WTF has small government ever given this world?

to an extent but even those can be overdone

for example

Stopping a new development because of some "rare" insect

People always appreciate protecting Bald Eagles but fail to understand the ecological impact of some insect

yeah the world will end if the red shit beetle population on a couple acres of land is decimated
People always appreciate protecting Bald Eagles but fail to understand the ecological impact of some insect

yeah the world will end if the red shit beetle population on a couple acres of land is decimated

how about the mandated archaeology surveys done on building sites?

god forbid we destroy a 100 year old piece of detritus that no one cares about

When I was a kid, swamps were useless land and local communities were encouraged to drain them and turn them into useable property

Now swamps are called wetlands and we understand the impact that wetlands have on our ecology and water systems

Government bureaucracy at work

yeah and the "wetland" designation is misused by government all the time because the bureaucrats can call any piece of land that gets rained on wetlands
There are strict regulations on what constitutes a wetland
They examine the soil to determine if it is serving as a wetland

Those swamps we used to drain and build houses on are now protected and serve a valuable purpose in preserving the watershed for the whole community

Damned environmentalists!
you've obviously never dealt with a dept of wetlands

I live on land that was cleared farm land for over 100 years now much of it is called wetlands

it's not

I just had a wetlands development built behind my house and was on the committee overseeing which land could be built on and which was protected. It involved taking soil borings of the whole property to establish boundaries

It was a detailed process and was much more involved than just walking around and seeing if the ground squishes
People always appreciate protecting Bald Eagles but fail to understand the ecological impact of some insect

yeah the world will end if the red shit beetle population on a couple acres of land is decimated
yeah the world will end if the red shit beetle population on a couple acres of land is decimated

how about the mandated archaeology surveys done on building sites?

god forbid we destroy a 100 year old piece of detritus that no one cares about

When I was a kid, swamps were useless land and local communities were encouraged to drain them and turn them into useable property

Now swamps are called wetlands and we understand the impact that wetlands have on our ecology and water systems

Government bureaucracy at work

yeah and the "wetland" designation is misused by government all the time because the bureaucrats can call any piece of land that gets rained on wetlands
There are strict regulations on what constitutes a wetland
They examine the soil to determine if it is serving as a wetland

Those swamps we used to drain and build houses on are now protected and serve a valuable purpose in preserving the watershed for the whole community

Damned environmentalists!
you've obviously never dealt with a dept of wetlands

I live on land that was cleared farm land for over 100 years now much of it is called wetlands

it's not

I just had a wetlands development built behind my house and was on the committee overseeing which land could be built on and which was protected. It involved taking soil borings of the whole property to establish boundaries

It was a detailed process and was much more involved than just walking around and seeing if the ground squishes

Sounds like you need some Heavy rain.
yeah the world will end if the red shit beetle population on a couple acres of land is decimated
When I was a kid, swamps were useless land and local communities were encouraged to drain them and turn them into useable property

Now swamps are called wetlands and we understand the impact that wetlands have on our ecology and water systems

Government bureaucracy at work

yeah and the "wetland" designation is misused by government all the time because the bureaucrats can call any piece of land that gets rained on wetlands
There are strict regulations on what constitutes a wetland
They examine the soil to determine if it is serving as a wetland

Those swamps we used to drain and build houses on are now protected and serve a valuable purpose in preserving the watershed for the whole community

Damned environmentalists!
you've obviously never dealt with a dept of wetlands

I live on land that was cleared farm land for over 100 years now much of it is called wetlands

it's not

I just had a wetlands development built behind my house and was on the committee overseeing which land could be built on and which was protected. It involved taking soil borings of the whole property to establish boundaries

It was a detailed process and was much more involved than just walking around and seeing if the ground squishes

Sounds like you need some Heavy rain.
Wetlands keep that heavy rain from running off. They act like a giant sponge
yeah and the "wetland" designation is misused by government all the time because the bureaucrats can call any piece of land that gets rained on wetlands
There are strict regulations on what constitutes a wetland
They examine the soil to determine if it is serving as a wetland

Those swamps we used to drain and build houses on are now protected and serve a valuable purpose in preserving the watershed for the whole community

Damned environmentalists!
you've obviously never dealt with a dept of wetlands

I live on land that was cleared farm land for over 100 years now much of it is called wetlands

it's not

I just had a wetlands development built behind my house and was on the committee overseeing which land could be built on and which was protected. It involved taking soil borings of the whole property to establish boundaries

It was a detailed process and was much more involved than just walking around and seeing if the ground squishes

Sounds like you need some Heavy rain.
Wetlands keep that heavy rain from running off. They act like a giant sponge

Ya Think? I have a nice lot for you in a place called: "Cypress Estates"
WTF has small government ever given this world? Somalia, central Africa republic and haiti are backwards shitholes because of it! A functioning government that invests within its people have always been the greatest societies with all the innervation. Do you really freaking think America would be the greatest nation on earth today if the government would of allowed the barons of the 19th century to take all the wealth? Get fucking serious.

Fuck no! Progressive policies, unions and anti-trust laws built the middle class of the 20th century! Government funding built our highways, power infrastructure, dams and landed a man on the moon. WTF has limited government ever done? NOTHING!!! Limited government will allow the riches within our society to pollute our environment, decrease the standards of living for 95% of the population and for what??? So you can have a poorer standard of life and somehow within your sick fucking mind by some weird nearly impossible chance get rich and fuck over the little guy below you! Give me a break. Liberterianism is sick and makes no sense.

By progressive policies I mean social democracy that allows a private sector but adds regulations and rules for it to follow. NOT PURE SOCIALISM as you liberterians like to whine about that own the entire production line and like to rule with a iron fist like Castro or Chavez...Which isn't what the modern world is built on in the first place...The only reason you scream that word is to promote fear! The rich brainwash your stupid ass to spread this cancer in order to take everything from you. This includes any consumer protections, rights and ability to climb up the fucking ladder.

If you don't have a few million in the bank all you're doing is fucking your self!
Small government enables the rich and powerful to run rampant over the civilian population.

That is why conservatives favor it

Large government murders those who it doesn't like. Want to see a mass grave? Just look for an all powerful, large government bureaucracy, and you'll find it.
Large government made the greatest nations in world history happen! The greatest societies of all time with the greatest technological innovations.

The most freedom!!!
and if you ever read any history you would see that those nations with the largest governments also collapsed under their own weight

Governments are like stars. They just grow bigger, and bigger and bigger until they collapse on themselves and form black holes that suck in everything around them and reduce them to nothingness.
WTF has small government ever given this world? Somalia, central Africa republic and haiti are backwards shitholes because of it! A functioning government that invests within its people have always been the greatest societies with all the innervation. Do you really freaking think America would be the greatest nation on earth today if the government would of allowed the barons of the 19th century to take all the wealth? Get fucking serious.

Fuck no! Progressive policies, unions and anti-trust laws built the middle class of the 20th century! Government funding built our highways, power infrastructure, dams and landed a man on the moon. WTF has limited government ever done? NOTHING!!! Limited government will allow the riches within our society to pollute our environment, decrease the standards of living for 95% of the population and for what??? So you can have a poorer standard of life and somehow within your sick fucking mind by some weird nearly impossible chance get rich and fuck over the little guy below you! Give me a break. Liberterianism is sick and makes no sense.

By progressive policies I mean social democracy that allows a private sector but adds regulations and rules for it to follow. NOT PURE SOCIALISM as you liberterians like to whine about that own the entire production line and like to rule with a iron fist like Castro or Chavez...Which isn't what the modern world is built on in the first place...The only reason you scream that word is to promote fear! The rich brainwash your stupid ass to spread this cancer in order to take everything from you. This includes any consumer protections, rights and ability to climb up the fucking ladder.

If you don't have a few million in the bank all you're doing is fucking your self!
Small government enables the rich and powerful to run rampant over the civilian population.

That is why conservatives favor it

Large government murders those who it doesn't like. Want to see a mass grave? Just look for an all powerful, large government bureaucracy, and you'll find it.

Why lookey here. RW so loves the thought of mass murdering people that he laughs about a well known fact. Thanks RW!
WTF has small government ever given this world? Somalia, central Africa republic and haiti are backwards shitholes because of it! A functioning government that invests within its people have always been the greatest societies with all the innervation. Do you really freaking think America would be the greatest nation on earth today if the government would of allowed the barons of the 19th century to take all the wealth? Get fucking serious.

Fuck no! Progressive policies, unions and anti-trust laws built the middle class of the 20th century! Government funding built our highways, power infrastructure, dams and landed a man on the moon. WTF has limited government ever done? NOTHING!!! Limited government will allow the riches within our society to pollute our environment, decrease the standards of living for 95% of the population and for what??? So you can have a poorer standard of life and somehow within your sick fucking mind by some weird nearly impossible chance get rich and fuck over the little guy below you! Give me a break. Liberterianism is sick and makes no sense.

By progressive policies I mean social democracy that allows a private sector but adds regulations and rules for it to follow. NOT PURE SOCIALISM as you liberterians like to whine about that own the entire production line and like to rule with a iron fist like Castro or Chavez...Which isn't what the modern world is built on in the first place...The only reason you scream that word is to promote fear! The rich brainwash your stupid ass to spread this cancer in order to take everything from you. This includes any consumer protections, rights and ability to climb up the fucking ladder.

If you don't have a few million in the bank all you're doing is fucking your self!

The US started off by passing the Articles of Confederation, but it limited the Federal government to the point of unsustainability. George Washington eloquently summed it up, the Articles of Confederation equals "no money". Then they passed the Constitution which adequately funded the government.

Then at the turn of the 20th century, this was not enough for Progs. No, no, they passed the Federal Income tax cuz they simply did not have enough money and created a federal bank to print them money they could not raise cuz there simply is not enough money in the world to do what they wanted to do, hence the $20 trillion debt.

Of course, President Wilson wanted this massive Federal state so he could wage war overseas as did FDR. Both saw that the centralized powers in Europe were war machines cuz of all of their centralized power. So that is what Progs did, they created a US world conquering war machine that has waged war across the globe ever since Wilson and FDR created it, only, they don't call them wars anymore.

So congrats Progs, you created a world military police force that is a giant debt ridden bubble ready to burst which will plunge the entire world into economic chaos.

Small government allows for a survival of the fittest economy
Those in a position of power thrive, while those least able to exert economic pressure suffer

Small government does nothing for We the People, while maintaining a low tax structure that allows the wealthy to remain that way
Small government allows for a survival of the fittest economy
Those in a position of power thrive, while those least able to exert economic pressure suffer

Small government does nothing for We the People, while maintaining a low tax structure that allows the wealthy to remain that way

large government oppresses those who it feels are a threat. It does so regardless of religion, status, or education. In fact large governments in general kill off the weak and infirm first, because they provide no benefit to large government, then they kill off the intelligent, because they are perceived as a threat, that leaves idiots and sociopaths to do the work left over. Idiots because they can't think about how the government is screwing them, and sociopaths to do the dirty work. Which are you RW?
Small government allows for a survival of the fittest economy
Those in a position of power thrive, while those least able to exert economic pressure suffer

Small government does nothing for We the People, while maintaining a low tax structure that allows the wealthy to remain that way

large government oppresses those who it feels are a threat. It does so regardless of religion, status, or education. In fact large governments in general kill off the weak and infirm first, because they provide no benefit to large government, then they kill off the intelligent, because they are perceived as a threat, that leaves idiots and sociopaths to do the work left over. Idiots because they can't think about how the government is screwing them, and sociopaths to do the dirty work. Which are you RW?

Sociopath. Got it. Thanks for the clarification. I like to know what sort of creatures I am dealing with.
Small Government exists to do nothing for the people. Minimal expenditures on education, healthcare, welfare support, infrastructure
It also does little to protect the people through workplace protections, environmental laws and public safety

Its sole purpose is to maintain a low tax structure to enable the wealthy to increase their wealth
WTF has small government ever given this world? Somalia, central Africa republic and haiti are backwards shitholes because of it! A functioning government that invests within its people have always been the greatest societies with all the innervation. Do you really freaking think America would be the greatest nation on earth today if the government would of allowed the barons of the 19th century to take all the wealth? Get fucking serious.

Fuck no! Progressive policies, unions and anti-trust laws built the middle class of the 20th century! Government funding built our highways, power infrastructure, dams and landed a man on the moon. WTF has limited government ever done? NOTHING!!! Limited government will allow the riches within our society to pollute our environment, decrease the standards of living for 95% of the population and for what??? So you can have a poorer standard of life and somehow within your sick fucking mind by some weird nearly impossible chance get rich and fuck over the little guy below you! Give me a break. Liberterianism is sick and makes no sense.

By progressive policies I mean social democracy that allows a private sector but adds regulations and rules for it to follow. NOT PURE SOCIALISM as you liberterians like to whine about that own the entire production line and like to rule with a iron fist like Castro or Chavez...Which isn't what the modern world is built on in the first place...The only reason you scream that word is to promote fear! The rich brainwash your stupid ass to spread this cancer in order to take everything from you. This includes any consumer protections, rights and ability to climb up the fucking ladder.

If you don't have a few million in the bank all you're doing is fucking your self!

The most powerful, greatest nation on earth...the United States....we had a very small government until recent decades and we have created the most free, wealthiest and most caring society the world has ever seen....we feed the world, we protect the world, our poor are the wealthiest poor in the world......and if you want a chance at a good is the best place to live....until the left started burrowing into our society.....
Large government made the greatest nations in world history happen! The greatest societies of all time with the greatest technological innovations.

The most freedom!!!

Boy, the stupid is strong with you......Germany, 1930s......Russia, 1917....China...1920s......the biggest governments on earth....and they still couldn't get it right after murdering 100 million innocent men, women and children......

Government is the problem, not the solution to anything......the welfare states of Europe....and their social welfare programs....are all on borrowed time.....they would have crashed already, but the United States is paying for their national defense.......
Large government made the greatest nations in world history happen! The greatest societies of all time with the greatest technological innovations.

The most freedom!!!

Boy, the stupid is strong with you......Germany, 1930s......Russia, 1917....China...1920s......the biggest governments on earth....and they still couldn't get it right after murdering 100 million innocent men, women and children......

Government is the problem, not the solution to anything......the welfare states of Europe....and their social welfare programs....are all on borrowed time.....they would have crashed already, but the United States is paying for their national defense.......

Russia in 1917 and China in 1920 were not big governments. They did nothing for the majority of the population and relied on cheap labor from peasants who were near starvation. They invested little in infrastructure, education or healthcare. The wealthy flourished
Large government made the greatest nations in world history happen! The greatest societies of all time with the greatest technological innovations.

The most freedom!!!

Boy, the stupid is strong with you......Germany, 1930s......Russia, 1917....China...1920s......the biggest governments on earth....and they still couldn't get it right after murdering 100 million innocent men, women and children......

Government is the problem, not the solution to anything......the welfare states of Europe....and their social welfare programs....are all on borrowed time.....they would have crashed already, but the United States is paying for their national defense.......

Russia in 1917 and China in 1920 were not big governments. They did nothing for the majority of the population and relied on cheap labor from peasants who were near starvation. They invested little in infrastructure, education or healthcare. The wealthy flourished

That is when their big government started to murder their own people moron.......
WTF has small government ever given this world? Somalia, central Africa republic and haiti are backwards shitholes because of it! A functioning government that invests within its people have always been the greatest societies with all the innervation. Do you really freaking think America would be the greatest nation on earth today if the government would of allowed the barons of the 19th century to take all the wealth? Get fucking serious.

Fuck no! Progressive policies, unions and anti-trust laws built the middle class of the 20th century! Government funding built our highways, power infrastructure, dams and landed a man on the moon. WTF has limited government ever done? NOTHING!!! Limited government will allow the riches within our society to pollute our environment, decrease the standards of living for 95% of the population and for what??? So you can have a poorer standard of life and somehow within your sick fucking mind by some weird nearly impossible chance get rich and fuck over the little guy below you! Give me a break. Liberterianism is sick and makes no sense.

By progressive policies I mean social democracy that allows a private sector but adds regulations and rules for it to follow. NOT PURE SOCIALISM as you liberterians like to whine about that own the entire production line and like to rule with a iron fist like Castro or Chavez...Which isn't what the modern world is built on in the first place...The only reason you scream that word is to promote fear! The rich brainwash your stupid ass to spread this cancer in order to take everything from you. This includes any consumer protections, rights and ability to climb up the fucking ladder.

If you don't have a few million in the bank all you're doing is fucking your self!
Small government enables the rich and powerful to run rampant over the civilian population.

That is why conservatives favor it

You're thinking Communism and Socialism
Large government made the greatest nations in world history happen! The greatest societies of all time with the greatest technological innovations.

The most freedom!!!

Boy, the stupid is strong with you......Germany, 1930s......Russia, 1917....China...1920s......the biggest governments on earth....and they still couldn't get it right after murdering 100 million innocent men, women and children......

Government is the problem, not the solution to anything......the welfare states of Europe....and their social welfare programs....are all on borrowed time.....they would have crashed already, but the United States is paying for their national defense.......

Russia in 1917 and China in 1920 were not big governments. They did nothing for the majority of the population and relied on cheap labor from peasants who were near starvation. They invested little in infrastructure, education or healthcare. The wealthy flourished

That is when their big government started to murder their own people moron.......

Both of those governments were a result of small governments which exploited peasant workers to the point of revolt

Your Nazi Germany example is the complete opposite. They exploited nationalism and scapegoating and a split electorate to seize power. Much like Trump in 2016
Large government made the greatest nations in world history happen! The greatest societies of all time with the greatest technological innovations.

The most freedom!!!

Boy, the stupid is strong with you......Germany, 1930s......Russia, 1917....China...1920s......the biggest governments on earth....and they still couldn't get it right after murdering 100 million innocent men, women and children......

Government is the problem, not the solution to anything......the welfare states of Europe....and their social welfare programs....are all on borrowed time.....they would have crashed already, but the United States is paying for their national defense.......

Russia in 1917 and China in 1920 were not big governments. They did nothing for the majority of the population and relied on cheap labor from peasants who were near starvation. They invested little in infrastructure, education or healthcare. The wealthy flourished

That is when their big government started to murder their own people moron.......

Both of those governments were a result of small governments which exploited peasant workers to the point of revolt

Your Nazi Germany example is the complete opposite. They exploited nationalism and scapegoating and a split electorate to seize power. Much like Trump in 2016

Boy...that was stupid.....the national socialist government did exactly what you say you want....they controlled the entire economy.......exactly as you want, they controlled every aspect of life, just like you want......and they murdered about 12 million Europeans to do it.....
Large government made the greatest nations in world history happen! The greatest societies of all time with the greatest technological innovations.

The most freedom!!!

Boy, the stupid is strong with you......Germany, 1930s......Russia, 1917....China...1920s......the biggest governments on earth....and they still couldn't get it right after murdering 100 million innocent men, women and children......

Government is the problem, not the solution to anything......the welfare states of Europe....and their social welfare programs....are all on borrowed time.....they would have crashed already, but the United States is paying for their national defense.......

Russia in 1917 and China in 1920 were not big governments. They did nothing for the majority of the population and relied on cheap labor from peasants who were near starvation. They invested little in infrastructure, education or healthcare. The wealthy flourished

That is when their big government started to murder their own people moron.......

Both of those governments were a result of small governments which exploited peasant workers to the point of revolt

Your Nazi Germany example is the complete opposite. They exploited nationalism and scapegoating and a split electorate to seize power. Much like Trump in 2016

Boy...that was stupid.....the national socialist government did exactly what you say you want....they controlled the entire economy.......exactly as you want, they controlled every aspect of life, just like you want......and they murdered about 12 million Europeans to do it.....

Odd...who ever said anything about controlling the economy?

Doing things for people is not socialism

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