Yale professor claims Hitler never saw Jews as an ‘inferior race.’

Why were their Jews in the Nazi govt.?
It wasn’t a Nazi government when they were first hired. As Hitler’s racism against Jews grew, he started treating them more and more like pariahs in order to brainwash Germans that they were a sub-human species. This ranged from not letting Jew children attend schools, to forcing Jew to walk in the gutter, to not letting Jew into restaurants, etc., etc. Eliminating Jews from govt positions was part of this.

If you are ever in DC, you would find the Holocaust Museum eye-opening. One of the exhibits details how Hitler demonized the Jews over the course of about 10 years until he had sufficiently brainwashed formerly civilized Germans that marching millions of naked men, women, and children into gas chambers to murder Them was a good thing to do.
This topic is in education?? If racism against blacks is considered a political topic, then racism by the far left against Jews should be as well.

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