Yeah! No Gold for US women's soccer team, the spoiled, unappreciative brats

They were losing games that is not an assumption that is a fact. Soccer in the US still gets a lukewarm response and the only reason it became more popular was the increase in the size of immigrants populations coming to the US that played the game, forty years ago it was a game for pansies because full contact football was a real sport for real men..
Irrelevant to the current situation.

1. The relative popularity of the sport in the US has nothing to do with anything.
2. They have been the best in the world for years. You don't repeatedly win Olympic gold and the World Cup if you're "losing games" the way you're desperately hoping to assert.
Irrelevant to the current situation.

1. The relative popularity of the sport in the US has nothing to do with anything.
2. They have been the best in the world for years. You don't repeatedly win Olympic gold and the World Cup if you're "losing games" the way you're desperately hoping to assert.
Surprisingly, it wasn’t until the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta that women’s soccer was an Olympic event. At that Olympic Games there were only 40 events for women and double the amount of men participants as there were women (“American Women”).
1996 is not a long time in the hallowed halls of Olympics.
But you did reference their freedom to do it as if it were significant, which naturally caused the sound stoppage of said gambit, so there's that.
There is no gambit since it is a relative action by the participant that is voluntary.
Surprisingly, it wasn’t until the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta that women’s soccer was an Olympic event. At that Olympic Games there were only 40 events for women and double the amount of men participants as there were women (“American Women”).
1996 is not a long time in the hallowed halls of Olympics.
1996 is, however, a long time ago for a nation to dominate in football. The point, despite your denial and disparagement, is that the American women's team has dominated the sport.
There is no gambit since it is a relative action by the participant that is voluntary.
And it is a voluntary action by individuals to criticize what they did and refuse to reward them monetarily.
Not going to celebrate them losing out on the gold medal but can’t say I feel bad for them either. Maybe this is simply karma way of telling them they should have focused more on playing the game and less about making political statements.
yea, i simply don't need to celebrate someone elses failure in order to feel good or better about myself.
Repressed people tend to want to have freedom from repression and people have proven in this thread they are heavily biased at sexual orientations and are the members of society which seek to repress their expressions.
Horse Shit. They want more money. That's the basis of their argument. Rapinoe is supporting laws to put transgenders
on the field, which would destroy women's sports. Which makes no fucking sense.

They don't travel on their dime...they travel on the dime of Americans who give to the Olympic Committee. Americans paid their
way over there...Fed them and Housed them for them to represent the Country. They don't want to do problem...
tell them the bill is in the mail. And you can also tell them, don't hold your breath for anymore money. They were shutout
in 3 of their 5 games. If the truth were known...they are overpaid, as it is.
Repressed people tend to want to have freedom from repression and people have proven in this thread they are heavily biased at sexual orientations and are the members of society which seek to repress their expressions.
I think you again are full of shit. What was that football player's name, Colin what? grab your ass you messed up sucker.
Once upon a time, maybe. Seems that it is about the individual now with only a passing reference to who pays the freight.
Something tells me that those who pay the freight are going to be more reluctant to continue doing so than before.
yea, i simply don't need to celebrate someone elses failure in order to feel good or better about myself.

So you don't root against anyone in sports ever.

What a load
So you don't root against anyone in sports ever.

What a load
heh - now this is funny. normally it's a liberal who has to take something said and push for max stupidity translations.


in any event, wanting your team to win a good game isn't rooting for failure of the other side. i certainly would not dance over an opposing athlete who got hurt during a game. but if that's the same to you, party on garth.

but that doesn't make your views my own.
heh - now this is funny. normally it's a liberal who has to take something said and push for max stupidity translations.


in any event, wanting your team to win a good game isn't rooting for failure of the other side. i certainly would not dance over an opposing athlete who got hurt during a game. but if that's the same to you, party on garth.

but that doesn't make your views my own.


I didn't ask if you ever root for someone. No, obviously rooting for your team is not rooting for the other team to lose.

I challenged your claim you never root for a team to lose.

I always root against the Cowboys, the Eagles, Michigan State. I didn't want them to win ever. I root against them, don't care who they are playing. I know what it means to root against someone, clarifying that was irrelevant.

I still don't believe you. There is no one you root against? No country or athlete you don't like in the Olympics? No pro or college team in any sport? That's what you said. I call BS to that. I bet you do.

Then there's your snarky "feel better about yourself." Now that sounded like a leftist since you bring that up

I didn't ask if you ever root for someone. No, obviously rooting for your team is not rooting for the other team to lose.

I challenged your assertion you never root for a team to lose.

I always root against the Cowboys, the Eagles, Michigan State. I didn't want them to win ever. I root against them, don't care who they are playing. I know what it means to root against someone, clarifying that was irrelevant.

I still don't believe you. There is no one you root against? That's what you said. I call BS to that. I bet you do.

Then there's your snarky "feel better about yourself." Now that sounded like a leftist since you bring that up
not really. i simply don't care anymore. for the last decade up until the NFL made brees apologize for support the police, i was a cowboys fan. didn't really give a shit what the other teams did unless they were playing the cowboys.

now that most all pro sports is political advertising, i simply don't watch any of it.

as for the rest of what you believe and/or don't - why do you assume i give a shit WHAT you believe? and if you're not going to believe what i say unless i say what you already believe, what point is any conversation with you?

now go feel better about yourself. you told me off.
why do you assume i give a shit WHAT you believe? and if you're not going to believe

Hey, welcome to message boards, my friend. You a long time poster, first time reader?

Unless you are so uninterested in sports that you wouldn't have clicked on my accurately titled thread, you aren't being honest when you say there is literally no one you root against ever. And we both know it.

If you don't like the thread, why did you click on it? I ALWAYS clearly title all my threads. You have no excuse being here when you say snarky shit like you did about the OP.

I do not expect everyone to be interested in every thread. WHICH IS WHY I TITLE THEM ACCURATELY. Then it's on your to read the title and only enter if you are interested
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