Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Breaking Update:

Trump Donor: Muslim Obama Hussein Not Born In The USA; Trump Now Leads Latest Fox News Poll

Read more at Trump Donor Muslim Obama Hussein Not Born In The USA Trump Now Leads Latest Fox News Poll - Birther Report
"McNerney said he likes Trump “because he’s nonpolitical. He tells it like it is. He’s truthful, and he has more experience than being a short-term senator before he became president.” What kind of experience does Trump have, I asked. “At life and management, and I’m sure he has more foreign experience, which Obama Hussein has ruined.”

McNerney agrees with Trump on immigration “absolutely, 1,000 percent,” and believes those expressing disapproval of his statements are “manipulating the press for the benefit of opposition against any sensible immigration policy that comes along.”

I asked McNerney, who repeatedly referred to the president as “Obama Hussein,” if he thought Obama was Muslim. He said, “I know he is.” I asked if he thought Obama was born in America. He replied, “No, I don’t. Probably Africa.” Where in Africa, I wondered. “Wherever his father and his white mother were living.” Kenya? “You got it,” he said."

Your typical brain dead donald supporter.
Trump Donor: Muslim Obama

Remember this story that got all you rubes excited? White House Forgets to Pay Father s Day Lunch Tab - ABC News

Guess what that lunch tab was for.

As the group chatted about fatherhood, the president enjoyed a steaming plate of pork ribs with hot sauce, collard greens, red beans and rice and cornbread.

You'd think the tards would get tired of making one stupid claim after another and getting their asses handed back to them.

But nooooooo...
So what have we learned in this thread?

1) Kaz calls our African American First Lady a 'ho'- because he is a Kaz
2) Redfish confuses his lies for the truth.
3) Paul desperately wants someone to tell him whether President Obama is white or black.
4) And Stevie the Racist/Anti-Semite/homophobe is a big Trump supporter.

There is no evidence to support any of their Birtherisms.

Instead- they demand that Obama disprove whatever whacky Conspiracy theory they read at WND.
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Scientist hired by the GOP are trying to find a way to deflate "the Donald" to prevent damage to the Party...
Breaking Update:

Trump Donor: Muslim Obama Hussein Not Born In The USA; Trump Now Leads Latest Fox News Poll

Read more at Trump Donor Muslim Obama Hussein Not Born In The USA Trump Now Leads Latest Fox News Poll - Birther Report
From your poll:

Recently, presidential candidate Donald Trump called for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. He said Mexico is quote, “sending people that have lots of problems...They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” Setting aside how Trump worded his comments, do you think he’s basically right on this, or not? 13-15 Jul 15
Yes, he is 44%
No, he isn’t 53
(Don’t know) 4
So, the majority disagree with The Donald.

In general, thinking about the positions Donald Trump has taken in the presidential campaign, which of the following best describes how you feel about him?
I dismiss him –he’s just a loud mouth 54

I admire him –he’s got guts 34

And by a more than two to one margin, 64 % to 30%, Americans prefer a reform that will make those here illegally legal residents rather than deporting them all.

But, this is a Fox news poll and you know how liberal and pro-illegal immigrant that network is.

By the way, thanks for the information there you racist fuck.
Not to mention that is just a Birther lie.

Pretty much sums up all Birthers have.

His parents despised America. They were Anti-American Communist dipshits like you.

Says who? Given that you'll obviously believe any accusation without the slightest evidence or the slightest question, you'll understand if I demand more than you citing yourself.

Told you. Even you loyal Obamabots know very little about your Dear Leader. His parents were America-hating douchebags.

Laughing......notice you can't actually back up anything you've said. And when pressed to provide the slightest evidence of your run.

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?

Do you know anything about his parents? I do. They were Anti-American pieces of shit. And so is their son. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It's in the genes.

Yet you still can't prove that his parents were any such kind of people.

Are you lying?

Or just parroting what you heard on Right Wing media?
ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when they have been destroyed by the truth?

The matter has been settled. Obama was born in Hawaii. Every molecule of bullshit has been thoroughly debunked. That you are being willfully stupid about it is your problem, not ours.

You deserve to be lied to.

And I see what you did there. Anyone who is not a birfer is a lib, eh? Interesting.

No, its not settled. But the media has managed to cover it up. the truth is that obama paid lawyers over a million dollars to fight all suits requesting his college records.

'the truth'?

Prove it.

Because I say you are just lying again.

I have proven that he paid lawyers a lot of money to keep his records from being released. Its up to you to prove that he wasted that money.
So Obama is a Muslim....because someone wrote 'Hussein' on a birth certificate? Wow.

Oh, Birthers. They are the gift that keeps on giving. All you've got to do is prod them just a little bit and all the batshit comes pouring out.

And all over the GOP.

Like i said, get back to us after you find all those Non-Muslims named 'Hussein.' We'll discuss it then.

Laughing.......and anyone named Hussein that isn't a Muslim, you imagine must be a Muslim because they're named Hussein. It a circular argument, where your evidence and your conclusion are the exact same thing.

Watch, I'll make you demonstrate it for us. Obama is a self declared Christian, married a Christian woman in a Christian ceremony, testified to his personal relationship to Jesus Christ, went to Catholic School, had his children baptized Christian and went to a Christian church for 20 years.

His middle name is Hussein. And he's not a Muslim. So apply your circular reasoning and make us all giggle.

Is Hussein a muslim arab name? yes or no

can you find any Christian who has the first, last, or middle name of Hussein?

He wasn't named 'Hussein' because he was Christian, or other. He was named 'Hussein' because he was Muslim. 'Hussein' is primarily a Muslim name. It is what it is.

He was named Hussein....because that's his father's name. How does that magically make him a Muslim?

Ummm Duh, his father was a muslim.
Do you know anything about his parents? I do. They were Anti-American pieces of shit. And so is their son. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It's in the genes.

Then it will be remarkably easy for you to back up your claims with evidence. If you're talking out of your ass, as you do almost exclusively, then you'll give us excuses why you can't.

Gee, I wonder which you'll pick?

If you weren't such an ignorant loyal Obamabot, you would already know that about his parents. They hated America. So it's not surprising their son does too. All in the genes.

And shocker, excuses why you can't possibly back up any of your bullshit. How did I know that was coming? Its like I'm psychic or something.

How's this, I'll make it super simple for you. You're clearly not a thinker. Just give us the link to whoever is doing your thinking for you. Save yourself the time of awkwardly trying t paraphrase them. And us the time of trying to interpret your near word salad.


read obozo's books, you will see who he and his parents really are.

Why don't you quote his book. Or is this another one of your myriad accusations that you flee from the moment you are challenged to back it up?!

unlike you, I have a life outside of this silly message board.
ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when they have been destroyed by the truth?

The matter has been settled. Obama was born in Hawaii. Every molecule of bullshit has been thoroughly debunked. That you are being willfully stupid about it is your problem, not ours.

You deserve to be lied to.

And I see what you did there. Anyone who is not a birfer is a lib, eh? Interesting.

No, its not settled. But the media has managed to cover it up. the truth is that obama paid lawyers over a million dollars to fight all suits requesting his college records.

'the truth'?

Prove it.

Because I say you are just lying again.

I have proven that he paid lawyers a lot of money to keep his records from being released. Its up to you to prove that he wasted that money.

You confuse 'Redfish claimed' with 'proven'

You haven't proven crap.

Obama's campaign paid the campaign's attorney's several million dollars.

No evidence that he spent any money preventing any records being released.

You just pull that out of your ass

So I went back and checked- your 'proof' was an unsubstantiated mention by WND that they think he paid millions of dollars to keep his records history- basically you are just parroting what WND fed you.

Hey Redfish- how about your lie that Romney had released all of his records?

Lets talk about that for awhile- what kind of person would purposely lie about something as trivial as that?
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FROM THE TRUMP ARCHIVES - 'Report: Trump keeps Hitler book at bedside' - the saucy headline of a 1990 United Press International story about a Vanity Fair profile of Trump by Marie Brenner. ''The article said estranged wife Ivana Trump has told her attorney, Michael Kennedy, that 'from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, 'My New Order,' which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.' When questioned about 'My New Order,' Trump told Brenner it was given to him by Paramount Pictures head Martin Davis 'who gave me a copy of 'Mein Kampf,' and he's a Jew.' Brenner wrote that when Davis was questioned about the book, he said, 'But it was 'My New Order,' Hitler's speeches, not 'Mein Kampf.' I thought he would find it interesting. I am his
Like i said, get back to us after you find all those Non-Muslims named 'Hussein.' We'll discuss it then.

Laughing.......and anyone named Hussein that isn't a Muslim, you imagine must be a Muslim because they're named Hussein. It a circular argument, where your evidence and your conclusion are the exact same thing.

Watch, I'll make you demonstrate it for us. Obama is a self declared Christian, married a Christian woman in a Christian ceremony, testified to his personal relationship to Jesus Christ, went to Catholic School, had his children baptized Christian and went to a Christian church for 20 years.

His middle name is Hussein. And he's not a Muslim. So apply your circular reasoning and make us all giggle.

Is Hussein a muslim arab name? yes or no

can you find any Christian who has the first, last, or middle name of Hussein?

He wasn't named 'Hussein' because he was Christian, or other. He was named 'Hussein' because he was Muslim. 'Hussein' is primarily a Muslim name. It is what it is.

He was named Hussein....because that's his father's name. How does that magically make him a Muslim?

Ummm Duh, his father was a muslim.


You mean the father he saw 1 time after he was an infant?
ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when they have been destroyed by the truth?

The matter has been settled. Obama was born in Hawaii. Every molecule of bullshit has been thoroughly debunked. That you are being willfully stupid about it is your problem, not ours.

You deserve to be lied to.

And I see what you did there. Anyone who is not a birfer is a lib, eh? Interesting.

No, its not settled. But the media has managed to cover it up. the truth is that obama paid lawyers over a million dollars to fight all suits requesting his college records.

'the truth'?

Prove it.

Because I say you are just lying again.

I have proven that he paid lawyers a lot of money to keep his records from being released. Its up to you to prove that he wasted that money.

You confuse 'Redfish claimed' with 'proven'

You haven't proven crap.

Obama's campaign paid the campaign's attorney's several million dollars.

No evidence that he spent any money preventing any records being released.

You just pull that out of your ass.

I have posted valid proof that the law firm of Perkins Coie was paid to oppose the many lawsuits asking for his college records. If you want more, do your own google search.

Now, the question for you: what was in those records that he was so determined to keep us (you and me) from seeing?
Laughing.......and anyone named Hussein that isn't a Muslim, you imagine must be a Muslim because they're named Hussein. It a circular argument, where your evidence and your conclusion are the exact same thing.

Watch, I'll make you demonstrate it for us. Obama is a self declared Christian, married a Christian woman in a Christian ceremony, testified to his personal relationship to Jesus Christ, went to Catholic School, had his children baptized Christian and went to a Christian church for 20 years.

His middle name is Hussein. And he's not a Muslim. So apply your circular reasoning and make us all giggle.

Is Hussein a muslim arab name? yes or no

can you find any Christian who has the first, last, or middle name of Hussein?

He wasn't named 'Hussein' because he was Christian, or other. He was named 'Hussein' because he was Muslim. 'Hussein' is primarily a Muslim name. It is what it is.

He was named Hussein....because that's his father's name. How does that magically make him a Muslim?

Ummm Duh, his father was a muslim.


You mean the father he saw 1 time after he was an infant?

Yep, that one and also his step father Soetoro who put him in an islamic madrassa to be educated in Indonesia. In case you don't know, madrassas indoctrinate young people into the islamic faith.

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