Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Yes, you're busy, I can see that by how many posts you have posted on this thread....:rolleyes:

busy? sure....
I wasn't busy... then I was busy. It comes and goes with the territory. I looked into this in detail many years back. I don't care to look into the one that was messed up again because it was messed up and as I stated there's no was no way to tell if the edits were done by the adobe software itself, or by some user. What was clear was that it had been edited. Editing can be done automatically by computer software in the processing of images. It's not necessarily malicious. Thus, my request to see a high resolution photo of the original document or to have a document expert review the document at the source. For once, I'm not trying to be an ASS I'm trying to point out what would be sufficient to clear up the so called "mystery." One person "saying" it's all good the document is legit don't worry about all these inconsistencies, well just not good enough for most people that give a shit about this country.

Pretty much anyone who actually gives a shit about this country- does not give a shit about how many layers an image of a birth certificate on the internet has.

The image is no legal document- the originals handled and viewed by reporters were legal documents. The legal statements by the State of Hawaii are legal documents. There have been 2 elections- the voters voted that this was a non-issue to them. Congress confirmed the elections twice- again a non-issue for them. Multiple secretaries of states- including for example the Secretary of State of Arizona- have accepted the legal documents from Hawaii and have no issue.

So everyone who matters has weighed in- everyone who gives a shit about this country- the ones that are left are those who do not give shit about this country- and would prefer to spend 7 years trying to find a reason that our legally elected President cannot possibly be President.
I understand your argument. Not sure why you feel the need to replace it. We are to believe this one person that provided the evidence without question. I don't trust it.

If you're going to ignore the issuing agency of any document, then no president has ever established their eligibility. Which begs the question, why are you obsessed with Obama while ignoring every other president who has ever lived who failed the same standard by your metric?

Gee. Tough one.
It does not "feel" right to me.

Your feelings are irrelevant. As the president's eligibility to be [president is a legal question. His 2008 COLB is prima facie evidence of his place of birth in any court of law. All legal requirements are met.

Your emotions, your willful ignorance of all evidence, your batshit conspiracy theories.....are all irrelevant. As we don't base anyone's eligibility to be president on any of them.

Per your standards, no birth certificate is valid. No issuing agency can be trusted. Thus, how do you know that Bush was ever president?

But you give Bush and every other white president a pass. While obsessing over the only black guy to ever hold the office. Gee, I wonder why.

Sorry, but how you 'feel' means jack shit. As eligibility for the presidency is a legal question. And your emotions aren't a legal standard. But an excuse for one.
How does, fuck you and the horse you rode in on you bitch, sound to you? I'm busy.
Yes, you're busy, I can see that by how many posts you have posted on this thread....:rolleyes:

busy? sure....
I wasn't busy... then I was busy. It comes and goes with the territory. I looked into this in detail many years back. I don't care to look into the one that was messed up again because it was messed up and as I stated there's no was no way to tell if the edits were done by the adobe software itself, or by some user. What was clear was that it had been edited. Editing can be done automatically by computer software in the processing of images. It's not necessarily malicious. Thus, my request to see a high resolution photo of the original document or to have a document expert review the document at the source. For once, I'm not trying to be an ASS I'm trying to point out what would be sufficient to clear up the so called "mystery." One person "saying" it's all good the document is legit don't worry about all these inconsistencies, well just not good enough for most people that give a shit about this country.

The Registrar of Hawaii has already affirmed the validity of the information on the document via affidavit.


No document expert claims that the original vital documents are forged. The Registrar reviewed the original vital documents. Obama was born in Hawaii.

Ignore as you will. It really doesn't matter.
Funny how once wasn't enough. It's as if they knew their credibility is dubious.

One was the Secretary of State of Arizona. One was for a court case in a different State.

And notice: you ignore both. Birthers have no need for evidence. Thankfully, the law does.
You're ignoring quite a bit of evidence too, so GFY.
Pretty much anyone who actually gives a shit about this country- does not give a shit about how many layers an image of a birth certificate on the internet has.

The image is no legal document- the originals handled and viewed by reporters were legal documents. The legal statements by the State of Hawaii are legal documents. There have been 2 elections- the voters voted that this was a non-issue to them. Congress confirmed the elections twice- again a non-issue for them. Multiple secretaries of states- including for example the Secretary of State of Arizona- have accepted the legal documents from Hawaii and have no issue.

So everyone who matters has weighed in- everyone who gives a shit about this country- the ones that are left are those who do not give shit about this country- and would prefer to spend 7 years trying to find a reason that our legally elected President cannot possibly be President.
I understand your argument. Not sure why you feel the need to replace it. We are to believe this one person that provided the evidence without question. I don't trust it.

If you're going to ignore the issuing agency of any document, then no president has ever established their eligibility. Which begs the question, why are you obsessed with Obama while ignoring every other president who has ever lived who failed the same standard by your metric?

Gee. Tough one.
It does not "feel" right to me.

Your feelings are irrelevant. As the president's eligibility to be [president is a legal question. His 2008 COLB is prima facie evidence of his place of birth in any court of law. All legal requirements are met.

Your emotions, your willful ignorance of all evidence, your batshit conspiracy theories.....are all irrelevant. As we don't base anyone's eligibility to be president on any of them.
Fake. No raised state seal plus the number is blacked out rendering it void. Read the bottom of the certificate.

And here's your raised seal, direct from Fact Check. org which was given a COLB to inspect and verify. Which they did. :

With the State of Hawaii affirming that Obama was born in Hawaii over and over and over again:

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago...."

Hawaii Obama Birth Certificate is Real - ABC News

All of which you know, but really hope we don't. The legal issues were resolved in 2008.
Where's the text in that photo? Why would they take a photo of a seal? I have stamps too.

Follow the URL for the image to about a half dozen others. Including the text.

You'll ignore them too. Willful ignorance is what you do. Your convincing the rest of us to give a shit about what you ignore.
I wasn't busy... then I was busy. It comes and goes with the territory. I looked into this in detail many years back. I don't care to look into the one that was messed up again because it was messed up and as I stated there's no was no way to tell if the edits were done by the adobe software itself, or by some user. What was clear was that it had been edited. Editing can be done automatically by computer software in the processing of images. It's not necessarily malicious. Thus, my request to see a high resolution photo of the original document or to have a document expert review the document at the source. For once, I'm not trying to be an ASS I'm trying to point out what would be sufficient to clear up the so called "mystery." One person "saying" it's all good the document is legit don't worry about all these inconsistencies, well just not good enough for most people that give a shit about this country.

Pretty much anyone who actually gives a shit about this country- does not give a shit about how many layers an image of a birth certificate on the internet has.

The image is no legal document- the originals handled and viewed by reporters were legal documents. The legal statements by the State of Hawaii are legal documents. There have been 2 elections- the voters voted that this was a non-issue to them. Congress confirmed the elections twice- again a non-issue for them. Multiple secretaries of states- including for example the Secretary of State of Arizona- have accepted the legal documents from Hawaii and have no issue.

So everyone who matters has weighed in- everyone who gives a shit about this country- the ones that are left are those who do not give shit about this country- and would prefer to spend 7 years trying to find a reason that our legally elected President cannot possibly be President.
I understand your argument. Not sure why you feel the need to replace it. We are to believe this one person that provided the evidence without question. I don't trust it.

If you're going to ignore the issuing agency of any document, then no president has ever established their eligibility. Which begs the question, why are you obsessed with Obama while ignoring every other president who has ever lived who failed the same standard by your metric?

Gee. Tough one.
It does not "feel" right to me.

Your feelings are irrelevant. As the president's eligibility to be [president is a legal question. His 2008 COLB is prima facie evidence of his place of birth in any court of law. All legal requirements are met.

Your emotions, your willful ignorance of all evidence, your batshit conspiracy theories.....are all irrelevant. As we don't base anyone's eligibility to be president on any of them.

Per your standards, no birth certificate is valid. No issuing agency can be trusted. Thus, how do you know that Bush was ever president?

But you give Bush and every other white president a pass. While obsessing over the only black guy to ever hold the office. Gee, I wonder why.

Sorry, but how you 'feel' means jack shit. As eligibility for the presidency is a legal question. And your emotions aren't a legal standard. But an excuse for one.
White? This has nothing to do with skin color. Are you a racist?

You don't know that Bush Sr and Jr were in the US military? Are you a moron?
Yes, you're busy, I can see that by how many posts you have posted on this thread....:rolleyes:

busy? sure....
I wasn't busy... then I was busy. It comes and goes with the territory. I looked into this in detail many years back. I don't care to look into the one that was messed up again because it was messed up and as I stated there's no was no way to tell if the edits were done by the adobe software itself, or by some user. What was clear was that it had been edited. Editing can be done automatically by computer software in the processing of images. It's not necessarily malicious. Thus, my request to see a high resolution photo of the original document or to have a document expert review the document at the source. For once, I'm not trying to be an ASS I'm trying to point out what would be sufficient to clear up the so called "mystery." One person "saying" it's all good the document is legit don't worry about all these inconsistencies, well just not good enough for most people that give a shit about this country.

The Registrar of Hawaii has already affirmed the validity of the information on the document via affidavit.


No document expert claims that the original vital documents are forged. The Registrar reviewed the original vital documents. Obama was born in Hawaii.

Ignore as you will. It really doesn't matter.
Funny how once wasn't enough. It's as if they knew their credibility is dubious.

One was the Secretary of State of Arizona. One was for a court case in a different State.

And notice: you ignore both. Birthers have no need for evidence. Thankfully, the law does.
You're ignoring quite a bit of evidence too, so GFY.

I ignore empty innuendo and baseless speculation backed by jack shit. Which is all you've ever provided.

While Obama's eligibilty to be president has been affirmed more thoroughly than any president's in our history. With the state in which he was born in affirming his birth no less than half a dozen times.
I wasn't busy... then I was busy. It comes and goes with the territory. I looked into this in detail many years back. I don't care to look into the one that was messed up again because it was messed up and as I stated there's no was no way to tell if the edits were done by the adobe software itself, or by some user. What was clear was that it had been edited. Editing can be done automatically by computer software in the processing of images. It's not necessarily malicious. Thus, my request to see a high resolution photo of the original document or to have a document expert review the document at the source. For once, I'm not trying to be an ASS I'm trying to point out what would be sufficient to clear up the so called "mystery." One person "saying" it's all good the document is legit don't worry about all these inconsistencies, well just not good enough for most people that give a shit about this country.

The Registrar of Hawaii has already affirmed the validity of the information on the document via affidavit.


No document expert claims that the original vital documents are forged. The Registrar reviewed the original vital documents. Obama was born in Hawaii.

Ignore as you will. It really doesn't matter.
Funny how once wasn't enough. It's as if they knew their credibility is dubious.

One was the Secretary of State of Arizona. One was for a court case in a different State.

And notice: you ignore both. Birthers have no need for evidence. Thankfully, the law does.
You're ignoring quite a bit of evidence too, so GFY.

I ignore empty innuendo and baseless speculation backed by jack shit. Which is all you've ever provided.

While Obama's eligibilty to be president has been affirmed more thoroughly than any president's in our history. With the state in which he was born in affirming his birth no less than half a dozen times.
Yet Obama's wife, his grandmother, his publicist, all said he was born in Kenya. Did you know that Obama's father was not an American? Did you know that his mother was considered to be underage with respect to the ability to confer citizenship at the time of his birth?
I wasn't busy... then I was busy. It comes and goes with the territory. I looked into this in detail many years back. I don't care to look into the one that was messed up again because it was messed up and as I stated there's no was no way to tell if the edits were done by the adobe software itself, or by some user. What was clear was that it had been edited. Editing can be done automatically by computer software in the processing of images. It's not necessarily malicious. Thus, my request to see a high resolution photo of the original document or to have a document expert review the document at the source. For once, I'm not trying to be an ASS I'm trying to point out what would be sufficient to clear up the so called "mystery." One person "saying" it's all good the document is legit don't worry about all these inconsistencies, well just not good enough for most people that give a shit about this country.

Pretty much anyone who actually gives a shit about this country- does not give a shit about how many layers an image of a birth certificate on the internet has.

The image is no legal document- the originals handled and viewed by reporters were legal documents. The legal statements by the State of Hawaii are legal documents. There have been 2 elections- the voters voted that this was a non-issue to them. Congress confirmed the elections twice- again a non-issue for them. Multiple secretaries of states- including for example the Secretary of State of Arizona- have accepted the legal documents from Hawaii and have no issue.

So everyone who matters has weighed in- everyone who gives a shit about this country- the ones that are left are those who do not give shit about this country- and would prefer to spend 7 years trying to find a reason that our legally elected President cannot possibly be President.
I understand your argument. Not sure why you feel the need to replace it. We are to believe this one person that provided the evidence without question. I don't trust it.

If you're going to ignore the issuing agency of any document, then no president has ever established their eligibility. Which begs the question, why are you obsessed with Obama while ignoring every other president who has ever lived who failed the same standard by your metric?

Gee. Tough one.
It does not "feel" right to me.

Your feelings are irrelevant. As the president's eligibility to be [president is a legal question. His 2008 COLB is prima facie evidence of his place of birth in any court of law. All legal requirements are met.

Your emotions, your willful ignorance of all evidence, your batshit conspiracy theories.....are all irrelevant. As we don't base anyone's eligibility to be president on any of them.
Fake. No raised state seal plus the number is blacked out rendering it void. Read the bottom of the certificate.

And here's your raised seal, direct from Fact Check. org which was given a COLB to inspect and verify. Which they did. :

With the State of Hawaii affirming that Obama was born in Hawaii over and over and over again:

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago...."

Hawaii Obama Birth Certificate is Real - ABC News

All of which you know, but really hope we don't. The legal issues were resolved in 2008.
The factcheck hippie duo Jess Henig and Joel Miller that held whatever that is were not qualified in forensic attestations of documents.

If they were please provide documented proof. That image is not proof of anything. You fail again.
I wasn't busy... then I was busy. It comes and goes with the territory. I looked into this in detail many years back. I don't care to look into the one that was messed up again because it was messed up and as I stated there's no was no way to tell if the edits were done by the adobe software itself, or by some user. What was clear was that it had been edited. Editing can be done automatically by computer software in the processing of images. It's not necessarily malicious. Thus, my request to see a high resolution photo of the original document or to have a document expert review the document at the source. For once, I'm not trying to be an ASS I'm trying to point out what would be sufficient to clear up the so called "mystery." One person "saying" it's all good the document is legit don't worry about all these inconsistencies, well just not good enough for most people that give a shit about this country.

The Registrar of Hawaii has already affirmed the validity of the information on the document via affidavit.


No document expert claims that the original vital documents are forged. The Registrar reviewed the original vital documents. Obama was born in Hawaii.

Ignore as you will. It really doesn't matter.
Funny how once wasn't enough. It's as if they knew their credibility is dubious.

One was the Secretary of State of Arizona. One was for a court case in a different State.

And notice: you ignore both. Birthers have no need for evidence. Thankfully, the law does.
You're ignoring quite a bit of evidence too, so GFY.

I ignore empty innuendo and baseless speculation backed by jack shit. Which is all you've ever provided.

While Obama's eligibilty to be president has been affirmed more thoroughly than any president's in our history. With the state in which he was born in affirming his birth no less than half a dozen times.
Oh, now it's half a dozen times?

This thread is about the fact that politicians lie and when their lies aren't believed, they repeat them over and over. So citing another lying politician doesn't lay the controversy to rest.
Pretty much anyone who actually gives a shit about this country- does not give a shit about how many layers an image of a birth certificate on the internet has.

The image is no legal document- the originals handled and viewed by reporters were legal documents. The legal statements by the State of Hawaii are legal documents. There have been 2 elections- the voters voted that this was a non-issue to them. Congress confirmed the elections twice- again a non-issue for them. Multiple secretaries of states- including for example the Secretary of State of Arizona- have accepted the legal documents from Hawaii and have no issue.

So everyone who matters has weighed in- everyone who gives a shit about this country- the ones that are left are those who do not give shit about this country- and would prefer to spend 7 years trying to find a reason that our legally elected President cannot possibly be President.
I understand your argument. Not sure why you feel the need to replace it. We are to believe this one person that provided the evidence without question. I don't trust it.

If you're going to ignore the issuing agency of any document, then no president has ever established their eligibility. Which begs the question, why are you obsessed with Obama while ignoring every other president who has ever lived who failed the same standard by your metric?

Gee. Tough one.
It does not "feel" right to me.

Your feelings are irrelevant. As the president's eligibility to be [president is a legal question. His 2008 COLB is prima facie evidence of his place of birth in any court of law. All legal requirements are met.

Your emotions, your willful ignorance of all evidence, your batshit conspiracy theories.....are all irrelevant. As we don't base anyone's eligibility to be president on any of them.

Per your standards, no birth certificate is valid. No issuing agency can be trusted. Thus, how do you know that Bush was ever president?

But you give Bush and every other white president a pass. While obsessing over the only black guy to ever hold the office. Gee, I wonder why.

Sorry, but how you 'feel' means jack shit. As eligibility for the presidency is a legal question. And your emotions aren't a legal standard. But an excuse for one.
White? This has nothing to do with skin color.

Then its just a grand coincidence that you give every white president who failed your standard a pass......while obsessing exclusively about the only black one?

Obama's place of birth has been affirmed more completely than any president in history, with the State of Hawaii affirming his Hawaiian birth 6 times. In Press Releases, from the Republcian Governor, from the Republican appointed Director of the Department of Health (three times), from the Registrar of the State of Hawaii.

You ignore them all. Yet give every white president a complete pass when they don't have half the verification that Obama did.....and honestly try to convince us that race had nothing to do with it? Bullshit yourself if you'd like, but don't bother bullshiting us. If he were Barry O'Bama whose dad was from Dublin....

....we wouldn't be having the conversation.
Yes, you're busy, I can see that by how many posts you have posted on this thread....:rolleyes:

busy? sure....
I wasn't busy... then I was busy. It comes and goes with the territory. I looked into this in detail many years back. I don't care to look into the one that was messed up again because it was messed up and as I stated there's no was no way to tell if the edits were done by the adobe software itself, or by some user. What was clear was that it had been edited. Editing can be done automatically by computer software in the processing of images. It's not necessarily malicious. Thus, my request to see a high resolution photo of the original document or to have a document expert review the document at the source. For once, I'm not trying to be an ASS I'm trying to point out what would be sufficient to clear up the so called "mystery." One person "saying" it's all good the document is legit don't worry about all these inconsistencies, well just not good enough for most people that give a shit about this country.

Pretty much anyone who actually gives a shit about this country- does not give a shit about how many layers an image of a birth certificate on the internet has.

The image is no legal document- the originals handled and viewed by reporters were legal documents. The legal statements by the State of Hawaii are legal documents. There have been 2 elections- the voters voted that this was a non-issue to them. Congress confirmed the elections twice- again a non-issue for them. Multiple secretaries of states- including for example the Secretary of State of Arizona- have accepted the legal documents from Hawaii and have no issue.

So everyone who matters has weighed in- everyone who gives a shit about this country- the ones that are left are those who do not give shit about this country- and would prefer to spend 7 years trying to find a reason that our legally elected President cannot possibly be President.
I understand your argument. Not sure why you feel the need to replace it. We are to believe this one person that provided the evidence without question. I don't trust it. It does not "feel" right to me. Yes my view may be colored by red tinted glasses. I can't get over the fact that we hired a piece of shit drug dealer, who's parents were completely absent, who's father worked for a foriegn govenrment that is "african socialist." Who's grand parents were communist, who had a mentor that is a flaming communist, who's friends included a domestic terrorist, and a jailed politician from Chicago, ..... the hits just keep coming. Yet we are to believe that there's nothing wrong with the background of this guy that you democrats brought to DC.

Okay once again- since you feel obligated for some reason to continue to lie
a) we hired a piece of shit drug dealer
No one hired Barack Obama as President- the voters- using the process defined in our Constitution- selected him as President. You had your opportunity to cast your vote like everyone else- and you can believe any bullshit you want about him being a drug dealer.
b) who's parents were completely absent
Again- apparently the voters didn't care about Obama's parents. His father abandoned him- like many other Americans have experienced- his mother and Obama were together until he was 11 years old- when she sent him back to Hawaii to continue his education in America- like many expat Americans do. Why that is a bug up your ass- I don't need to know- and I don't care- but totally unrelated to his birth certificate- and tends to indicate that your 'concern' about Obama's BC is just a desire for dirt.
c) who's father worked for a foriegn govenrment that is "african socialist."
Which part bothers you- worked for a foreign government? African? or Socialist? Why would any of that bother you- especially since President Obama met him exactly 1 time after he was an infant?
d) Who's grand parents were communist,
Just another Birther cowardly slander of dead people. His maternal grandfather was a WW2 veteran who grew up in the Midwest and was in sales all of his life. His maternal grandmother worked in the munitions industry during WW2, and worked her way up to be the vice President of a bank. No record of them ever being 'communists'- and their lives were solidly the American dream.
e) who had a mentor that is a flaming communist
Yeah- Obama had a childhood friend who was a communist- which is perfectly legal in the United States- and the relationship was reported- and guess what- the voters didn't care.
f) who's friends included a domestic terrorist,
Obama's relationship with Bill Ayers again was widely reported- and why does that make you interested in Obama's BC?

I am not asking you to 'believe' in 1 person- frankly I don't give a damn what you believe. I am pointing out that the issue has been resolved to everyone who matters.

I am pointing out that no rational person would believe that a Republican Director of Health, a Democratic Director of Health and the Registrar of Records of Hawaii would all conspire (and face almost certain prosecution and jail time) to defraud the American public.

I am pointing out that all Birthers have ever had are lies, speculation and innuendo. EVER.
I agree with most of your statements... however given that Obama has been well established to be a pathological liar, I would ask why it is that you feel compelled to believe anything the piece of shit or his handlers say.

And what the hell does that have to do with his eligiblity?

I don't have to believe President Obama when it comes to his place of birth- I have seen the evidence.

What I have observed over the last 7 years is that Birthers rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo
The Registrar of Hawaii has already affirmed the validity of the information on the document via affidavit.


No document expert claims that the original vital documents are forged. The Registrar reviewed the original vital documents. Obama was born in Hawaii.

Ignore as you will. It really doesn't matter.
Funny how once wasn't enough. It's as if they knew their credibility is dubious.

One was the Secretary of State of Arizona. One was for a court case in a different State.

And notice: you ignore both. Birthers have no need for evidence. Thankfully, the law does.
You're ignoring quite a bit of evidence too, so GFY.

I ignore empty innuendo and baseless speculation backed by jack shit. Which is all you've ever provided.

While Obama's eligibilty to be president has been affirmed more thoroughly than any president's in our history. With the state in which he was born in affirming his birth no less than half a dozen times.
Oh, now it's half a dozen times?

This thread is about the fact that politicians lie and when their lies aren't believed, they repeat them over and over. So citing another lying politician doesn't lay the controversy to rest.

Yup. 6 times. It won't matter. You'll ignore them all.

Birthers don't use evidence. How then can evidence convince them of anything? All reasonable doubts were met with Obama's COLB in 2008. What's left are unreasonable doubts.

Which obligate no one to do anything.
I understand your argument. Not sure why you feel the need to replace it. We are to believe this one person that provided the evidence without question. I don't trust it.

If you're going to ignore the issuing agency of any document, then no president has ever established their eligibility. Which begs the question, why are you obsessed with Obama while ignoring every other president who has ever lived who failed the same standard by your metric?

Gee. Tough one.
It does not "feel" right to me.

Your feelings are irrelevant. As the president's eligibility to be [president is a legal question. His 2008 COLB is prima facie evidence of his place of birth in any court of law. All legal requirements are met.

Your emotions, your willful ignorance of all evidence, your batshit conspiracy theories.....are all irrelevant. As we don't base anyone's eligibility to be president on any of them.

Per your standards, no birth certificate is valid. No issuing agency can be trusted. Thus, how do you know that Bush was ever president?

But you give Bush and every other white president a pass. While obsessing over the only black guy to ever hold the office. Gee, I wonder why.

Sorry, but how you 'feel' means jack shit. As eligibility for the presidency is a legal question. And your emotions aren't a legal standard. But an excuse for one.
White? This has nothing to do with skin color.

Then its just a grand coincidence that you give every white president who failed your standard a pass......while obsessing exclusively about the only black one?

Obama's place of birth has been affirmed more completely than any president in history, with the State of Hawaii affirming his Hawaiian birth 6 times. In Press Releases, from the Republcian Governor, from the Republican appointed Director of the Department of Health (three times), from the Registrar of the State of Hawaii.

You ignore them all. Yet give every white president a complete pass when they don't have half the verification that Obama did.....and honestly try to convince us that race had nothing to do with it? Bullshit yourself if you'd like, but don't bother bullshiting us. If he were Barry O'Bama whose dad was from Dublin....

....we wouldn't be having the conversation.
The race card now? Sounds like you're getting desperate.
Yes, you're busy, I can see that by how many posts you have posted on this thread....:rolleyes:

busy? sure....
I wasn't busy... then I was busy. It comes and goes with the territory. I looked into this in detail many years back. I don't care to look into the one that was messed up again because it was messed up and as I stated there's no was no way to tell if the edits were done by the adobe software itself, or by some user. What was clear was that it had been edited. Editing can be done automatically by computer software in the processing of images. It's not necessarily malicious. Thus, my request to see a high resolution photo of the original document or to have a document expert review the document at the source. For once, I'm not trying to be an ASS I'm trying to point out what would be sufficient to clear up the so called "mystery." One person "saying" it's all good the document is legit don't worry about all these inconsistencies, well just not good enough for most people that give a shit about this country.

Pretty much anyone who actually gives a shit about this country- does not give a shit about how many layers an image of a birth certificate on the internet has.

The image is no legal document- the originals handled and viewed by reporters were legal documents. The legal statements by the State of Hawaii are legal documents. There have been 2 elections- the voters voted that this was a non-issue to them. Congress confirmed the elections twice- again a non-issue for them. Multiple secretaries of states- including for example the Secretary of State of Arizona- have accepted the legal documents from Hawaii and have no issue.

So everyone who matters has weighed in- everyone who gives a shit about this country- the ones that are left are those who do not give shit about this country- and would prefer to spend 7 years trying to find a reason that our legally elected President cannot possibly be President.
I understand your argument. Not sure why you feel the need to replace it. We are to believe this one person that provided the evidence without question. I don't trust it.

If you're going to ignore the issuing agency of any document, then no president has ever established their eligibility. Which begs the question, why are you obsessed with Obama while ignoring every other president who has ever lived who failed the same standard by your metric?

Gee. Tough one.
It does not "feel" right to me.

Your feelings are irrelevant. As the president's eligibility to be [president is a legal question. His 2008 COLB is prima facie evidence of his place of birth in any court of law. All legal requirements are met.

Your emotions, your willful ignorance of all evidence, your batshit conspiracy theories.....are all irrelevant. As we don't base anyone's eligibility to be president on any of them.

I do understand the difference- apparently to you- if an American's father is not an American- you suddenly care about his eligibility.
I understand your argument. Not sure why you feel the need to replace it. We are to believe this one person that provided the evidence without question. I don't trust it.

If you're going to ignore the issuing agency of any document, then no president has ever established their eligibility. Which begs the question, why are you obsessed with Obama while ignoring every other president who has ever lived who failed the same standard by your metric?

Gee. Tough one.
It does not "feel" right to me.

Your feelings are irrelevant. As the president's eligibility to be [president is a legal question. His 2008 COLB is prima facie evidence of his place of birth in any court of law. All legal requirements are met.

Your emotions, your willful ignorance of all evidence, your batshit conspiracy theories.....are all irrelevant. As we don't base anyone's eligibility to be president on any of them.

Per your standards, no birth certificate is valid. No issuing agency can be trusted. Thus, how do you know that Bush was ever president?

But you give Bush and every other white president a pass. While obsessing over the only black guy to ever hold the office. Gee, I wonder why.

Sorry, but how you 'feel' means jack shit. As eligibility for the presidency is a legal question. And your emotions aren't a legal standard. But an excuse for one.
White? This has nothing to do with skin color.

Then its just a grand coincidence that you give every white president who failed your standard a pass......while obsessing exclusively about the only black one?

Obama's place of birth has been affirmed more completely than any president in history, with the State of Hawaii affirming his Hawaiian birth 6 times. In Press Releases, from the Republcian Governor, from the Republican appointed Director of the Department of Health (three times), from the Registrar of the State of Hawaii.

You ignore them all. Yet give every white president a complete pass when they don't have half the verification that Obama did.....and honestly try to convince us that race had nothing to do with it? Bullshit yourself if you'd like, but don't bother bullshiting us. If he were Barry O'Bama whose dad was from Dublin....

....we wouldn't be having the conversation.
I don't ignore any of it. For the people I trust, I believe in trust but verify. For the people I don't trust, like people who burn and destroy public property that is evidence of wrong doing, I believe in verify, verify, verify. We're talking about a guy who had IRS officials destroy IRS email documents and computer hardware to hide wrong doing. We're taking about a guy who had his secretary of state destroy official email servers and email documents to hide wrong doing. We are talking about a guy who has a very questionable history past and present. We are not talking about a forthright person, are we?
Yes, you're busy, I can see that by how many posts you have posted on this thread....:rolleyes:

busy? sure....
I wasn't busy... then I was busy. It comes and goes with the territory. I looked into this in detail many years back. I don't care to look into the one that was messed up again because it was messed up and as I stated there's no was no way to tell if the edits were done by the adobe software itself, or by some user. What was clear was that it had been edited. Editing can be done automatically by computer software in the processing of images. It's not necessarily malicious. Thus, my request to see a high resolution photo of the original document or to have a document expert review the document at the source. For once, I'm not trying to be an ASS I'm trying to point out what would be sufficient to clear up the so called "mystery." One person "saying" it's all good the document is legit don't worry about all these inconsistencies, well just not good enough for most people that give a shit about this country.

The Registrar of Hawaii has already affirmed the validity of the information on the document via affidavit.


No document expert claims that the original vital documents are forged. The Registrar reviewed the original vital documents. Obama was born in Hawaii.

Ignore as you will. It really doesn't matter.
Funny how once wasn't enough. It's as if they knew their credibility is dubious.

One was the Secretary of State of Arizona. One was for a court case in a different State.

And notice: you ignore both. Birthers have no need for evidence. Thankfully, the law does.
You're ignoring quite a bit of evidence too, so GFY.

If a Birther ever actually produced any 'evidence' it would be a first.

True story- there was a court case in Georgia where Birthers were able to provide all of their 'evidence' to the judge- Obama's attorney didn't even bother to show up. And ruled:

The Court finds testimony of the witnesses, as well as the exhibits tendered, to be of little, if any, probative value, and thus wholly insufficient to support Plaintiffs’ allegations.

Because all the plaintiffs had provided were lies, speculation and innuendo.
Pretty much anyone who actually gives a shit about this country- does not give a shit about how many layers an image of a birth certificate on the internet has.

The image is no legal document- the originals handled and viewed by reporters were legal documents. The legal statements by the State of Hawaii are legal documents. There have been 2 elections- the voters voted that this was a non-issue to them. Congress confirmed the elections twice- again a non-issue for them. Multiple secretaries of states- including for example the Secretary of State of Arizona- have accepted the legal documents from Hawaii and have no issue.

So everyone who matters has weighed in- everyone who gives a shit about this country- the ones that are left are those who do not give shit about this country- and would prefer to spend 7 years trying to find a reason that our legally elected President cannot possibly be President.
I understand your argument. Not sure why you feel the need to replace it. We are to believe this one person that provided the evidence without question. I don't trust it.

If you're going to ignore the issuing agency of any document, then no president has ever established their eligibility. Which begs the question, why are you obsessed with Obama while ignoring every other president who has ever lived who failed the same standard by your metric?

Gee. Tough one.
It does not "feel" right to me.

Your feelings are irrelevant. As the president's eligibility to be [president is a legal question. His 2008 COLB is prima facie evidence of his place of birth in any court of law. All legal requirements are met.

Your emotions, your willful ignorance of all evidence, your batshit conspiracy theories.....are all irrelevant. As we don't base anyone's eligibility to be president on any of them.
Fake. No raised state seal plus the number is blacked out rendering it void. Read the bottom of the certificate.

And here's your raised seal, direct from Fact Check. org which was given a COLB to inspect and verify. Which they did. :

With the State of Hawaii affirming that Obama was born in Hawaii over and over and over again:

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago...."

Hawaii Obama Birth Certificate is Real - ABC News

All of which you know, but really hope we don't. The legal issues were resolved in 2008.
The factcheck hippie duo Jess Henig and Joel Miller that held whatever that is were not qualified in forensic attestations of documents.

If they were please provide documented proof. That image is not proof of anything. You fail again.

Stephen, Obama's has produced a COLB, 2 birth announcements in the paper from 1961, an image of a LFBC affirmed by the Director of the Department of Health, a press release from the State of Hawaii, another Press release fro the State of Hawaii and 2 affidavits from the Registar of Hawaii affirming that Obama was born in Hawaii.

You've ignored them all. You ignore anything that contradicts you. Just as you ignore the Supreme Court finding that natural born status follows place of birth. Just as you ignore the 1790 Naturalization Act contradicting you. Just as you ignore English Common Law.

Um.....who gives a shit? Your willful ignorance has nothing to do with Obama's eligibility.
I wasn't busy... then I was busy. It comes and goes with the territory. I looked into this in detail many years back. I don't care to look into the one that was messed up again because it was messed up and as I stated there's no was no way to tell if the edits were done by the adobe software itself, or by some user. What was clear was that it had been edited. Editing can be done automatically by computer software in the processing of images. It's not necessarily malicious. Thus, my request to see a high resolution photo of the original document or to have a document expert review the document at the source. For once, I'm not trying to be an ASS I'm trying to point out what would be sufficient to clear up the so called "mystery." One person "saying" it's all good the document is legit don't worry about all these inconsistencies, well just not good enough for most people that give a shit about this country.

The Registrar of Hawaii has already affirmed the validity of the information on the document via affidavit.


No document expert claims that the original vital documents are forged. The Registrar reviewed the original vital documents. Obama was born in Hawaii.

Ignore as you will. It really doesn't matter.
Funny how once wasn't enough. It's as if they knew their credibility is dubious.

One was the Secretary of State of Arizona. One was for a court case in a different State.

And notice: you ignore both. Birthers have no need for evidence. Thankfully, the law does.
You're ignoring quite a bit of evidence too, so GFY.

If a Birther ever actually produced any 'evidence' it would be a first.

True story- there was a court case in Georgia where Birthers were able to provide all of their 'evidence' to the judge- Obama's attorney didn't even bother to show up. And ruled:

The Court finds testimony of the witnesses, as well as the exhibits tendered, to be of little, if any, probative value, and thus wholly insufficient to support Plaintiffs’ allegations.

Because all the plaintiffs had provided were lies, speculation and innuendo.

Laughing....and that's with NO rebuttal of any kind, no witnesses against them, not even lawyers from the opposing side.

The Birthers had a bully pulpit to present anything they wanted in one of the most conservative states in the nation......and they still managed to fail.
Hawaii Dept Of Health chief Chiyome Fukino has never authenticated the 2008 image of Obama's colb that was placed on the Daily Kos website.
The Registrar of Hawaii has already affirmed the validity of the information on the document via affidavit.


No document expert claims that the original vital documents are forged. The Registrar reviewed the original vital documents. Obama was born in Hawaii.

Ignore as you will. It really doesn't matter.
Funny how once wasn't enough. It's as if they knew their credibility is dubious.

One was the Secretary of State of Arizona. One was for a court case in a different State.

And notice: you ignore both. Birthers have no need for evidence. Thankfully, the law does.
You're ignoring quite a bit of evidence too, so GFY.

I ignore empty innuendo and baseless speculation backed by jack shit. Which is all you've ever provided.

While Obama's eligibilty to be president has been affirmed more thoroughly than any president's in our history. With the state in which he was born in affirming his birth no less than half a dozen times.
Oh, now it's half a dozen times?

This thread is about the fact that politicians lie and when their lies aren't believed, they repeat them over and over. So citing another lying politician doesn't lay the controversy to rest.

Politicians do lie.

But he was not talking about politicians- his place of birth was confirmed by the Republican appointed Director of Health of Hawaii, and the Democratic appointed Director of Health of Hawaii and the Registrar of Records- the highest civil servant responsible for Hawaiian records.

Not a politician among them.

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