Zone1 Yale Jewish Student in Hospital after Antisemite Stabs him in Eye…

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Sorry that happened to you. So senseless and cruel regardless of whether you were Jewish or not. Good people teach their children not to do that. Good schools instill good manners, courtesy, kindness in their students.

I had most of my public schooling in the "Little Texas" area of southeastern New Mexico, 17 miles from the West Texas state line. Mostly rough necks and red neck business people and rancher/farmer types, fiercely independent, mostly Christian.

Schools were segregated much of that time until our little town decided it was stupid for the black kids to be bussed 20 miles to the 'black school' and decided to integrate years before Jim Crow laws were made illegal. Because we had God fearing administrators and teachers who coached us in courtesy and diplomacy, the white kids took in the black kids as friends and to the best of my knowledge there were no ugly racial incidents.

Many adults had grown up in deep south culture and swallowed hard when the kids started bringing their black friends home to play, for dinner, for slumber parties, etc. but they stepped up and handled it like troopers.

We knew some of our classmates were Jewish too and didn't think anything about it. The junior high and high school choir director at some point became aware of the Jewish students among us and included some Hannukah songs in our Christmas concert and the Christian kids enjoyed singing those as much as the Jewish kids enthusiastically sang the Christian songs. No KKK or other racist groups in our part of the world then.

It really is possible for people to get along and coexist peacefully and productively. The KKK and such racist groups were in decline and ill repute. Were there racists among us? Of course. Did they have any power? Nope. They were just shrugged off and the rest of us got along just fine.

I think this positive cultural shift started to change when the Atheists got together and started suing towns, schools, public facilities etc. who acknowledged the Christian faith in any way. And made worse when militant racial groups got militant instead of pushing for peaceful integration MLK style. And anger and hatred began to grow again instead of decline. And some began to make an industry out of and get rich by race baiting and it is those who are perpetuating racism, antisemitism, anti-Christian forces and other uglies in our society now.
Nobody is making an industry out of racism but whites on the right. And confronting racism is MLK style. The probem is not so called militant groups, its whites who remain racists then try to talk about MLK based on one line he spoke.

Americans on the right love to bring up Dr. King. Especially after racist screeds about people making race an industry. All peole like you know is one sentence and you use it dishonestly. King did not support the white right wing idea of blacks just shut up and take it. His nonviolence plan was about direct action and confrontation.

Here is what Dr King actualy advocated.

STEP ONE: INFORMATION GATHERING. Identify the issues in your community and/or school in need of positive change. To understand the issue, problem or injustice facing a person, community, or institution, you must increase your understanding of the problem. Your investigation should include all sides of the issue and may include formal research and listening to the experiences of others.

STEP TWO: EDUCATE OTHERS. It is essential to inform others, including your opposition, about your issue. In order to cause change, the people in the community must be aware of the issue and understand its impact. By educating others you will minimize misunderstanding and gain support and allies.

STEP THREE: PERSONAL COMMITMENT. Check and affirm your faith in the philosophy and methods of nonviolence. Causing change requires dedication and long hours of work. Meet with others regularly to stay focused on your goal. Prepare yourself to accept sacrifices, if necessary, in your work for justice.

STEP FOUR: NEGOTIATIONS. Using grace, humor and intelligence, confront the individuals whom need to participate in this change. Discuss a plan for addressing and resolving these injustices. Look for what is positive in every action and statement the opposition makes. Do not seek to humiliate the opponent but call forth the good in the opponent. Look for ways in which the opponent can become an ally.

STEP FIVE: DIRECT ACTION. These are actions taken to convince others to work with you in resolving the injustices. Direct action imposes a “creative tension” into the conflict. Direct action is most effective when it illustrates the injustice it seeks to correct. There are hundreds of direct action, including:

• Boycotts --- refusal to buy products
• Marches and rallies
• Letter-writing and petition campaigns
• Political action and voting
• Public art and performance

STEP SIX: RECONCILIATION. Nonviolence seeks friendship and understanding. Nonviolence does not seek to defeat the opponent. Nonviolence is directed against evil systems, oppressive policies, and unjust acts, not against persons.

Polish Prince is a racist. Read his posts; and that's the problem with these dishonest Jews in here. Daily they post racist bs and then whine about anti semitsm after they do it. Good people don't teach their kids to grow up being racists. Nor do good people consistently ignore white racist behavior then tell the black person pointing it out how they are the racist which is undoubtebly what's going to happen after this post.

Hate crimes rise, most sharply for Asian and LGBTQ people​

A table of hate crimes by bias motivation, from 2020 to 2021. The table shows crimes against Black people increased from more than 2,800 to nearly 3,300, a 14% increase, making up nearly 30% of total hate crimes. Meanwhile, crimes against Asian Americans more than doubled, from less than 300 to almost 800. Crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Sikhs, and LGBT communities saw some of the highest increases.

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MISSING: summary MISSING: current-rows. MISSING: sort-direction / descending MISSING: sort-column

Bias against20202021Pct. change
Gay (male)673948+41%
Hispanic or Latino517698+35%
LGBT, group †306521+70%
Other race298333+12%
Race, group †211196−7%

Source: Uniform Crime Reporting Program, the Federal Bureau of Investigation

Notice that there were 4 times the number of hate crimes against blacks than there were against Jews. And the number one perp of hate crimes by race are whites. A white Jew is a white person and as we see in this forum white jews are racists. So it's tiring to read the whining from white jews who have consistenty posted anti black racism in this forum.
He’s no different than Genocide Joe, but you’ll never realize it.
It's kinda disingenous to call Biden that, but I understand your displeasure about how slow he has been to stop Netanyahu.
It's kinda disingenous to call Biden that, but I understand your displeasure about how slow he has been to stop Netanyahu.
Disingenuous? Lol. No. It’s exactly accurate.
Disingenuous? Lol. No. It’s exactly accurate.
Disingenuous because Biden isn't the one doing the killing. But I am on record for sayting thart if I was Biden, I'd cut Netanyahu off.
Nobody is making an industry out of racism but whites on the right. And confronting racism is MLK style. The probem is not so called militant groups, its whites who remain racists then try to talk about MLK based on one line he spoke.

Americans on the right love to bring up Dr. King. Especially after racist screeds about people making race an industry. All peole like you know is one sentence and you use it dishonestly. King did not support the white right wing idea of blacks just shut up and take it. His nonviolence plan was about direct action and confrontation.

Here is what Dr King actualy advocated.

STEP ONE: INFORMATION GATHERING. Identify the issues in your community and/or school in need of positive change. To understand the issue, problem or injustice facing a person, community, or institution, you must increase your understanding of the problem. Your investigation should include all sides of the issue and may include formal research and listening to the experiences of others.

STEP TWO: EDUCATE OTHERS. It is essential to inform others, including your opposition, about your issue. In order to cause change, the people in the community must be aware of the issue and understand its impact. By educating others you will minimize misunderstanding and gain support and allies.

STEP THREE: PERSONAL COMMITMENT. Check and affirm your faith in the philosophy and methods of nonviolence. Causing change requires dedication and long hours of work. Meet with others regularly to stay focused on your goal. Prepare yourself to accept sacrifices, if necessary, in your work for justice.

STEP FOUR: NEGOTIATIONS. Using grace, humor and intelligence, confront the individuals whom need to participate in this change. Discuss a plan for addressing and resolving these injustices. Look for what is positive in every action and statement the opposition makes. Do not seek to humiliate the opponent but call forth the good in the opponent. Look for ways in which the opponent can become an ally.

STEP FIVE: DIRECT ACTION. These are actions taken to convince others to work with you in resolving the injustices. Direct action imposes a “creative tension” into the conflict. Direct action is most effective when it illustrates the injustice it seeks to correct. There are hundreds of direct action, including:

• Boycotts --- refusal to buy products
• Marches and rallies
• Letter-writing and petition campaigns
• Political action and voting
• Public art and performance

STEP SIX: RECONCILIATION. Nonviolence seeks friendship and understanding. Nonviolence does not seek to defeat the opponent. Nonviolence is directed against evil systems, oppressive policies, and unjust acts, not against persons.

Polish Prince is a racist. Read his posts; and that's the problem with these dishonest Jews in here. Daily they post racist bs and then whine about anti semitsm after they do it. Good people don't teach their kids to grow up being racists. Nor do good people consistently ignore white racist behavior then tell the black person pointing it out how they are the racist which is undoubtebly what's going to happen after this post.

Hate crimes rise, most sharply for Asian and LGBTQ people​

A table of hate crimes by bias motivation, from 2020 to 2021. The table shows crimes against Black people increased from more than 2,800 to nearly 3,300, a 14% increase, making up nearly 30% of total hate crimes. Meanwhile, crimes against Asian Americans more than doubled, from less than 300 to almost 800. Crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Sikhs, and LGBT communities saw some of the highest increases.

Page 1 of 4
MISSING: summary MISSING: current-rows. MISSING: sort-direction / descending MISSING: sort-column

Bias against20202021Pct. change
Gay (male)673948+41%
Hispanic or Latino517698+35%
LGBT, group †306521+70%
Other race298333+12%
Race, group †211196−7%

Source: Uniform Crime Reporting Program, the Federal Bureau of Investigation

Notice that there were 4 times the number of hate crimes against blacks than there were against Jews. And the number one perp of hate crimes by race are whites. A white Jew is a white person and as we see in this forum white jews are racists. So it's tiring to read the whining from white jews who have consistenty posted anti black racism in this forum.
Looks like crimes against black folks increased just about the least of any group - a mere 14% - and yet you focus solely on THAT? Crimes against Jews and whites increased substantially more, and crimes against Asians are off the charts. And why focus on four years ago? Why not consider NOW, where hate crimes against Jews have increased by 400%!

IM2 summary:
- Hate crimes against blacks have increased by 14%! You whites need to stop your racism!

Lisa response:
- Hate crimes against Jews have increased by 400%! Why do you make more of an issue of the lesser issue of hate crimes against blacks when Jews are SIGNIFICANTLY more likely to be victims?

IM2 predictable response:
- Stop your whataboutism by showing how bigotry is much worse against Jews! I am trying to get everyone to believe that blacks are the biggest victims of bigotry!
Disingenuous because Biden isn't the one doing the killing. But I am on record for sayting thart if I was Biden, I'd cut Netanyahu off.
And let HAMAS commit another subhuman, barbaric massacre against innocent Jews?

Disingenuous because Biden isn't the one doing the killing. But I am on record for sayting thart if I was Biden, I'd cut Netanyahu off.
Oh please. Stop with the absurd support of a genocidal senile maniac. Israel couldn’t commit genocide without US support and you know it.
Oh please. Stop with the absurd support of a genocidal senile maniac. Israel couldn’t commit genocide without US support and you know it.

Yay 3.png

for President Biden's support for Israel.
Im so sick of these Islamic barbarians that I would support deporting every single Muslim that didn’t have 100% full citizenship. Yank them out of school, yank the out of their jobs, yank them out of their families. Bu-bye.

All over the Muslim world these orcs are persecuting, raping and murdering Christians. Assimilate or get the F out.
You are an ignorant bigot. You just revealed yourself as completely uninformed.

I bet you know absolutely nothing about The
Nakba, Operation Cast Lead, Operation Protective Edge, Mowing the lawn, etc.

Israel commits numerous pogroms, but dummies know nothing of them because they only consume state controlled media.
My only concern is that it makes Israel look bad.

My support for Israel is unconditional. The only Palestinians I care about are the Christian Palestinians.
Ugh! How are you different from a Hamas terrorist?
Oh please. Stop with the absurd support of a genocidal senile maniac. Israel couldn’t commit genocide without US support and you know it.
A “G” poster ^^^ is lying about Israel and “genocide.” Thanks to Israel’s efforts, only 0.5% of the Jew-hating Gazans have been killed, and 99.5% remain alive.
A “G” poster ^^^ is lying about Israel and “genocide.” Thanks to Israel’s efforts, only 0.5% of the Jew-hating Gazans have been killed, and 99.5% remain alive.
No doubt you’d love it if they were all killed.
Please post the links to recent killings of gays. Certainly you have hundreds.

Islamic State group targets gays with brutal public killings​

June 13, 2016

REYHANLI, Turkey (AP) — The Islamic State group, which on Monday called the Orlando mass shooter Omar Mateen ‘one of the soldiers of the caliphate in America,’ has a history of targeting gays with brutal public killings.

Many Muslims consider homosexuality to be sinful. In some parts of the Arab world, homosexuals have been arrested and sentenced to prison on charges linked to “debauchery.” In Iran and Saudi Arabia, they have been lashed...

The Islamic State group has reserved one of its most gruesome methods of killing for suspected gays -- throwing them to their death from building rooftops.

Please post the links to recent killings of gays. Certainly you have hundreds.
6 of the 7 countries that have capital punishment for homosexuality are Islamic Theocracies. And those are just the countries where killing homosexuals is the law. Extrajudicial killings of homosexuals is even more wide spread throughout the Muslim world.

I assume you are denying this?
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