Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Can you give us the link to that debugged Occidental College debunking?
sure, easy peasy.... :D

Was Obama Born in the USA
FYI that link you provided merely states that someone made up the claim as a hoax. It does not say a single thing about Obama's actual status or his actual transcripts other than what his name was. That's it? All we get to know about Barracky boy's college is his name?
The birthers claimed he received a Full Bright scholarship for foreign students while attending Occidental college, which was simply ANOTHER fabricated lie because the Fullbrite scholarship is for GRADUATE students Only and Obama was an under graduate when he attended there.

These birther fabrications are EASILY can do this on your own ya know....but you don't seem to want to know the truth, it's like water thrown on the Wicked Witch of the all will melt.

My question for you is how many times are you willing to accept the birthers lies? How many proven lies can the birthers tell without you accepting they are liars and believing their NEXT FABRICATION?
I'm not asking for you to debunk a hoax, I'm asking for you to debunk that fact that Obama's college transcripts have not been opened to the public. I'd like to see the transcripts. I'd also like to see his actual birth certificate vs. one that has been printed, scanned, and edited a few times.
His college transcripts have nothing to do with his citizenship, and they are not released by MOST all presidents, so why do you want to see them? What do you think you will FIND, and why does this even matter when it did not matter with other presidents? What do you imagine you will find?

Correction- they are not voluntarily released by ANY President.

We have seen the undergrad transcripts only for Bush- and then only because they were illegally leaked.
FYI that link you provided merely states that someone made up the claim as a hoax. It does not say a single thing about Obama's actual status or his actual transcripts other than what his name was. That's it? All we get to know about Barracky boy's college is his name?
The birthers claimed he received a Full Bright scholarship for foreign students while attending Occidental college, which was simply ANOTHER fabricated lie because the Fullbrite scholarship is for GRADUATE students Only and Obama was an under graduate when he attended there.

These birther fabrications are EASILY can do this on your own ya know....but you don't seem to want to know the truth, it's like water thrown on the Wicked Witch of the all will melt.

My question for you is how many times are you willing to accept the birthers lies? How many proven lies can the birthers tell without you accepting they are liars and believing their NEXT FABRICATION?
I'm not asking for you to debunk a hoax, I'm asking for you to debunk that fact that Obama's college transcripts have not been opened to the public. I'd like to see the transcripts. I'd also like to see his actual birth certificate vs. one that has been printed, scanned, and edited a few times.
How do you suppose you can do that? Are you going to fly to hawaii, and go to the dept of health and ask to see the original, which is there? ALL birth certificates sent to the person requesting it, ARE COPIES OF THE ORIGINAL.....even YOUR BC, is a copy or scanned copy.....every citizen has a copy or scanned copy....

BUT IT IS CERTIFIED, with an embossed stamp, on the copy of the original by the Dept of Health.....

THAT'S ALL YOU NEED to know if it is a pure copy of the original BC.....


and the dept of health would not have a birth certificate for him IF HE WERE NOT born in Hawaii.
Do you trust everyone? I don't. Trust is earned. In this case it's not deserved. The version we got to see had gone through a number of editing processes. I'd like to see the original, or at least an untouched copy that did not come from a version that was scanned, edited, printed then re-scanned by the POTUS handlers.


Seriously why?

Because here is the thing- the State of Hawaii says we saw an authentic copy of the original. The State of Hawaii says Obama was born in Hawaii.

IF Hawaii wanted to make an authentic birth certificate with fake data- the State of Hawaii could make a perfect authentic birth certificate with fake data- you seeing the original photocopy they sent to Obama would not change that.

So you are left with you either believing that the State of Hawaii is lying- for no apparent reason- or believing the State of Hawaii.

You prefer to believe Birthers- who have a history of lying- and motivation to lie- versus the State of Hawaii- which has neither.
Can you cite to evidence that the version we got from the POTUS' handlers was an unedited version? You'll note that Obama did not touch any of these documents. If hanky panky occurred it's not Obama's fault.
The birthers claimed he received a Full Bright scholarship for foreign students while attending Occidental college, which was simply ANOTHER fabricated lie because the Fullbrite scholarship is for GRADUATE students Only and Obama was an under graduate when he attended there.

These birther fabrications are EASILY can do this on your own ya know....but you don't seem to want to know the truth, it's like water thrown on the Wicked Witch of the all will melt.

My question for you is how many times are you willing to accept the birthers lies? How many proven lies can the birthers tell without you accepting they are liars and believing their NEXT FABRICATION?
I'm not asking for you to debunk a hoax, I'm asking for you to debunk that fact that Obama's college transcripts have not been opened to the public. I'd like to see the transcripts. I'd also like to see his actual birth certificate vs. one that has been printed, scanned, and edited a few times.

And you would like a pony- I think you are doomed to live in disappointment.

Obama's transcripts- like everyone's transcripts are sealed by law.
Obama like every other President- has not volunteered to release his transcripts.

And how do you imagine you get to see anyone's actual Birth certificate?

The actual BC is an original document not released to anyone- kept stored away as an original.

Perhaps you mean an original certified photocopy? Like the ones the State of Hawaii made as per Obama's special request and sent to Obama- and were shown to reporters?

How do you imagine you would get to see that actual document- do you think that the President should hand deliver it to you- and every other wingnut who wants a hard copy?

And why do you doubt the word of every reporter who did see the certified photo copies- including Savannah Guthrie- who took a photo of the copy she held- and published it

I'm not interesting in seeing a photo of an edited copy of a document. I'd like to see an actual scanned image of the original, versus one that has been edited.

And how has that photo been edited?
At least by the adobe software that was used to scan the printed copy to make the version that was handed around. Whether manually edited as well could only be determined by reviewing the version of adobe they used and diffing the high res image of the original to the version that was passed around. What I would do is highlight the edits made by one of software and some user(s) and see if any hanky panky occured in the process of getting the image to us.

And again- how has the copy I posted been edited?
The birthers claimed he received a Full Bright scholarship for foreign students while attending Occidental college, which was simply ANOTHER fabricated lie because the Fullbrite scholarship is for GRADUATE students Only and Obama was an under graduate when he attended there.

These birther fabrications are EASILY can do this on your own ya know....but you don't seem to want to know the truth, it's like water thrown on the Wicked Witch of the all will melt.

My question for you is how many times are you willing to accept the birthers lies? How many proven lies can the birthers tell without you accepting they are liars and believing their NEXT FABRICATION?
I'm not asking for you to debunk a hoax, I'm asking for you to debunk that fact that Obama's college transcripts have not been opened to the public. I'd like to see the transcripts. I'd also like to see his actual birth certificate vs. one that has been printed, scanned, and edited a few times.
How do you suppose you can do that? Are you going to fly to hawaii, and go to the dept of health and ask to see the original, which is there? ALL birth certificates sent to the person requesting it, ARE COPIES OF THE ORIGINAL.....even YOUR BC, is a copy or scanned copy.....every citizen has a copy or scanned copy....

BUT IT IS CERTIFIED, with an embossed stamp, on the copy of the original by the Dept of Health.....

THAT'S ALL YOU NEED to know if it is a pure copy of the original BC.....


and the dept of health would not have a birth certificate for him IF HE WERE NOT born in Hawaii.
Do you trust everyone? I don't. Trust is earned. In this case it's not deserved. The version we got to see had gone through a number of editing processes. I'd like to see the original, or at least an untouched copy that did not come from a version that was scanned, edited, printed then re-scanned by the POTUS handlers.


Seriously why?

Because here is the thing- the State of Hawaii says we saw an authentic copy of the original. The State of Hawaii says Obama was born in Hawaii.

IF Hawaii wanted to make an authentic birth certificate with fake data- the State of Hawaii could make a perfect authentic birth certificate with fake data- you seeing the original photocopy they sent to Obama would not change that.

So you are left with you either believing that the State of Hawaii is lying- for no apparent reason- or believing the State of Hawaii.

You prefer to believe Birthers- who have a history of lying- and motivation to lie- versus the State of Hawaii- which has neither.
Can you cite to evidence that the version we got from the POTUS' handlers was an unedited version?

Hawaii said so:

Vital Records Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II

Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II
On April 27, 2011 President Barack Obama posted a certified copy of his original Certificate of Live Birth.

And the State of Hawaii has confirmed multiple times that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii

Hawai„i Health Director LorettaFuddy said.

I have seen the original records filed at the
Department of Health and attest to the authenticity of the certified copies thedepartment provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in Hawai„i.


“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital
records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama
was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen.

Of course Birthers don't believe the State of Hawaii.

Because Birthers rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.
Did Obama Kill His Grandmother?


Just more Birther lies, speculation and innuendo.

That's not a refutation....just so you know. Funny how Grandma was knocked off JUST BEFORE THE ELECTION. You have to be willingly blind not to connect the dots.

I am just pointing out the facts.

Just more Birther lies, speculation and innuendo.

Those aren't facts, they are opinions in response to a post full of facts. You really suck at this, don't you?
Did Obama Kill His Grandmother?


Just more Birther lies, speculation and innuendo.

That's not a refutation....just so you know. Funny how Grandma was knocked off JUST BEFORE THE ELECTION. You have to be willingly blind not to connect the dots.

I am just pointing out the facts.

Just more Birther lies, speculation and innuendo.

Those aren't facts, they are opinions in response to a post full of facts. You really suck at this, don't you?

No my post is factual.

Your post is innuendo- and as I point out- just more Birther lies, speculation and innuendo.

And that is a fact.
I'm not asking for you to debunk a hoax, I'm asking for you to debunk that fact that Obama's college transcripts have not been opened to the public. I'd like to see the transcripts. I'd also like to see his actual birth certificate vs. one that has been printed, scanned, and edited a few times.

And you would like a pony- I think you are doomed to live in disappointment.

Obama's transcripts- like everyone's transcripts are sealed by law.
Obama like every other President- has not volunteered to release his transcripts.

And how do you imagine you get to see anyone's actual Birth certificate?

The actual BC is an original document not released to anyone- kept stored away as an original.

Perhaps you mean an original certified photocopy? Like the ones the State of Hawaii made as per Obama's special request and sent to Obama- and were shown to reporters?

How do you imagine you would get to see that actual document- do you think that the President should hand deliver it to you- and every other wingnut who wants a hard copy?

And why do you doubt the word of every reporter who did see the certified photo copies- including Savannah Guthrie- who took a photo of the copy she held- and published it

I'm not interesting in seeing a photo of an edited copy of a document. I'd like to see an actual scanned image of the original, versus one that has been edited.

And how has that photo been edited?
At least by the adobe software that was used to scan the printed copy to make the version that was handed around. Whether manually edited as well could only be determined by reviewing the version of adobe they used and diffing the high res image of the original to the version that was passed around. What I would do is highlight the edits made by one of software and some user(s) and see if any hanky panky occured in the process of getting the image to us.

And again- how has the copy I posted been edited?
Which part of my answer confused you?
Did Obama Kill His Grandmother?


Just more Birther lies, speculation and innuendo.

That's not a refutation....just so you know. Funny how Grandma was knocked off JUST BEFORE THE ELECTION. You have to be willingly blind not to connect the dots.

I am just pointing out the facts.

Just more Birther lies, speculation and innuendo.

Those aren't facts, they are opinions in response to a post full of facts. You really suck at this, don't you?

No my post is factual.

Your post is innuendo- and as I point out- just more Birther lies, speculation and innuendo.

And that is a fact.

So you can't refute it. Got it.

Just more Birther lies, speculation and innuendo.

That's not a refutation....just so you know. Funny how Grandma was knocked off JUST BEFORE THE ELECTION. You have to be willingly blind not to connect the dots.

I am just pointing out the facts.

Just more Birther lies, speculation and innuendo.

Those aren't facts, they are opinions in response to a post full of facts. You really suck at this, don't you?

No my post is factual.

Your post is innuendo- and as I point out- just more Birther lies, speculation and innuendo.

And that is a fact.

So you can't refute it. Got it.
Argument From Ignorance.
I think I need to take six or seven hits off a crack pipe to give the birfers a fighting chance.
I'm not asking for you to debunk a hoax, I'm asking for you to debunk that fact that Obama's college transcripts have not been opened to the public. I'd like to see the transcripts. I'd also like to see his actual birth certificate vs. one that has been printed, scanned, and edited a few times.
How do you suppose you can do that? Are you going to fly to hawaii, and go to the dept of health and ask to see the original, which is there? ALL birth certificates sent to the person requesting it, ARE COPIES OF THE ORIGINAL.....even YOUR BC, is a copy or scanned copy.....every citizen has a copy or scanned copy....

BUT IT IS CERTIFIED, with an embossed stamp, on the copy of the original by the Dept of Health.....

THAT'S ALL YOU NEED to know if it is a pure copy of the original BC.....


and the dept of health would not have a birth certificate for him IF HE WERE NOT born in Hawaii.
Do you trust everyone? I don't. Trust is earned. In this case it's not deserved. The version we got to see had gone through a number of editing processes. I'd like to see the original, or at least an untouched copy that did not come from a version that was scanned, edited, printed then re-scanned by the POTUS handlers.


Seriously why?

Because here is the thing- the State of Hawaii says we saw an authentic copy of the original. The State of Hawaii says Obama was born in Hawaii.

IF Hawaii wanted to make an authentic birth certificate with fake data- the State of Hawaii could make a perfect authentic birth certificate with fake data- you seeing the original photocopy they sent to Obama would not change that.

So you are left with you either believing that the State of Hawaii is lying- for no apparent reason- or believing the State of Hawaii.

You prefer to believe Birthers- who have a history of lying- and motivation to lie- versus the State of Hawaii- which has neither.
Can you cite to evidence that the version we got from the POTUS' handlers was an unedited version?

Hawaii said so:

Vital Records Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II

Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II
On April 27, 2011 President Barack Obama posted a certified copy of his original Certificate of Live Birth.

And the State of Hawaii has confirmed multiple times that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii

Hawai„i Health Director LorettaFuddy said.

I have seen the original records filed at the
Department of Health and attest to the authenticity of the certified copies thedepartment provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in Hawai„i.


“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital
records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama
was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen.

Of course Birthers don't believe the State of Hawaii.

Because Birthers rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.
Note the carefully crafted words of said officials. They did not say what we saw was what they gave the POTUS' handlers. They said what they provided was authentic. They did not authenticate what we were provided by the POTUS' handlers. Why the not so subtle difference? What changes did the POTUS' handlers make to the document?
How do you suppose you can do that? Are you going to fly to hawaii, and go to the dept of health and ask to see the original, which is there? ALL birth certificates sent to the person requesting it, ARE COPIES OF THE ORIGINAL.....even YOUR BC, is a copy or scanned copy.....every citizen has a copy or scanned copy....

BUT IT IS CERTIFIED, with an embossed stamp, on the copy of the original by the Dept of Health.....

THAT'S ALL YOU NEED to know if it is a pure copy of the original BC.....


and the dept of health would not have a birth certificate for him IF HE WERE NOT born in Hawaii.
Do you trust everyone? I don't. Trust is earned. In this case it's not deserved. The version we got to see had gone through a number of editing processes. I'd like to see the original, or at least an untouched copy that did not come from a version that was scanned, edited, printed then re-scanned by the POTUS handlers.


Seriously why?

Because here is the thing- the State of Hawaii says we saw an authentic copy of the original. The State of Hawaii says Obama was born in Hawaii.

IF Hawaii wanted to make an authentic birth certificate with fake data- the State of Hawaii could make a perfect authentic birth certificate with fake data- you seeing the original photocopy they sent to Obama would not change that.

So you are left with you either believing that the State of Hawaii is lying- for no apparent reason- or believing the State of Hawaii.

You prefer to believe Birthers- who have a history of lying- and motivation to lie- versus the State of Hawaii- which has neither.
Can you cite to evidence that the version we got from the POTUS' handlers was an unedited version?

Hawaii said so:

Vital Records Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II

Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II
On April 27, 2011 President Barack Obama posted a certified copy of his original Certificate of Live Birth.

And the State of Hawaii has confirmed multiple times that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii

Hawai„i Health Director LorettaFuddy said.

I have seen the original records filed at the
Department of Health and attest to the authenticity of the certified copies thedepartment provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in Hawai„i.


“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital
records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama
was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen.

Of course Birthers don't believe the State of Hawaii.

Because Birthers rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.
Note the carefully crafted words of said officials. They did not say what we saw was what they gave the POTUS' handlers. They said what they provided was authentic. They did not authenticate what we were provided by the POTUS' handlers. Why the not so subtle difference? What changes did the POTUS' handlers make to the document?
Note the words of said officials saying Obama was born in Hawaii.

Do you trust everyone? I don't. Trust is earned. In this case it's not deserved. The version we got to see had gone through a number of editing processes. I'd like to see the original, or at least an untouched copy that did not come from a version that was scanned, edited, printed then re-scanned by the POTUS handlers.


Seriously why?

Because here is the thing- the State of Hawaii says we saw an authentic copy of the original. The State of Hawaii says Obama was born in Hawaii.

IF Hawaii wanted to make an authentic birth certificate with fake data- the State of Hawaii could make a perfect authentic birth certificate with fake data- you seeing the original photocopy they sent to Obama would not change that.

So you are left with you either believing that the State of Hawaii is lying- for no apparent reason- or believing the State of Hawaii.

You prefer to believe Birthers- who have a history of lying- and motivation to lie- versus the State of Hawaii- which has neither.
Can you cite to evidence that the version we got from the POTUS' handlers was an unedited version?

Hawaii said so:

Vital Records Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II

Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II
On April 27, 2011 President Barack Obama posted a certified copy of his original Certificate of Live Birth.

And the State of Hawaii has confirmed multiple times that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii

Hawai„i Health Director LorettaFuddy said.

I have seen the original records filed at the
Department of Health and attest to the authenticity of the certified copies thedepartment provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in Hawai„i.


“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital
records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama
was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen.

Of course Birthers don't believe the State of Hawaii.

Because Birthers rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.
Note the carefully crafted words of said officials. They did not say what we saw was what they gave the POTUS' handlers. They said what they provided was authentic. They did not authenticate what we were provided by the POTUS' handlers. Why the not so subtle difference? What changes did the POTUS' handlers make to the document?
Note the words of said officials saying Obama was born in Hawaii.
Yes, I see an edited quote of what an official supposedly said. I also see that this official said that she "found the original birth record, properly numbered, half typed and half handwritten, and signed by the doctor who delivered Obama." Half typed half handwritten? I'd like to see a high resolution photo of the original document. I see no proof that this person who reviewed the document is an expert in document evidence. I'd like to have a document forensics expert review the original document for authenticity.
And you would like a pony- I think you are doomed to live in disappointment.

Obama's transcripts- like everyone's transcripts are sealed by law.
Obama like every other President- has not volunteered to release his transcripts.

And how do you imagine you get to see anyone's actual Birth certificate?

The actual BC is an original document not released to anyone- kept stored away as an original.

Perhaps you mean an original certified photocopy? Like the ones the State of Hawaii made as per Obama's special request and sent to Obama- and were shown to reporters?

How do you imagine you would get to see that actual document- do you think that the President should hand deliver it to you- and every other wingnut who wants a hard copy?

And why do you doubt the word of every reporter who did see the certified photo copies- including Savannah Guthrie- who took a photo of the copy she held- and published it

I'm not interesting in seeing a photo of an edited copy of a document. I'd like to see an actual scanned image of the original, versus one that has been edited.

And how has that photo been edited?
At least by the adobe software that was used to scan the printed copy to make the version that was handed around. Whether manually edited as well could only be determined by reviewing the version of adobe they used and diffing the high res image of the original to the version that was passed around. What I would do is highlight the edits made by one of software and some user(s) and see if any hanky panky occured in the process of getting the image to us.

And again- how has the copy I posted been edited?
Which part of my answer confused you?

Your response didn't confuse me- your response didn't address the question- why do you think that photo has been edited?
I'm not interesting in seeing a photo of an edited copy of a document. I'd like to see an actual scanned image of the original, versus one that has been edited.

And how has that photo been edited?
At least by the adobe software that was used to scan the printed copy to make the version that was handed around. Whether manually edited as well could only be determined by reviewing the version of adobe they used and diffing the high res image of the original to the version that was passed around. What I would do is highlight the edits made by one of software and some user(s) and see if any hanky panky occured in the process of getting the image to us.

And again- how has the copy I posted been edited?
Which part of my answer confused you?

Your response didn't confuse me- your response didn't address the question- why do you think that photo has been edited?
Because it has. The handlers used adobe to scan it then print it again during a couple steps in the handling of what we eventually saw, it's not a high res photo of what they originally received. The only reason I know of to use adobe for this is when you want to add stuff to it such as comments or adding additional text that you want to look like it was originally there.

Seriously why?

Because here is the thing- the State of Hawaii says we saw an authentic copy of the original. The State of Hawaii says Obama was born in Hawaii.

IF Hawaii wanted to make an authentic birth certificate with fake data- the State of Hawaii could make a perfect authentic birth certificate with fake data- you seeing the original photocopy they sent to Obama would not change that.

So you are left with you either believing that the State of Hawaii is lying- for no apparent reason- or believing the State of Hawaii.

You prefer to believe Birthers- who have a history of lying- and motivation to lie- versus the State of Hawaii- which has neither.
Can you cite to evidence that the version we got from the POTUS' handlers was an unedited version?

Hawaii said so:

Vital Records Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II

Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II
On April 27, 2011 President Barack Obama posted a certified copy of his original Certificate of Live Birth.

And the State of Hawaii has confirmed multiple times that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii

Hawai„i Health Director LorettaFuddy said.

I have seen the original records filed at the
Department of Health and attest to the authenticity of the certified copies the department provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in Hawai„i.


“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital
records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama
was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen.

Of course Birthers don't believe the State of Hawaii.

Because Birthers rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.
Note the carefully crafted words of said officials. They did not say what we saw was what they gave the POTUS' handlers. They said what they provided was authentic. They did not authenticate what we were provided by the POTUS' handlers. Why the not so subtle difference? What changes did the POTUS' handlers make to the document?
Note the words of said officials saying Obama was born in Hawaii.
Yes, I see an edited quote of what an official supposedly said. I also see that this official said that she "found the original birth record, properly numbered, half typed and half handwritten, and signed by the doctor who delivered Obama." Half typed half handwritten? I'd like to see a high resolution photo of the original document. I see no proof that this person who reviewed the document is an expert in document evidence. I'd like to have a document forensics expert review the original document for authenticity.

Look- you are really trying to be willfully ignorant.

I posted from the official State of Hawaii, Department of Health website- i provided the link- you want to look at the unedited statements- go read them- they are what I posted.

Two Directors of Health of Hawaii- the position responsible for maintaining birth certificates in Hawaii- the legal experts on Hawaiian birth certificates- stated unambiguously that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.
verifying Barack Hussein Obamawas born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen.
that further prove the fact that he was born in Hawai„i.

That you do not accept the actual statements of the officials of Hawaii- that you presume that they are lying- is no ones problem but yours.

And how has that photo been edited?
At least by the adobe software that was used to scan the printed copy to make the version that was handed around. Whether manually edited as well could only be determined by reviewing the version of adobe they used and diffing the high res image of the original to the version that was passed around. What I would do is highlight the edits made by one of software and some user(s) and see if any hanky panky occured in the process of getting the image to us.

And again- how has the copy I posted been edited?
Which part of my answer confused you?

Your response didn't confuse me- your response didn't address the question- why do you think that photo has been edited?
Because it has. The handlers used adobe to scan it then print it again during a couple steps in the handling of what we eventually saw, it's not a high res photo of what they originally received. The only reason I know of to use adobe for this is when you want to add stuff to it such as comments or adding additional text that you want to look like it was originally there.

'because it has'- and how do you know this? I mean other than waving your magic Birther wand over your monitor?

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