Xiden is a LIAR, so why isn't the MSM counting his lies like they did for Trump?

Why doesn't the MSM call out Joe Xiden's lies?

  • The MSM is completely in the tank for democrats, the GOP (and the truth) is their enemy.

    Votes: 9 75.0%
  • The MSM's biased coverage of the Trump admin elected Joe Xiden, they need to cover for him

    Votes: 9 75.0%
  • The MSM is part of the democrat's urban plantation

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
Joe Biden lies his ass off every time he opens his mouth.
So why isn't the MSM calling him out, and counting his lies like they did for Trump?

At this point in his administration the former president had told 1,000+ and fired two spokesman for not covering them.
So Xiden only told 500 lies and hired a good liar to start with, that makes him a better president?
You must be so proud!
The obvious difference is that Trump isn't just a liar; he's a bullshitter.

Virtually everything that comes out of his mouth is, to some degree, flagrant, transparent, self-aggrandizing hyperbole. You simply can't take anything he says at pure face value, even in the simplest and most benign of situations. And we know that what he says about any person is likely to change if it's about a person he formally liked who doesn't stay in line.

So there's your answer.

The Trumpster sheep will deny this, of course.
1. Totally agree with your post, Trump is a bullshitter, he was in real estate and in reality TV, exaggerating is his style.
2. Trump is also a "micro-manager", that's his style too.
3. Have you ever looked at the Trump Organization? Imagine Joe Biden managing all of these businesses:
4. Xiden is a joke and he's only getting worse. You know damn well he's a figurehead who just reads the teleprompter. There is no fucking way that "confused" Joe has a handle on what's really going on.
5. I'm waiting for Nancy to 25th Joe's ass....anytime now, then "Laughing Kamala" will be the figurehead.
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Joe Biden lies his ass off every time he opens his mouth.
So why isn't the MSM calling him out, and counting his lies like they did for Trump?

At this point in his administration the former president had told 1,000+ and fired two spokesman for not covering them.
So Xiden only told 500 lies and hired a good liar to start with, that makes him a better president?
You must be so proud!
Trump's lies were listed and reported by multiple news sources and fact-checkers. Please list those 500 lies you accuse Biden of telling.
The obvious difference is that Trump isn't just a liar; he's a bullshitter.

Virtually everything that comes out of his mouth is, to some degree, flagrant, transparent, self-aggrandizing hyperbole. You simply can't take anything he says at pure face value, even in the simplest and most benign of situations. And we know that what he says about any person is likely to change if it's about a person he formally liked who doesn't stay in line.

So there's your answer.

The Trumpster sheep will deny this, of course.

Much like the Biden sheep ignore his lies and dementia.
As I predicted.

As I predicted from a sufferer of TDS and a Biden supporter.
Joe Biden lies his ass off every time he opens his mouth.
So why isn't the MSM calling him out, and counting his lies like they did for Trump?

At this point in his administration the former president had told 1,000+ and fired two spokesman for not covering them.
So Xiden only told 500 lies and hired a good liar to start with, that makes him a better president?
You must be so proud!
Trump's lies were listed and reported by multiple news sources and fact-checkers. Please list those 500 lies you accuse Biden of telling.

Anytime Trump misspoke it was deemed a lie. Many sheep are still running with the fake story that Trump was actually suggesting people inject bleach.
Joe Biden lies his ass off every time he opens his mouth.
So why isn't the MSM calling him out, and counting his lies like they did for Trump?

At this point in his administration the former president had told 1,000+ and fired two spokesman for not covering them.
So Xiden only told 500 lies and hired a good liar to start with, that makes him a better president?
You must be so proud!
Trump's lies were listed and reported by multiple news sources and fact-checkers. Please list those 500 lies you accuse Biden of telling.
1. Calling a Trump "exaggeration" a lie and counting them is what this thread is about.
2. Then giving Biden a pass on his "4-Pinocchio" lies and not counting them is also what this thread is about.
3. There is no legitimate count of lies, that's the entire point, the MSM is simply "fake news" that is 100% positive for Biden, and was 95% negative for Trump.
This is the big difference. When Joe says he got to the senate 120 years ago, the media says he was joking. If Trump said it, it was a LIE.

Everyone who isnt a fool knows the dinosaur media is just leftist propoganda. They gave billions of dollars in positive in kind donated advertising for Biden.
Joe Biden lies his ass off every time he opens his mouth.
So why isn't the MSM calling him out, and counting his lies like they did for Trump?

Biden isn't lying multiple times every day, about everything for starters. But here's the other thing. MOST of the websites you quote lie all of the time too. The Federalist, the National Review, have poor fact check records, and so, suprisingly, does the Christian Post.

  • Overall, we rate The Christian Post Right Biased based on story selection that is favorable to the right and Mixed for factual reporting based on a failed fact check, use of poor sources, and misleading headlines that do not match the story.

ALL of the articles you quote come from lying websites, so they're really not credible either.
Joe Biden lies his ass off every time he opens his mouth.
So why isn't the MSM calling him out, and counting his lies like they did for Trump?

At this point in his administration the former president had told 1,000+ and fired two spokesman for not covering them.
So Xiden only told 500 lies and hired a good liar to start with, that makes him a better president?
You must be so proud!
Trump's lies were listed and reported by multiple news sources and fact-checkers. Please list those 500 lies you accuse Biden of telling.
1. Calling a Trump "exaggeration" a lie and counting them is what this thread is about.
2. Then giving Biden a pass on his "4-Pinocchio" lies and not counting them is also what this thread is about.
3. There is no legitimate count of lies, that's the entire point, the MSM is simply "fake news" that is 100% positive for Biden, and was 95% negative for Trump.
Thousands of Trump lies were and are provable and undebatable, but you can try to debate them. Muslims dancing on New Jersey rooftops was not an exaggeration. Claiming a huge inauguration was not an exaggeration. Winning the 2020 elections was not an exaggeration. Those are provable lies.
Covering up Xiden's lies is what strains credibility.
You realize that one of your links is to the Washington Post, right?

Your own links contradict the narrative that it’s not being covered.
Joe Biden lies his ass off every time he opens his mouth.
So why isn't the MSM calling him out, and counting his lies like they did for Trump?

Biden isn't lying multiple times every day, about everything for starters. But here's the other thing. MOST of the websites you quote lie all of the time too. The Federalist, the National Review, have poor fact check records, and so, suprisingly, does the Christian Post.

  • Overall, we rate The Christian Post Right Biased based on story selection that is favorable to the right and Mixed for factual reporting based on a failed fact check, use of poor sources, and misleading headlines that do not match the story.

ALL of the articles you quote come from lying websites, so they're really not credible either.
So I believe that everything that the MSM and the democrats say is a lie.
You believe that everything that the GOP and FXN says is a lie.
So we have no basis for a conversation.
That's why I was off USMB for a few months.
Thanks for reminding me why I left! <poof>
PROGS hold their own to much lower standards because they live by lower standards. They simply expect more from conservatives, and they make shit up to make themselves feel good.

They apply victim roles, yadda yadda, so even if Biden lies they won't cover it because after all, he does have dementia.
If one cannot ferret out the lies, then that just makes one a ferret who cannot critically think and shouldn't be on USMB in the first place!
Instead take up knitting or auto body repair; you know, something useful.
There's not enough bandwidth on the innerwebs to post all Veggie Joe's lies.

Not enough ink in the country to print all of them......

Not enough 64 Fun Pack of Crayons in the world for Veggie Joe to list them himself..................
Joe Biden lies his ass off every time he opens his mouth.
So why isn't the MSM calling him out, and counting his lies like they did for Trump?

Poor orange cult victims.
you are the victim ? we didnt buy into the lefts bull ...you did !
Joe Biden lies his ass off every time he opens his mouth.
So why isn't the MSM calling him out, and counting his lies like they did for Trump?

Biden isn't lying multiple times every day, about everything for starters. But here's the other thing. MOST of the websites you quote lie all of the time too. The Federalist, the National Review, have poor fact check records, and so, suprisingly, does the Christian Post.

  • Overall, we rate The Christian Post Right Biased based on story selection that is favorable to the right and Mixed for factual reporting based on a failed fact check, use of poor sources, and misleading headlines that do not match the story.

ALL of the articles you quote come from lying websites, so they're really not credible either.

Currious but I guess all the “fact checkers” are on vacation now that Biden has been elected. They don’t seem to be interested in checking every Facebook post regarding Biden.
President Biden should cheat on his wife and fuck some porn stars to help ease the outrage of James Dobson.
Joseph Stolen has been an industrial grade liar for 50 years. He cheated his way thru school, cheated with the married Dr. Pepper and watched his live son fuck his dead son's widow before the body was cold. His spawn rapes and tortures 10-year old Chinese girls and smokes crack with his naked 14-year old niece. His own daughter says daddy molested her in the shower.

Calling out his stuttering lies now is like being concerned that John Wayne Gacy jay-walked back in '73. Just laugh and point at it.... like the rest of the planet.

Yeah but Dem so all of that is okay.
ALL of the articles you quote come from lying websites, so they're really not credible either.
This stuff isn't to be taken seriously. They know what Trump is, and are desperately trying to pin the same thing on Biden.

This is the best they can do. Good.

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