Yates: Flynn Was 'Compromised With Respect To The Russians'


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Yates: Flynn Was 'Compromised With Respect To The Russians'
Source: Talking Points Memo

By ALLEGRA KIRKLAND Published MAY 8, 2017 3:25 PM

Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates testified Monday that she first warned the White House days after inauguration that ousted national security adviser Michael Flynn had misled members of the Trump administration about his contacts with Russian officials, and that Russia knew about those conversations.

“We felt like it was critical that we get this information to the White House because, in part, the Vice President was unknowingly making false statements to the public, and because we believed that Gen. Flynn was compromised with respect to the Russians,” Yates said in a hearing held by the Senate Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on crime and terrorism.

Yates said she and a member of the Justice Department’s national security devision met with White House Counsel Don McGahn in his office on Jan. 26 to let him know that Vice President Mike Pence and other administration officials were going on the record with comments about Flynn’s contacts with Russia “that we knew to be untrue.”

She declined to describe how DOJ learned that Flynn was lying to the White House, saying that information was classified. Yates said she also informed McGahn that the FBI interviewed Flynn at the White House on Jan. 24, and declined to answer McGahn’s question about how he “did.”

Read more: Yates: Flynn Was 'Compromised With Respect To The Russians'

‘The Russians also knew’: Sally Yates confirms she warned White House that Flynn could be blackmailed

08 MAY 2017 AT 15:18 ET

During testimony in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Monday, former acting Attorney General Sally Yates said she had two in-person meetings and one phone call where she warned Trump administration officials about former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

Yates said she first requested the meetings to sound the alarms about Flynn after she saw public statements by Vice President Mike Pence about Flynn’s conversations with Russian government officials that she knew not to be true.

“We told them how we had this information, how we acquired it, how we knew it to be untrue,” said Yates, who says she spoke directly to the White House Counsel about this information.

Yates said that she told White House officials that Pence deserved to know that Flynn had not been truthful about his communications with Russian officials. “We weren’t the only ones who knew all of this,” Yates said. “The Russians also knew what Gen. Flynn had done.”

‘The Russians also knew’: Sally Yates confirms she warned White House that Flynn could be blackmailed

This story has legs...Look into manaford too as he was also working for Putin...We have a Russian traitor in the white house.
Yates: Flynn Was 'Compromised With Respect To The Russians'
Source: Talking Points Memo

By ALLEGRA KIRKLAND Published MAY 8, 2017 3:25 PM

Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates testified Monday that she first warned the White House days after inauguration that ousted national security adviser Michael Flynn had misled members of the Trump administration about his contacts with Russian officials, and that Russia knew about those conversations.

“We felt like it was critical that we get this information to the White House because, in part, the Vice President was unknowingly making false statements to the public, and because we believed that Gen. Flynn was compromised with respect to the Russians,” Yates said in a hearing held by the Senate Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on crime and terrorism.

Yates said she and a member of the Justice Department’s national security devision met with White House Counsel Don McGahn in his office on Jan. 26 to let him know that Vice President Mike Pence and other administration officials were going on the record with comments about Flynn’s contacts with Russia “that we knew to be untrue.”

She declined to describe how DOJ learned that Flynn was lying to the White House, saying that information was classified. Yates said she also informed McGahn that the FBI interviewed Flynn at the White House on Jan. 24, and declined to answer McGahn’s question about how he “did.”

Read more: Yates: Flynn Was 'Compromised With Respect To The Russians'

‘The Russians also knew’: Sally Yates confirms she warned White House that Flynn could be blackmailed

08 MAY 2017 AT 15:18 ET

During testimony in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Monday, former acting Attorney General Sally Yates said she had two in-person meetings and one phone call where she warned Trump administration officials about former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

Yates said she first requested the meetings to sound the alarms about Flynn after she saw public statements by Vice President Mike Pence about Flynn’s conversations with Russian government officials that she knew not to be true.

“We told them how we had this information, how we acquired it, how we knew it to be untrue,” said Yates, who says she spoke directly to the White House Counsel about this information.

Yates said that she told White House officials that Pence deserved to know that Flynn had not been truthful about his communications with Russian officials. “We weren’t the only ones who knew all of this,” Yates said. “The Russians also knew what Gen. Flynn had done.”

‘The Russians also knew’: Sally Yates confirms she warned White House that Flynn could be blackmailed

This story has legs...Look into manaford too as he was also working for Putin...We have a Russian traitor in the white house.

Well you can't call this fake news, I've been sitting here watching the hearings live for over an hour and the article is correct.
There is something to this. Flynn must have something on Trump for him to be so loyal.
Anyone and everyone advised Trump that Flynn had problems and he shouldn't hire him. Trump did anyway and after everything, still praises him. Just weird.
Yeah, she thought he was in a compromising situation because he fibbed to the VP and the ruskies might try to use that against him. Of course no one has said anything but the fib actually occurred. Really deep stuff. LMAO

When did speaking to a Russian, at some point in your life become a crime. Clapper just said that the old saw that 17 agencies found Russian involvement in the election a lie.
Which one of the administration and previous campaign manager (lol) going to rat to save their ass?
When did speaking to a Russian, at some point in your life become a crime. Clapper just said that the old saw that 17 agencies found Russian involvement in the election a lie.

You drinking, he didn't say that. Pay attention. He said 3 agencies came to the conclusion that their was involvement by the Russians. Then everyone agreed. Tell the whole truth, which you never do when you post, you pick and choose.
Yeah, she thought he was in a compromising situation because he fibbed to the VP and the ruskies might try to use that against him. Of course no one has said anything but the fib actually occurred. Really deep stuff. LMAO

ding, ding, ding^^^^^^^
Wow! Flynn sure is being held to a higher standard than Hillary Clinton was when the FBI investigated her and the email/server scandal.
When did speaking to a Russian, at some point in your life become a crime.

When did it become okay to lie to your boss- the President of the United States?
it isn't, he was fired. so?

Tipsy wanted to know what was wrong with what Flynn did- and I was answering that- she was confused and I was glad to be of assitence.

Flynn lied to the President- and caused Pence to lie to the American people.

We just don't know yet whether Flynn broke any laws also.
Wow! Flynn sure is being held to a higher standard than Hillary Clinton was when the FBI investigated her and the email/server scandal.

'higher' standard?

Flynn got fired.
Clinton didn't get re-elected.

Neither has been charged with a crime yet.

What is the 'higher standard'?
There is something to this. Flynn must have something on Trump for him to be so loyal.
Anyone and everyone advised Trump that Flynn had problems and he shouldn't hire him. Trump did anyway and after everything, still praises him. Just weird.


“The enemy camp in this case is Hillary Rodham Clinton,” Flynn said... :eusa_liar:

It was a jarring moment in a race full of them — a retired three-star general comparing a presidential candidate to the al-Qaeda militants he faced in Afghanistan and Iraq, calling for a former senator and secretary of state to be imprisoned.

"the only national security figure of his rank and experience to publicly align himself with Trump, the Republican nominee."


He was one of the most respected intel officers of his generation. Now he’s leading ‘Lock her up’ chants.

The unruly 2016 campaign drew dozens of former senior national security officials into the fray, including 50 who served Republican presidents and who this month signed a letter saying Trump “lacks the character, values and experience” to be president.
When did speaking to a Russian, at some point in your life become a crime.

When did it become okay to lie to your boss- the President of the United States?
it isn't, he was fired. so?

Tipsy wanted to know what was wrong with what Flynn did- and I was answering that- she was confused and I was glad to be of assitence.

Flynn lied to the President- and caused Pence to lie to the American people.

We just don't know yet whether Flynn broke any laws also.
no, Pence did not lie to the American Public. One can only lie when one knows of the fact he is assumed to be lying about. Since he did not know, he did not lie. wow.
Yeah, she thought he was in a compromising situation because he fibbed to the VP and the ruskies might try to use that against him. Of course no one has said anything but the fib actually occurred. Really deep stuff. LMAO

ding, ding, ding^^^^^^^

So you have no adult response, typical regressive.

you don't know what ding, ding, ding means? It means I agree with you. And I thought it was hilarious You even state LMAO. I was with you bubba.

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