X-pat Frank Putz (focus group guy) Lost a lot of cred. w/ me over da yr's; is our Nation in trouble?


VIP Member
Mar 2, 2018
Frank Luntz: "Our Democracy Is In Genuine Trouble Right Now"

Well it's a historic day and Columbus day wk-end that I will never forget! I am so buoyed by, and optimistic of the leadership I see in the Oval office and from the likes of Cruz, Lee & even Graham etc. in the Senate. Despite the viscerally partisan divide, isn't our democracy (representative Republic actually) firing on more cylinders than any time you can recently recall?

Is Frank Putz, sorry, Luntz just letting his butt hurt personal ideologies get in the way of his objectivity here. What is the definition of a democracy in trouble really? Isn't it when we the citizenry / constituency don't participate &/or our representatives don't actually represent us? Sorry but I just don't see that happening at this politically riveting time exactly 1 mo. from when the midterm numbers start rolling in... Aint this fun stuff!

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