agent fizz. I know you guys like Ditzcon,will blatantly ignore facts and evidence of experts since thats all they do is pay you guys here to post bullshit and lies,and are too arrogant to admit it when you have been proven wrong so im done with you trolls.

Its just the ones that are not disinfo agents that are only Bush/Obama dupes such as manu that have been brainwashed by not only the media and government agencys but agents like yourselfs that have been sent here,that I TRY to reason with.Since he isnt an agent and just a Bush/Obama dupe brainwashed by the government and media,I have at least SOME hope that they will listen someday and wake agents dont give a fuck about those 3000 plus people that the the government and mossad murdered,just the paychecks these agencys are paying you.

Fuck you asswipe, what have you ever cared about your fellow man? I served on active duty for 22 years, I care more than you will ever know. But that does not mean that I will allow people like you to post their poison in a forum without responding with the truth. You don't post facts, you post lies that prove you want to tear this great nation down. You are done with me? Not in a long shot, because where i come from there are millions more.

Fuck you very much and have a great day.

are you sure you didn't do that for a paycheck and not knowing what else to do ??...with the lack of respect you have for your fellow servicemen that disagree with you,,,why should you receive any ??
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Hey gomer pyle agent, havent you learned yet that since your posts are as moronic as cornboy trolls and that like him,your a paid disinfo agent as well and the fact that he has so many other socks there at that site that I made the easy mistake of thinking you were him,that because your posts are as moronic as his,Im done with you? havent you figured that fact out yet agent? same goes for you agent fizz. I know you guys like Ditzcon,will blatantly ignore facts and evidence of experts since thats all they do is pay you guys here to post bullshit and lies,and are too arrogant to admit it when you have been proven wrong so im done with you trolls.

Its just the ones that are not disinfo agents that are only Bush/Obama dupes such as manu that have been brainwashed by not only the media and government agencys but agents like yourselfs that have been sent here,that I TRY to reason with.Since he isnt an agent and just a Bush/Obama dupe brainwashed by the government and media,I have at least SOME hope that they will listen someday and wake agents dont give a fuck about those 3000 plus people that the the government and mossad murdered,just the paychecks these agencys are paying you.

Fuck you asswipe, what have you ever cared about your fellow man? I served on active duty for 22 years, I care more than you will ever know. But that does not mean that I will allow people like you to post their poison in a forum without responding with the truth. You don't post facts, you post lies that prove you want to tear this great nation down. You are done with me? Not in a long shot, because where i come from there are millions more.

Fuck you very much and have a great day.

are you sure you didn't do that for a paycheck and not knowing what else to do ??...with the lack of respect you have for your fellow servicemen that disagree with you,,,why should you receive any ??

How many Servicemen.. 25? out of... thousands?

Like i said before, just because they serve or have served and agree with you doesn't mean with they're right. But, I bet you don't give a shit about these Servicemen, I bet you're one of those that Bad-mouth the Military and Disrespect it.

If it weren't for them being on your side you wouldn't even bother calling them Patriots.

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