WTF does gender studies in Pakistan have to do with the Kung Flu?

They are both in the appropriation bill 2021? There are many other in things in that bill besides Covid relief. Do those bother you too, or are you just mad that someone is taking a interest in helping the girls in Pakistan. Girls are treated very unfairly in that country.

But of course the talking point is designed to associate "Gender" and Covid Relief in as negative light as possible.

Carry on Crime Stoppers.....
Not my problem. Let the Paks deal with it on their own.

One has nothing to do with the other yet here we have the right wing spin masters pretending that they do. Why do you think they do that to their audience?
You don’t get it, Dummy.

We shouldnt be sending a dime to the Paks, especially for bullshit like gender studies........Kung Flu or no Kung Flu

But I do get it. We don't make the laws, regardless of our opinions.

The two Items are unrelated except they are both in the same appropriations bill.
They are both in the appropriation bill 2021? There are many other in things in that bill besides Covid relief. Do those bother you too, or are you just mad that someone is taking a interest in helping the girls in Pakistan. Girls are treated very unfairly in that country.

But of course the talking point is designed to associate "Gender" and Covid Relief in as negative light as possible.

Carry on Crime Stoppers.....

"...or are you just mad that someone is taking a interest in helping the girls in Pakistan. Girls are treated very unfairly in that country."

I am 100% in support of people being interested in helping girls in Pakistan -- through their own charity and philanthropy. Remarkable things can be accomplished through such endeavors. There are numerous examples.

I am vehemently opposed to Congress sending millions of dollars to such a cause when it's being billed to U.S. taxpayers, particularly when those same U.S. taxpayers are struggling to pay bills and feed their families due to COVID-related economic hardships (which is the purported purpose of the bill as presented to the American public by our elected Representatives who drafted it). Not to mention we have enough humanitarian crises right here at home, which in and of itself, makes it impossible to justify sending U.S. tax dollars to other countries for those things.
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$10 million going to Pak in the Kung Flubill.

Trump needs To veto this.

New tactic de jure? Lots of outcry about bill not published in total prior to voting a few years ago, the famous you got to vote on it to see what is in it. This time they got to see it prior to vote, but packaged in 5,000 plus pages nobody had time to read it.
Nostra, you're irritating sometimes, but you point is well taken on this. There is no telling just what all is in this damn bill. Kind of amazing characterized by $600 hundred Dollars and a 3 martini lunch. Going to be a lot of crap in there and how it is doled out to (rightfully) piss off both sides. Keep us informed on the juicier parts of the sh#t sandwich and we will undoubtedly choke down the bread and the sh#t with it.
5,593 pages! Jeesh!

We need a Constitutional amendment for a line item veto. Make them have to defend every line if a President, whatever party, decides to say "No"
That would take a year.
They are both in the appropriation bill 2021? There are many other in things in that bill besides Covid relief. Do those bother you too, or are you just mad that someone is taking a interest in helping the girls in Pakistan. Girls are treated very unfairly in that country.

But of course the talking point is designed to associate "Gender" and Covid Relief in as negative light as possible.

Carry on Crime Stoppers.....

I am all for people being interested in helping girls in Pakistan -- through their own charity and philanthropy. I am vehemently opposed to sending millions of dollars to that cause when it's billed to U.S. taxpayers, particularly when those same U.S. taxpayers are struggling to pay bills and feed their families because of COVID-related economic hardships (which is the purported purpose of the bill as presented to the American public by our elected Representatives who drafted it).

The entire aid package to Pakistan was 25 billion dollars, Why did the author single out the piece that goes specifically to help the women of Pakistan. Personally I think it was because they used the word "Gender" in hopes that Americans misperceive that as "Trans Gender" programs. And that will make their snowflake senses tingle......and once that happens we all know they become impervious to reason.
Absolutely nothing sadly this is pretty much SOP in Washington write a massive bill with tons of pork garbage in it give no one time to read and study it pass it and have the President sign it.
They are both in the appropriation bill 2021? There are many other in things in that bill besides Covid relief. Do those bother you too, or are you just mad that someone is taking a interest in helping the girls in Pakistan. Girls are treated very unfairly in that country.

But of course the talking point is designed to associate "Gender" and Covid Relief in as negative light as possible.

Carry on Crime Stoppers.....

I am all for people being interested in helping girls in Pakistan -- through their own charity and philanthropy. I am vehemently opposed to sending millions of dollars to that cause when it's billed to U.S. taxpayers, particularly when those same U.S. taxpayers are struggling to pay bills and feed their families because of COVID-related economic hardships (which is the purported purpose of the bill as presented to the American public by our elected Representatives who drafted it).

The entire aid package to Pakistan was 25 billion dollars, Why did the author single out the piece that goes specifically to help the women of Pakistan. Personally I think it was because they used the word "Gender" in hopes that Americans misperceive that as "Trans Gender" programs. And that will make their snowflake senses tingle......and once that happens we all know they become impervious to reason.
What part of “not on dime should go to the Paks” confuses you, Moron.

You lost the argument, and pull the usual Dimwinger bullshit.....claim some sort of hate based on skin color, plumbing, or confusion of plumbing. Get a new schtick.
They are both in the appropriation bill 2021? There are many other in things in that bill besides Covid relief. Do those bother you too, or are you just mad that someone is taking a interest in helping the girls in Pakistan. Girls are treated very unfairly in that country.

But of course the talking point is designed to associate "Gender" and Covid Relief in as negative light as possible.

Carry on Crime Stoppers.....

I am all for people being interested in helping girls in Pakistan -- through their own charity and philanthropy. I am vehemently opposed to sending millions of dollars to that cause when it's billed to U.S. taxpayers, particularly when those same U.S. taxpayers are struggling to pay bills and feed their families because of COVID-related economic hardships (which is the purported purpose of the bill as presented to the American public by our elected Representatives who drafted it).

The entire aid package to Pakistan was 25 billion dollars, Why did the author single out the piece that goes specifically to help the women of Pakistan. Personally I think it was because they used the word "Gender" in hopes that Americans misperceive that as "Trans Gender" programs. And that will make their snowflake senses tingle......and once that happens we all know they become impervious to reason.

Correction 25 million not billion.
They are both in the appropriation bill 2021? There are many other in things in that bill besides Covid relief. Do those bother you too, or are you just mad that someone is taking a interest in helping the girls in Pakistan. Girls are treated very unfairly in that country.

But of course the talking point is designed to associate "Gender" and Covid Relief in as negative light as possible.

Carry on Crime Stoppers.....

I am all for people being interested in helping girls in Pakistan -- through their own charity and philanthropy. I am vehemently opposed to sending millions of dollars to that cause when it's billed to U.S. taxpayers, particularly when those same U.S. taxpayers are struggling to pay bills and feed their families because of COVID-related economic hardships (which is the purported purpose of the bill as presented to the American public by our elected Representatives who drafted it).

The entire aid package to Pakistan was 25 billion dollars, Why did the author single out the piece that goes specifically to help the women of Pakistan. Personally I think it was because they used the word "Gender" in hopes that Americans misperceive that as "Trans Gender" programs. And that will make their snowflake senses tingle......and once that happens we all know they become impervious to reason.

No, to be clear, I am opposed to sending U.S. tax dollars to other countries for any purpose under the auspice of COVID relief legislation. I don't care what some author singled out in an article, so your speculation about his/her motivations is irrelevant to my point.
They are both in the appropriation bill 2021? There are many other in things in that bill besides Covid relief. Do those bother you too, or are you just mad that someone is taking a interest in helping the girls in Pakistan. Girls are treated very unfairly in that country.

But of course the talking point is designed to associate "Gender" and Covid Relief in as negative light as possible.

Carry on Crime Stoppers.....

We sorely need a middle finger reaction icon . . .
They are both in the appropriation bill 2021? There are many other in things in that bill besides Covid relief. Do those bother you too, or are you just mad that someone is taking a interest in helping the girls in Pakistan. Girls are treated very unfairly in that country.

But of course the talking point is designed to associate "Gender" and Covid Relief in as negative light as possible.

Carry on Crime Stoppers.....

I am all for people being interested in helping girls in Pakistan -- through their own charity and philanthropy. I am vehemently opposed to sending millions of dollars to that cause when it's billed to U.S. taxpayers, particularly when those same U.S. taxpayers are struggling to pay bills and feed their families because of COVID-related economic hardships (which is the purported purpose of the bill as presented to the American public by our elected Representatives who drafted it).

The entire aid package to Pakistan was 25 billion dollars, Why did the author single out the piece that goes specifically to help the women of Pakistan. Personally I think it was because they used the word "Gender" in hopes that Americans misperceive that as "Trans Gender" programs. And that will make their snowflake senses tingle......and once that happens we all know they become impervious to reason.
What part of “not on dime should go to the Paks” confuses you, Moron.

You lost the argument, and pull the usual Dimwinger bullshit.....claim some sort of hate based on skin color, plumbing, or confusion of plumbing. Get a new schtick.

Do you think this is the first time we've sent an aid package to Pakistan that included specifically aid to help women's suffrage?

I don't care that you don't want to send these people aid. Not the question

This was an omnibus spending bill and the Pakistani aid had nothing to do with the Covid relief package. The question seems to me to have been framed to generate the greatest amount of poutrage as possible. It worked.
$10 million going to Pak in the Kung Flubill.

Trump needs To veto this.

Lol! Think that money is actually going to gender studies? I doubt it! I hate to say it but I agree veto the bill. Make the freeking assembly come back do their job and read the entire bill before approving it. This last minute crap of signing things there is no way the even had time to read is beyond crazy. Ya, stimulus is needed but take the time to do it right before spending our money. Read,fix,pass a real bill.
They are both in the appropriation bill 2021? There are many other in things in that bill besides Covid relief. Do those bother you too, or are you just mad that someone is taking a interest in helping the girls in Pakistan. Girls are treated very unfairly in that country.

But of course the talking point is designed to associate "Gender" and Covid Relief in as negative light as possible.

Carry on Crime Stoppers.....

I am all for people being interested in helping girls in Pakistan -- through their own charity and philanthropy. I am vehemently opposed to sending millions of dollars to that cause when it's billed to U.S. taxpayers, particularly when those same U.S. taxpayers are struggling to pay bills and feed their families because of COVID-related economic hardships (which is the purported purpose of the bill as presented to the American public by our elected Representatives who drafted it).

The entire aid package to Pakistan was 25 billion dollars, Why did the author single out the piece that goes specifically to help the women of Pakistan. Personally I think it was because they used the word "Gender" in hopes that Americans misperceive that as "Trans Gender" programs. And that will make their snowflake senses tingle......and once that happens we all know they become impervious to reason.

No, to be clear, I am opposed to sending U.S. tax dollars to other countries for any purpose under the auspice of COVID relief legislation. I don't care what some author singled out in an article, so your speculation about his/her motivations is irrelevant to my point.

Not really trying to discuss whether or not we should give away foreign aid to any country.

It wasn't part the of Covid Relief. It was all part of the huge appropriation bill including government funding as well and covid relief and a vast array of foreign aid, the least of which seems to be the 10 million to help the women in Pakistan. Both parties are to blame for the last minute brinkmanship.
They are both in the appropriation bill 2021? There are many other in things in that bill besides Covid relief. Do those bother you too, or are you just mad that someone is taking a interest in helping the girls in Pakistan. Girls are treated very unfairly in that country.

But of course the talking point is designed to associate "Gender" and Covid Relief in as negative light as possible.

Carry on Crime Stoppers.....

We sorely need a middle finger reaction icon . . .

Then we'd need a "Blow it out your ass icon.... too.
$10 million going to Pak in the Kung Flubill.

Trump needs To veto this.

New tactic de jure? Lots of outcry about bill not published in total prior to voting a few years ago, the famous you got to vote on it to see what is in it. This time they got to see it prior to vote, but packaged in 5,000 plus pages nobody had time to read it.
Nostra, you're irritating sometimes, but you point is well taken on this. There is no telling just what all is in this damn bill. Kind of amazing characterized by $600 hundred Dollars and a 3 martini lunch. Going to be a lot of crap in there and how it is doled out to (rightfully) piss off both sides. Keep us informed on the juicier parts of the sh#t sandwich and we will undoubtedly choke down the bread and the sh#t with it.
5,593 pages! Jeesh!

We need a Constitutional amendment for a line item veto. Make them have to defend every line if a President, whatever party, decides to say "No"
No. President needs to use his influence during the process as the bill is being crafted. Both parties have their shot to improve or degrade the mix in their best or worse instincts and come together. Then the president should use his executive instincts, authority and balls to accept and sign or veto as necessary, just as the founding fathers had in mind. Presidential line item veto is both a cop out for congress and the process, as well as putting to much power in the hands of the president, which might be fine if of your party, but not so fine if not of your party and possibly setting up rule by supreme ruler if he is given absolute power of the purse strings with a line item veto.
$10 million going to Pak in the Kung Flubill.

Trump needs To veto this.

New tactic de jure? Lots of outcry about bill not published in total prior to voting a few years ago, the famous you got to vote on it to see what is in it. This time they got to see it prior to vote, but packaged in 5,000 plus pages nobody had time to read it.
Nostra, you're irritating sometimes, but you point is well taken on this. There is no telling just what all is in this damn bill. Kind of amazing characterized by $600 hundred Dollars and a 3 martini lunch. Going to be a lot of crap in there and how it is doled out to (rightfully) piss off both sides. Keep us informed on the juicier parts of the sh#t sandwich and we will undoubtedly choke down the bread and the sh#t with it.
5,593 pages! Jeesh!
At least pelosi is not spending millions to teach african men how to clean their penis as she did when obama was in office
Come on, did she really do that? :auiqs.jpg:
They are both in the appropriation bill 2021? There are many other in things in that bill besides Covid relief. Do those bother you too, or are you just mad that someone is taking a interest in helping the girls in Pakistan. Girls are treated very unfairly in that country.

But of course the talking point is designed to associate "Gender" and Covid Relief in as negative light as possible.

Carry on Crime Stoppers.....

I am all for people being interested in helping girls in Pakistan -- through their own charity and philanthropy. I am vehemently opposed to sending millions of dollars to that cause when it's billed to U.S. taxpayers, particularly when those same U.S. taxpayers are struggling to pay bills and feed their families because of COVID-related economic hardships (which is the purported purpose of the bill as presented to the American public by our elected Representatives who drafted it).

The entire aid package to Pakistan was 25 billion dollars, Why did the author single out the piece that goes specifically to help the women of Pakistan. Personally I think it was because they used the word "Gender" in hopes that Americans misperceive that as "Trans Gender" programs. And that will make their snowflake senses tingle......and once that happens we all know they become impervious to reason.
What part of “not on dime should go to the Paks” confuses you, Moron.

You lost the argument, and pull the usual Dimwinger bullshit.....claim some sort of hate based on skin color, plumbing, or confusion of plumbing. Get a new schtick.

Do you think this is the first time we've sent an aid package to Pakistan that included specifically aid to help women's suffrage?

I don't care that you don't want to send these people aid. Not the question

This was an omnibus spending bill and the Pakistani aid had nothing to do with the Covid relief package. The question seems to me to have been framed to generate the greatest amount of poutrage as possible. It worked.
Nice crawfish.

You tried to paint me as opposing this because I hate transgendered people. I called you out on your typical Dimwinger response when losing.
"WTF does gender studies in Pakistan have to do with the Kung Flu?"

NOTHING.....follow the money. Guaranteed, some politician or group of politicians and their family members will financially benefit from this somehow, some way.
I suspect Uber involvement.
$10 million going to Pak in the Kung Flubill.

Trump needs To veto this.

New tactic de jure? Lots of outcry about bill not published in total prior to voting a few years ago, the famous you got to vote on it to see what is in it. This time they got to see it prior to vote, but packaged in 5,000 plus pages nobody had time to read it.
Nostra, you're irritating sometimes, but you point is well taken on this. There is no telling just what all is in this damn bill. Kind of amazing characterized by $600 hundred Dollars and a 3 martini lunch. Going to be a lot of crap in there and how it is doled out to (rightfully) piss off both sides. Keep us informed on the juicier parts of the sh#t sandwich and we will undoubtedly choke down the bread and the sh#t with it.
5,593 pages! Jeesh!
At least pelosi is not spending millions to teach african men how to clean their penis as she did when obama was in office
Come on, did she really do that? :auiqs.jpg:
Yes she did.
$10 million going to Pak in the Kung Flubill.

Trump needs To veto this.

New tactic de jure? Lots of outcry about bill not published in total prior to voting a few years ago, the famous you got to vote on it to see what is in it. This time they got to see it prior to vote, but packaged in 5,000 plus pages nobody had time to read it.
Nostra, you're irritating sometimes, but you point is well taken on this. There is no telling just what all is in this damn bill. Kind of amazing characterized by $600 hundred Dollars and a 3 martini lunch. Going to be a lot of crap in there and how it is doled out to (rightfully) piss off both sides. Keep us informed on the juicier parts of the sh#t sandwich and we will undoubtedly choke down the bread and the sh#t with it.
5,593 pages! Jeesh!
At least pelosi is not spending millions to teach african men how to clean their penis as she did when obama was in office
Come on, did she really do that? :auiqs.jpg:
Yes she did.
If she did, I do not know what search argument would pull it up. I just tried. Better drop me a link or it has to be bull sh#t.

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