Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Where did I demand anything you dumb fucking piece of dog shit?

So you haven't demanded he release his transcripts because he's your employee? Because you may want to read the last page or two.

Where did I say releasing transcripts is in the job requirements of POTUS? God you are one dumb fucking son of a bitch.

Then giving you those transcripts isn't anything he's required to do as part of his job. Negating all your babble about employees turning over transcripts to their employers.

Nor do you have a good reason to demand them, as your conspiracy theories are void of evidence or reason.

Seems to me you've gotten exactly what you deserve in terms of those transcripts or any other personal documents: jack shit.
Asking is not demanding you dumb piece of shit.

Uh-huh. Employers merely 'ask' for transcripts from their employees, right? 'Get to see' is just a pleasant request?

Face it, you've go no right to anything you're 'asking' for. Nor do you have a good reason. As your conspiracy is batshit crazy and utterly baseless.
You're nothing but a stupid piece of shit. Get up off your knees bitch.

Like I said- you sound like a 12 year old boy on the playground thrilled to be able to say 'bad' words with no teacher around.

Don't get your panties all in a bunch. Not my fault you dumb asses picked a communist piece of shit to run as POTUS.
T-Rump is pushing wing nut Birther buttons..its gets them a spinning..

T-Rump is an "afterbirther"

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The truth of the matter is that it doesn't matter if President Barack Obama was born in Kenya. It wouldn't matter if he was born in Iraq for that matter he'd still be eligible to be President. His mother was American, therefore he's a natural born American. Case closed.

Folks who are perpetuating this claptrap are only showing the world how ignorant and racist they are.

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you are correct that it doesn't matter, because no one is going to do anything about it with only a year and a half left for him to screw up the country. But eventually the truth will come out, and it won't be pretty for you worshipers of the great obozo.
I'm correct because Obama is a natural born American by law, regardless of where he was born. Period. End of story.

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Good news for the GOP: The Don is not going to let the birther thing go.....just great PR for the GOP!

Trump I m still a birther - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Donald Trump is still not sure whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that aired Thursday night, the Republican presidential candidate said he was not that interested in talking about the issue, compared to other ones.

“Honestly, I don’t want to get into it,” Trump said.

Asked whether he thought Obama was born in the U.S., Trump responded: “I don’t know. I really don’t know. I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.”


Ahem, Donny:


Discuss. Will the birfers enjoy a fantastic comeback in the 2016 election??

Trump is a birther and Obama can't come clean with school records, applications and a real birth certificate from a state he lived in. Guess it's a tie. Wasn't this supposed to be the TRANSPARENT PRESIDENT, lol.
List of Redfish’s Birther lies, speculations and innuendo

1) “Bill Clinton says Obama’s not American”

Of course there is no record of Bill Clinton saying that- there is only the uncorroborated statement on the record by one woman that Bill Clinton told her that he knew Obama was not eligible. (and that McCain was not eligible)

Status of Redfish’s claim: Lie

2) “Romney released his[college records] voluntarily”

Romney never released his college records, and Birthers never asked for them.

Status of Redfish’s claim: Lie

3) “Obama spent millions

“Perkins Cole of Seattle were paid to defend suits requesting release of his records in several states….they were paid over a million dollars to keep you and me from seeing his college records”

Investigated- and mostly false- as in there is no record that Obama’s campaign ever spent a million dollars defending against any Birther claims.

No President Obama Hasn t Spent Millions To Keep His Birth Certificate Private

So that leaves the funds paid to Perkins Coie. Trump’s and Palin’s claims assume that the vast majority of the money paid to Perkins Coie since the election was used to defend against lawsuits challenging Obama’s citizenship. We agree that some amount of money was spent in legal fees related to those lawsuits — the letter from Bauer to the plaintiff is an example of that. But, while we don’t know exactly how much the Obama camp spent on their private lawyers, there were many, many non-birth-certificate duties that a law firm typically handles in the wake of a presidential campaign, which suggests that any birth certificate work was a small percentage of the overall fees paid to Perkins Coie.

In addition- there were only 3 lawsuits that Obama was a defendant- and Perkins Cole didn’t represent Obama in most(all?) of the cases- and all were quickly dismissed.

Status of Redfish’s claim: Speculation

4) “nothing I have said is untrue”

LOL see above and below

5) “just pointing out the truth, carbon head. Hillary started it.”

There is no evidence that Hillary Clinton ever was involved with the Birther movement in any fashion or form. Some of her supporters- the so-called Puma’s were. The earliest recorded mention of the Birther claims was March 2008 on the rightwing blog- FreeRepublic

Barackryphal The Secret Origin of the Birthers

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Status of Redfish’s claim: Lie

6) actually he was a black arab, you can look it up.

Why this is important to anyone other than a racist I don’t know, but it is a claim that we have seen from racists around 2008.

Well I did ‘look it up’- not a single credible reference- and I mean I won’t take Rush Limbaugh’s claim as a source- says that Obama is ‘arab’.

Status of Redfish’s claims: Lie

7) Do you find it funny that his grandmother died shortly after his visit to her in Hawaii?

As pointed out- Obama’s grandmother was elderly and ill- and Obama rushed to see her because of her poor health.

Status of Redfish’s claim: Innuendo

8) He either was a foreign student or commited fraud to get the money. which is it?

There is no evidence that shows that Barack Obama was ever a foreign student- or committed fraud to get any money. Just Redfish lying again

Status of Redfish’s claim: Lie

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
List of Redfish’s Birther lies, speculations and innuendo

1) “Bill Clinton says Obama’s not American”

Of course there is no record of Bill Clinton saying that- there is only the uncorroborated statement on the record by one woman that Bill Clinton told her that he knew Obama was not eligible. (and that McCain was not eligible)

Status of Redfish’s claim: Lie

2) “Romney released his[college records] voluntarily”

Romney never released his college records, and Birthers never asked for them.

Status of Redfish’s claim: Lie

3) “Obama spent millions

“Perkins Cole of Seattle were paid to defend suits requesting release of his records in several states….they were paid over a million dollars to keep you and me from seeing his college records”

Investigated- and mostly false- as in there is no record that Obama’s campaign ever spent a million dollars defending against any Birther claims.

No President Obama Hasn t Spent Millions To Keep His Birth Certificate Private

So that leaves the funds paid to Perkins Coie. Trump’s and Palin’s claims assume that the vast majority of the money paid to Perkins Coie since the election was used to defend against lawsuits challenging Obama’s citizenship. We agree that some amount of money was spent in legal fees related to those lawsuits — the letter from Bauer to the plaintiff is an example of that. But, while we don’t know exactly how much the Obama camp spent on their private lawyers, there were many, many non-birth-certificate duties that a law firm typically handles in the wake of a presidential campaign, which suggests that any birth certificate work was a small percentage of the overall fees paid to Perkins Coie.

In addition- there were only 3 lawsuits that Obama was a defendant- and Perkins Cole didn’t represent Obama in most(all?) of the cases- and all were quickly dismissed.

Status of Redfish’s claim: Speculation

4) “nothing I have said is untrue”

LOL see above and below

5) “just pointing out the truth, carbon head. Hillary started it.”

There is no evidence that Hillary Clinton ever was involved with the Birther movement in any fashion or form. Some of her supporters- the so-called Puma’s were. The earliest recorded mention of the Birther claims was March 2008 on the rightwing blog- FreeRepublic

Barackryphal The Secret Origin of the Birthers

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Status of Redfish’s claim: Lie

6) actually he was a black arab, you can look it up.

Why this is important to anyone other than a racist I don’t know, but it is a claim that we have seen from racists around 2008.

Well I did ‘look it up’- not a single credible reference- and I mean I won’t take Rush Limbaugh’s claim as a source- says that Obama is ‘arab’.

Status of Redfish’s claims: Lie

7) Do you find it funny that his grandmother died shortly after his visit to her in Hawaii?

As pointed out- Obama’s grandmother was elderly and ill- and Obama rushed to see her because of her poor health.

Status of Redfish’s claim: Innuendo

8) He either was a foreign student or commited fraud to get the money. which is it?

There is no evidence that shows that Barack Obama was ever a foreign student- or committed fraud to get any money. Just Redfish lying again

Status of Redfish’s claim: Lie

Nice try, but I have to give you an F. You have disproven nothing.

Then where are Romney's college records that he 'voluntarily released'?

And of course, what is your evidence that Obama was

but lets just go with your number 8 for a minute. Harvard and Columbia are very expensive colleges. Obama claims that he was a poor halfbreed from Hawaii via Indonesia and that he never had any money. So you tell us, how did he pay the tuition, room, and board at those very expensive schools?

I have no idea. Scholarships from the school,. scholarships from private sources, affirmative action, student loans, his grandparents, friends of the family, a litany of possible ways.

You however have claimed that Obama was either born in Kenya or lied to the college.

Prove it.

You obviously can't. Making your dichotomy a lie. As it wasn't ONLY one or the other. It could have been a variety of different reasons. And you don't know which it was.

As to proving it, his college records would prove it one way or the other. If those records would make all of the "birthers" look like idiots, do you really think he would not have released them to gain the political points?

your position on this defies logic.
Maybe he knows you whackadoodle birther-types would go ape-dung and is purposefully dangling that carrot for to keep you frothing at the mouth for political gain.

Obama is playing chess while you kooks are playing checkers.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
List of Redfish’s Birther lies, speculations and innuendo

1) “Bill Clinton says Obama’s not American”

Of course there is no record of Bill Clinton saying that- there is only the uncorroborated statement on the record by one woman that Bill Clinton told her that he knew Obama was not eligible. (and that McCain was not eligible)

Status of Redfish’s claim: Lie

2) “Romney released his[college records] voluntarily”

Romney never released his college records, and Birthers never asked for them.

Status of Redfish’s claim: Lie

3) “Obama spent millions

“Perkins Cole of Seattle were paid to defend suits requesting release of his records in several states….they were paid over a million dollars to keep you and me from seeing his college records”

Investigated- and mostly false- as in there is no record that Obama’s campaign ever spent a million dollars defending against any Birther claims.

No President Obama Hasn t Spent Millions To Keep His Birth Certificate Private

So that leaves the funds paid to Perkins Coie. Trump’s and Palin’s claims assume that the vast majority of the money paid to Perkins Coie since the election was used to defend against lawsuits challenging Obama’s citizenship. We agree that some amount of money was spent in legal fees related to those lawsuits — the letter from Bauer to the plaintiff is an example of that. But, while we don’t know exactly how much the Obama camp spent on their private lawyers, there were many, many non-birth-certificate duties that a law firm typically handles in the wake of a presidential campaign, which suggests that any birth certificate work was a small percentage of the overall fees paid to Perkins Coie.

In addition- there were only 3 lawsuits that Obama was a defendant- and Perkins Cole didn’t represent Obama in most(all?) of the cases- and all were quickly dismissed.

Status of Redfish’s claim: Speculation

4) “nothing I have said is untrue”

LOL see above and below

5) “just pointing out the truth, carbon head. Hillary started it.”

There is no evidence that Hillary Clinton ever was involved with the Birther movement in any fashion or form. Some of her supporters- the so-called Puma’s were. The earliest recorded mention of the Birther claims was March 2008 on the rightwing blog- FreeRepublic

Barackryphal The Secret Origin of the Birthers

I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Status of Redfish’s claim: Lie

6) actually he was a black arab, you can look it up.

Why this is important to anyone other than a racist I don’t know, but it is a claim that we have seen from racists around 2008.

Well I did ‘look it up’- not a single credible reference- and I mean I won’t take Rush Limbaugh’s claim as a source- says that Obama is ‘arab’.

Status of Redfish’s claims: Lie

7) Do you find it funny that his grandmother died shortly after his visit to her in Hawaii?

As pointed out- Obama’s grandmother was elderly and ill- and Obama rushed to see her because of her poor health.

Status of Redfish’s claim: Innuendo

8) He either was a foreign student or commited fraud to get the money. which is it?

There is no evidence that shows that Barack Obama was ever a foreign student- or committed fraud to get any money. Just Redfish lying again

Status of Redfish’s claim: Lie

Nice try, but I have to give you an F. You have disproven nothing.

Then where are Romney's college records that he 'voluntarily released'?

And of course, what is your evidence that Obama was

but lets just go with your number 8 for a minute. Harvard and Columbia are very expensive colleges. Obama claims that he was a poor halfbreed from Hawaii via Indonesia and that he never had any money. So you tell us, how did he pay the tuition, room, and board at those very expensive schools?

I have no idea. Scholarships from the school,. scholarships from private sources, affirmative action, student loans, his grandparents, friends of the family, a litany of possible ways.

You however have claimed that Obama was either born in Kenya or lied to the college.

Prove it.

You obviously can't. Making your dichotomy a lie. As it wasn't ONLY one or the other. It could have been a variety of different reasons. And you don't know which it was.

As to proving it, his college records would prove it one way or the other. If those records would make all of the "birthers" look like idiots, do you really think he would not have released them to gain the political points?

your position on this defies logic.
Maybe he knows you whackadoodle birther-types would go ape-dung and is purposefully dangling that carrot for to keep you frothing at the mouth for political gain.

Obama is playing chess while you kooks are playing checkers.

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Obama is a Greyhound bus station shithouse crap shooter. Chess my ass.
Again, what hell does his skin color have to do with where he's from? You dumb ass racist piece of shit. My dog has an IQ that soars over your retarded ass.

And what does his father being a communist have to do with him being a foreign exchange student?

Hmmm nothing of course. It does sound better than "I want to see his college records because his father was black" though

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
My issue is with his political views.. you folks are too focused on skin color. Why do you measure a man by his skin color?

No one cares about your opposition to his political views.

Now what does Obama's political views have to do with your obsession about his college records.
Obsession? Nonsense.

I'd like to know if he was entered into Harvard as a Foreign Exchange student. And also whether there is any truth to the story about Obama getting into Harvard with bad grades through influence from a Foreign benefactor who is a Saudi prince.
and the answer is, no he was not.

when he was made president of harvard law review and they did a write up on obama for his appointment,, they would have mentioned it....and they did NOT.

PLUS the initial 'birther' accusation that he was a foreign student was for Occidental college, not Harvard, and that birther lie was debunked....
And what does his father being a communist have to do with him being a foreign exchange student?

Hmmm nothing of course. It does sound better than "I want to see his college records because his father was black" though

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
My issue is with his political views.. you folks are too focused on skin color. Why do you measure a man by his skin color?

No one cares about your opposition to his political views.

Now what does Obama's political views have to do with your obsession about his college records.
Obsession? Nonsense.

I'd like to know if he was entered into Harvard as a Foreign Exchange student. And also whether there is any truth to the story about Obama getting into Harvard with bad grades through influence from a Foreign benefactor who is a Saudi prince.
and the answer is, no he was not.

when he was made president of harvard law review and they did a write up on obama for his appointment,, they would have mentioned it....and they did NOT.

PLUS the initial 'birther' accusation that he was a foreign student was for Occidental college, not Harvard, and that birther lie was debunked....
Can you give us the link to that debugged Occidental College debunking?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
My issue is with his political views.. you folks are too focused on skin color. Why do you measure a man by his skin color?

No one cares about your opposition to his political views.

Now what does Obama's political views have to do with your obsession about his college records.
Obsession? Nonsense.

I'd like to know if he was entered into Harvard as a Foreign Exchange student. And also whether there is any truth to the story about Obama getting into Harvard with bad grades through influence from a Foreign benefactor who is a Saudi prince.
and the answer is, no he was not.

when he was made president of harvard law review and they did a write up on obama for his appointment,, they would have mentioned it....and they did NOT.

PLUS the initial 'birther' accusation that he was a foreign student was for Occidental college, not Harvard, and that birther lie was debunked....
Can you give us the link to that debugged Occidental College debunking?
sure, easy peasy.... :D

Was Obama Born in the USA
My issue is with his political views.. you folks are too focused on skin color. Why do you measure a man by his skin color?

No one cares about your opposition to his political views.

Now what does Obama's political views have to do with your obsession about his college records.
Obsession? Nonsense.

I'd like to know if he was entered into Harvard as a Foreign Exchange student. And also whether there is any truth to the story about Obama getting into Harvard with bad grades through influence from a Foreign benefactor who is a Saudi prince.
and the answer is, no he was not.

when he was made president of harvard law review and they did a write up on obama for his appointment,, they would have mentioned it....and they did NOT.

PLUS the initial 'birther' accusation that he was a foreign student was for Occidental college, not Harvard, and that birther lie was debunked....
Can you give us the link to that debugged Occidental College debunking?
sure, easy peasy.... :D

Was Obama Born in the USA
Perhaps this might get you to think?

And Trump was right...again! These people are sure keeping Trump in the headlines as they prove him correct, over and over again!...Only Cruz, and a half hearted statement by Huckabee affirm Trumps assertions!

Illegal Immigrant Arrested For Alleged Kidnapping, Rape Of Florida Teen (Michigan)

WSJM-FM ^ | July 13, 2015
An illegal immigrant from Mexico is being held in the Van Buren County Jail for allegedly kidnapping a 13-year-old Florida girl and sexually assaulting her at a home in Hartford. 23-year-old Aurelio Hernandez-Gomez was arraigned over the weekend, and also faces extradition to Florida on the kidnapping charge. The teen will soon be reunited with her family in Florida according to the Van Buren County Sheriff’s Department. She was reported missing on July 7 from Polk County. She was recovered at the same home where police arrested Hernandez-Gomez in the 66-thousand block of 48th Avenue. Child Protective Services took...
Seems like both can be answered by showing us his Harvard papers no?

Seems that any rational person would demand evidence for a story *before* demanding it be disproven.

You do realize that making up a story backed by nothing doesn't actually obligate anyone to do anything?

You do realize you're fooling no one, right? Obama's pre-election friends list is widely known to include domestic terrorists, imprisoned officials, famous communists, and yes a Saudi Prince.

Well then if it was 'widely known'- then American voters decided that your accusations were immaterial- and elected him twice.

And Birthers still are obsessed about that.
Why do you have a need to dance around the questions of this mans history? Get up off your knees and take a look at this guy. Or you can wait till after his final term. ROFL Democrats, what a bunch of morons. I have no doubt that you folks will throw Obama under the bus at the end of his term.

I have. There's no evidence to back any of your batshit stories.

What you're offering us is baseless speculation, wild innuendo and stunning complication.

But evidence to back it? Nope. And that's why you failed.
And will continue to fail too.

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And why aqre you asking to see them? To disprove some batshit conspiracy you've swallowed whole. A conspiracy backed by jack shit.

Again, a rational person would demand evidence to back the silly story before demanding the story be 'disproven'. Your demands are irrational and unreasonable.

No thank you.

And? What about the man being your employee mandates he hand over any personal document from any point in his life you demand? He works for you. You don't own him.

Your willingness to gobble batshit conspiracy theories without thought or question doesn't obligate Obama or anyone else to do a damn thing. If you believe it does, show us the law that mandates this.

You'll quickly find you'll need another conspiracy theory to explain why there isn't one.
I didn't say I own him, you dumb ass.
Employers get to see the transcripts for their employees, you dumb ass. But you wouldn't know that cause, you're a dumb ass.
All federal employees, BUT THIS ONE, have to provide proof of citizenship, school transcripts etc. to get a security clearance. But you wouldn't know that. Why? Because you're a dumb ass.

And why does he get away this this shit? Cause dumb asses like you turn their head and cough.

How does he get away with this shit?

The same reason every Previous President did.

Because Presidents are not Federal employees- Presidents are elected officials.

Here is how our system works
a) Presidential Primaries- candidates release whatever the hell they think they need to get elected- someone wins their parties primary.
b) General elections- candidates release whatever the fuck they think they need to get elected- and unless your name is Barack Obama- nobody gives a fuck about their school transcripts or citizenship- and then the voters vote for who they think would be the better President.
c) After the general election the Electoral College votes- once again- no requirement for any transcripts- because the electoral college is not his employer- after the Electoral college
d) Congress votes to confirm or not confirm the election. Not a single Congressman was as batshit crazy as you and demanded that Obama- and only Obama be the first President required to show his school transcripts.
e) And after that the Chief Justice swears in the President.

And then Obama becomes President- like every President before him who has not volunteered to show you his school records.
He still works for my you dumb shit.

Well you go ahead and try to fire him- if he works for you, should be no problem.

Why fire him now? His term of employment is almost over.

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LOL- really- you are the one who was calling Obama's father and grandparents farm animals- and accusing them of being Communists- but of course unable to provide any actual evidence of that.

And when I point out that the American people didn't buy into your scare tactics you accuse me of dancing around his past?

I know more about Obama's past than I know of Bush's or Clinton's.

I even know the names of Obama's kindergarten teachers. I know who he took to the prom.

I leave the batshit craziness from those suffering from Obama derangement syndrome- aka Birthers.
They were not farm animals, you dumb fuck. Communist pig is an expression. And yes, Obama's parents and grand parents and friends have always been communists.

Not my problem that you have the vocabulary of a 12 year old boy on the playground without adult supervision.

I do point out that like far too many of your kind, you are quick to slander the dead- because you are such a friggin coward that you know that the dead can't sue you.
They were proud to be communist pigs you dumb shit.

You are still confusing humans with pigs.

And as always- your lies for the truth.

Because Birthers are such friggin cowards that they slander a President's father and grandparents.

Is there any slime lower than that?

It's even more disrespectful tohave Obama's grandmother whacked like he did. Slander is amiable by comparison. I'm not slandering his grandmother, I feel sorry that her life was cut short for her evil grandson's political expediency.
Another full-blown buffoon. ROTFLMBAO!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
No one cares about your opposition to his political views.

Now what does Obama's political views have to do with your obsession about his college records.
Obsession? Nonsense.

I'd like to know if he was entered into Harvard as a Foreign Exchange student. And also whether there is any truth to the story about Obama getting into Harvard with bad grades through influence from a Foreign benefactor who is a Saudi prince.
and the answer is, no he was not.

when he was made president of harvard law review and they did a write up on obama for his appointment,, they would have mentioned it....and they did NOT.

PLUS the initial 'birther' accusation that he was a foreign student was for Occidental college, not Harvard, and that birther lie was debunked....
Can you give us the link to that debugged Occidental College debunking?
sure, easy peasy.... :D

Was Obama Born in the USA
Perhaps this might get you to think?


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
My issue is with his political views.. you folks are too focused on skin color. Why do you measure a man by his skin color?

No one cares about your opposition to his political views.

Now what does Obama's political views have to do with your obsession about his college records.
Obsession? Nonsense.

I'd like to know if he was entered into Harvard as a Foreign Exchange student. And also whether there is any truth to the story about Obama getting into Harvard with bad grades through influence from a Foreign benefactor who is a Saudi prince.
and the answer is, no he was not.

when he was made president of harvard law review and they did a write up on obama for his appointment,, they would have mentioned it....and they did NOT.

PLUS the initial 'birther' accusation that he was a foreign student was for Occidental college, not Harvard, and that birther lie was debunked....
Can you give us the link to that debugged Occidental College debunking?
sure, easy peasy.... :D

Was Obama Born in the USA
FYI that link you provided merely states that someone made up the claim as a hoax. It does not say a single thing about Obama's actual status or his actual transcripts other than what his name was. That's it? All we get to know about Barracky boy's college is his name?
No one cares about your opposition to his political views.

Now what does Obama's political views have to do with your obsession about his college records.
Obsession? Nonsense.

I'd like to know if he was entered into Harvard as a Foreign Exchange student. And also whether there is any truth to the story about Obama getting into Harvard with bad grades through influence from a Foreign benefactor who is a Saudi prince.
and the answer is, no he was not.

when he was made president of harvard law review and they did a write up on obama for his appointment,, they would have mentioned it....and they did NOT.

PLUS the initial 'birther' accusation that he was a foreign student was for Occidental college, not Harvard, and that birther lie was debunked....
Can you give us the link to that debugged Occidental College debunking?
sure, easy peasy.... :D

Was Obama Born in the USA
FYI that link you provided merely states that someone made up the claim as a hoax. It does not say a single thing about Obama's actual status or his actual transcripts other than what his name was. That's it? All we get to know about Barracky boy's college is his name?
The birthers claimed he received a Full Bright scholarship for foreign students while attending Occidental college, which was simply ANOTHER fabricated lie because the Fullbrite scholarship is for GRADUATE students Only and Obama was an under graduate when he attended there.

These birther fabrications are EASILY can do this on your own ya know....but you don't seem to want to know the truth, it's like water thrown on the Wicked Witch of the all will melt.

My question for you is how many times are you willing to accept the birthers lies? How many proven lies can the birthers tell without you accepting they are liars and believing their NEXT FABRICATION?
Obsession? Nonsense.

I'd like to know if he was entered into Harvard as a Foreign Exchange student. And also whether there is any truth to the story about Obama getting into Harvard with bad grades through influence from a Foreign benefactor who is a Saudi prince.
and the answer is, no he was not.

when he was made president of harvard law review and they did a write up on obama for his appointment,, they would have mentioned it....and they did NOT.

PLUS the initial 'birther' accusation that he was a foreign student was for Occidental college, not Harvard, and that birther lie was debunked....
Can you give us the link to that debugged Occidental College debunking?
sure, easy peasy.... :D

Was Obama Born in the USA
FYI that link you provided merely states that someone made up the claim as a hoax. It does not say a single thing about Obama's actual status or his actual transcripts other than what his name was. That's it? All we get to know about Barracky boy's college is his name?
The birthers claimed he received a Full Bright scholarship for foreign students while attending Occidental college, which was simply ANOTHER fabricated lie because the Fullbrite scholarship is for GRADUATE students Only and Obama was an under graduate when he attended there.

These birther fabrications are EASILY can do this on your own ya know....but you don't seem to want to know the truth, it's like water thrown on the Wicked Witch of the all will melt.

My question for you is how many times are you willing to accept the birthers lies? How many proven lies can the birthers tell without you accepting they are liars and believing their NEXT FABRICATION?
They WANT to. That's why.

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Obsession? Nonsense.

I'd like to know if he was entered into Harvard as a Foreign Exchange student. And also whether there is any truth to the story about Obama getting into Harvard with bad grades through influence from a Foreign benefactor who is a Saudi prince.
and the answer is, no he was not.

when he was made president of harvard law review and they did a write up on obama for his appointment,, they would have mentioned it....and they did NOT.

PLUS the initial 'birther' accusation that he was a foreign student was for Occidental college, not Harvard, and that birther lie was debunked....
Can you give us the link to that debugged Occidental College debunking?
sure, easy peasy.... :D

Was Obama Born in the USA
FYI that link you provided merely states that someone made up the claim as a hoax. It does not say a single thing about Obama's actual status or his actual transcripts other than what his name was. That's it? All we get to know about Barracky boy's college is his name?
The birthers claimed he received a Full Bright scholarship for foreign students while attending Occidental college, which was simply ANOTHER fabricated lie because the Fullbrite scholarship is for GRADUATE students Only and Obama was an under graduate when he attended there.

These birther fabrications are EASILY can do this on your own ya know....but you don't seem to want to know the truth, it's like water thrown on the Wicked Witch of the all will melt.

My question for you is how many times are you willing to accept the birthers lies? How many proven lies can the birthers tell without you accepting they are liars and believing their NEXT FABRICATION?
I'm not asking for you to debunk a hoax, I'm asking for you to debunk that fact that Obama's college transcripts have not been opened to the public. I'd like to see the transcripts. I'd also like to see his actual birth certificate vs. one that has been printed, scanned, and edited a few times.

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