Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Not to mention that is just a Birther lie.

Pretty much sums up all Birthers have.

His parents despised America. They were Anti-American Communist dipshits like you.

Says who? Given that you'll obviously believe any accusation without the slightest evidence or the slightest question, you'll understand if I demand more than you citing yourself.

Told you. Even you loyal Obamabots know very little about your Dear Leader. His parents were America-hating douchebags.

Laughing......notice you can't actually back up anything you've said. And when pressed to provide the slightest evidence of your run.

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?

Do you know anything about his parents? I do. They were Anti-American pieces of shit. And so is their son. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It's in the genes.

Then it will be remarkably easy for you to back up your claims with evidence. If you're talking out of your ass, as you do almost exclusively, then you'll give us excuses why you can't.

Gee, I wonder which you'll pick?
For the record, if that brochure said that Ted Cruz was born in Costa Rica, you libs would be posting it every day and the media would make it the lead story for months on every newscast.

But since its your messiah, you hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. You are fuckin sheep with no capacity for individual thinking. Your are fricken robots, slaves, idiots.

Yup, Spot On.

ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when they have been destroyed by the truth?

What truth? I'm still waiting for you to back up your hapless bullshit about Obama going to college as a foreign student.

Which, of course, you can't. So much for 'truth'. You're clearly content with baseless accusations backed by jack shit.

Uh huh, and Non-Muslims are named 'Hussein' all the time. Sure they are. ;)

Another conspiracy you can't possibly back up? Or are you honestly convinced that someone's religion is defined by the name they are given?

You go ahead out there and find all those Non-Muslims named Hussein. Check it out and then get back to us. We'll discuss what you found.
ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when they have been destroyed by the truth?

Actually w
You are a complete and total fucking idiot. Or, as the Irish say, Idjit. I good friend's father died a couple of months ago. My friend is a prominent politician in the area. His father was 96 when he passed and himself was well known. The local paper published a wonderful news Obituary and put a really nice picture of some other person who died. Not a picture of the father. Someone screwed up. It happens. For you to suggest that it is simply not possible that in 1991, before anyone ever heard of Barack Obama, some low level employee of a firm that represents authors could have made the simple mistake of putting that he was born in Kenya tell me that you are not working with a full deck.

My deck is quite full, thanks for asking.

Now, your rant seems to be saying that obama did not proof what was written about him and/or made no efforts to correct it.

I know that you worship him, but he is a fraud.
Wow, you finally get it. Yes, he did not "proofread" the entry someone at the company representing him put in their brochure that included 40 other brief biographical sketches of their authors that was sent to publishers in 1990. Why the fuck would he? How could he anticipate that idiots, 25 years later, would point that typo as irrefutable proof that he was born in Kenya, in the face of the irrefutable proof that he was born in Hawaii.

For the record, if that brochure said that Ted Cruz was born in Costa Rica, you libs would be posting it every day and the media would make it the lead story for months on every newscast.

But since its your messiah, you hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. You are fuckin sheep with no capacity for individual thinking. Your are fricken robots, slaves, idiots.

Yup, Spot On.

ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when they have been destroyed by the truth?

We are still waiting for you to ever make a truthful post.

For the record- the ones upset about Ted Cruz being born in Canada- are Conservatives. We know Canadian American Ted Cruz is eligible- but the most whacko of the whacky Birthers don't.

Why would we care whether a brochure said Ted Cruz was born in Costa Rica when every actual news article refers to his place of birth as Canada?

Why would we care if some dentist/real estate agent/lawyer claimed Ted Cruz is not eligible or is the anti-christ?

Heck- you have Cruz and Trump- we don't have to make up BS like Birthers do.
His parents despised America. They were Anti-American Communist dipshits like you.

Says who? Given that you'll obviously believe any accusation without the slightest evidence or the slightest question, you'll understand if I demand more than you citing yourself.

Told you. Even you loyal Obamabots know very little about your Dear Leader. His parents were America-hating douchebags.

Laughing......notice you can't actually back up anything you've said. And when pressed to provide the slightest evidence of your run.

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?

Do you know anything about his parents? I do. They were Anti-American pieces of shit. And so is their son. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It's in the genes.

Then it will be remarkably easy for you to back up your claims with evidence. If you're talking out of your ass, as you do almost exclusively, then you'll give us excuses why you can't.

Gee, I wonder which you'll pick?

If you weren't such an ignorant loyal Obamabot, you would already know that about his parents. They hated America. So it's not surprising their son does too. All in the genes.
Yup, Spot On.

ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when they have been destroyed by the truth?

What truth? I'm still waiting for you to back up your hapless bullshit about Obama going to college as a foreign student.

Which, of course, you can't. So much for 'truth'. You're clearly content with baseless accusations backed by jack shit.

Uh huh, and Non-Muslims are named 'Hussein' all the time. Sure they are. ;)

Another conspiracy you can't possibly back up? Or are you honestly convinced that someone's religion is defined by the name they are given?

You go ahead out there and find all those Non-Muslims named Hussein. Check it out and then get back to us. We'll discuss what you found.

So Obama is a Muslim....because someone wrote 'Hussein' on a birth certificate? Wow.

Oh, Birthers. They are the gift that keeps on giving. All you've got to do is prod them just a little bit and all the batshit comes pouring out.

And all over the GOP.
ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when they have been destroyed by the truth?

What truth? I'm still waiting for you to back up your hapless bullshit about Obama going to college as a foreign student.

Which, of course, you can't. So much for 'truth'. You're clearly content with baseless accusations backed by jack shit.

Uh huh, and Non-Muslims are named 'Hussein' all the time. Sure they are. ;)

Another conspiracy you can't possibly back up? Or are you honestly convinced that someone's religion is defined by the name they are given?

You go ahead out there and find all those Non-Muslims named Hussein. Check it out and then get back to us. We'll discuss what you found.

So Obama is a Muslim....because someone wrote 'Hussein' on a birth certificate? Wow.

Oh, Birthers. They are the gift that keeps on giving. All you've got to do is prod them just a little bit and all the batshit comes pouring out.

And all over the GOP.

Like i said, get back to us after you find all those Non-Muslims named 'Hussein.' We'll discuss it then.
Says who? Given that you'll obviously believe any accusation without the slightest evidence or the slightest question, you'll understand if I demand more than you citing yourself.

Told you. Even you loyal Obamabots know very little about your Dear Leader. His parents were America-hating douchebags.

Laughing......notice you can't actually back up anything you've said. And when pressed to provide the slightest evidence of your run.

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?

Do you know anything about his parents? I do. They were Anti-American pieces of shit. And so is their son. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It's in the genes.

Then it will be remarkably easy for you to back up your claims with evidence. If you're talking out of your ass, as you do almost exclusively, then you'll give us excuses why you can't.

Gee, I wonder which you'll pick?

If you weren't such an ignorant loyal Obamabot, you would already know that about his parents. They hated America. So it's not surprising their son does too. All in the genes.

And shocker, excuses why you can't possibly back up any of your bullshit. How did I know that was coming? Its like I'm psychic or something.

How's this, I'll make it super simple for you. You're clearly not a thinker. Just give us the link to whoever is doing your thinking for you. Save yourself the time of awkwardly trying t paraphrase them. And us the time of trying to interpret your near word salad.

ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when they have been destroyed by the truth?

The matter has been settled. Obama was born in Hawaii. Every molecule of bullshit has been thoroughly debunked. That you are being willfully stupid about it is your problem, not ours.

You deserve to be lied to.

And I see what you did there. Anyone who is not a birfer is a lib, eh? Interesting.

No, its not settled. But the media has managed to cover it up. the truth is that obama paid lawyers over a million dollars to fight all suits requesting his college records. Now, why would someone with nothing to hide pay that kind of money to keep records hidden?

Maybe he was born in hawaii and committed fraud to get scholarships and grants reserved for foreign students.

This is about more than just his BC.

And again, if there is nothing to hide why not put it out there and make all those who question him look like fools? He and the dems could score some real political points by doing that. Why hasn't he?
What truth? I'm still waiting for you to back up your hapless bullshit about Obama going to college as a foreign student.

Which, of course, you can't. So much for 'truth'. You're clearly content with baseless accusations backed by jack shit.

Uh huh, and Non-Muslims are named 'Hussein' all the time. Sure they are. ;)

Another conspiracy you can't possibly back up? Or are you honestly convinced that someone's religion is defined by the name they are given?

You go ahead out there and find all those Non-Muslims named Hussein. Check it out and then get back to us. We'll discuss what you found.

So Obama is a Muslim....because someone wrote 'Hussein' on a birth certificate? Wow.

Oh, Birthers. They are the gift that keeps on giving. All you've got to do is prod them just a little bit and all the batshit comes pouring out.

And all over the GOP.

Like i said, get back to us after you find all those Non-Muslims named 'Hussein.' We'll discuss it then.

Laughing.......and anyone named Hussein that isn't a Muslim, you imagine must be a Muslim because they're named Hussein. It a circular argument, where your evidence and your conclusion are the exact same thing.

Watch, I'll make you demonstrate it for us. Obama is a self declared Christian, married a Christian woman in a Christian ceremony, testified to his personal relationship to Jesus Christ, went to Catholic School, had his children baptized Christian and went to a Christian church for 20 years.

His middle name is Hussein. And he's not a Muslim. So apply your circular reasoning and make us all giggle.
Told you. Even you loyal Obamabots know very little about your Dear Leader. His parents were America-hating douchebags.

Laughing......notice you can't actually back up anything you've said. And when pressed to provide the slightest evidence of your run.

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?

Do you know anything about his parents? I do. They were Anti-American pieces of shit. And so is their son. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It's in the genes.

Then it will be remarkably easy for you to back up your claims with evidence. If you're talking out of your ass, as you do almost exclusively, then you'll give us excuses why you can't.

Gee, I wonder which you'll pick?

If you weren't such an ignorant loyal Obamabot, you would already know that about his parents. They hated America. So it's not surprising their son does too. All in the genes.

And shocker, excuses why you can't possibly back up any of your bullshit. How did I know that was coming? Its like I'm psychic or something.

How's this, I'll make it super simple for you. You're clearly not a thinker. Just give us the link to whoever is doing your thinking for you. Save yourself the time of awkwardly trying t paraphrase them. And us the time of trying to interpret your near word salad.


read obozo's books, you will see who he and his parents really are.
Uh huh, and Non-Muslims are named 'Hussein' all the time. Sure they are. ;)

Another conspiracy you can't possibly back up? Or are you honestly convinced that someone's religion is defined by the name they are given?

You go ahead out there and find all those Non-Muslims named Hussein. Check it out and then get back to us. We'll discuss what you found.

So Obama is a Muslim....because someone wrote 'Hussein' on a birth certificate? Wow.

Oh, Birthers. They are the gift that keeps on giving. All you've got to do is prod them just a little bit and all the batshit comes pouring out.

And all over the GOP.

Like i said, get back to us after you find all those Non-Muslims named 'Hussein.' We'll discuss it then.

Laughing.......and anyone named Hussein that isn't a Muslim, you imagine must be a Muslim because they're named Hussein. It a circular argument, where your evidence and your conclusion are the exact same thing.

Watch, I'll make you demonstrate it for us. Obama is a self declared Christian, married a Christian woman in a Christian ceremony, testified to his personal relationship to Jesus Christ, went to Catholic School, had his children baptized Christian and went to a Christian church for 20 years.

His middle name is Hussein. And he's not a Muslim. So apply your circular reasoning and make us all giggle.

Is Hussein a muslim arab name? yes or no

can you find any Christian who has the first, last, or middle name of Hussein?
Told you. Even you loyal Obamabots know very little about your Dear Leader. His parents were America-hating douchebags.

Laughing......notice you can't actually back up anything you've said. And when pressed to provide the slightest evidence of your run.

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?

Do you know anything about his parents? I do. They were Anti-American pieces of shit. And so is their son. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It's in the genes.

Then it will be remarkably easy for you to back up your claims with evidence. If you're talking out of your ass, as you do almost exclusively, then you'll give us excuses why you can't.

Gee, I wonder which you'll pick?

If you weren't such an ignorant loyal Obamabot, you would already know that about his parents. They hated America. So it's not surprising their son does too. All in the genes.

And shocker, excuses why you can't possibly back up any of your bullshit. How did I know that was coming? Its like I'm psychic or something.

How's this, I'll make it super simple for you. You're clearly not a thinker. Just give us the link to whoever is doing your thinking for you. Save yourself the time of awkwardly trying t paraphrase them. And us the time of trying to interpret your near word salad.


Nah, do your own research. And i'm pretty sure no matter what you find, you'll still be a loyal programmed Obamabot. What do ya think?
Another conspiracy you can't possibly back up? Or are you honestly convinced that someone's religion is defined by the name they are given?

You go ahead out there and find all those Non-Muslims named Hussein. Check it out and then get back to us. We'll discuss what you found.

So Obama is a Muslim....because someone wrote 'Hussein' on a birth certificate? Wow.

Oh, Birthers. They are the gift that keeps on giving. All you've got to do is prod them just a little bit and all the batshit comes pouring out.

And all over the GOP.

Like i said, get back to us after you find all those Non-Muslims named 'Hussein.' We'll discuss it then.

Laughing.......and anyone named Hussein that isn't a Muslim, you imagine must be a Muslim because they're named Hussein. It a circular argument, where your evidence and your conclusion are the exact same thing.

Watch, I'll make you demonstrate it for us. Obama is a self declared Christian, married a Christian woman in a Christian ceremony, testified to his personal relationship to Jesus Christ, went to Catholic School, had his children baptized Christian and went to a Christian church for 20 years.

His middle name is Hussein. And he's not a Muslim. So apply your circular reasoning and make us all giggle.

Is Hussein a muslim arab name? yes or no

can you find any Christian who has the first, last, or middle name of Hussein?

He wasn't named 'Hussein' because he was Christian, or other. He was named 'Hussein' because he was Muslim. 'Hussein' is primarily a Muslim name. It is what it is.
No, its not settled.

Obviously it is. His eligibility to be president is a legal question. All legal questions of Obama's eligiblity to be president were resolved with his COLB in 2008.

And done. Remember, just because you ignore evidence doesn't mean that it disappears.

But the media has managed to cover it up. the truth is that obama paid lawyers over a million dollars to fight all suits requesting his college records.
Prove it. If its 'truth', there will be ample evidence to factually establish it. If you're just offering us the same hapless bullshit you always do, you'll give us excuses why you can't.

And we both know you can't.

Just as you had nothing when I challenged you to back up your claim that Obama was a foreign student.

Maybe he was born in hawaii and committed fraud to get scholarships and grants reserved for foreign students.

Maybe you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and can't back any of your claims with the slightest evidence.

If you have nothing to hide, why won't you show us the evidence backing up your claims?
ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when they have been destroyed by the truth?

The matter has been settled. Obama was born in Hawaii. Every molecule of bullshit has been thoroughly debunked. That you are being willfully stupid about it is your problem, not ours.

You deserve to be lied to.

And I see what you did there. Anyone who is not a birfer is a lib, eh? Interesting.

No, its not settled. But the media has managed to cover it up. the truth is that obama paid lawyers over a million dollars to fight all suits requesting his college records.

'the truth'?

Prove it.

Because I say you are just lying again.
You go ahead out there and find all those Non-Muslims named Hussein. Check it out and then get back to us. We'll discuss what you found.

So Obama is a Muslim....because someone wrote 'Hussein' on a birth certificate? Wow.

Oh, Birthers. They are the gift that keeps on giving. All you've got to do is prod them just a little bit and all the batshit comes pouring out.

And all over the GOP.

Like i said, get back to us after you find all those Non-Muslims named 'Hussein.' We'll discuss it then.

Laughing.......and anyone named Hussein that isn't a Muslim, you imagine must be a Muslim because they're named Hussein. It a circular argument, where your evidence and your conclusion are the exact same thing.

Watch, I'll make you demonstrate it for us. Obama is a self declared Christian, married a Christian woman in a Christian ceremony, testified to his personal relationship to Jesus Christ, went to Catholic School, had his children baptized Christian and went to a Christian church for 20 years.

His middle name is Hussein. And he's not a Muslim. So apply your circular reasoning and make us all giggle.

Is Hussein a muslim arab name? yes or no

can you find any Christian who has the first, last, or middle name of Hussein?

He wasn't named 'Hussein' because he was Christian, or other. He was named 'Hussein' because he was Muslim. 'Hussein' is primarily a Muslim name. It is what it is.

He was named Hussein....because that's his father's name. How does that magically make him a Muslim?
Laughing......notice you can't actually back up anything you've said. And when pressed to provide the slightest evidence of your run.

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?

Do you know anything about his parents? I do. They were Anti-American pieces of shit. And so is their son. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It's in the genes.

Then it will be remarkably easy for you to back up your claims with evidence. If you're talking out of your ass, as you do almost exclusively, then you'll give us excuses why you can't.

Gee, I wonder which you'll pick?

If you weren't such an ignorant loyal Obamabot, you would already know that about his parents. They hated America. So it's not surprising their son does too. All in the genes.

And shocker, excuses why you can't possibly back up any of your bullshit. How did I know that was coming? Its like I'm psychic or something.

How's this, I'll make it super simple for you. You're clearly not a thinker. Just give us the link to whoever is doing your thinking for you. Save yourself the time of awkwardly trying t paraphrase them. And us the time of trying to interpret your near word salad.


Nah, do your own research. And i'm pretty sure no matter what you find, you'll still be a loyal programmed Obamabot. What do ya think?

Translation: you've got jack shit. And are now giving us excuses why you can't possibly back your hapless claims with anything.

Exactly as I said you would. Is there any claim I can't run you off of?
So Obama is a Muslim....because someone wrote 'Hussein' on a birth certificate? Wow.

Oh, Birthers. They are the gift that keeps on giving. All you've got to do is prod them just a little bit and all the batshit comes pouring out.

And all over the GOP.

Like i said, get back to us after you find all those Non-Muslims named 'Hussein.' We'll discuss it then.

Laughing.......and anyone named Hussein that isn't a Muslim, you imagine must be a Muslim because they're named Hussein. It a circular argument, where your evidence and your conclusion are the exact same thing.

Watch, I'll make you demonstrate it for us. Obama is a self declared Christian, married a Christian woman in a Christian ceremony, testified to his personal relationship to Jesus Christ, went to Catholic School, had his children baptized Christian and went to a Christian church for 20 years.

His middle name is Hussein. And he's not a Muslim. So apply your circular reasoning and make us all giggle.

Is Hussein a muslim arab name? yes or no

can you find any Christian who has the first, last, or middle name of Hussein?

He wasn't named 'Hussein' because he was Christian, or other. He was named 'Hussein' because he was Muslim. 'Hussein' is primarily a Muslim name. It is what it is.

He was named Hussein....because that's his father's name. How does that magically make him a Muslim?

Uh huh, Non-Muslim parents name their children 'Hussein' all the time. Sure thing. :cuckoo:
Laughing......notice you can't actually back up anything you've said. And when pressed to provide the slightest evidence of your run.

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?

Do you know anything about his parents? I do. They were Anti-American pieces of shit. And so is their son. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It's in the genes.

Then it will be remarkably easy for you to back up your claims with evidence. If you're talking out of your ass, as you do almost exclusively, then you'll give us excuses why you can't.

Gee, I wonder which you'll pick?

If you weren't such an ignorant loyal Obamabot, you would already know that about his parents. They hated America. So it's not surprising their son does too. All in the genes.

And shocker, excuses why you can't possibly back up any of your bullshit. How did I know that was coming? Its like I'm psychic or something.

How's this, I'll make it super simple for you. You're clearly not a thinker. Just give us the link to whoever is doing your thinking for you. Save yourself the time of awkwardly trying t paraphrase them. And us the time of trying to interpret your near word salad.


read obozo's books, you will see who he and his parents really are.

Why don't you quote his book. Or is this another one of your myriad accusations that you flee from the moment you are challenged to back it up?!
Like i said, get back to us after you find all those Non-Muslims named 'Hussein.' We'll discuss it then.

Laughing.......and anyone named Hussein that isn't a Muslim, you imagine must be a Muslim because they're named Hussein. It a circular argument, where your evidence and your conclusion are the exact same thing.

Watch, I'll make you demonstrate it for us. Obama is a self declared Christian, married a Christian woman in a Christian ceremony, testified to his personal relationship to Jesus Christ, went to Catholic School, had his children baptized Christian and went to a Christian church for 20 years.

His middle name is Hussein. And he's not a Muslim. So apply your circular reasoning and make us all giggle.

Is Hussein a muslim arab name? yes or no

can you find any Christian who has the first, last, or middle name of Hussein?

He wasn't named 'Hussein' because he was Christian, or other. He was named 'Hussein' because he was Muslim. 'Hussein' is primarily a Muslim name. It is what it is.

He was named Hussein....because that's his father's name. How does that magically make him a Muslim?

Uh huh, Non-Muslim parents name their children 'Hussein' all the time. Sure thing. :cuckoo:
Stanley Ann Dunham was a Muslim? Because you'll definitely need some evidence to back that up.

As she and her parents are the one's who raised Obama.

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