WTF is wrong with Florida gun owners?

First, Trayvon Martin is shot while walking AWAY from his killer.

Stopped reading after this.

note to aaronlalaland, if you want your point to be taken seriously you shouldn't open with a completely biased falsehood. :rofl:

Or you could continue reading as far as me apologizing for misstating, and continue from there. :eusa_hand:

EDIT: Nevermind. You won't read this, because you didn't make it past the first post. :eusa_whistle:
So you don't support gun control?

I have a carry permit. I think people have the right to carry. i think people have the right to shoot in self defense

I also think Zimmerman acted irresponsibly and that his actions were the primary cause of the events that night.

Again, I ask what is irresponsible about warding off criminals in an effort to defend your neighborhood from their crime?

MARTIN, not GZ initiated the violence that night, and his death lies solely with him.

What evidence was there that Martin was a criminal? Was he engaged in any criminal activity? Was he threatening anyone's person or property?

And I'll stipulate to Martin attacking Zimmerman but in reality we do not know if that attack was unprovoked do we?

We don't know if Zimmerman laid a hand on Martin first and we will never know. Just because he said he didn't lay a hand on the kid doesn't mean it's true.

It's a simple point of fact that I am trying to point out but you're all so cock fucking sure that Zimmerman is an innocent victim here that you can't even admit that there is plenty that is not known and will never be known about what exactly happened that night..
I'm amused by the people who STILL buy into the concept that George Zimmerman is somehow guilty of something simply because he followed a suspicious person while calling the police.

The reason that Trayvon Martin was staying with his father is that he'd been suspended from school for theft and marijuana possession. This was never a case of an innocent black teenager preyed upon by an overzealous racist gun nut as it was portrayed in the main stream media. This was ALWAYS a case of a young black man resorting to violence against someone who was simply protecting his neighborhood. The reason that Trayvon Martin is dead today is that he was a "thug wannabe"...something that was obvious from his text messages and his face book page before both were "scrubbed" to make him look like a sweet kid out for candy.
I'm amused by the people who STILL buy into the concept that George Zimmerman is somehow guilty of something simply because he followed a suspicious person while calling the police.

The reason that Trayvon Martin was staying with his father is that he'd been suspended from school for theft and marijuana possession. This was never a case of an innocent black teenager preyed upon by an overzealous racist gun nut as it was portrayed in the main stream media. This was ALWAYS a case of a young black man resorting to violence against someone who was simply protecting his neighborhood. The reason that Trayvon Martin is dead today is that he was a "thug wannabe"...something that was obvious from his text messages and his face book page before both were "scrubbed" to make him look like a sweet kid out for candy.

The problem with this story is that everyone wants to portray both sides in the most extreme manner. Either Zimmerman was a gun nut, or Martin was a thug. Could it possibly be that both parties acted stupidly at some point that night?

The problem I have with Zimmerman is that he was a tubby little neighborhood watchman with a gun. He had no place following a suspected criminal, let alone ever getting close enough for this confrontation to take place.
I apologize. I did imply that we was shot while walking away, but it wasn't what I meant. It was still a situation he never should have put himself in. Like the other stories I listed Zimmerman was another overzealous Florida gun owner.

Not in the least. GZ didn't draw his weapon until he was being attacked, that isn't anything close to being over zealous. If you want to claim that the retired cop who shot the man in the theater for texting was over zealous then I might agree with you. GZ? Not at all.

If your point is that he would not have presumed Martin if he didn't have a gun well, that's just speculation on your part and he was a neighborhood watch member which would imply following and confronting strangers as a regular part of the duty.

I have dealt with neighborhood watches and I have yet to see a watch done by less than 2 people. They work in pairs for a reason.

The fact that you have absolutely no skepticism here tells me you are fucking naive.

For all we know Zimmerman grabbed the kid first got his ass kicked and then shot.

We simply do not know what transpired. I admit that and you say I'm thick skulled where you're just quick to believe everything that one guy says.

I suppose you think everyone tells the truth in court too right?

You continue to point out that neither one of us knows what really happened then you turn around and either tell me I'm wrong, or you base an entire argument on your view of what you think happened.

You call me naive but I go by the evidence and the courts decision, you go by voices in your head.
I have a carry permit. I think people have the right to carry. i think people have the right to shoot in self defense

I also think Zimmerman acted irresponsibly and that his actions were the primary cause of the events that night.

Again, I ask what is irresponsible about warding off criminals in an effort to defend your neighborhood from their crime?

MARTIN, not GZ initiated the violence that night, and his death lies solely with him.

The only person's word we have to go off of is Zimmerman's. The only eyewitness saw the end of the confrontation. The last thing we know for sure before that came from both individual's phone calls. We know that Zimmerman was pursuing Martin, and that Martin was walking away. Even if Martin was really in the neighborhood to case houses, it's a safe bet that having a man following him already dissuaded him. At that moment he had already warded off the burglar, and police were on their way to investigate. It was his continued pursuit that put him in a situation where he would have had to shoot Martin. It never should have gotten to that point.

Too bad you weren't the prosecutor, since you have all the definitive answers and know all the REAL facts, you could have won the case.:cuckoo:
I'm amused by the people who STILL buy into the concept that George Zimmerman is somehow guilty of something simply because he followed a suspicious person while calling the police.

I agree with the court decision, but being found not guilty doesn't make one innocent. It means there wasn't enough evidence for a conviction. It would be like calling Casey Anthony innocent for being found not guilty. That's not what the ruling means.
Too bad you weren't the prosecutor, since you have all the definitive answers and know all the REAL facts, you could have won the case.:cuckoo:

NOBODY but the man defending himself had all the facts. You are naive if you think the only person with all the facts was going to use them to convict himself.
I'm amused by the people who STILL buy into the concept that George Zimmerman is somehow guilty of something simply because he followed a suspicious person while calling the police.

The reason that Trayvon Martin was staying with his father is that he'd been suspended from school for theft and marijuana possession. This was never a case of an innocent black teenager preyed upon by an overzealous racist gun nut as it was portrayed in the main stream media. This was ALWAYS a case of a young black man resorting to violence against someone who was simply protecting his neighborhood. The reason that Trayvon Martin is dead today is that he was a "thug wannabe"...something that was obvious from his text messages and his face book page before both were "scrubbed" to make him look like a sweet kid out for candy.

People only read what they want to, only believe what they want to. The really sad cases are the ones you have to tell 7544774346775 times and they still argue.
Conservatives and liberals are both basing their judgement on their preconceived ideas. You have no plan on taking an objective stance. You made your mind up the moment conservatives sided with Zimmerman.
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Florida courts apparently don't know the difference between manslaughter and self-defense.

Involuntary manslaughter is the unlawful killing of another human being without intent. The absence of the intent element is the essential difference between voluntary and involuntary manslaughter. Also in most states, involuntary manslaughter does not result from a heat of passion but from an improper use of reasonable care or skill while in the commission of a lawful act or while in the commission of an unlawful act not amounting to a felony

Far as Zman goes, imo, the dude F'd up. Shouldn't rot in prison til the end of his days, shouldn't be acquitted either.
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