Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

And again- how has the copy I posted been edited?
Which part of my answer confused you?

Your response didn't confuse me- your response didn't address the question- why do you think that photo has been edited?
Because it has. The handlers used adobe to scan it then print it again during a couple steps in the handling of what we eventually saw, it's not a high res photo of what they originally received. The only reason I know of to use adobe for this is when you want to add stuff to it such as comments or adding additional text that you want to look like it was originally there.

'because it has'- and how do you know this? I mean other than waving your magic Birther wand over your monitor?
Cause the document they provided includes evidence of the editing. It has been widely reported that the editing, at least by software, occurred. Being an expert on image files, I looked at the file and they correctly reported the fact that an odd tool was used in the steps of getting the image to us. A tool that is typically used to "EDIT" documents. Not a tool that is used to make an actual image of the document. Basically the document they gave us is at best a mess. I'd like to see an un-retouched high resolution image of the original document please. And I'd like to have a data forensics expert look at the original file and attest to the originality of said document.
If the document included evidence of editing as you CLAIM, then PLEASE SHOW US THE EDITS you say it had.....what was retouched as you claim....SURELY if your claim is TRUE, you would be able to show the editing that occurred....what was changed....SHOW IT, or eat your words.

stupid is as stupid does....

and birthers at this point are just intentionally and willfully being, and playing, stupid....the Lord only knows why?
I ask again:

Why is there a huge difference between the Hawaiian officials' description of the long form in their "verification" and the long form that Obama belatedly produced after spending millions to keep it sealed? (Yes, I know that the Hawaii officials now say that the long form that Obama released is the same one they saw, but go read their description of the long form--and then tell me with a straight face that they are describing the same document.)

And, why is the certificate number on the short form markedly out of sequence with the certificate numbers that were issued just before and just after it? "Clerical error"??? Really??? By that much???

Here are some good articles on some of the technical evidence of forgery in Obama's birth documents:

Articles Obama s Other Big Lie

Forged creation matches Obama s birth certificate

Articles Obama Revealed More Than His Birth Certificate Last Year

Mathematical proof Obama birth certificate a forgery

Barack Obama -- Long Form Birth Certificate
Last edited:
By the way, you Obamabots realize that when the White House first released the short form, the certificate number was blacked out, right? Have you forgotten that? When the White House later released the non-redacted version, which showed the certificate number, it turned out that, lo and behold, the certificate number was markedly out of sequence with the short form certificate numbers that were issued just before and just after it.

Any one of you wanna step up and try to explain why the certificate number would be so far out of sequence? (Hint: Probably because the forger didn't bother to check cert numbers when they produced the fake short form.)
I did not say that. Is there a particular reason you are being such a stupid piece of shit?

I've looked over the document that you linked from that web site, and no that document does not exhibit the same type of tell tale signs of editing as did the document provided by the POTUS handlers.

And why would it? That is the photo taken by Savannah Guthrie- and posted on the internet by her- of the certified original that was handed around to reporters to examine- and it happens to be identical regarding the facts to the one that the White House released.

To recap:
State of Hawaii says President Obama born in Hawaii
State of Hawaii says it issued certified photocopies of the original BC
White House scans and posts copy of the BC sent by Hawaii
President Obama shows said certified copies to reporters.
Savannah Guthrie photographs 1 of the copies- which is virtually identical to the one the White House posts.
State of Hawaii says that the White House posted on the internet Obama's certified Birth Certificate.

So of course you don't believe any of that.
You are not listening.. The photo you showed me is not a photo taken from a camera. The jpg you linked to is a low resolution image that was not taken by a camera. The low resolution image was produced by undocumented image processing software. The jpg you linked to may be a processed version of what she took with a camera, but I see no evidence of that other than you saying she said it's her's.

I could take the jpg you gave me put my pic in it, and give you the same file. Then I could say this is the photo I took and you would have no proof I'm telling the truth or lying.

I read what you posted previously fine- and this is the first time you have addressed this image.

It is pretty obvious that this image was originally taken with a camera- just from the image itself.

This is the image that was posted by reporter Savannah Guthrie- and posted on the internet by her- of the certified original that was handed around to reporters to examine- and it happens to be identical regarding the facts to the one that the White House released.

To recap:
State of Hawaii says President Obama born in Hawaii
State of Hawaii says it issued certified photocopies of the original BC
White House scans and posts copy of the BC sent by Hawaii
President Obama shows said certified copies to reporters.
Savannah Guthrie photographs 1 of the copies- which is virtually identical to the one the White House posts.
Not a single reporter who saw the originals says that what the White House or Ms. Guthrie posted was not the same.
State of Hawaii says that the White House posted on the internet Obama's certified Birth Certificate.

So of course you don't believe any of that.
My guess is she took a photo of a "printout" of the document that the POTUS handler handed out. I would say that is a very good guess. However I have no proof that she took a photo of the document that the POTUS was handed by the State of Hawaii folks. Nor do I have proof that what the State of Hawaii folks provided is real. Thus at least two points of contention in the chain of document handling. Not to mention the obvious fact that the original document appears to have been put together over an extended period of time. Too bad the doctor's dead would have been interesting to hear his story of the birth. I should think Barry's birth parents would have been memorable.

She took a photo of the certified photocopy that was handed out- with the imprinted seal of the State of Hawaii.

And I am sure that the doctor regrets being dead also- but why you think that a doctor in his 90's would remember one specific birth 50 years before.....or how he could verify that that baby is the adult Barack Obama is beyond me.

Again to recap:

State of Hawaii says President Obama born in Hawaii
State of Hawaii says it issued certified photocopies of the original BC
White House scans and posts copy of the BC sent by Hawaii
President Obama shows said certified copies to reporters.
Savannah Guthrie photographs 1 of the copies- which is virtually identical to the one the White House posts.
Not a single reporter who saw the originals says that what the White House or Ms. Guthrie posted was not the same.
State of Hawaii says that the White House posted on the internet Obama's certified Birth Certificate.

So of course you don't believe any of that.
Stop putting words in my mouth. I already agreed to most of these statements.
Where is this "imprinted seal of the State of Hawaii" on the picture, I honestly don't see it. I see a very vague outline of something that looks like a seal stamp but it's really to vague to say what it is. Again where's the original photo she took? Why do we only have this filtered down jpg?
I ask again:

Why is there a huge difference between the Hawaiian officials' description of the long form in their "verification" and the long form that Obama belatedly produced after spending millions to keep it sealed?

1) Why is there a huge difference between the Hawaiian officials' description of the long form in their "verification" and the long form that Obama belatedly produced

What difference?

“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawai

i State Department of Health, have seen the original vitalrecords maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement
or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.

2) belatedly produced after spending millions to keep it sealed?

What millions? The state of Hawaii keeps all birth certificates sealed. President Obama didn't need, nor did he spend a dime to keep Hawaii from releasing the birth certificate. Instead, Obama spent several thousand dollars of his own money to send his attorney to Hawaii to pick up an unnecessary certified photo copy to bring back, just to show that Donald Trump was an idiot and a liar.

I say unnecessary, because we all knew that Trump is an idiot and a liar anyway.
And, why is the certificate number on the short form markedly out of sequence with the certificate numbers that were issued just before and just after it? "Clerical error"??? Really??? By that much???

What makes you think that there is a specific order they are supposed to be in? I mean other than Birther lies, speculation and innuendo?
Here are some good articles on some of the technical evidence of forgery in Obama's birth documents:

So Birther Mike

Tell me your theory- because I have yet to have a Birther provide a coherent theory.
a) Do you believe that the BC published by the White House is a fraud because of 'layers' or some such thing- if so.....
b) Why do you ignore the State of Hawaii- who says that the White House posted a copy of the certified BC? And that the State of Hawaii says he was born in do you think that officials from the State of Hawaii- 2 Directors of the Department of Health, and the Registrar of Records all lied - facing possible criminal prosecution- and if so- what motivation do you think that they all had to risk jail time?
c) Or if you don't think that the State of Hawaii lied- but you do think that the BC is a forgery- how do you think that works? I can't figure out any rational explanation of how the State of Hawaii is not lying but the White House published a forgery with 'layers'.
By the way, you Obamabots realize that when the White House first released the short form, the certificate number was blacked out, right? Have you forgotten that? When the White House later released the non-redacted version, which showed the certificate number, it turned out that, lo and behold, the certificate number was markedly out of sequence with the short form certificate numbers that were issued just before and just after it.

Any one of you wanna step up and try to explain why the certificate number would be so far out of sequence? (Hint: Probably because the forger didn't bother to check cert numbers when they produced the fake short form.)

Really? tell me- do you think that the Obama campaign forged the short form- or the State of Hawaii forged the short form?
One of the most recent and detailed analyses on the evidence of fraud in Obama's birth documents:

Affidavit White House birth certificate is a forgery

Really? WND? LOL.

Lord Monckton?

Lord Monckton who has never seen the actual birth certificate- and has no actual professional expertise in documents?
If called as a witness, I could testify competently thereto. I have a degree in classical architecture from Cambridge University. The course included instruction in mathematics

Well I guess I am more qualified since I had 4 courses in mathematics while I was in college.

Monckton is a crackpot.

And he and WND deserve each other.
And why would it? That is the photo taken by Savannah Guthrie- and posted on the internet by her- of the certified original that was handed around to reporters to examine- and it happens to be identical regarding the facts to the one that the White House released.

To recap:
State of Hawaii says President Obama born in Hawaii
State of Hawaii says it issued certified photocopies of the original BC
White House scans and posts copy of the BC sent by Hawaii
President Obama shows said certified copies to reporters.
Savannah Guthrie photographs 1 of the copies- which is virtually identical to the one the White House posts.
State of Hawaii says that the White House posted on the internet Obama's certified Birth Certificate.

So of course you don't believe any of that.
You are not listening.. The photo you showed me is not a photo taken from a camera. The jpg you linked to is a low resolution image that was not taken by a camera. The low resolution image was produced by undocumented image processing software. The jpg you linked to may be a processed version of what she took with a camera, but I see no evidence of that other than you saying she said it's her's.

I could take the jpg you gave me put my pic in it, and give you the same file. Then I could say this is the photo I took and you would have no proof I'm telling the truth or lying.

I read what you posted previously fine- and this is the first time you have addressed this image.

It is pretty obvious that this image was originally taken with a camera- just from the image itself.

This is the image that was posted by reporter Savannah Guthrie- and posted on the internet by her- of the certified original that was handed around to reporters to examine- and it happens to be identical regarding the facts to the one that the White House released.

To recap:
State of Hawaii says President Obama born in Hawaii
State of Hawaii says it issued certified photocopies of the original BC
White House scans and posts copy of the BC sent by Hawaii
President Obama shows said certified copies to reporters.
Savannah Guthrie photographs 1 of the copies- which is virtually identical to the one the White House posts.
Not a single reporter who saw the originals says that what the White House or Ms. Guthrie posted was not the same.
State of Hawaii says that the White House posted on the internet Obama's certified Birth Certificate.

So of course you don't believe any of that.
My guess is she took a photo of a "printout" of the document that the POTUS handler handed out. I would say that is a very good guess. However I have no proof that she took a photo of the document that the POTUS was handed by the State of Hawaii folks. Nor do I have proof that what the State of Hawaii folks provided is real. Thus at least two points of contention in the chain of document handling. Not to mention the obvious fact that the original document appears to have been put together over an extended period of time. Too bad the doctor's dead would have been interesting to hear his story of the birth. I should think Barry's birth parents would have been memorable.

She took a photo of the certified photocopy that was handed out- with the imprinted seal of the State of Hawaii.

And I am sure that the doctor regrets being dead also- but why you think that a doctor in his 90's would remember one specific birth 50 years before.....or how he could verify that that baby is the adult Barack Obama is beyond me.

Again to recap:

State of Hawaii says President Obama born in Hawaii
State of Hawaii says it issued certified photocopies of the original BC
White House scans and posts copy of the BC sent by Hawaii
President Obama shows said certified copies to reporters.
Savannah Guthrie photographs 1 of the copies- which is virtually identical to the one the White House posts.
Not a single reporter who saw the originals says that what the White House or Ms. Guthrie posted was not the same.
State of Hawaii says that the White House posted on the internet Obama's certified Birth Certificate.

So of course you don't believe any of that.
Stop putting words in my mouth. I already agreed to most of these statements.
Where is this "imprinted seal of the State of Hawaii" on the picture, I honestly don't see it. I see a very vague outline of something that looks like a seal stamp but it's really to vague to say what it is. Again where's the original photo she took? Why do we only have this filtered down jpg?

I would imagine the 'original' is on the phone she took it with- if it still exists at all in the original form. Once it gets moved off of a phone, its no longer the original. You will never see the 'original' of virtually all published digital photo's.

Here is Savannah Guthrie herself telling you about the raised seal

Be Sealed - Obama Conspiracy Theories
Which part of my answer confused you?

Your response didn't confuse me- your response didn't address the question- why do you think that photo has been edited?
Because it has. The handlers used adobe to scan it then print it again during a couple steps in the handling of what we eventually saw, it's not a high res photo of what they originally received. The only reason I know of to use adobe for this is when you want to add stuff to it such as comments or adding additional text that you want to look like it was originally there.

'because it has'- and how do you know this? I mean other than waving your magic Birther wand over your monitor?
Cause the document they provided includes evidence of the editing. It has been widely reported that the editing, at least by software, occurred. Being an expert on image files, I looked at the file and they correctly reported the fact that an odd tool was used in the steps of getting the image to us. A tool that is typically used to "EDIT" documents. Not a tool that is used to make an actual image of the document. Basically the document they gave us is at best a mess. I'd like to see an un-retouched high resolution image of the original document please. And I'd like to have a data forensics expert look at the original file and attest to the originality of said document.
If the document included evidence of editing as you CLAIM, then PLEASE SHOW US THE EDITS you say it had.....what was retouched as you claim....SURELY if your claim is TRUE, you would be able to show the editing that occurred....what was changed....SHOW IT, or eat your words.

How does, fuck you and the horse you rode in on you bitch, sound to you? I'm busy.
You are not listening.. The photo you showed me is not a photo taken from a camera. The jpg you linked to is a low resolution image that was not taken by a camera. The low resolution image was produced by undocumented image processing software. The jpg you linked to may be a processed version of what she took with a camera, but I see no evidence of that other than you saying she said it's her's.

I could take the jpg you gave me put my pic in it, and give you the same file. Then I could say this is the photo I took and you would have no proof I'm telling the truth or lying.

I read what you posted previously fine- and this is the first time you have addressed this image.

It is pretty obvious that this image was originally taken with a camera- just from the image itself.

This is the image that was posted by reporter Savannah Guthrie- and posted on the internet by her- of the certified original that was handed around to reporters to examine- and it happens to be identical regarding the facts to the one that the White House released.

To recap:
State of Hawaii says President Obama born in Hawaii
State of Hawaii says it issued certified photocopies of the original BC
White House scans and posts copy of the BC sent by Hawaii
President Obama shows said certified copies to reporters.
Savannah Guthrie photographs 1 of the copies- which is virtually identical to the one the White House posts.
Not a single reporter who saw the originals says that what the White House or Ms. Guthrie posted was not the same.
State of Hawaii says that the White House posted on the internet Obama's certified Birth Certificate.

So of course you don't believe any of that.
My guess is she took a photo of a "printout" of the document that the POTUS handler handed out. I would say that is a very good guess. However I have no proof that she took a photo of the document that the POTUS was handed by the State of Hawaii folks. Nor do I have proof that what the State of Hawaii folks provided is real. Thus at least two points of contention in the chain of document handling. Not to mention the obvious fact that the original document appears to have been put together over an extended period of time. Too bad the doctor's dead would have been interesting to hear his story of the birth. I should think Barry's birth parents would have been memorable.

She took a photo of the certified photocopy that was handed out- with the imprinted seal of the State of Hawaii.

And I am sure that the doctor regrets being dead also- but why you think that a doctor in his 90's would remember one specific birth 50 years before.....or how he could verify that that baby is the adult Barack Obama is beyond me.

Again to recap:

State of Hawaii says President Obama born in Hawaii
State of Hawaii says it issued certified photocopies of the original BC
White House scans and posts copy of the BC sent by Hawaii
President Obama shows said certified copies to reporters.
Savannah Guthrie photographs 1 of the copies- which is virtually identical to the one the White House posts.
Not a single reporter who saw the originals says that what the White House or Ms. Guthrie posted was not the same.
State of Hawaii says that the White House posted on the internet Obama's certified Birth Certificate.

So of course you don't believe any of that.
Stop putting words in my mouth. I already agreed to most of these statements.
Where is this "imprinted seal of the State of Hawaii" on the picture, I honestly don't see it. I see a very vague outline of something that looks like a seal stamp but it's really to vague to say what it is. Again where's the original photo she took? Why do we only have this filtered down jpg?

I would imagine the 'original' is on the phone she took it with- if it still exists at all in the original form. Once it gets moved off of a phone, its no longer the original. You will never see the 'original' of virtually all published digital photo's.

Here is Savannah Guthrie herself telling you about the raised seal

Be Sealed - Obama Conspiracy Theories
Seems the BIRTHER ISSUE is playing WELL to the average citizen....

"TRUTH" Trump tops national poll for second straight week (Leads with Hispanics and Blacks vs. Jeb!)

The Hill ^ | 7/14/15 | Neetzan Zimmerman
Donald Trump has topped the rest of the GOP presidential field for the second time in as many weeks, according to a new Suffolk University/USA TODAY poll. The national poll of voters who identify as Republicans or independents shows Trump in the lead with 17 percent, followed by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush with 14 percent.
Seems the BIRTHER ISSUE is playing WELL to the average citizen....

"TRUTH" Trump tops national poll for second straight week (Leads with Hispanics and Blacks vs. Jeb!)

The Hill ^ | 7/14/15 | Neetzan Zimmerman
Donald Trump has topped the rest of the GOP presidential field for the second time in as many weeks, according to a new Suffolk University/USA TODAY poll. The national poll of voters who identify as Republicans or independents shows Trump in the lead with 17 percent, followed by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush with 14 percent.

Oh thats not the average citizen- Trump is playing well with the GOP......and people planning on voting in the GOP primaries

Suffolk University USA TODAY Poll Shows Trump on Top with GOP Voters Nationwide - Suffolk University

Run Trump Run!
Seems the BIRTHER ISSUE is playing WELL to the average citizen....

"TRUTH" Trump tops national poll for second straight week (Leads with Hispanics and Blacks vs. Jeb!)

The Hill ^ | 7/14/15 | Neetzan Zimmerman
Donald Trump has topped the rest of the GOP presidential field for the second time in as many weeks, according to a new Suffolk University/USA TODAY poll. The national poll of voters who identify as Republicans or independents shows Trump in the lead with 17 percent, followed by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush with 14 percent.

Oh thats not the average citizen- Trump is playing well with the GOP......and people planning on voting in the GOP primaries

Suffolk University USA TODAY Poll Shows Trump on Top with GOP Voters Nationwide - Suffolk University

Run Trump Run!
Seems the BIRTHER ISSUE is playing WELL to the average citizen....

"TRUTH" Trump tops national poll for second straight week (Leads with Hispanics and Blacks vs. Jeb!)

The Hill ^ | 7/14/15 | Neetzan Zimmerman
Donald Trump has topped the rest of the GOP presidential field for the second time in as many weeks, according to a new Suffolk University/USA TODAY poll. The national poll of voters who identify as Republicans or independents shows Trump in the lead with 17 percent, followed by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush with 14 percent.

That just means there are a lot of batshit crazy birfers.
stupid is as stupid does....

and birthers at this point are just intentionally and willfully being, and playing, stupid....the Lord only knows why?
Raw unadulterated hate for President Barack Hussein Obama.

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