Yellin getting pushy

Nobody can live off of debt forever. Individuals, families, corporations, states, nations. An economy built on debt can’t survive. It’s a simple economic fact.
Nations are different than families idiot.

This country has always had debt.

Inflation makes it moot. We still the entire debt from WW II and it’s inconsequential because of inflation

Why is she sending emails about default to the only person that actually passed a budget? She may want to talk to the other two branches about that.

I also have a couple questions.

First- if we can’t pay our bills without borrowing more isn’t that bankruptcy? Seems to be the very definition of it.

Second- if stopping more spending is going to kill our economy what exactly is our economy built on? Do we have an economy based on nothing but loans? That’s a pyramid scheme.

Third- who loses money if we don’t take on more debt? Is it the FED? They hold most of our debt. So if we don’t take on more the people that are printing the money loose? Is this a bad thing?
Just shut off all payments to MAGA states.
Well those bonds may have been a bad bet.

That means the end of the world (financially speaking).

When there is no food, gas, or you think people will sit quietly and watch their children starve? Or will they burn entire cities to the ground?
Nations are different than families idiot.

^^^ :lmao:

This from the It Takes a Village people.

This country has always had debt.

That's your excuse?

Have you ever actually cracked a history book?

Do you realize Lincoln had to borrow money from the Russians to finish the Civil War?

You might want to check into the National Currency Acts (there were two of them).

Inflation makes it moot. We still the entire debt from WW II and it’s inconsequential because of inflation

No one should listen to you, you're an idiot.
Nobody can live off of debt forever. Individuals, families, corporations, states, nations. An economy built on debt can’t survive. It’s a simple economic fact.

Is there any particular reason the debt was not a concenr for you until Biden took office?

Why did you have none of these concerns when the debt ceiling was raised 3 times under Trump?
And they’d be right.

Pass a clean debt ceiling bill and move along
Why not just pass a bill eliminating the debt ceiling? Call it the "Democrats get to spend as much as they want" law. That is obviously the real aim.


Here's a better idea: Since congress and not the president has soul power to borrow money, sign this latest increase in the amount borrowed along with the very reasonable conditions. Then - the country having been saved from default - Joe can explain to us any need he feels to raise spending.

No one should listen to you, you're an idiot.
The entire debt from WWII was 200 billion. We still carry that debt. Inflation makes it a non-issue

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Why do I rarely if ever see it noted that much of our problems lie at her feet over her policies at the Federal Reserve? If she hadn't kept rates so artificially low all those years we would have been forced to address the debt long ago.
The entire debt from WWII was 200 billion. We still carry that debt. Inflation makes it a non-issue

Our reckless spending is why other countries are targeting the dollar to undercut it. It is a major issue.
1. not if you can get more credit

2. Yep, same thing it was built on the 3 times it was raised under the last guy to keep this from happening

3. The markets will crash, interest rates will go sky high and we will still owe the money
Cool story, pass the bill, keep 2022 spending easy peasy!

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