Yellin getting pushy

No the Government needs to reign in spending now keep the spending the same as last year and move on Democrats are not negotiating.
Wait… you mean inflation is at 0%?

It’s not?

Things cost more.
So dems can keep on spending and food prices double AGAIN?

Sorry. Ain't gonna happen!
The Republicans currently have the House and are in charge of making a budget. They don't seem very interested in doing that essential task.
What the bloody fuck is a "MAGA state"?
You know.
No the Government needs to reign in spending now keep the spending the same as last year and move on Democrats are not negotiating.
What does new work rules for Welfare have to do with that again?
Is there any particular reason the debt was not a concenr for you until Biden took office?

Why did you have none of these concerns when the debt ceiling was raised 3 times under Trump?
It’s been a concern for decades. Trump tried to lower it but the democrats wouldn’t let that happen. Remember they shut down the government because they wanted more money for illegals.
It’s been a concern for decades.

Yet you did not post about it during the Trump years.

Trump tried to lower it but the democrats wouldn’t let that happen.

Is that why he summitted the 4 largest budget request in history up to that point?

Is that why the deficit went up by 33% in the 2 years the GOP controlled the House, the Senate and the White House?
The Republicans currently have the House and are in charge of making a budget. They don't seem very interested in doing that essential task.

You know.

What does new work rules for Welfare have to do with that again?
The Republicans made a budget, Democrats see they can't keep increasing spending and are pouting
Yet you did not post about it during the Trump years.

Is that why he summitted the 4 largest budget request in history up to that point?

Is that why the deficit went up by 33% in the 2 years the GOP controlled the House, the Senate and the White House?
I posted a lot about it. Go do some research instead of making shit up.
The Republicans made a budget, Democrats see they can't keep increasing spending and are pouting
The House has not proposed a budget. They proposed terms to raise the debt ceiling, which is not part of the budgetary process. Come on guys this is basic.

Why is she sending emails about default to the only person that actually passed a budget? She may want to talk to the other two branches about that.

I also have a couple questions.

First- if we can’t pay our bills without borrowing more isn’t that bankruptcy? Seems to be the very definition of it.

Second- if stopping more spending is going to kill our economy what exactly is our economy built on? Do we have an economy based on nothing but loans? That’s a pyramid scheme.

Third- who loses money if we don’t take on more debt? Is it the FED? They hold most of our debt. So if we don’t take on more the people that are printing the money loose? Is this a bad thing?
She is such a biased partisan rag. Did she email Biden? No.
We have 9 days left. (maybe).

3 days for the house to read the bill. Then they debate the bill...then they vote on it.

It also takes 3 days for the CBO to score the bill and say what it will really cost.

We are pretty much out of time already. If they had a bill that the CBO (congressional budget office) could start reading right MIGHT get passed in time.

They are going to HAVE TO use the bill the house already passed.

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