WTF is wrong with Florida gun owners?

Fla. man arrested for chasing and shooting burglar dead claims self-defense | Fox News

First, Trayvon Martin is shot while walking AWAY from his killer.

Later, a BLIND man with a history of violence is cleared on murder charges.

In March 2012 a man is acquitted of murder for shooting his friend with an assault rifle during a night of drinking.

Now a man claims self-defense for shooting a man he suspected of robbing his apartment complex as the man was walking away. The shooter claims that the suspect "punched him and grabbed for his gun" before he shot him, but every shot was to his upper back and neck.

I'm a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment, but can we maybe round all these wannabe Batmen onto a barge and ship them to Cuba? This shit is getting ridiculous.

the dead guy was armed and dangerous

there must be better written accounts of this incident
the dead guy was armed and dangerous

there must be better written accounts of this incident

I agree that there weren't many details given on each case, but the one about the man shooting his friend while drunk is especially troubling. Not only was the man drinking, but we really only have his account of the story. He says his friend attacked him, but the article doesn't say that the shooter substained any noticeable injuries. I have gotten into fights with my friends while drinking before, but never has the thought of shooting them crossed my mind. There is a part of the story missing here.
This was never meant to be a thread about gun control. Many states have laws similar to "Stand Your Ground", whether they be the "Castle Doctrine", or whatever. I just wonder why these type of incidents always seem to originate from Florida.

The Zimmerman case has nothing to do with "stand your ground" laws.

so far from what i have read

neither does this one

Thanks for the article.

It only proves my point though. They say nothing was stolen, and every shot was to the man's back. The shooter claims he was punched, and that the suspected burglar grabbed for his gun, but not only does the mugshot show no injuries to the shooter, every shot was in his back.

Incidents like this happen all across the country, but it only seems like people are getting away with these things in Florida. I'm beginning to think it has more to do with the Florida judicial system than the people.

Thanks for the article.

It only proves my point though. They say nothing was stolen, and every shot was to the man's back. The shooter claims he was punched, and that the suspected burglar grabbed for his gun, but not only does the mugshot show no injuries to the shooter, every shot was in his back.

Incidents like this happen all across the country, but it only seems like people are getting away with these things in Florida. I'm beginning to think it has more to do with the Florida judicial system than the people.

from what i have read it certainly is not a syg or self defense case

looks more like one bad guy met another bad guy

1- no one called the cops
2- shooter grabbed the other guy
3-shots in the back
4-cops had to go find the shooter
5-shooter and girlfriend tried to hide gun and video tapes

i dont think this guy is going to get away with anything

First, Trayvon Martin is shot while walking AWAY from his killer.
Your opinion
thread should die now.

No it is not his opinion, it is a lie.

IT is documented by physical evidence and eye witnesses that Martin was shot while sitting on top of GZ pounding his head into the ground. Not while 'walking away'.
Trayvon Martin was not only walking away, but he had no idea why Zimmerman was following him. Zimmerman placed himself in a situation where a confrontation would take place, even after the dispatcher told him not to follow. Zimmerman himself testified to that.

You said when Martin was SHOT he was walking away, which is a lie.

Nothing GZ did was illegal or stupid.
This was never meant to be a thread about gun control. Many states have laws similar to "Stand Your Ground", whether they be the "Castle Doctrine", or whatever. I just wonder why these type of incidents always seem to originate from Florida.

Your impressions are based on media stories and the media in Floriduh is full of gun grabbing little fascists who try to discredit gun owners at every opportunity, like some of the gun grabbing fascist on these boards. And they will simply lie when they cant find factual stories to stack the deck with.

The guy in your story wont get away with it, but some who this is supposed to be a crisis so that little fact that this ass hole will get justice is left out of the picture. The shooter is desperate and will claim any fig leaf for defense he can find. That doesn't mean the system will take it seriously or that it has any chance of working for him.

Meanwhile you really need to get the actual facts on the Zimmerman-Martin fiasco because so far your ignorance on the topic makes you look like either a gun grabber or a fool.
Trayvon Martin was not only walking away, but he had no idea why Zimmerman was following him. Zimmerman placed himself in a situation where a confrontation would take place, even after the dispatcher told him not to follow. Zimmerman himself testified to that.

He's walking away? or moving to a position that will give him a advantage over you?
Is he going to rush to the door to unlock it so others will come in.
I'm not playing the guessing game. You are in my home you're dead regardless if it's in the back or front.

The victim wasn't armed in any of the situations I brought up. Also, aside from the man who shot his friend, neither situation involved the victim even approaching the shooter in the first place. Was Trayvon setting up a strategic Skittles and ice tea attack? I agree, that's the worst kind.

Trayvon Martin was not only walking away, but he had no idea why Zimmerman was following him. Zimmerman placed himself in a situation where a confrontation would take place, even after the dispatcher told him not to follow. Zimmerman himself testified to that.

You do realize the dispatcher first told Zimmerman to keep an eye on the unknown individual? Zimmerman did say that the unknown subject was looking at him, Zimmerman did say the unknown subject was walking towards him, Zimmerman did say the unknown subject had something in his hand, Zimmerman did say the unknown suspect started running. Zimmerman did acknowledge the request to stop running after the unknown subject, here's were your argument fell apart. The unknown subject if he was in fear of his life should have called the police.
Yep, plus the fact that he claims to be a strong second amendment supporter:eusa_whistle::cuckoo:

No one who is a strong second amendment supporter doesn't need to make a declaration about them being a strong second amendment supporter, you'll see it in what they say or write.

I had to point it out because idiots like you only think in black and white. If I bring up a topic portraying George Zimmerman as in the wrong, of course I have to be a "gun grabber". It couldn't be that wannabe Batman followed a teenager wielding Skittles and ice tea, and a young man ended up dead because of it. It has to be an ulterior motive to TAKE YER GUNZ.

The young man want to be a thug, Your dramatics need improving you're trying to hard.
Trayvon Martin was not only walking away, but he had no idea why Zimmerman was following him. Zimmerman placed himself in a situation where a confrontation would take place, even after the dispatcher told him not to follow. Zimmerman himself testified to that.

He's walking away? or moving to a position that will give him a advantage over you?
Is he going to rush to the door to unlock it so others will come in.
I'm not playing the guessing game. You are in my home you're dead regardless if it's in the back or front.

The victim wasn't armed in any of the situations I brought up. Also, aside from the man who shot his friend, neither situation involved the victim even approaching the shooter in the first place. Was Trayvon setting up a strategic Skittles and ice tea attack? I agree, that's the worst kind.

Trayvon Martin was not only walking away, but he had no idea why Zimmerman was following him. Zimmerman placed himself in a situation where a confrontation would take place, even after the dispatcher told him not to follow. Zimmerman himself testified to that.

You do realize the dispatcher first told Zimmerman to keep an eye on the unknown individual? Zimmerman did say that the unknown subject was looking at him, Zimmerman did say the unknown subject was walking towards him, Zimmerman did say the unknown subject had something in his hand, Zimmerman did say the unknown suspect started running. Zimmerman did acknowledge the request to stop running after the unknown subject, here's were your argument fell apart. The unknown subject if he was in fear of his life should have called the police.

You do realize the dispatcher first told Zimmerman to keep an eye on the unknown individual?

several times actually
Nothing GZ did was illegal or stupid.

It was stupid to expose himself to all this for no benefit.

Nothing gained.

Everything to lose.

His neighbors gained by the robbery spree ending.

That this does not matter to a coward like you says more about you than GZ, idiot.

Your contention Zimmerman stopped robberies (actually burglaries but we wouldn't expect someone of your limited horsepower to know the difference) and was thus worth everything he went through speaks to your naivety.

You are a gun shop commando wanna be.

Your ignorance will cost your dearly. I hope it doesn't cost the of rest us.
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In March 2012 a man is acquitted of murder for shooting his friend with an assault rifle during a night of drinking.
If the shooting was not in self defense, then to me, the judge who let the guy walk should have the book thrown at him too! :mad: :mad: :mad:
It WAS in self defense. He asked them to leave, and was punched instead.

The guy is legally blind, btw.
Thank you for telling me about his sight condition! I love that he didn't let it get in the way of him defending himself. :) :) :)

God bless you and him always!!! :) :) :)

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This was never meant to be a thread about gun control. Many states have laws similar to "Stand Your Ground", whether they be the "Castle Doctrine", or whatever. I just wonder why these type of incidents always seem to originate from Florida.

Anytime one of these threads is started it is about gun control. If you really wanted to know what was wrong with a populace you would've asked about the whackos in Kalifornia. They've had more mass shootings and killing sprees than half the nation combined.

First, Trayvon Martin is shot while walking AWAY from his killer.
Your opinion
thread should die now.

No it is not his opinion, it is a lie.

IT is documented by physical evidence and eye witnesses that Martin was shot while sitting on top of GZ pounding his head into the ground. Not while 'walking away'.

He walked away and was persued by Zimmerman.

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