WTF does gender studies in Pakistan have to do with the Kung Flu?

$10 million going to Pak in the Kung Flubill.

Trump needs To veto this.

New tactic de jure? Lots of outcry about bill not published in total prior to voting a few years ago, the famous you got to vote on it to see what is in it. This time they got to see it prior to vote, but packaged in 5,000 plus pages nobody had time to read it.
Nostra, you're irritating sometimes, but you point is well taken on this. There is no telling just what all is in this damn bill. Kind of amazing characterized by $600 hundred Dollars and a 3 martini lunch. Going to be a lot of crap in there and how it is doled out to (rightfully) piss off both sides. Keep us informed on the juicier parts of the sh#t sandwich and we will undoubtedly choke down the bread and the sh#t with it.
5,593 pages! Jeesh!
At least pelosi is not spending millions to teach african men how to clean their penis as she did when obama was in office
Come on, did she really do that? :auiqs.jpg:
Yes she did.
If she did, I do not know what search argument would pull it up. I just tried. Better drop me a link or it has to be bull sh#t.
Stimulus Funds African Genital Washing Study - Judicial Watch
$10 million going to Pak in the Kung Flubill.

Trump needs To veto this.

New tactic de jure? Lots of outcry about bill not published in total prior to voting a few years ago, the famous you got to vote on it to see what is in it. This time they got to see it prior to vote, but packaged in 5,000 plus pages nobody had time to read it.
Nostra, you're irritating sometimes, but you point is well taken on this. There is no telling just what all is in this damn bill. Kind of amazing characterized by $600 hundred Dollars and a 3 martini lunch. Going to be a lot of crap in there and how it is doled out to (rightfully) piss off both sides. Keep us informed on the juicier parts of the sh#t sandwich and we will undoubtedly choke down the bread and the sh#t with it.
5,593 pages! Jeesh!
At least pelosi is not spending millions to teach african men how to clean their penis as she did when obama was in office
Come on, did she really do that? :auiqs.jpg:
Yes she did.
If she did, I do not know what search argument would pull it up. I just tried. Better drop me a link or it has to be bull sh#t.
Stimulus Funds African Genital Washing Study - Judicial Watch
Got it! That's funny! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Reckon Stormy, the playmate chick and to Russian hookers taught trump about it? He paid enough and I am sure he was more interested in cheating than getting cheated, and am certain he would want to be is a Russian novel by Rauchyakokoff.
$10 million going to Pak in the Kung Flubill.

Trump needs To veto this.

New tactic de jure? Lots of outcry about bill not published in total prior to voting a few years ago, the famous you got to vote on it to see what is in it. This time they got to see it prior to vote, but packaged in 5,000 plus pages nobody had time to read it.
Nostra, you're irritating sometimes, but you point is well taken on this. There is no telling just what all is in this damn bill. Kind of amazing characterized by $600 hundred Dollars and a 3 martini lunch. Going to be a lot of crap in there and how it is doled out to (rightfully) piss off both sides. Keep us informed on the juicier parts of the sh#t sandwich and we will undoubtedly choke down the bread and the sh#t with it.
5,593 pages! Jeesh!
At least pelosi is not spending millions to teach african men how to clean their penis as she did when obama was in office
Come on, did she really do that? :auiqs.jpg:
Yes she did.
If she did, I do not know what search argument would pull it up. I just tried. Better drop me a link or it has to be bull sh#t.
Stimulus Funds African Genital Washing Study - Judicial Watch
Got it! That's funny! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Reckon Stormy, the playmate chick and to Russian hookers taught trump about it? He paid enough and I am sure he was more interested in cheating than getting cheated, and am certain he would want to be is a Russian novel by Rauchyakokoff.
You were proved wrong so you start babbling about leftwing delusions about imaginary scandals that never happened.
$10 million going to Pak in the Kung Flubill.

Trump needs To veto this.

View attachment 432267
if all of the "corona" bill was really just for checks for individuals, the checks would be about $2800
$10 million going to Pak in the Kung Flubill.

Trump needs To veto this.

New tactic de jure? Lots of outcry about bill not published in total prior to voting a few years ago, the famous you got to vote on it to see what is in it. This time they got to see it prior to vote, but packaged in 5,000 plus pages nobody had time to read it.
Nostra, you're irritating sometimes, but you point is well taken on this. There is no telling just what all is in this damn bill. Kind of amazing characterized by $600 hundred Dollars and a 3 martini lunch. Going to be a lot of crap in there and how it is doled out to (rightfully) piss off both sides. Keep us informed on the juicier parts of the sh#t sandwich and we will undoubtedly choke down the bread and the sh#t with it.
5,593 pages! Jeesh!
At least pelosi is not spending millions to teach african men how to clean their penis as she did when obama was in office
Come on, did she really do that? :auiqs.jpg:
Yes she did.
If she did, I do not know what search argument would pull it up. I just tried. Better drop me a link or it has to be bull sh#t.
Stimulus Funds African Genital Washing Study - Judicial Watch
Got it! That's funny! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Reckon Stormy, the playmate chick and to Russian hookers taught trump about it? He paid enough and I am sure he was more interested in cheating than getting cheated, and am certain he would want to be is a Russian novel by Rauchyakokoff.
You were proved wrong so you start babbling about leftwing delusions about imaginary scandals that never happened.
I'm sorry lil guy. I couldn't resist. Seriously, good link, and yes pretty funny of Nancy, even though I am sure it is more complicated than that and most of the almost a Million Dollars was probably treatment more than education. It is hilarious Nancy coming up (oops no pun intended) with money to teach Africans dudes to wash their dirty unprotected d#cks when they get laid. Maybe should have taught the women to "Just Say Blow" and then taught them to gargle with disinfectant. After all if taking internally is good for covid, maybe it could aid with aides.:auiqs.jpg:
$10 million going to Pak in the Kung Flubill.

Trump needs To veto this.

View attachment 432267
if all of the "corona" bill was really just for checks for individuals, the checks would be about $2800

More than that. I'm assuming you divided the total dollar amount by the the total U.S. polulation? Keep in mind that the number of people that are eligible for stimulus checks is far fewer than that. The demoninator for that calculation would consist only of adult citizens that meet the income parameters. According to the US Census Bureau's 2019 estimate, the "total resident population" age 18 and older is approximately 250,000,000. That number would be further reduced by the income parameters, etc, though I don't time to look for that data at the moment. But even using the 250,000,000 number, the checks would be $3,600. So basically, the checks were about $3,000 short.
$10 million going to Pak in the Kung Flubill.

Trump needs To veto this.

View attachment 432267
if all of the "corona" bill was really just for checks for individuals, the checks would be about $2800

More than that. I'm assuming you divided the total dollar amount by the the total U.S. polulation? Keep in mind that the number of people that are eligible for stimulus checks is far fewer than that. The demoninator for that calculation would consist only of adult citizens that meet the income parameters. According to the US Census Bureau's 2019 estimate, the "total resident population" age 18 and older is approximately 250,000,000. That number would be further reduced by the income parameters, etc, though I don't time to look for that data at the moment. But even using the 250,000,000 number, the checks would be $3,600. So basically, the checks were about $3,000 short.
If you include the other $1.4T from the spending bill, not just the $900B stimulus bill, the numbers more than double.

Average taxpayer debt increased $14k for these $600 payments.
$10 million going to Pak in the Kung Flubill.

Trump needs To veto this.

New tactic de jure? Lots of outcry about bill not published in total prior to voting a few years ago, the famous you got to vote on it to see what is in it. This time they got to see it prior to vote, but packaged in 5,000 plus pages nobody had time to read it.
Nostra, you're irritating sometimes, but you point is well taken on this. There is no telling just what all is in this damn bill. Kind of amazing characterized by $600 hundred Dollars and a 3 martini lunch. Going to be a lot of crap in there and how it is doled out to (rightfully) piss off both sides. Keep us informed on the juicier parts of the sh#t sandwich and we will undoubtedly choke down the bread and the sh#t with it.
5,593 pages! Jeesh!
At least pelosi is not spending millions to teach african men how to clean their penis as she did when obama was in office
Come on, did she really do that? :auiqs.jpg:
Yes she did.
If she did, I do not know what search argument would pull it up. I just tried. Better drop me a link or it has to be bull sh#t.
Stimulus Funds African Genital Washing Study - Judicial Watch
Got it! That's funny! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Reckon Stormy, the playmate chick and to Russian hookers taught trump about it? He paid enough and I am sure he was more interested in cheating than getting cheated, and am certain he would want to be is a Russian novel by Rauchyakokoff.
Um, that was on Barry's watch, Moron.
$10 million going to Pak in the Kung Flubill.

Trump needs To veto this.

New tactic de jure? Lots of outcry about bill not published in total prior to voting a few years ago, the famous you got to vote on it to see what is in it. This time they got to see it prior to vote, but packaged in 5,000 plus pages nobody had time to read it.
Nostra, you're irritating sometimes, but you point is well taken on this. There is no telling just what all is in this damn bill. Kind of amazing characterized by $600 hundred Dollars and a 3 martini lunch. Going to be a lot of crap in there and how it is doled out to (rightfully) piss off both sides. Keep us informed on the juicier parts of the sh#t sandwich and we will undoubtedly choke down the bread and the sh#t with it.
5,593 pages! Jeesh!
At least pelosi is not spending millions to teach african men how to clean their penis as she did when obama was in office
Come on, did she really do that? :auiqs.jpg:
Yes she did.
If she did, I do not know what search argument would pull it up. I just tried. Better drop me a link or it has to be bull sh#t.
Stimulus Funds African Genital Washing Study - Judicial Watch
Got it! That's funny! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Reckon Stormy, the playmate chick and to Russian hookers taught trump about it? He paid enough and I am sure he was more interested in cheating than getting cheated, and am certain he would want to be is a Russian novel by Rauchyakokoff.
Also included in the same bill was several million to study the drinking habits of chinese prostitutes

we laugh

but it amounted to a subsidy to liberal wackos who were reliable democrat quacks
$10 million going to Pak in the Kung Flubill.

Trump needs To veto this.

New tactic de jure? Lots of outcry about bill not published in total prior to voting a few years ago, the famous you got to vote on it to see what is in it. This time they got to see it prior to vote, but packaged in 5,000 plus pages nobody had time to read it.
Nostra, you're irritating sometimes, but you point is well taken on this. There is no telling just what all is in this damn bill. Kind of amazing characterized by $600 hundred Dollars and a 3 martini lunch. Going to be a lot of crap in there and how it is doled out to (rightfully) piss off both sides. Keep us informed on the juicier parts of the sh#t sandwich and we will undoubtedly choke down the bread and the sh#t with it.
5,593 pages! Jeesh!

We need a Constitutional amendment for a line item veto. Make them have to defend every line if a President, whatever party, decides to say "No"
That would take a year.

Then that's why we need to get started asking for it now.
$10 million going to Pak in the Kung Flubill.

Trump needs To veto this.

New tactic de jure? Lots of outcry about bill not published in total prior to voting a few years ago, the famous you got to vote on it to see what is in it. This time they got to see it prior to vote, but packaged in 5,000 plus pages nobody had time to read it.
Nostra, you're irritating sometimes, but you point is well taken on this. There is no telling just what all is in this damn bill. Kind of amazing characterized by $600 hundred Dollars and a 3 martini lunch. Going to be a lot of crap in there and how it is doled out to (rightfully) piss off both sides. Keep us informed on the juicier parts of the sh#t sandwich and we will undoubtedly choke down the bread and the sh#t with it.
5,593 pages! Jeesh!

We need a Constitutional amendment for a line item veto. Make them have to defend every line if a President, whatever party, decides to say "No"
No. President needs to use his influence during the process as the bill is being crafted. Both parties have their shot to improve or degrade the mix in their best or worse instincts and come together. Then the president should use his executive instincts, authority and balls to accept and sign or veto as necessary, just as the founding fathers had in mind. Presidential line item veto is both a cop out for congress and the process, as well as putting to much power in the hands of the president, which might be fine if of your party, but not so fine if not of your party and possibly setting up rule by supreme ruler if he is given absolute power of the purse strings with a line item veto.

If something is really popular the items vetoed can be overridden line by line. The Constitution doesn't ban the line item veto, it is just silent on it. I doubt the founders could have imagined the size of current spending or other bills.
$10 million going to Pak in the Kung Flubill.

Trump needs To veto this.

New tactic de jure? Lots of outcry about bill not published in total prior to voting a few years ago, the famous you got to vote on it to see what is in it. This time they got to see it prior to vote, but packaged in 5,000 plus pages nobody had time to read it.
Nostra, you're irritating sometimes, but you point is well taken on this. There is no telling just what all is in this damn bill. Kind of amazing characterized by $600 hundred Dollars and a 3 martini lunch. Going to be a lot of crap in there and how it is doled out to (rightfully) piss off both sides. Keep us informed on the juicier parts of the sh#t sandwich and we will undoubtedly choke down the bread and the sh#t with it.
5,593 pages! Jeesh!

We need a Constitutional amendment for a line item veto. Make them have to defend every line if a President, whatever party, decides to say "No"
No. President needs to use his influence during the process as the bill is being crafted. Both parties have their shot to improve or degrade the mix in their best or worse instincts and come together. Then the president should use his executive instincts, authority and balls to accept and sign or veto as necessary, just as the founding fathers had in mind. Presidential line item veto is both a cop out for congress and the process, as well as putting to much power in the hands of the president, which might be fine if of your party, but not so fine if not of your party and possibly setting up rule by supreme ruler if he is given absolute power of the purse strings with a line item veto.

If something is really popular the items vetoed can be overridden line by line. The Constitution doesn't ban the line item veto, it is just silent on it. I doubt the founders could have imagined the size of current spending or other bills.
Still does not mean I should approve of it. They were silent on machine guns, semi automatic assault rifle and silencers also, but does not mean (as a weapons owner) I think they should be beyond discussion or regulation. I still think it would give the president too much power and think if it was their intent that he have that kind of power, they would have spelled it out, but no, left the power of the purse with congress, and starting the spending plan with the House in a balanced orderly manner and ending the same way.
$10 million going to Pak in the Kung Flubill.

Trump needs To veto this.

Gender study ? Oh no !
Where could such a crazy idea come from ?

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