WTF is wrong with people?

These cognitive attributes are different in males and females. Generally, females show advantages in verbal fluency, perceptual speed, accuracy and fine motor skills, while males outperform females in spatial, working memory and mathematical abilities

Females had greater volume in the prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, superior temporal cortex, lateral parietal cortex, and insula. Males, on average, had greater volume in the ventral temporal and occipital regions. Each of these regions is responsible for processing different types of information.

Before you blame the mother, have the kid tested to see which way their brain functions.
Her mother basically forced a mental illness down her throat. Its sad. And child abuse.
I there is or can be a divergence between physical and mental gender, it would not be known until puberty.
The mental feelings on sexuality change at that time, so anything before that does not matter.
WTF is wrong with people?

The list is long...

The list is long, indeed. I have the perspective, that the beyond outer space entity, who for now can be just called The End To End, can't juggle left-wing politics, with juggling sex itself and Heaven's computation sex (when I say Heaven's computation sex, I mean the data outside physics glitch sex, such as my own past experience, as an Avon representative, which I did around the Warstones area for about 10 years, wherein the idea, of the physics glitch sex, is that while walking across the road, suddenly, the whole reality forces you to become still); what would the left-wing politics actually be, relative to The End To End entity - what I think, currently, is that I'm only supposed to use fleeting stills in my mind, and not suspended stills, i.e. images in the head that are able to last.

Back to the question though - left-wing politics, after outer space?

The suspension of manual labour, in existence, such as socialites mansions, semi-detached houses, skyscrapers, bungalows, would mean that the geography styles, of everyday sociology, would have to become the dominant sex artists.
Left-wing politics, after outer space - does it fear, the balloon mathematics of outer space, relative to Earth finishing its right-wing socialite obsession, being in cahoots with the everyday pavement (the daylight everyday pavement, which for some reason believes in The Woman In Grey)?

The everyday pavement: while doing some water change duty, with the people I live with, I was finally able to "psychologically vocalise", that to remain one, I had to be the ground I was walking on. But, the ground having been grey, at the time of the experience, does it mean that grey's link to sex is the only supernatural type of sex.

In regards, to how this relates to the issue at hand, about what is wrong is people:
The End To End entity, who I know is moral due to the absolute non-physics, of their having communicated symbolism to me, and that they are the prime master, of the society of forces who only communicate information (and sex antics) through the suspension, obviously, is a political conservative, to the mystical police theory of evolution's origin, as that particular theory involves the aspect, that the term O-Hell-O-Hell-O-Hell-O is in fact a metaphor, for the gaps between planets in outer space. Of course, suspension being suspension, means that the likely connotation mathematics of the term suspension meaning physical line, is why said End To End entity is meant to be a political conservative to said theory (which just to clarify, is that at the origin of time, the typical police force, who dress as the casual police do, and who drive cars, the police created animal evolution and the embryos of people - the embryos themselves being metaphors, or metaphor images - to not allow the theology doctrine to work).

The theology doctrine, to work; it is a quasi-reference, to the octopus taking the piss' rival, Humour (who I understand to be definitely moral), being the controller of the philosophy, that work itself, i.e. capitalism, is in fact a literal demon, who must be tamed.

When I say tamed, I don't necessarily mean like a sex antic, although that would surely represent the theology morale of give the sex aristocracy all-round.

How do people reach The End To End entity, from the left-wing revolution of free housing, free churches, free food, free beverage, etc - well, one way, I imagine, is that once people have gotten used to their uniform surroundings, and to the condition of not swapping homes on the condition of money (money, by this point, will have imitated the looking up to the stars ethos of humanity), they can activate the psychology nexus (supported, by my having deactivated the Right-Master is creator of planets and sunlight theory of life), of activating the aforementioned fleeting images in the mind system, via having body glamour images say to the collective psychology (the collective psychology encompassing all of humanity), that standard body is not good enough.

For Gina Philips, the actress
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European agents in the US, corrupt feds left and right. Why didn't you ask that when they let anyone drown your flag in shit and spit in the faces of heroes and fathers?
Mom probably told her she was a tranny at the age of three.
I overheard a conversation at the train station a few years ago - a mom talking about her five year old who was, supposedly, trans. Her tone dripped with "I am special". She was proud. Not of her five year old's supposed "courage", but of her own wokeness. Made me wanna barf.
The notion that gender is a choice, especially when it's being foisted on school-aged children, is insane. Gender is no more of a choice than race, and it's cruel to pretend otherwise.
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