Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Still waiting for those records from Columbia and Harvard. You know, the ones that show him getting scholarships and grants as a foreign student.

He either was a foreign student or commited fraud to get the money. which is it?
Neither. Barack Obama Was a Foreign College Student

snopes has been outted as a left wing propaganda site.

You have been outed as a Right wing liar.

nothing I have said is untrue. The lies are yours.

LOL- your entire post is just another Birther lie.
Nope. That would be Reagan:


Who by the batshit standards of birthers like Kaz outed himself in Ireland.

Who ever said Reagan was born there?

When did Michelle ever say Obama was born in Kenya?

Laughing.......keep chasing your own tail, birther.

Michelle Obama: "When we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country, in Kenya..."

Where did she say he was born there?

Michelle Obama: "When we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country, in Kenya..."

You mean like Reagan said he was born in Ireland?
It's pretty hard to be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it is downright impossible to be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there.

I know...I know. I have absolutely no scientific basis to say you can't be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there, so call me crazy. I just don't give a damn.

One moment please...

One moment please...

Ladies and gentlemen, this irrefutable proof that Ann Dunham visited Kenya has just been handed to me. I will make this available to the public for the very first time.

Remember, you saw it here first!


Oh, the absurdity of the Birther argument is so much worse than you think. As Obama's grandmother lives in the extreme west tip of Kenya in a comparatively small town that didn't have a hospital in 61. While its Mombassa that had the airport.

On the other side of the country. Where Obama's mother would have driven 700 miles THROUGH Nairobi, the capital, to go to small town in the western tip of Kenya to have a baby in a town without a hospital.

And to Birthers this all makes perfect sense.

Oh it gets better- Birthers have no clue when it comes to history- and other than the extreme racists among them, have never heard of the Mau Mau Revolt- and how much that terrified the Western world- with stories of Africans killing white women.

When did the Revolt end? 1960.

So not only do Birthers believe (not question- but truely believe) that Obama's very pregnant mother left her Mother and Father, and took a 2 day flight from Hawaii to Kenya- to Kenya- where she knew no one- and her only connections were Obama's fathers family- which disapproved of their marriage- to go to a third world country to deliver her child- AND then....

After going through all of that effort- then smuggled her newborn(no passport) back to the United States- AND then arranged to have a fraudulant BC created- for no apparent reason- since as the child of an American born overseas baby Obama could easily become an American citizen without any fraud.

All of this without leaving any record. None.

And kept it a secret from everyone that they knew.

Birthers really believe all of this crap.
And do you know why birthers believe this crap?

Answer: because they are mind-numbingly stupid and clinically insane all at once.

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A photo of Ann Dunham on safari in Kenya has just surfaced. The case against Obama has just gained unstoppable momentum!

She wasn't in Kenya at that time, she was in Kentucky making porn flicks.

Ah- I do love it when Birthers resort to slandering Obama's dead mother- next will be slandering his grandparents.

Nothings shows that Birthers have the integrity of cowdung by how they slander dead mothers.
Slander is telling a lie about someone. There is no slander here of the crack ho.
That's really low. I would expect better of a gentleman like you. What a shame.

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nothing I have said is untrue. The lies are yours.

Then you'll gladly back this claim factually:

"He either was a foreign student or commited fraud to get the money. which is it?"


Prove those were the only two options. Why couldn't he have received scholarships from other sources? Or help from family in friends.

Show us your evidence.
Good Gawd, who ties your shoes in the morning?

Obama was a birther in 1990, who was before that, you tell me. Don't know about that, huh? You should pay more attention

What is fun about Birther threads- is to see all of the recycled lies.

Birthers are the ultimate recyclers- they make up crap, it gets disproven, and then they make up new crap, and it gets disproven- so they go back to the first crap they made up.

Birthers- proving once again all they have are lies, innuendo and speculation.

With Trump the High Priest of Birther Batshit.

And leading the GOP field. Birtherism is damn near GOP orthodoxy at this point.

The original Birther was Obama

The second Birther was Hillary

This is a Democratic driven issue, Holmes

This is a Kaz driven lying issue.

I love Birthers blaming their Birthering on Obama and Hillary.

Really- just think about this- Kaz and Vigilante and Stephanie- all rabid rightwingers- all basically just admitting that they believe they are just doing what they think Obama and Clinton want them to do.
Just goes to prove that the two most powerful Democratic names of the last 50 years literally own RWNJ rubes like these useful idiots in USMB.

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A photo of Ann Dunham on safari in Kenya has just surfaced. The case against Obama has just gained unstoppable momentum!

She wasn't in Kenya at that time, she was in Kentucky making porn flicks.

Ah- I do love it when Birthers resort to slandering Obama's dead mother- next will be slandering his grandparents.

Nothings shows that Birthers have the integrity of cowdung by how they slander dead mothers.
Slander is telling a lie about someone. There is no slander here of the crack ho.

Slander would be telling a lie about someone- this happens to be slander of a dead person- someone's dead mother.

Birthers love to slander dead people- because they know dead people can't sue.

Because Birthers do enjoy lies, speculation and innuendo- but they want to make sure that they can't be sued for their lies, speculation and innuendo.
"One picture is worth a thousand words"
~~F.R. Barnard
In the firm my husband worked at previously there was an IT guy and he explained to me how the document was made and why it was a fake. After he finished there was no doubt in my mind it was a forgery

Sassy I know a lot IT people and I'm also involved in label making and printing business.
What are trying to claim is just bullcrap. So far none of you haters prove that Obama was born in Kenya but you can always continue your fantasy about Obama.
If Obama was born in Kenya don't you think someone could have come out by now? Your friends at Fox will pay million$ for that information.
The Obama Cartel will pay billions and even snuff snitches.

Do you have a proof that Obama paid billions? Try again.
Will pay and paid is not the same, Kool Aid Breath.

SO....what kind of lubricant are you trying to apply? Motor oil or super glue.
Worm sweat
A photo of Ann Dunham on safari in Kenya has just surfaced. The case against Obama has just gained unstoppable momentum!

She wasn't in Kenya at that time, she was in Kentucky making porn flicks.

Ah- I do love it when Birthers resort to slandering Obama's dead mother- next will be slandering his grandparents.

Nothings shows that Birthers have the integrity of cowdung by how they slander dead mothers.
Slander is telling a lie about someone. There is no slander here of the crack ho.
That's really low. I would expect better of a gentleman like you. What a shame.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Yes it's a shame but it's the truth.
A photo of Ann Dunham on safari in Kenya has just surfaced. The case against Obama has just gained unstoppable momentum!

She wasn't in Kenya at that time, she was in Kentucky making porn flicks.

Ah- I do love it when Birthers resort to slandering Obama's dead mother- next will be slandering his grandparents.

Nothings shows that Birthers have the integrity of cowdung by how they slander dead mothers.
Slander is telling a lie about someone. There is no slander here of the crack ho.
That's really low. I would expect better of a gentleman like you. What a shame.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Yes it's a shame but it's the truth.
Uhm, no. Shame on you for lying.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
A photo of Ann Dunham on safari in Kenya has just surfaced. The case against Obama has just gained unstoppable momentum!

She wasn't in Kenya at that time, she was in Kentucky making porn flicks.

Ah- I do love it when Birthers resort to slandering Obama's dead mother- next will be slandering his grandparents.

Nothings shows that Birthers have the integrity of cowdung by how they slander dead mothers.
Slander is telling a lie about someone. There is no slander here of the crack ho.

Slander would be telling a lie about someone- this happens to be slander of a dead person- someone's dead mother.

Birthers love to slander dead people- because they know dead people can't sue.

Because Birthers do enjoy lies, speculation and innuendo- but they want to make sure that they can't be sued for their lies, speculation and innuendo.
"One picture is worth a thousand words"
~~F.R. Barnard

Slander would be telling a lie about someone- this happens to be slander of a dead person- someone's dead mother.

Birthers love to slander dead people- because they know dead people can't sue.

Because Birthers do enjoy lies, speculation and innuendo- but they want to make sure that they can't be sued for their lies, speculation and innuendo
It was made in seven layers on a program that didn't exist in the 1960's. It's a fake and you being a left loon Obamabot was duped. Of course you're duped by most're a dumb fuck

Actually, in 1961, Obama's birth certificate was scanned and posted on the internet
The Internet, Gore's Internet or the Internet that didn't exist in 1961. My mind is all agoogle over this news.

In the firm my husband worked at previously there was an IT guy and he explained to me how the document was made and why it was a fake. After he finished there was no doubt in my mind it was a forgery

Thanks for the good laugh, you nutter you.

You got your theory from Alex Jones, and you know it.

New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Well you could prove it,lesbo. But since we both know you can't zip your hairy lip

Says the nut case obsessed with gay sex. How many gay threads did you start today, sassy?
Yes, they are following the original birther, Obama.

Says who?

Obama's publisher, he told them and they put it in his bio

While birthers have it on good authority, Obama actually lied, he wasn't born in Kenya. They need to give it up

And by 'good authority' you mean whatever hapless batshit you make up, citing yourself?

No, good authority is Obama. How did they know he lied about where he was born? I mean seriously, who gets where they are born wrong? What an idiot our POTUS is

your linky youtube has fudged the ''1962''... it's fabricated....the date is cleary 1961 NOT 1962 and if you look at the other # 1's on the BC they are the same shape, PLUS everything on the BC is dated with 1961, not this 1962 that the video is showing?

Here is the original BC of the twins...


vigil, and as far as the numbers on the birth certificates, they are issued when the delivery nurse fills out the pertinent information from the birth....if she had several deliveries that she was working on in labor and delivery, it may not be filed until the next day.... it's not like the mothers were going anywhere.... A woman who delivered a baby in the hospital was required by protocol, to stay in the hospital for a week back then....
Last edited:
Yes, they are following the original birther, Obama.

Says who?

Obama's publisher, he told them and they put it in his bio

Says who? Per the woman that put the pamphlet together, Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

Do you have a better source? Of course not. You have you. And you're nobody.

She didn't say she put the pamphlet together, actually.

And you're nobody, I am kaz. What a loser you are that you have to prop up your frail ego like that

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