Wyoming wants to phase out sales of EVs by 2035

Here's the problem.

Like it or not, the world is running out of petroleum. At current consumption rates, we will be out of petroleum in 47 years.

That assumes the world continues at its current pace of consumption. Unlikely, given that India and China with 2.5 BILLION people are increasing their consumption.

So even if you are an inbred flat earther who don't believe in that Global Warming Stuff... WE STILL HAVE A PROBLEM.

Eventually, we will run out.

According to your globalclimatewarmingchange experts we were supposed to run out of oil 20 years ago.
"2035". That's got a familliar sound to it! :laugh:

Wyoming wants to phase out sales of EVs by 2035 to “ensure the stability” of the oil & gas industry​

I would like to phase out the entire DNC yesterday.

Who can help?
They'll find ways to recycle them eventually. Everything is ultimately recyclable.

The problem is, at the end of the day, we are running out of petroleum, so we really do need a plan B.
I have always maintained, there should be a long range plan (at least 50 Years) to gradually replace fossil fuels with alternatives. But EV technology is currently nowhere near ready for full scale deployment. What will we do with tens of millions of two thousand pound dead EV batteries? Unless they are radically redesigned, the cost to recycle them is enormous. Power grids are also not capable of supporting EV recharging and supplying power to ever growing populations. And if you get in a wreck in an EV car you better get the heck out within seconds before the battery explodes or catches fire.
This is as dumb as outlawing gasoline vehicles
Far be it from me to agree with DTMB, but any government effort to restrict a product is likely to increase demand. It's also not the state's business to protect the oil market.

I wouldn't buy one, but I don't give a fruit fly's fuck how anyone else spends their money.
They'll find ways to recycle them eventually. Everything is ultimately recyclable.
But they're not recyclable today, so forcing them onto the public is not a great idea.

The problem is, at the end of the day, we are running out of petroleum, so we really do need a plan B.
Where are we running out of petroleum at and what date can we expect this to happen?

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