WW3 fears as Chinese state media reveals ‘three-stage battle plan’ to invade Taiwan as US stages war games in Pacific

If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically
Are you really this stupid?
Explain how China will win
I explained why they won’t
There would certainly be political and economic ramifications, but how the fuck would Taiwan stop a Chinese invasion? Its a prepostorous statement.
You seem to think a naval landing against a heavily fortified island is a walk in the park. Taiwan has been preparing for a Chinese invasion for 70 years.
There are 13 beaches that are accessible. They are heavily fortified. Taiwan also has 2.5 million reservists ready to be called up. They have bunkers all over the island to protect against missile attacks. Also, a modern air force, anti ship missiles, smart mines, surface to air missiles

How do you propose a China invades Taiwan?
By carpet bombing those beaches and any other problematic section in the country. War is easy if you dont care about civilian deaths, which China clearly doesnt.
We dropped more bombs on N Vietnam than any nation in history. How did that work out?

Taiwan has been preparing for such a bombing for 70 years.
They have endless caves, bunkers and underground emplacements to wait out a bombing
We avoided civilians in Vietnam for the most part. If you want to see real carpet bombing, look at what we did to Japan in WW2. The results are devastating.

Incorrect view of history
Millions of civilians died in Vietnam
Yes, killed by the North Vietnamese. Most of the civilian deaths (about 2-3 million) happened after we left.
Repeating a lie does not make it true

Your link supports MY claim, not yours. How stupid ARE you? :laugh:

Also, i bet you didnt even see THIS...

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

Show me a source saying millions were killed after we pulled out
God youre dumb. First, since you obviously didnt fucking see it, here are the deaths attributed to the US, though even those excessively high estimates still put us at only a couple hundred thousand at most, but more likely half that.

"RJ Rummel estimated that American forces killed around 5,500 people in democide between 1960 and 1972, from a range of between 4,000 and 10,000.[27] Estimates for the number of North Vietnamese civilian deaths resulting from US bombing range from 30,000–65,000.[28][4] Higher estimates place the number of civilian deaths caused by American bombing of North Vietnam in Operation Rolling Thunder at 182,000.[29] American bombing in Cambodia is estimated to have killed between 30,000 and 150,000 civilians and combatants."

Now, if you look at YOUR links subtotal of vietnamese civilian deaths at 3,200,000, that means 3,000,000 were caused by the north and south vietnamese armies.

R. J. Rummel estimated that PAVN/VC forces killed around 164,000 civilians in democide between 1954 and 1975 in South Vietnam, from a range of between 106,000 and 227,000, plus another 50,000 killed in North Vietnam.[19] Rummel's mid-level estimate includes 17,000 South Vietnamese civil servants killed by PAVN/VC. In addition, at least 36,000 Southern civilians were executed for various reasons in the period 1967–1972.[20] About 130 American and 16,000 South Vietnamese POWs died in captivity.[21] During the peak war years, another scholar Guenter Lewy attributed almost a third of civilian deaths to the VC.[22]

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

So those ^ were the civilian deaths DURING the war when the US was there, which means the MILLIONS of deaths came after we left.

...and i rest my case you stupid fucking moron. :laugh:

You still haven’t shown N Vietnam killing millions AFTER the US left

Why don’t you just admit you were lying
Are you fucking crazy? I leterally just did. You need to work on your reading comprehension. Also, what does that have to do with the US anyway? You said the US killed millions and i showed you that it was FAR less. You were wrong, admit it.
If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically
Are you really this stupid?
Explain how China will win
I explained why they won’t
There would certainly be political and economic ramifications, but how the fuck would Taiwan stop a Chinese invasion? Its a prepostorous statement.
You seem to think a naval landing against a heavily fortified island is a walk in the park. Taiwan has been preparing for a Chinese invasion for 70 years.
There are 13 beaches that are accessible. They are heavily fortified. Taiwan also has 2.5 million reservists ready to be called up. They have bunkers all over the island to protect against missile attacks. Also, a modern air force, anti ship missiles, smart mines, surface to air missiles

How do you propose a China invades Taiwan?
By carpet bombing those beaches and any other problematic section in the country. War is easy if you dont care about civilian deaths, which China clearly doesnt.
We dropped more bombs on N Vietnam than any nation in history. How did that work out?

Taiwan has been preparing for such a bombing for 70 years.
They have endless caves, bunkers and underground emplacements to wait out a bombing
We avoided civilians in Vietnam for the most part. If you want to see real carpet bombing, look at what we did to Japan in WW2. The results are devastating.

Incorrect view of history
Millions of civilians died in Vietnam
Yes, killed by the North Vietnamese. Most of the civilian deaths (about 2-3 million) happened after we left.
Repeating a lie does not make it true

Your link supports MY claim, not yours. How stupid ARE you? :laugh:

Also, i bet you didnt even see THIS...

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

Show me a source saying millions were killed after we pulled out
God youre dumb. First, since you obviously didnt fucking see it, here are the deaths attributed to the US, though even those excessively high estimates still put us at only a couple hundred thousand at most, but more likely half that.

"RJ Rummel estimated that American forces killed around 5,500 people in democide between 1960 and 1972, from a range of between 4,000 and 10,000.[27] Estimates for the number of North Vietnamese civilian deaths resulting from US bombing range from 30,000–65,000.[28][4] Higher estimates place the number of civilian deaths caused by American bombing of North Vietnam in Operation Rolling Thunder at 182,000.[29] American bombing in Cambodia is estimated to have killed between 30,000 and 150,000 civilians and combatants."

Now, if you look at YOUR links subtotal of vietnamese civilian deaths at 3,200,000, that means 3,000,000 were caused by the north and south vietnamese armies.

R. J. Rummel estimated that PAVN/VC forces killed around 164,000 civilians in democide between 1954 and 1975 in South Vietnam, from a range of between 106,000 and 227,000, plus another 50,000 killed in North Vietnam.[19] Rummel's mid-level estimate includes 17,000 South Vietnamese civil servants killed by PAVN/VC. In addition, at least 36,000 Southern civilians were executed for various reasons in the period 1967–1972.[20] About 130 American and 16,000 South Vietnamese POWs died in captivity.[21] During the peak war years, another scholar Guenter Lewy attributed almost a third of civilian deaths to the VC.[22]

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

So those ^ were the civilian deaths DURING the war when the US was there, which means the MILLIONS of deaths came after we left.

...and i rest my case you stupid fucking moron. :laugh:

You still haven’t shown N Vietnam killing millions AFTER the US left

Why don’t you just admit you were lying
Are you fucking crazy? I leterally just did. You need to work on your reading comprehension. Also, what does that have to do with the US anyway? You said the US killed millions and i showed you that it was FAR less. You were wrong, admit it.
I said no such thing
I said US involvement created a war that killed millions


Still can’t show where N Vietnam killed millions after we left
Now, looks like you are admitting you just made it up
If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically
Are you really this stupid?
Explain how China will win
I explained why they won’t
There would certainly be political and economic ramifications, but how the fuck would Taiwan stop a Chinese invasion? Its a prepostorous statement.
You seem to think a naval landing against a heavily fortified island is a walk in the park. Taiwan has been preparing for a Chinese invasion for 70 years.
There are 13 beaches that are accessible. They are heavily fortified. Taiwan also has 2.5 million reservists ready to be called up. They have bunkers all over the island to protect against missile attacks. Also, a modern air force, anti ship missiles, smart mines, surface to air missiles

How do you propose a China invades Taiwan?
By carpet bombing those beaches and any other problematic section in the country. War is easy if you dont care about civilian deaths, which China clearly doesnt.
We dropped more bombs on N Vietnam than any nation in history. How did that work out?

Taiwan has been preparing for such a bombing for 70 years.
They have endless caves, bunkers and underground emplacements to wait out a bombing
We avoided civilians in Vietnam for the most part. If you want to see real carpet bombing, look at what we did to Japan in WW2. The results are devastating.

Incorrect view of history
Millions of civilians died in Vietnam
Yes, killed by the North Vietnamese. Most of the civilian deaths (about 2-3 million) happened after we left.
Repeating a lie does not make it true

Your link supports MY claim, not yours. How stupid ARE you? :laugh:

Also, i bet you didnt even see THIS...

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

Show me a source saying millions were killed after we pulled out
God youre dumb. First, since you obviously didnt fucking see it, here are the deaths attributed to the US, though even those excessively high estimates still put us at only a couple hundred thousand at most, but more likely half that.

"RJ Rummel estimated that American forces killed around 5,500 people in democide between 1960 and 1972, from a range of between 4,000 and 10,000.[27] Estimates for the number of North Vietnamese civilian deaths resulting from US bombing range from 30,000–65,000.[28][4] Higher estimates place the number of civilian deaths caused by American bombing of North Vietnam in Operation Rolling Thunder at 182,000.[29] American bombing in Cambodia is estimated to have killed between 30,000 and 150,000 civilians and combatants."

Now, if you look at YOUR links subtotal of vietnamese civilian deaths at 3,200,000, that means 3,000,000 were caused by the north and south vietnamese armies.

R. J. Rummel estimated that PAVN/VC forces killed around 164,000 civilians in democide between 1954 and 1975 in South Vietnam, from a range of between 106,000 and 227,000, plus another 50,000 killed in North Vietnam.[19] Rummel's mid-level estimate includes 17,000 South Vietnamese civil servants killed by PAVN/VC. In addition, at least 36,000 Southern civilians were executed for various reasons in the period 1967–1972.[20] About 130 American and 16,000 South Vietnamese POWs died in captivity.[21] During the peak war years, another scholar Guenter Lewy attributed almost a third of civilian deaths to the VC.[22]

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

So those ^ were the civilian deaths DURING the war when the US was there, which means the MILLIONS of deaths came after we left.

...and i rest my case you stupid fucking moron. :laugh:

You still haven’t shown N Vietnam killing millions AFTER the US left

Why don’t you just admit you were lying
Are you fucking crazy? I leterally just did. You need to work on your reading comprehension. Also, what does that have to do with the US anyway? You said the US killed millions and i showed you that it was FAR less. You were wrong, admit it.
I said no such thing
I said US involvement created a war that killed millions


Still can’t show where N Vietnam killed millions after we left
Now, looks like you are admitting you just made it up
So you're blaming those millions of civilian deaths on the US?
If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically
Are you really this stupid?
Explain how China will win
I explained why they won’t
There would certainly be political and economic ramifications, but how the fuck would Taiwan stop a Chinese invasion? Its a prepostorous statement.
You seem to think a naval landing against a heavily fortified island is a walk in the park. Taiwan has been preparing for a Chinese invasion for 70 years.
There are 13 beaches that are accessible. They are heavily fortified. Taiwan also has 2.5 million reservists ready to be called up. They have bunkers all over the island to protect against missile attacks. Also, a modern air force, anti ship missiles, smart mines, surface to air missiles

How do you propose a China invades Taiwan?
By carpet bombing those beaches and any other problematic section in the country. War is easy if you dont care about civilian deaths, which China clearly doesnt.
We dropped more bombs on N Vietnam than any nation in history. How did that work out?

Taiwan has been preparing for such a bombing for 70 years.
They have endless caves, bunkers and underground emplacements to wait out a bombing
We avoided civilians in Vietnam for the most part. If you want to see real carpet bombing, look at what we did to Japan in WW2. The results are devastating.

Incorrect view of history
Millions of civilians died in Vietnam
Yes, killed by the North Vietnamese. Most of the civilian deaths (about 2-3 million) happened after we left.
Repeating a lie does not make it true

Your link supports MY claim, not yours. How stupid ARE you? :laugh:

Also, i bet you didnt even see THIS...

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

Show me a source saying millions were killed after we pulled out
God youre dumb. First, since you obviously didnt fucking see it, here are the deaths attributed to the US, though even those excessively high estimates still put us at only a couple hundred thousand at most, but more likely half that.

"RJ Rummel estimated that American forces killed around 5,500 people in democide between 1960 and 1972, from a range of between 4,000 and 10,000.[27] Estimates for the number of North Vietnamese civilian deaths resulting from US bombing range from 30,000–65,000.[28][4] Higher estimates place the number of civilian deaths caused by American bombing of North Vietnam in Operation Rolling Thunder at 182,000.[29] American bombing in Cambodia is estimated to have killed between 30,000 and 150,000 civilians and combatants."

Now, if you look at YOUR links subtotal of vietnamese civilian deaths at 3,200,000, that means 3,000,000 were caused by the north and south vietnamese armies.

R. J. Rummel estimated that PAVN/VC forces killed around 164,000 civilians in democide between 1954 and 1975 in South Vietnam, from a range of between 106,000 and 227,000, plus another 50,000 killed in North Vietnam.[19] Rummel's mid-level estimate includes 17,000 South Vietnamese civil servants killed by PAVN/VC. In addition, at least 36,000 Southern civilians were executed for various reasons in the period 1967–1972.[20] About 130 American and 16,000 South Vietnamese POWs died in captivity.[21] During the peak war years, another scholar Guenter Lewy attributed almost a third of civilian deaths to the VC.[22]

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

So those ^ were the civilian deaths DURING the war when the US was there, which means the MILLIONS of deaths came after we left.

...and i rest my case you stupid fucking moron. :laugh:

You still haven’t shown N Vietnam killing millions AFTER the US left

Why don’t you just admit you were lying
Are you fucking crazy? I leterally just did. You need to work on your reading comprehension. Also, what does that have to do with the US anyway? You said the US killed millions and i showed you that it was FAR less. You were wrong, admit it.
I said no such thing
I said US involvement created a war that killed millions


Still can’t show where N Vietnam killed millions after we left
Now, looks like you are admitting you just made it up
You must be the dumbest poster at USMB. How could you possibly not know this basic history?

"April 30th, 2005 marks the 30th anniversary of the fall of Saigon. Three decades in which the Vietnamese communist government and proxies killed 7.5 million people. But 30 years ago the people of America turned their backs on a just cause, confused and disheartened by sensationalized violence, biased reporting, and good intentions gone awry. They cried for peace and for an end to the killing. They thought that when we left, peace would come, and the killing would stop. But 2.5 million would die from land reforms, murder quotas ordered by the communist leaders, and brutal political oppression."

If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically
Are you really this stupid?
Explain how China will win
I explained why they won’t
There would certainly be political and economic ramifications, but how the fuck would Taiwan stop a Chinese invasion? Its a prepostorous statement.
You seem to think a naval landing against a heavily fortified island is a walk in the park. Taiwan has been preparing for a Chinese invasion for 70 years.
There are 13 beaches that are accessible. They are heavily fortified. Taiwan also has 2.5 million reservists ready to be called up. They have bunkers all over the island to protect against missile attacks. Also, a modern air force, anti ship missiles, smart mines, surface to air missiles

How do you propose a China invades Taiwan?
By carpet bombing those beaches and any other problematic section in the country. War is easy if you dont care about civilian deaths, which China clearly doesnt.
We dropped more bombs on N Vietnam than any nation in history. How did that work out?

Taiwan has been preparing for such a bombing for 70 years.
They have endless caves, bunkers and underground emplacements to wait out a bombing
We avoided civilians in Vietnam for the most part. If you want to see real carpet bombing, look at what we did to Japan in WW2. The results are devastating.

Incorrect view of history
Millions of civilians died in Vietnam
Yes, killed by the North Vietnamese. Most of the civilian deaths (about 2-3 million) happened after we left.
Repeating a lie does not make it true

Your link supports MY claim, not yours. How stupid ARE you? :laugh:

Also, i bet you didnt even see THIS...

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

Show me a source saying millions were killed after we pulled out
God youre dumb. First, since you obviously didnt fucking see it, here are the deaths attributed to the US, though even those excessively high estimates still put us at only a couple hundred thousand at most, but more likely half that.

"RJ Rummel estimated that American forces killed around 5,500 people in democide between 1960 and 1972, from a range of between 4,000 and 10,000.[27] Estimates for the number of North Vietnamese civilian deaths resulting from US bombing range from 30,000–65,000.[28][4] Higher estimates place the number of civilian deaths caused by American bombing of North Vietnam in Operation Rolling Thunder at 182,000.[29] American bombing in Cambodia is estimated to have killed between 30,000 and 150,000 civilians and combatants."

Now, if you look at YOUR links subtotal of vietnamese civilian deaths at 3,200,000, that means 3,000,000 were caused by the north and south vietnamese armies.

R. J. Rummel estimated that PAVN/VC forces killed around 164,000 civilians in democide between 1954 and 1975 in South Vietnam, from a range of between 106,000 and 227,000, plus another 50,000 killed in North Vietnam.[19] Rummel's mid-level estimate includes 17,000 South Vietnamese civil servants killed by PAVN/VC. In addition, at least 36,000 Southern civilians were executed for various reasons in the period 1967–1972.[20] About 130 American and 16,000 South Vietnamese POWs died in captivity.[21] During the peak war years, another scholar Guenter Lewy attributed almost a third of civilian deaths to the VC.[22]

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

So those ^ were the civilian deaths DURING the war when the US was there, which means the MILLIONS of deaths came after we left.

...and i rest my case you stupid fucking moron. :laugh:

You still haven’t shown N Vietnam killing millions AFTER the US left

Why don’t you just admit you were lying
Are you fucking crazy? I leterally just did. You need to work on your reading comprehension. Also, what does that have to do with the US anyway? You said the US killed millions and i showed you that it was FAR less. You were wrong, admit it.
I said no such thing
I said US involvement created a war that killed millions


Still can’t show where N Vietnam killed millions after we left
Now, looks like you are admitting you just made it up
So you're blaming those millions of civilian deaths on the US?
If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically
Are you really this stupid?
Explain how China will win
I explained why they won’t
There would certainly be political and economic ramifications, but how the fuck would Taiwan stop a Chinese invasion? Its a prepostorous statement.
You seem to think a naval landing against a heavily fortified island is a walk in the park. Taiwan has been preparing for a Chinese invasion for 70 years.
There are 13 beaches that are accessible. They are heavily fortified. Taiwan also has 2.5 million reservists ready to be called up. They have bunkers all over the island to protect against missile attacks. Also, a modern air force, anti ship missiles, smart mines, surface to air missiles

How do you propose a China invades Taiwan?
By carpet bombing those beaches and any other problematic section in the country. War is easy if you dont care about civilian deaths, which China clearly doesnt.
We dropped more bombs on N Vietnam than any nation in history. How did that work out?

Taiwan has been preparing for such a bombing for 70 years.
They have endless caves, bunkers and underground emplacements to wait out a bombing
We avoided civilians in Vietnam for the most part. If you want to see real carpet bombing, look at what we did to Japan in WW2. The results are devastating.

Incorrect view of history
Millions of civilians died in Vietnam
Yes, killed by the North Vietnamese. Most of the civilian deaths (about 2-3 million) happened after we left.
Repeating a lie does not make it true

Your link supports MY claim, not yours. How stupid ARE you? :laugh:

Also, i bet you didnt even see THIS...

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

Show me a source saying millions were killed after we pulled out
God youre dumb. First, since you obviously didnt fucking see it, here are the deaths attributed to the US, though even those excessively high estimates still put us at only a couple hundred thousand at most, but more likely half that.

"RJ Rummel estimated that American forces killed around 5,500 people in democide between 1960 and 1972, from a range of between 4,000 and 10,000.[27] Estimates for the number of North Vietnamese civilian deaths resulting from US bombing range from 30,000–65,000.[28][4] Higher estimates place the number of civilian deaths caused by American bombing of North Vietnam in Operation Rolling Thunder at 182,000.[29] American bombing in Cambodia is estimated to have killed between 30,000 and 150,000 civilians and combatants."

Now, if you look at YOUR links subtotal of vietnamese civilian deaths at 3,200,000, that means 3,000,000 were caused by the north and south vietnamese armies.

R. J. Rummel estimated that PAVN/VC forces killed around 164,000 civilians in democide between 1954 and 1975 in South Vietnam, from a range of between 106,000 and 227,000, plus another 50,000 killed in North Vietnam.[19] Rummel's mid-level estimate includes 17,000 South Vietnamese civil servants killed by PAVN/VC. In addition, at least 36,000 Southern civilians were executed for various reasons in the period 1967–1972.[20] About 130 American and 16,000 South Vietnamese POWs died in captivity.[21] During the peak war years, another scholar Guenter Lewy attributed almost a third of civilian deaths to the VC.[22]

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

So those ^ were the civilian deaths DURING the war when the US was there, which means the MILLIONS of deaths came after we left.

...and i rest my case you stupid fucking moron. :laugh:

You still haven’t shown N Vietnam killing millions AFTER the US left

Why don’t you just admit you were lying
Are you fucking crazy? I leterally just did. You need to work on your reading comprehension. Also, what does that have to do with the US anyway? You said the US killed millions and i showed you that it was FAR less. You were wrong, admit it.
I said no such thing
I said US involvement created a war that killed millions


Still can’t show where N Vietnam killed millions after we left
Now, looks like you are admitting you just made it up
You must be the dumbest poster at USMB. How could you possibly not know this basic history?

"April 30th, 2005 marks the 30th anniversary of the fall of Saigon. Three decades in which the Vietnamese communist government and proxies killed 7.5 million people. But 30 years ago the people of America turned their backs on a just cause, confused and disheartened by sensationalized violence, biased reporting, and good intentions gone awry. They cried for peace and for an end to the killing. They thought that when we left, peace would come, and the killing would stop. But 2.5 million would die from land reforms, murder quotas ordered by the communist leaders, and brutal political oppression."

Not reading “Rebirth of Reason” propaganda
If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically
Are you really this stupid?
Explain how China will win
I explained why they won’t
There would certainly be political and economic ramifications, but how the fuck would Taiwan stop a Chinese invasion? Its a prepostorous statement.
You seem to think a naval landing against a heavily fortified island is a walk in the park. Taiwan has been preparing for a Chinese invasion for 70 years.
There are 13 beaches that are accessible. They are heavily fortified. Taiwan also has 2.5 million reservists ready to be called up. They have bunkers all over the island to protect against missile attacks. Also, a modern air force, anti ship missiles, smart mines, surface to air missiles

How do you propose a China invades Taiwan?
By carpet bombing those beaches and any other problematic section in the country. War is easy if you dont care about civilian deaths, which China clearly doesnt.
We dropped more bombs on N Vietnam than any nation in history. How did that work out?

Taiwan has been preparing for such a bombing for 70 years.
They have endless caves, bunkers and underground emplacements to wait out a bombing
We avoided civilians in Vietnam for the most part. If you want to see real carpet bombing, look at what we did to Japan in WW2. The results are devastating.

Incorrect view of history
Millions of civilians died in Vietnam
Yes, killed by the North Vietnamese. Most of the civilian deaths (about 2-3 million) happened after we left.
Repeating a lie does not make it true

Your link supports MY claim, not yours. How stupid ARE you? :laugh:

Also, i bet you didnt even see THIS...

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

Show me a source saying millions were killed after we pulled out
God youre dumb. First, since you obviously didnt fucking see it, here are the deaths attributed to the US, though even those excessively high estimates still put us at only a couple hundred thousand at most, but more likely half that.

"RJ Rummel estimated that American forces killed around 5,500 people in democide between 1960 and 1972, from a range of between 4,000 and 10,000.[27] Estimates for the number of North Vietnamese civilian deaths resulting from US bombing range from 30,000–65,000.[28][4] Higher estimates place the number of civilian deaths caused by American bombing of North Vietnam in Operation Rolling Thunder at 182,000.[29] American bombing in Cambodia is estimated to have killed between 30,000 and 150,000 civilians and combatants."

Now, if you look at YOUR links subtotal of vietnamese civilian deaths at 3,200,000, that means 3,000,000 were caused by the north and south vietnamese armies.

R. J. Rummel estimated that PAVN/VC forces killed around 164,000 civilians in democide between 1954 and 1975 in South Vietnam, from a range of between 106,000 and 227,000, plus another 50,000 killed in North Vietnam.[19] Rummel's mid-level estimate includes 17,000 South Vietnamese civil servants killed by PAVN/VC. In addition, at least 36,000 Southern civilians were executed for various reasons in the period 1967–1972.[20] About 130 American and 16,000 South Vietnamese POWs died in captivity.[21] During the peak war years, another scholar Guenter Lewy attributed almost a third of civilian deaths to the VC.[22]

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

So those ^ were the civilian deaths DURING the war when the US was there, which means the MILLIONS of deaths came after we left.

...and i rest my case you stupid fucking moron. :laugh:

You still haven’t shown N Vietnam killing millions AFTER the US left

Why don’t you just admit you were lying
Are you fucking crazy? I leterally just did. You need to work on your reading comprehension. Also, what does that have to do with the US anyway? You said the US killed millions and i showed you that it was FAR less. You were wrong, admit it.
I said no such thing
I said US involvement created a war that killed millions


Still can’t show where N Vietnam killed millions after we left
Now, looks like you are admitting you just made it up
So you're blaming those millions of civilian deaths on the US?
If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically
Are you really this stupid?
Explain how China will win
I explained why they won’t
There would certainly be political and economic ramifications, but how the fuck would Taiwan stop a Chinese invasion? Its a prepostorous statement.
You seem to think a naval landing against a heavily fortified island is a walk in the park. Taiwan has been preparing for a Chinese invasion for 70 years.
There are 13 beaches that are accessible. They are heavily fortified. Taiwan also has 2.5 million reservists ready to be called up. They have bunkers all over the island to protect against missile attacks. Also, a modern air force, anti ship missiles, smart mines, surface to air missiles

How do you propose a China invades Taiwan?
By carpet bombing those beaches and any other problematic section in the country. War is easy if you dont care about civilian deaths, which China clearly doesnt.
We dropped more bombs on N Vietnam than any nation in history. How did that work out?

Taiwan has been preparing for such a bombing for 70 years.
They have endless caves, bunkers and underground emplacements to wait out a bombing
We avoided civilians in Vietnam for the most part. If you want to see real carpet bombing, look at what we did to Japan in WW2. The results are devastating.

Incorrect view of history
Millions of civilians died in Vietnam
Yes, killed by the North Vietnamese. Most of the civilian deaths (about 2-3 million) happened after we left.
Repeating a lie does not make it true

Your link supports MY claim, not yours. How stupid ARE you? :laugh:

Also, i bet you didnt even see THIS...

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

Show me a source saying millions were killed after we pulled out
God youre dumb. First, since you obviously didnt fucking see it, here are the deaths attributed to the US, though even those excessively high estimates still put us at only a couple hundred thousand at most, but more likely half that.

"RJ Rummel estimated that American forces killed around 5,500 people in democide between 1960 and 1972, from a range of between 4,000 and 10,000.[27] Estimates for the number of North Vietnamese civilian deaths resulting from US bombing range from 30,000–65,000.[28][4] Higher estimates place the number of civilian deaths caused by American bombing of North Vietnam in Operation Rolling Thunder at 182,000.[29] American bombing in Cambodia is estimated to have killed between 30,000 and 150,000 civilians and combatants."

Now, if you look at YOUR links subtotal of vietnamese civilian deaths at 3,200,000, that means 3,000,000 were caused by the north and south vietnamese armies.

R. J. Rummel estimated that PAVN/VC forces killed around 164,000 civilians in democide between 1954 and 1975 in South Vietnam, from a range of between 106,000 and 227,000, plus another 50,000 killed in North Vietnam.[19] Rummel's mid-level estimate includes 17,000 South Vietnamese civil servants killed by PAVN/VC. In addition, at least 36,000 Southern civilians were executed for various reasons in the period 1967–1972.[20] About 130 American and 16,000 South Vietnamese POWs died in captivity.[21] During the peak war years, another scholar Guenter Lewy attributed almost a third of civilian deaths to the VC.[22]

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

So those ^ were the civilian deaths DURING the war when the US was there, which means the MILLIONS of deaths came after we left.

...and i rest my case you stupid fucking moron. :laugh:

You still haven’t shown N Vietnam killing millions AFTER the US left

Why don’t you just admit you were lying
Are you fucking crazy? I leterally just did. You need to work on your reading comprehension. Also, what does that have to do with the US anyway? You said the US killed millions and i showed you that it was FAR less. You were wrong, admit it.
I said no such thing
I said US involvement created a war that killed millions


Still can’t show where N Vietnam killed millions after we left
Now, looks like you are admitting you just made it up
You must be the dumbest poster at USMB. How could you possibly not know this basic history?

"April 30th, 2005 marks the 30th anniversary of the fall of Saigon. Three decades in which the Vietnamese communist government and proxies killed 7.5 million people. But 30 years ago the people of America turned their backs on a just cause, confused and disheartened by sensationalized violence, biased reporting, and good intentions gone awry. They cried for peace and for an end to the killing. They thought that when we left, peace would come, and the killing would stop. But 2.5 million would die from land reforms, murder quotas ordered by the communist leaders, and brutal political oppression."

Not reading “Rebirth of Reason” propaganda
hehheh Man up and admit you were wrong commie stooge.
If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically
Are you really this stupid?
Explain how China will win
I explained why they won’t
There would certainly be political and economic ramifications, but how the fuck would Taiwan stop a Chinese invasion? Its a prepostorous statement.
You seem to think a naval landing against a heavily fortified island is a walk in the park. Taiwan has been preparing for a Chinese invasion for 70 years.
There are 13 beaches that are accessible. They are heavily fortified. Taiwan also has 2.5 million reservists ready to be called up. They have bunkers all over the island to protect against missile attacks. Also, a modern air force, anti ship missiles, smart mines, surface to air missiles

How do you propose a China invades Taiwan?
By carpet bombing those beaches and any other problematic section in the country. War is easy if you dont care about civilian deaths, which China clearly doesnt.
We dropped more bombs on N Vietnam than any nation in history. How did that work out?

Taiwan has been preparing for such a bombing for 70 years.
They have endless caves, bunkers and underground emplacements to wait out a bombing
We avoided civilians in Vietnam for the most part. If you want to see real carpet bombing, look at what we did to Japan in WW2. The results are devastating.

Incorrect view of history
Millions of civilians died in Vietnam
Yes, killed by the North Vietnamese. Most of the civilian deaths (about 2-3 million) happened after we left.
Repeating a lie does not make it true

Your link supports MY claim, not yours. How stupid ARE you? :laugh:

Also, i bet you didnt even see THIS...

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

Show me a source saying millions were killed after we pulled out
God youre dumb. First, since you obviously didnt fucking see it, here are the deaths attributed to the US, though even those excessively high estimates still put us at only a couple hundred thousand at most, but more likely half that.

"RJ Rummel estimated that American forces killed around 5,500 people in democide between 1960 and 1972, from a range of between 4,000 and 10,000.[27] Estimates for the number of North Vietnamese civilian deaths resulting from US bombing range from 30,000–65,000.[28][4] Higher estimates place the number of civilian deaths caused by American bombing of North Vietnam in Operation Rolling Thunder at 182,000.[29] American bombing in Cambodia is estimated to have killed between 30,000 and 150,000 civilians and combatants."

Now, if you look at YOUR links subtotal of vietnamese civilian deaths at 3,200,000, that means 3,000,000 were caused by the north and south vietnamese armies.

R. J. Rummel estimated that PAVN/VC forces killed around 164,000 civilians in democide between 1954 and 1975 in South Vietnam, from a range of between 106,000 and 227,000, plus another 50,000 killed in North Vietnam.[19] Rummel's mid-level estimate includes 17,000 South Vietnamese civil servants killed by PAVN/VC. In addition, at least 36,000 Southern civilians were executed for various reasons in the period 1967–1972.[20] About 130 American and 16,000 South Vietnamese POWs died in captivity.[21] During the peak war years, another scholar Guenter Lewy attributed almost a third of civilian deaths to the VC.[22]

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

So those ^ were the civilian deaths DURING the war when the US was there, which means the MILLIONS of deaths came after we left.

...and i rest my case you stupid fucking moron. :laugh:

You still haven’t shown N Vietnam killing millions AFTER the US left

Why don’t you just admit you were lying
Are you fucking crazy? I leterally just did. You need to work on your reading comprehension. Also, what does that have to do with the US anyway? You said the US killed millions and i showed you that it was FAR less. You were wrong, admit it.
I said no such thing
I said US involvement created a war that killed millions


Still can’t show where N Vietnam killed millions after we left
Now, looks like you are admitting you just made it up
So you're blaming those millions of civilian deaths on the US?
If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically
Are you really this stupid?
Explain how China will win
I explained why they won’t
There would certainly be political and economic ramifications, but how the fuck would Taiwan stop a Chinese invasion? Its a prepostorous statement.
You seem to think a naval landing against a heavily fortified island is a walk in the park. Taiwan has been preparing for a Chinese invasion for 70 years.
There are 13 beaches that are accessible. They are heavily fortified. Taiwan also has 2.5 million reservists ready to be called up. They have bunkers all over the island to protect against missile attacks. Also, a modern air force, anti ship missiles, smart mines, surface to air missiles

How do you propose a China invades Taiwan?
By carpet bombing those beaches and any other problematic section in the country. War is easy if you dont care about civilian deaths, which China clearly doesnt.
We dropped more bombs on N Vietnam than any nation in history. How did that work out?

Taiwan has been preparing for such a bombing for 70 years.
They have endless caves, bunkers and underground emplacements to wait out a bombing
We avoided civilians in Vietnam for the most part. If you want to see real carpet bombing, look at what we did to Japan in WW2. The results are devastating.

Incorrect view of history
Millions of civilians died in Vietnam
Yes, killed by the North Vietnamese. Most of the civilian deaths (about 2-3 million) happened after we left.
Repeating a lie does not make it true

Your link supports MY claim, not yours. How stupid ARE you? :laugh:

Also, i bet you didnt even see THIS...

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

Show me a source saying millions were killed after we pulled out
God youre dumb. First, since you obviously didnt fucking see it, here are the deaths attributed to the US, though even those excessively high estimates still put us at only a couple hundred thousand at most, but more likely half that.

"RJ Rummel estimated that American forces killed around 5,500 people in democide between 1960 and 1972, from a range of between 4,000 and 10,000.[27] Estimates for the number of North Vietnamese civilian deaths resulting from US bombing range from 30,000–65,000.[28][4] Higher estimates place the number of civilian deaths caused by American bombing of North Vietnam in Operation Rolling Thunder at 182,000.[29] American bombing in Cambodia is estimated to have killed between 30,000 and 150,000 civilians and combatants."

Now, if you look at YOUR links subtotal of vietnamese civilian deaths at 3,200,000, that means 3,000,000 were caused by the north and south vietnamese armies.

R. J. Rummel estimated that PAVN/VC forces killed around 164,000 civilians in democide between 1954 and 1975 in South Vietnam, from a range of between 106,000 and 227,000, plus another 50,000 killed in North Vietnam.[19] Rummel's mid-level estimate includes 17,000 South Vietnamese civil servants killed by PAVN/VC. In addition, at least 36,000 Southern civilians were executed for various reasons in the period 1967–1972.[20] About 130 American and 16,000 South Vietnamese POWs died in captivity.[21] During the peak war years, another scholar Guenter Lewy attributed almost a third of civilian deaths to the VC.[22]

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

So those ^ were the civilian deaths DURING the war when the US was there, which means the MILLIONS of deaths came after we left.

...and i rest my case you stupid fucking moron. :laugh:

You still haven’t shown N Vietnam killing millions AFTER the US left

Why don’t you just admit you were lying
Are you fucking crazy? I leterally just did. You need to work on your reading comprehension. Also, what does that have to do with the US anyway? You said the US killed millions and i showed you that it was FAR less. You were wrong, admit it.
I said no such thing
I said US involvement created a war that killed millions


Still can’t show where N Vietnam killed millions after we left
Now, looks like you are admitting you just made it up
You must be the dumbest poster at USMB. How could you possibly not know this basic history?

"April 30th, 2005 marks the 30th anniversary of the fall of Saigon. Three decades in which the Vietnamese communist government and proxies killed 7.5 million people. But 30 years ago the people of America turned their backs on a just cause, confused and disheartened by sensationalized violence, biased reporting, and good intentions gone awry. They cried for peace and for an end to the killing. They thought that when we left, peace would come, and the killing would stop. But 2.5 million would die from land reforms, murder quotas ordered by the communist leaders, and brutal political oppression."

Not reading “Rebirth of Reason” propaganda
The numbers are in your wiki link too, right there in the opening chart. They show how many total civilians were killed (3,000,000+) and it shows how many were attributed to the US (under 100,000). You must be extremely dumb to not be able to read your own link.

You thought the US killed millions of civilians? Tha fuck? :cuckoo:
Last edited:
If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically
Are you really this stupid?
Explain how China will win
I explained why they won’t
There would certainly be political and economic ramifications, but how the fuck would Taiwan stop a Chinese invasion? Its a prepostorous statement.
You seem to think a naval landing against a heavily fortified island is a walk in the park. Taiwan has been preparing for a Chinese invasion for 70 years.
There are 13 beaches that are accessible. They are heavily fortified. Taiwan also has 2.5 million reservists ready to be called up. They have bunkers all over the island to protect against missile attacks. Also, a modern air force, anti ship missiles, smart mines, surface to air missiles

How do you propose a China invades Taiwan?
By carpet bombing those beaches and any other problematic section in the country. War is easy if you dont care about civilian deaths, which China clearly doesnt.
We dropped more bombs on N Vietnam than any nation in history. How did that work out?

Taiwan has been preparing for such a bombing for 70 years.
They have endless caves, bunkers and underground emplacements to wait out a bombing
We avoided civilians in Vietnam for the most part. If you want to see real carpet bombing, look at what we did to Japan in WW2. The results are devastating.

Incorrect view of history
Millions of civilians died in Vietnam
Yes, killed by the North Vietnamese. Most of the civilian deaths (about 2-3 million) happened after we left.
Repeating a lie does not make it true

Your link supports MY claim, not yours. How stupid ARE you? :laugh:

Also, i bet you didnt even see THIS...

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

Show me a source saying millions were killed after we pulled out
God youre dumb. First, since you obviously didnt fucking see it, here are the deaths attributed to the US, though even those excessively high estimates still put us at only a couple hundred thousand at most, but more likely half that.

"RJ Rummel estimated that American forces killed around 5,500 people in democide between 1960 and 1972, from a range of between 4,000 and 10,000.[27] Estimates for the number of North Vietnamese civilian deaths resulting from US bombing range from 30,000–65,000.[28][4] Higher estimates place the number of civilian deaths caused by American bombing of North Vietnam in Operation Rolling Thunder at 182,000.[29] American bombing in Cambodia is estimated to have killed between 30,000 and 150,000 civilians and combatants."

Now, if you look at YOUR links subtotal of vietnamese civilian deaths at 3,200,000, that means 3,000,000 were caused by the north and south vietnamese armies.

R. J. Rummel estimated that PAVN/VC forces killed around 164,000 civilians in democide between 1954 and 1975 in South Vietnam, from a range of between 106,000 and 227,000, plus another 50,000 killed in North Vietnam.[19] Rummel's mid-level estimate includes 17,000 South Vietnamese civil servants killed by PAVN/VC. In addition, at least 36,000 Southern civilians were executed for various reasons in the period 1967–1972.[20] About 130 American and 16,000 South Vietnamese POWs died in captivity.[21] During the peak war years, another scholar Guenter Lewy attributed almost a third of civilian deaths to the VC.[22]

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

So those ^ were the civilian deaths DURING the war when the US was there, which means the MILLIONS of deaths came after we left.

...and i rest my case you stupid fucking moron. :laugh:

You still haven’t shown N Vietnam killing millions AFTER the US left

Why don’t you just admit you were lying
Are you fucking crazy? I leterally just did. You need to work on your reading comprehension. Also, what does that have to do with the US anyway? You said the US killed millions and i showed you that it was FAR less. You were wrong, admit it.
I said no such thing
I said US involvement created a war that killed millions


Still can’t show where N Vietnam killed millions after we left
Now, looks like you are admitting you just made it up
So you're blaming those millions of civilian deaths on the US?
If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically
Are you really this stupid?
Explain how China will win
I explained why they won’t
There would certainly be political and economic ramifications, but how the fuck would Taiwan stop a Chinese invasion? Its a prepostorous statement.
You seem to think a naval landing against a heavily fortified island is a walk in the park. Taiwan has been preparing for a Chinese invasion for 70 years.
There are 13 beaches that are accessible. They are heavily fortified. Taiwan also has 2.5 million reservists ready to be called up. They have bunkers all over the island to protect against missile attacks. Also, a modern air force, anti ship missiles, smart mines, surface to air missiles

How do you propose a China invades Taiwan?
By carpet bombing those beaches and any other problematic section in the country. War is easy if you dont care about civilian deaths, which China clearly doesnt.
We dropped more bombs on N Vietnam than any nation in history. How did that work out?

Taiwan has been preparing for such a bombing for 70 years.
They have endless caves, bunkers and underground emplacements to wait out a bombing
We avoided civilians in Vietnam for the most part. If you want to see real carpet bombing, look at what we did to Japan in WW2. The results are devastating.

Incorrect view of history
Millions of civilians died in Vietnam
Yes, killed by the North Vietnamese. Most of the civilian deaths (about 2-3 million) happened after we left.
Repeating a lie does not make it true

Your link supports MY claim, not yours. How stupid ARE you? :laugh:

Also, i bet you didnt even see THIS...

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

Show me a source saying millions were killed after we pulled out
God youre dumb. First, since you obviously didnt fucking see it, here are the deaths attributed to the US, though even those excessively high estimates still put us at only a couple hundred thousand at most, but more likely half that.

"RJ Rummel estimated that American forces killed around 5,500 people in democide between 1960 and 1972, from a range of between 4,000 and 10,000.[27] Estimates for the number of North Vietnamese civilian deaths resulting from US bombing range from 30,000–65,000.[28][4] Higher estimates place the number of civilian deaths caused by American bombing of North Vietnam in Operation Rolling Thunder at 182,000.[29] American bombing in Cambodia is estimated to have killed between 30,000 and 150,000 civilians and combatants."

Now, if you look at YOUR links subtotal of vietnamese civilian deaths at 3,200,000, that means 3,000,000 were caused by the north and south vietnamese armies.

R. J. Rummel estimated that PAVN/VC forces killed around 164,000 civilians in democide between 1954 and 1975 in South Vietnam, from a range of between 106,000 and 227,000, plus another 50,000 killed in North Vietnam.[19] Rummel's mid-level estimate includes 17,000 South Vietnamese civil servants killed by PAVN/VC. In addition, at least 36,000 Southern civilians were executed for various reasons in the period 1967–1972.[20] About 130 American and 16,000 South Vietnamese POWs died in captivity.[21] During the peak war years, another scholar Guenter Lewy attributed almost a third of civilian deaths to the VC.[22]

These numbers do not include civilian and ARVN military deaths result from the communist mass-internment, the refugee crisis and subsequent exodus of Vietnamese people after the Fall of Saigon.

So those ^ were the civilian deaths DURING the war when the US was there, which means the MILLIONS of deaths came after we left.

...and i rest my case you stupid fucking moron. :laugh:

You still haven’t shown N Vietnam killing millions AFTER the US left

Why don’t you just admit you were lying
Are you fucking crazy? I leterally just did. You need to work on your reading comprehension. Also, what does that have to do with the US anyway? You said the US killed millions and i showed you that it was FAR less. You were wrong, admit it.
I said no such thing
I said US involvement created a war that killed millions


Still can’t show where N Vietnam killed millions after we left
Now, looks like you are admitting you just made it up
You must be the dumbest poster at USMB. How could you possibly not know this basic history?

"April 30th, 2005 marks the 30th anniversary of the fall of Saigon. Three decades in which the Vietnamese communist government and proxies killed 7.5 million people. But 30 years ago the people of America turned their backs on a just cause, confused and disheartened by sensationalized violence, biased reporting, and good intentions gone awry. They cried for peace and for an end to the killing. They thought that when we left, peace would come, and the killing would stop. But 2.5 million would die from land reforms, murder quotas ordered by the communist leaders, and brutal political oppression."

Not reading “Rebirth of Reason” propaganda
The numbers are in your wiki link too, right there in the opening chart. They show how many total civilians were killed (3,000,000+) and it shows how many were attributed to the US (under 100,000). You must be extremely dumb to not be able to read your own link.

You thought the US killed millions of civilians? Tha fuck? :cuckoo:
It is said 'right winger' is a paid poster.....who would pay that guy?

He is consistently wrong, shallow minded and thus wastes a lot of board space.

Who would pay for something like that?
We will be forced to use Nukes to survive. That is my fear. I do not have confidence in those we have running things.
China knows that they gotta move on Taiwan while installed Bi-Dung is Prez!
They may never have an opportunity like this again!!
China: We need to gain a country that has things in it that don't rust, wear out, or break. Peacful people will be there. Be at peace with Taiwan, no matter what. You will gain that prize doing what I say, yip, yip, yep. You will not be a sexless it there. To be like the angels is being immortal. Jesus is immortal. Jesus is a male. Our bodies will be changed to not need to eat. Eating is a thing that can still be enjoyed. God's kingdom will be an eternal dream. Don't throw that away waring with Taiwan.
Last edited:
It is said 'right winger' is a paid poster.....who would pay that guy?

He is consistently wrong, shallow minded and thus wastes a lot of board space.

Who would pay for something like that?

Right now I am sponsored by AOC
If they invade Taiwan…
Taiwan will kick their ass

Doesn‘t make sense militarily, politically or economically
Really? You really think this? Biden has basically already said that China can have Taiwan...and fyi, once China start seizing countries, they won't stop... which is why Austrialia is in panic mode and hates the FUCK out of Biden
If we had a strong president that the Chinese respected and feared, they wouldn't even think of messing with the US. But after watching the moron's Afghanistan debacle, our enemies and adversaries are on the march.
If we had a strong president that the Chinese respected and feared, they wouldn't even think of messing with the US. But after watching the moron's Afghanistan debacle, our enemies and adversaries are on the march.

Not many countries were willing to sign up for George Bush’s nation building either.
Not many countries were willing to sign up for George Bush’s nation building either.
Not long after watching Iran's mullahs humiliated Jimmy Carter and the USA in general, the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. The Biden presidency will be Jimmy Carter on steroids.
Let China invade Taiwan....lets see how the Woke idiot Generals in America answer.....:04:

My pop corn is so ready,,,,,
.All of this also puts much pressure on America as in we are allies of Taiwan....yet realistically speaking can Taiwan really expect America to come to its aid?

With Joe Biden as our President the chances of our helping Taiwan have dropped considerably.


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