WTF has small government ever given this world?

Our Federal Government is the same size it was 50 years ago even though our population has nearly doubled

How is that bloated?

• In 1900 the federal government consumed less than 5 percent of total output.

• In 1950 the federal government consumed roughly 15 percent of total output.

• In 1992 the federal government consumed almost 25 percent of total output.

Lets see...

Add Social Security in the 1930s
Add Medicare in the 1960s

You can call that consumption or funded programs to help We the People
so the government has gotten bigger and bigger and it is not the same size it once was

Personnel wise it is the same size
We have added Social Security and Medicare which the public loves
so the US government has always been the country's largest employer?

I don't think so
Who is bigger?
Russia in 1917 and China in 1920 were not big governments. They did nothing for the majority of the population and relied on cheap labor from peasants who were near starvation. They invested little in infrastructure, education or healthcare. The wealthy flourished

That is when their big government started to murder their own people moron.......

Both of those governments were a result of small governments which exploited peasant workers to the point of revolt

Your Nazi Germany example is the complete opposite. They exploited nationalism and scapegoating and a split electorate to seize power. Much like Trump in 2016

Boy...that was stupid.....the national socialist government did exactly what you say you want....they controlled the entire economy.......exactly as you want, they controlled every aspect of life, just like you want......and they murdered about 12 million Europeans to do it.....

Odd...who ever said anything about controlling the economy?

Doing things for people is not socialism

The difference between social democracy that is used in every developed nation on earth and socialism is who owns the production. In social democracy the private sector generally controls the production and it also allows people to have property rights....

- No private property
- No control of the production
-Little political power at the level of the people on the norm.

Social democracy in which every nation that is well developed is
-Private property
-The private sector controls the vast % of the production.
-The people can vote

Another difference is the size of the public sphere...Socialism everything is done and shared within the politic sector but social democracy only things that everyone enjoys like infrastructure, education and in some cases healthcare are within this sphere.

Pure capitalism as you conservatives are fighting for would just allow the rich and the upper class to become barons again and do as they wish. As they wish in this case is to take it all and stash it and mistreat the rest of the country.
Government was created by We the People to serve the needs of the people
WTF has small government ever given this world?


It's a concept a tard would have a difficult time comprehending

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose

Freedom in this case is the freedom to screw over the little guy, own other human beings and pollute the environment. I think there needs to be a reasonable level of government to protect the people from themselves and others. More or less to have a quality standard of life you can't have businesses crapping all over our nation.

What you want is to be a serf on the manor
• In 1900 the federal government consumed less than 5 percent of total output.

• In 1950 the federal government consumed roughly 15 percent of total output.

• In 1992 the federal government consumed almost 25 percent of total output.

Lets see...

Add Social Security in the 1930s
Add Medicare in the 1960s

You can call that consumption or funded programs to help We the People
so the government has gotten bigger and bigger and it is not the same size it once was

Personnel wise it is the same size
We have added Social Security and Medicare which the public loves
so the US government has always been the country's largest employer?

I don't think so

U.S. Government employs about 2.2 million.......who employs more?
McDonalds? Starbucks?

With approximately 2.7 million civilian employees, the U.S. government is the largest employer in the country. For reference, Wal-Mart has 2.2 million employees worldwide.

Read more here: Who’s the largest employer in the U.S.? Hint: It’s a government agency

you'll notice that only includes civilian employees and the government still beats Walmart's world wide number of employees
• In 1900 the federal government consumed less than 5 percent of total output.

• In 1950 the federal government consumed roughly 15 percent of total output.

• In 1992 the federal government consumed almost 25 percent of total output.

Lets see...

Add Social Security in the 1930s
Add Medicare in the 1960s

You can call that consumption or funded programs to help We the People
so the government has gotten bigger and bigger and it is not the same size it once was

Personnel wise it is the same size
We have added Social Security and Medicare which the public loves
so the US government has always been the country's largest employer?

I don't think so
Who is bigger?
no one
Lets see...

Add Social Security in the 1930s
Add Medicare in the 1960s

You can call that consumption or funded programs to help We the People
so the government has gotten bigger and bigger and it is not the same size it once was

Personnel wise it is the same size
We have added Social Security and Medicare which the public loves
so the US government has always been the country's largest employer?

I don't think so

U.S. Government employs about 2.2 million.......who employs more?
McDonalds? Starbucks?

With approximately 2.7 million civilian employees, the U.S. government is the largest employer in the country. For reference, Wal-Mart has 2.2 million employees worldwide.

Read more here: Who’s the largest employer in the U.S.? Hint: It’s a government agency

you'll notice that only includes civilian employees and the government still beats Walmart's world wide number of employees
The government has a more important job to do than WalMart

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