WTC building 7

Hey Penny,I never heard back from you if you watched these four videos here of mine yet?

WTC building 7 Page 72 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

the trolls here wont listen to them and talk about the information and evidence in them,so would sure like to hear you discuss them since you DONT cover your ears and close your eyes each time they are shown. they wont listen to them so would like SOMEONE to comment on the facts discussed in them and comment on them.

WTC building 7 Page 72 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

thats what you end up doing when you discuss this with trolls,they evade the facts and wont watch your videos you post just engaging in childish name calling one liners,so i have no choice but to ask a fellow truther to discuss the information in
what makes you think "people BLEW IT UP? " I did not see the first plane hit---
but I saw the second----------the people controlling those planes were, clearly,
VERY MOTIVATED and the people celebrating the event (on Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn) were very delighted with the event and the motivation of the people who controlled the planes
no plane wtc 7 dumbass
do try and keep up agent rosie troll.Like all shills,you ran away with your tail between your legs from my four videos. like clockwork,you agents are so

I don't do videos because I have no speakers. cocksucker
Well your potty mouth makes up for it. On the bottom of most videos is a closed caption, CC and you can read it, although most of the time the spelling if off, but usually one can keep understand what is being said.
you can buy speakers for 10 bucks..

a fact that probably never dawned on dawgshit,hollie wants a cracker or rosie.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::lol:
what makes you think "people BLEW IT UP? " I did not see the first plane hit---
but I saw the second----------the people controlling those planes were, clearly,
VERY MOTIVATED and the people celebrating the event (on Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn) were very delighted with the event and the motivation of the people who controlled the planes
no plane wtc 7 dumbass
do try and keep up agent rosie troll.Like all shills,you ran away with your tail between your legs from my four videos. like clockwork,you agents are so

I don't do videos because I have no speakers. cocksucker
Well your potty mouth makes up for it. On the bottom of most videos is a closed caption, CC and you can read it, although most of the time the spelling if off, but usually one can keep understand what is being said.

how would an illiterate slut like you know if the spelling is off?------even so----I have seen lots of spelling errors coming from your pig sty. I am not interested in the issue of building seven. It was empty of people when it went down. Your pigs had already murdered thousands. -------and your filth continues
roflbot (6).jpg
really since 911 have there been any aircraft strikes on high rises ? any that were damaged by other collapsing high rises.
any long burning fires that were not fought for long because of no water?
the answer is no so the conditions are not present and you tripped over your dick again.
why do you say that when NIST says fire not damage brought done the wtc7..who is it you are trying to deceive

I just read Daw's post. Nowhere does he claim that the damage from falling buildings brought down WTC7. It did, however, cause the fires that did bring down WTC7.
So who is it you are trying to deceive?

It did, however, cause the fires that did bring down WTC7.
Yeah, sure it did. :cuckoo: :eusa_liar:
love that laughable garbage these shills keep spewing out that the fires caused the collapse of bld 7 crap.

as always they prove they wont watch my 4 videos i have challenged them over and over and over again since they know those videos show what a bunch of stupid liars they all are.:biggrin:
love that laughable garbage these shills keep spewing out that the fires caused the collapse of bld 7 crap.

as always they prove they wont watch my 4 videos i have challenged them over and over and over again since they know those videos show what a bunch of stupid liars they all are.:biggrin:
Your goofy videos are nothing but hysterical conspiracy theory drivel.
love that laughable garbage these shills keep spewing out that the fires caused the collapse of bld 7 crap.

as always they prove they wont watch my 4 videos i have challenged them over and over and over again since they know those videos show what a bunch of stupid liars they all are.:biggrin:
Your goofy videos are nothing but hysterical conspiracy theory drivel.
you can not explain the freefall collapse of building 7 anymore than NIST could..this is why you do not even attempt to and post you 5 word post of drivel and denial
why would anyone care what caused the collapse of building 7? The people were all out------the air was already poisoned. I have heard 'stories' that it was demolished
as if were it demolished that would be a REALLY BIG DEAL Even I can think of reasons why it would be a good idea to put it down. People later died
of inhaling that poisoned air-------did anyone miss that fact?. If it contained fires---
that would be another good reason to put it down -----fires spread----the sky was
BLACK over manhattan. Can someone explain this giant issue to me?
Hey Penny,I never heard back from you if you watched these four videos here of mine yet?

WTC building 7 Page 72 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

the trolls here wont listen to them and talk about the information and evidence in them,so would sure like to hear you discuss them since you DONT cover your ears and close your eyes each time they are shown. they wont listen to them so would like SOMEONE to comment on the facts discussed in them and comment on them.

WTC building 7 Page 72 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

thats what you end up doing when you discuss this with trolls,they evade the facts and wont watch your videos you post just engaging in childish name calling one liners,so i have no choice but to ask a fellow truther to discuss the information in
Why would anyone be persuaded by goofy conspiracy theories.
why would anyone care what caused the collapse of building 7? The people were all out------the air was already poisoned. I have heard 'stories' that it was demolished
as if were it demolished that would be a REALLY BIG DEAL Even I can think of reasons why it would be a good idea to put it down. People later died
of inhaling that poisoned air-------did anyone miss that fact?. If it contained fires---
that would be another good reason to put it down -----fires spread----the sky was
BLACK over manhattan. Can someone explain this giant issue to me?
you are getting can not explain the free fall collapse of building 7 is the issue

this is what the debwunker is reduced to when presented with the facts as they have no way of explaining the free fall of building 7

You poor, twoofer. Your silly cut and paste conspiracy theories are a bust.

Move on to your even sillier UFO conspiracy theories. Cut and paste your silly Wesley Clark conspiracy theory drivel.
why would anyone care what caused the collapse of building 7? The people were all out------the air was already poisoned. I have heard 'stories' that it was demolished
as if were it demolished that would be a REALLY BIG DEAL Even I can think of reasons why it would be a good idea to put it down. People later died
of inhaling that poisoned air-------did anyone miss that fact?. If it contained fires---
that would be another good reason to put it down -----fires spread----the sky was
BLACK over manhattan. Can someone explain this giant issue to me?
you are getting can not explain the free fall collapse of building 7 is the issue
There was no free fall collapse.... except that of your silly conspiracy theories.
why would anyone care what caused the collapse of building 7? The people were all out------the air was already poisoned. I have heard 'stories' that it was demolished
as if were it demolished that would be a REALLY BIG DEAL Even I can think of reasons why it would be a good idea to put it down. People later died
of inhaling that poisoned air-------did anyone miss that fact?. If it contained fires---
that would be another good reason to put it down -----fires spread----the sky was
BLACK over manhattan. Can someone explain this giant issue to me?
you are getting can not explain the free fall collapse of building 7 is the issue

oh----the APPROXIMATED velocity of fall-----approachting free fall. SO?
maybe it was demolished via IMPLOSION SO?
why would anyone care what caused the collapse of building 7? The people were all out------the air was already poisoned. I have heard 'stories' that it was demolished
as if were it demolished that would be a REALLY BIG DEAL Even I can think of reasons why it would be a good idea to put it down. People later died
of inhaling that poisoned air-------did anyone miss that fact?. If it contained fires---
that would be another good reason to put it down -----fires spread----the sky was
BLACK over manhattan. Can someone explain this giant issue to me?
you are getting can not explain the free fall collapse of building 7 is the issue
There was no free fall collapse.... except that of your silly conspiracy theories.

I do not see the issue even if the velocity of the fall did approach free fall
Hey Penny,I never heard back from you if you watched these four videos here of mine yet?

WTC building 7 Page 72 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

the trolls here wont listen to them and talk about the information and evidence in them,so would sure like to hear you discuss them since you DONT cover your ears and close your eyes each time they are shown. they wont listen to them so would like SOMEONE to comment on the facts discussed in them and comment on them.

WTC building 7 Page 72 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

thats what you end up doing when you discuss this with trolls,they evade the facts and wont watch your videos you post just engaging in childish name calling one liners,so i have no choice but to ask a fellow truther to discuss the information in
Why would anyone be persuaded by goofy conspiracy theories.
because no one can explain the free fall collapse of building 7 and over 2000 architects, engineers, have put there names and reputations on the line to publicly say WTC 7 was a controlled demolition
World Trade Center Building 7 Demolished on 9 11 - Home
why would anyone care what caused the collapse of building 7? The people were all out------the air was already poisoned. I have heard 'stories' that it was demolished
as if were it demolished that would be a REALLY BIG DEAL Even I can think of reasons why it would be a good idea to put it down. People later died
of inhaling that poisoned air-------did anyone miss that fact?. If it contained fires---
that would be another good reason to put it down -----fires spread----the sky was
BLACK over manhattan. Can someone explain this giant issue to me?
you are getting can not explain the free fall collapse of building 7 is the issue
There was no free fall collapse.... except that of your silly conspiracy theories.

I do not see the issue even if the velocity of the fall did approach free fall
There is no question of free fall and simply what it means is all structure all resistance below had to be removed simultaneously something that can only be achieved with a well planed and timed demolition..NIST makes no attempt to explain the collapses or free fall as the computer model ends at initiation of collapse sequence
Hey Penny,I never heard back from you if you watched these four videos here of mine yet?

WTC building 7 Page 72 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

the trolls here wont listen to them and talk about the information and evidence in them,so would sure like to hear you discuss them since you DONT cover your ears and close your eyes each time they are shown. they wont listen to them so would like SOMEONE to comment on the facts discussed in them and comment on them.

WTC building 7 Page 72 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

thats what you end up doing when you discuss this with trolls,they evade the facts and wont watch your videos you post just engaging in childish name calling one liners,so i have no choice but to ask a fellow truther to discuss the information in
Why would anyone be persuaded by goofy conspiracy theories.
because no one can explain the free fall collapse of building 7 and over 2000 architects, engineers, have put there names and reputations on the line to publicly say WTC 7 was a controlled demolition
World Trade Center Building 7 Demolished on 9 11 - Home

so???? what if it was? all the people were out------the smoke was lying like a poison cloud over lower manhattan------but building was messed up and smoldering and -----near by OTHER buildings were damaged by the ongoing
hours after one and two fell

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