Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Is Hussein a muslim arab name? yes or no

can you find any Christian who has the first, last, or middle name of Hussein?

He wasn't named 'Hussein' because he was Christian, or other. He was named 'Hussein' because he was Muslim. 'Hussein' is primarily a Muslim name. It is what it is.

He was named Hussein....because that's his father's name. How does that magically make him a Muslim?

Ummm Duh, his father was a muslim.


You mean the father he saw 1 time after he was an infant?

Yep, that one and also his step father Soetoro who put him in an islamic madrassa to be educated in Indonesia. In case you don't know, madrassas indoctrinate young people into the islamic faith.

Hmmm which was the Madrassa?

Fransiskus Assisi School? Hmmm no that was a Catholic elementary school, where they indoctrinate the young people into Catholicism.

or are you thinking of
Menteng One School (Sekolah Dasar Negeri Besuki)

"Barry" when he attended the Menteng One school in Jakarta - studied the Koran and went to classes on Islam, despite the objections of Ann Dunham, a Catholic. The teacher, Effendi, who taught at Menteng One for 29 years, remembers Mr Obama as a "fat, curly-haired, curious boy". The school had an international mix of pupils, including Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims.

Mr Obama attended classes on Islam while the Christians attended classes on Christianity, said Effendi. Barry, he said, was alone among the pupils in that he insisted on attending both. "His mother did not like him learning Islam, although his father was a Muslim. Sometimes she came to the school; she was angry with the religious teacher and said 'Why did you teach him the Koran?'" said Effendi. "But he kept going to the classes because he was interested in Islam. He would also join the other pupils for Muslim prayers."

Was it a Madrassa? Not according to Obama's fellow classmate Rully Dasaad:

Later on there were allegations that the school was a madrassa, and foreign journalists began hanging around. But the small mosque at the school today was added on in 2001. There was no mosque at the time and it wasn't even a particularly religious school.

It's very sad if a great nation like America wants to persecute Obama just because he was born from a Muslim dad and had a Muslim stepfather. I'm sure one of the reasons for the flexibility he has today is his experiences in Indonesia. At the school, there were half-Chinese and half-Dutch Indonesians, Javanese people, Ambonese, and there were Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Catholics. Barry is used to a mix.

Wow- sounds like Rully knew folks like you.
The matter has been settled. Obama was born in Hawaii. Every molecule of bullshit has been thoroughly debunked. That you are being willfully stupid about it is your problem, not ours.

You deserve to be lied to.

And I see what you did there. Anyone who is not a birfer is a lib, eh? Interesting.

No, its not settled. But the media has managed to cover it up. the truth is that obama paid lawyers over a million dollars to fight all suits requesting his college records.

'the truth'?

Prove it.

Because I say you are just lying again.

I have proven that he paid lawyers a lot of money to keep his records from being released. Its up to you to prove that he wasted that money.

You confuse 'Redfish claimed' with 'proven'

You haven't proven crap.

Obama's campaign paid the campaign's attorney's several million dollars.

No evidence that he spent any money preventing any records being released.

You just pull that out of your ass.

I have posted valid proof that the law firm of Perkins Coie was paid to oppose the many lawsuits asking for his college records. If you want more, do your own google search.

Now, the question for you: what was in those records that he was so determined to keep us (you and me) from seeing?

As usual-you have provided no such thing.

There is no indication that Obama has spent any time preventing you from seeing any documents- they are all confidential by law- like mine- and yours if you actually went to a college.
He wasn't named 'Hussein' because he was Christian, or other. He was named 'Hussein' because he was Muslim. 'Hussein' is primarily a Muslim name. It is what it is.

He was named Hussein....because that's his father's name. How does that magically make him a Muslim?

Ummm Duh, his father was a muslim.


You mean the father he saw 1 time after he was an infant?

Yep, that one and also his step father Soetoro who put him in an islamic madrassa to be educated in Indonesia. In case you don't know, madrassas indoctrinate young people into the islamic faith.

Hmmm which was the Madrassa?

Fransiskus Assisi School? Hmmm no that was a Catholic elementary school, where they indoctrinate the young people into Catholicism.

or are you thinking of
Menteng One School (Sekolah Dasar Negeri Besuki)

"Barry" when he attended the Menteng One school in Jakarta - studied the Koran and went to classes on Islam, despite the objections of Ann Dunham, a Catholic. The teacher, Effendi, who taught at Menteng One for 29 years, remembers Mr Obama as a "fat, curly-haired, curious boy". The school had an international mix of pupils, including Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims.

Mr Obama attended classes on Islam while the Christians attended classes on Christianity, said Effendi. Barry, he said, was alone among the pupils in that he insisted on attending both. "His mother did not like him learning Islam, although his father was a Muslim. Sometimes she came to the school; she was angry with the religious teacher and said 'Why did you teach him the Koran?'" said Effendi. "But he kept going to the classes because he was interested in Islam. He would also join the other pupils for Muslim prayers."

Was it a Madrassa? Not according to Obama's fellow classmate Rully Dasaad:

Later on there were allegations that the school was a madrassa, and foreign journalists began hanging around. But the small mosque at the school today was added on in 2001. There was no mosque at the time and it wasn't even a particularly religious school.

It's very sad if a great nation like America wants to persecute Obama just because he was born from a Muslim dad and had a Muslim stepfather. I'm sure one of the reasons for the flexibility he has today is his experiences in Indonesia. At the school, there were half-Chinese and half-Dutch Indonesians, Javanese people, Ambonese, and there were Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Catholics. Barry is used to a mix.

Wow- sounds like Rully knew folks like you.

Confirmation from the constitutionally ineligible non-natural born Citizen candidate himself.

obama my muslim faith - YouTube
He was named Hussein....because that's his father's name. How does that magically make him a Muslim?

Ummm Duh, his father was a muslim.


You mean the father he saw 1 time after he was an infant?

Yep, that one and also his step father Soetoro who put him in an islamic madrassa to be educated in Indonesia. In case you don't know, madrassas indoctrinate young people into the islamic faith.

Hmmm which was the Madrassa?

Fransiskus Assisi School? Hmmm no that was a Catholic elementary school, where they indoctrinate the young people into Catholicism.

or are you thinking of
Menteng One School (Sekolah Dasar Negeri Besuki)

"Barry" when he attended the Menteng One school in Jakarta - studied the Koran and went to classes on Islam, despite the objections of Ann Dunham, a Catholic. The teacher, Effendi, who taught at Menteng One for 29 years, remembers Mr Obama as a "fat, curly-haired, curious boy". The school had an international mix of pupils, including Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims.

Mr Obama attended classes on Islam while the Christians attended classes on Christianity, said Effendi. Barry, he said, was alone among the pupils in that he insisted on attending both. "His mother did not like him learning Islam, although his father was a Muslim. Sometimes she came to the school; she was angry with the religious teacher and said 'Why did you teach him the Koran?'" said Effendi. "But he kept going to the classes because he was interested in Islam. He would also join the other pupils for Muslim prayers."

Was it a Madrassa? Not according to Obama's fellow classmate Rully Dasaad:

Later on there were allegations that the school was a madrassa, and foreign journalists began hanging around. But the small mosque at the school today was added on in 2001. There was no mosque at the time and it wasn't even a particularly religious school.

It's very sad if a great nation like America wants to persecute Obama just because he was born from a Muslim dad and had a Muslim stepfather. I'm sure one of the reasons for the flexibility he has today is his experiences in Indonesia. At the school, there were half-Chinese and half-Dutch Indonesians, Javanese people, Ambonese, and there were Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Catholics. Barry is used to a mix.

Wow- sounds like Rully knew folks like you.

Confirmation from the constitutionally ineligible non-natural born Citizen candidate himself.

obama my muslim faith - YouTube

No- just another racist Birther lie.

SEN. OBAMA: Listen, you and I both know that the minute that Governor Palin was forced to talk about her daughter, I immediately said that's off limits.
And ...

MR. STEPHANOPOULOS: And John McCain said the same thing about questioning your faith. My Muslim Faith

SEN. OBAMA: No. No. No. But I don't think that when you look at what is being promulgated on Fox News, let's say, and Republican commentators who are closely allied to thesefolks ...

MR. STEPHANOPOULOS: But John McCain said that's wrong.

SEN. OBAMA: Listen, you and I both know that the minute that Governor Palin was forced to talk about her daughter, I immediately said that's off limits. And ...

SEN. OBAMA: And what was the first thing the McCain campaign went out and did? They said, look, these liberal blogs that support Obama are out there attacking Governor Palin. Let's not play games. What I was suggesting — you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith ...

That last sentence was a straightforward statement: Senator Obama was not proclaiming his "Muslim faith"; he was acknowledging that Republican nominee John McCain had not specifically promulgated the false rumor that he (Obama) was a Muslim.

Unfortunately, at this point of the interview, George
Stephanopoulos — apparently not understanding the context of Senator Obama's response — mistakenly attempted to correct him by interjecting the words "Your Christian faith." This non sequitur briefly threw Senator Obama off track; he repeated the words "My Christian faith" and then returned to the point he was trying to make:
Ummm Duh, his father was a muslim.


You mean the father he saw 1 time after he was an infant?

Yep, that one and also his step father Soetoro who put him in an islamic madrassa to be educated in Indonesia. In case you don't know, madrassas indoctrinate young people into the islamic faith.

Hmmm which was the Madrassa?

Fransiskus Assisi School? Hmmm no that was a Catholic elementary school, where they indoctrinate the young people into Catholicism.

or are you thinking of
Menteng One School (Sekolah Dasar Negeri Besuki)

"Barry" when he attended the Menteng One school in Jakarta - studied the Koran and went to classes on Islam, despite the objections of Ann Dunham, a Catholic. The teacher, Effendi, who taught at Menteng One for 29 years, remembers Mr Obama as a "fat, curly-haired, curious boy". The school had an international mix of pupils, including Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims.

Mr Obama attended classes on Islam while the Christians attended classes on Christianity, said Effendi. Barry, he said, was alone among the pupils in that he insisted on attending both. "His mother did not like him learning Islam, although his father was a Muslim. Sometimes she came to the school; she was angry with the religious teacher and said 'Why did you teach him the Koran?'" said Effendi. "But he kept going to the classes because he was interested in Islam. He would also join the other pupils for Muslim prayers."

Was it a Madrassa? Not according to Obama's fellow classmate Rully Dasaad:

Later on there were allegations that the school was a madrassa, and foreign journalists began hanging around. But the small mosque at the school today was added on in 2001. There was no mosque at the time and it wasn't even a particularly religious school.

It's very sad if a great nation like America wants to persecute Obama just because he was born from a Muslim dad and had a Muslim stepfather. I'm sure one of the reasons for the flexibility he has today is his experiences in Indonesia. At the school, there were half-Chinese and half-Dutch Indonesians, Javanese people, Ambonese, and there were Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Catholics. Barry is used to a mix.

Wow- sounds like Rully knew folks like you.

Confirmation from the constitutionally ineligible non-natural born Citizen candidate himself.

obama my muslim faith - YouTube

No- just another racist Birther lie.

SEN. OBAMA: Listen, you and I both know that the minute that Governor Palin was forced to talk about her daughter, I immediately said that's off limits.
And ...

MR. STEPHANOPOULOS: And John McCain said the same thing about questioning your faith. My Muslim Faith

SEN. OBAMA: No. No. No. But I don't think that when you look at what is being promulgated on Fox News, let's say, and Republican commentators who are closely allied to thesefolks ...

MR. STEPHANOPOULOS: But John McCain said that's wrong.

SEN. OBAMA: Listen, you and I both know that the minute that Governor Palin was forced to talk about her daughter, I immediately said that's off limits. And ...

SEN. OBAMA: And what was the first thing the McCain campaign went out and did? They said, look, these liberal blogs that support Obama are out there attacking Governor Palin. Let's not play games. What I was suggesting — you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith ...

That last sentence was a straightforward statement: Senator Obama was not proclaiming his "Muslim faith"; he was acknowledging that Republican nominee John McCain had not specifically promulgated the false rumor that he (Obama) was a Muslim.

Unfortunately, at this point of the interview, George
Stephanopoulos — apparently not understanding the context of Senator Obama's response — mistakenly attempted to correct him by interjecting the words "Your Christian faith." This non sequitur briefly threw Senator Obama off track; he repeated the words "My Christian faith" and then returned to the point he was trying to make:
Snopes is wrong. They are not reliable in telling the truth.

You mean the father he saw 1 time after he was an infant?

Yep, that one and also his step father Soetoro who put him in an islamic madrassa to be educated in Indonesia. In case you don't know, madrassas indoctrinate young people into the islamic faith.

Hmmm which was the Madrassa?

Fransiskus Assisi School? Hmmm no that was a Catholic elementary school, where they indoctrinate the young people into Catholicism.

or are you thinking of
Menteng One School (Sekolah Dasar Negeri Besuki)

"Barry" when he attended the Menteng One school in Jakarta - studied the Koran and went to classes on Islam, despite the objections of Ann Dunham, a Catholic. The teacher, Effendi, who taught at Menteng One for 29 years, remembers Mr Obama as a "fat, curly-haired, curious boy". The school had an international mix of pupils, including Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims.

Mr Obama attended classes on Islam while the Christians attended classes on Christianity, said Effendi. Barry, he said, was alone among the pupils in that he insisted on attending both. "His mother did not like him learning Islam, although his father was a Muslim. Sometimes she came to the school; she was angry with the religious teacher and said 'Why did you teach him the Koran?'" said Effendi. "But he kept going to the classes because he was interested in Islam. He would also join the other pupils for Muslim prayers."

Was it a Madrassa? Not according to Obama's fellow classmate Rully Dasaad:

Later on there were allegations that the school was a madrassa, and foreign journalists began hanging around. But the small mosque at the school today was added on in 2001. There was no mosque at the time and it wasn't even a particularly religious school.

It's very sad if a great nation like America wants to persecute Obama just because he was born from a Muslim dad and had a Muslim stepfather. I'm sure one of the reasons for the flexibility he has today is his experiences in Indonesia. At the school, there were half-Chinese and half-Dutch Indonesians, Javanese people, Ambonese, and there were Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Catholics. Barry is used to a mix.

Wow- sounds like Rully knew folks like you.

Confirmation from the constitutionally ineligible non-natural born Citizen candidate himself.

obama my muslim faith - YouTube

No- just another racist Birther lie.

SEN. OBAMA: Listen, you and I both know that the minute that Governor Palin was forced to talk about her daughter, I immediately said that's off limits.
And ...

MR. STEPHANOPOULOS: And John McCain said the same thing about questioning your faith. My Muslim Faith

SEN. OBAMA: No. No. No. But I don't think that when you look at what is being promulgated on Fox News, let's say, and Republican commentators who are closely allied to thesefolks ...

MR. STEPHANOPOULOS: But John McCain said that's wrong.

SEN. OBAMA: Listen, you and I both know that the minute that Governor Palin was forced to talk about her daughter, I immediately said that's off limits. And ...

SEN. OBAMA: And what was the first thing the McCain campaign went out and did? They said, look, these liberal blogs that support Obama are out there attacking Governor Palin. Let's not play games. What I was suggesting — you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith ...

That last sentence was a straightforward statement: Senator Obama was not proclaiming his "Muslim faith"; he was acknowledging that Republican nominee John McCain had not specifically promulgated the false rumor that he (Obama) was a Muslim.

Unfortunately, at this point of the interview, George
Stephanopoulos — apparently not understanding the context of Senator Obama's response — mistakenly attempted to correct him by interjecting the words "Your Christian faith." This non sequitur briefly threw Senator Obama off track; he repeated the words "My Christian faith" and then returned to the point he was trying to make:
Snopes is wrong. They are not reliable in telling the truth.

Direct quotes from the interview- yeah Snopes just can't relied upon like your anonymous Youtube video.
Yup. He's Kazzing out again. Insisting that he knows better than the woman who wrote the pamphlet he's referencing. Despite the fact that she's the world's leading authority. And Kaz doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

Another liberal limp dick who has to copy the material of a moron. Do that again and you will go bye bye from my screen. You can write all the liberal crap you want, but write your own crap. I'm not playing the eight year old games you and the other blank shooters want to play
Who doesn't use your name as a synonym for lying? If you're gonna ignore everyone who uses it, it won't be long until there are no Liberals left off of your black list. The best part is watching how much that gets under your skin.


The only people who use my name as a "synonym for lying" are intellectual kindergartners like you who want to pick a kid and then you all run around repeating idiotic chants as if that has any point other than to demonstrate your complete and utter lack of intellectual development.

The people I am ignoring on your prodding have nothing but made my surfing experience more pleasant, you're intellectually vacuous as well as sexually impotent
Poor demented retard, still kazzing. You fantasized I was gay ... now you fantasize I'm impotent. Even your fantasies confuse you. Meanwhile, you demonstrate repeatedly how much I get under your skin.


Wow, you are obsessed with how I feel, gay boy, what's up with that? I'm not interested, BTW, you need to find another guy to fuck
That's some pretty serious projection ya got there. Need I point out you're the one who keeps fantasizing about straight men having gay sex? :ack-1:
Another conspiracy you can't possibly back up? Or are you honestly convinced that someone's religion is defined by the name they are given?

You go ahead out there and find all those Non-Muslims named Hussein. Check it out and then get back to us. We'll discuss what you found.

So Obama is a Muslim....because someone wrote 'Hussein' on a birth certificate? Wow.

Oh, Birthers. They are the gift that keeps on giving. All you've got to do is prod them just a little bit and all the batshit comes pouring out.

And all over the GOP.

Like i said, get back to us after you find all those Non-Muslims named 'Hussein.' We'll discuss it then.

Laughing.......and anyone named Hussein that isn't a Muslim, you imagine must be a Muslim because they're named Hussein. It a circular argument, where your evidence and your conclusion are the exact same thing.

Watch, I'll make you demonstrate it for us. Obama is a self declared Christian, married a Christian woman in a Christian ceremony, testified to his personal relationship to Jesus Christ, went to Catholic School, had his children baptized Christian and went to a Christian church for 20 years.

His middle name is Hussein. And he's not a Muslim. So apply your circular reasoning and make us all giggle.

Is Hussein a muslim arab name? yes or no

can you find any Christian who has the first, last, or middle name of Hussein?
Of course it's a Muslim name. So what? He didn't name himself, so his name doesn't express his faith.

holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

I never thought I would find myself typing these words, but .... you nutty birfers are getting even crazier. :ack-1:
ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when they have been destroyed by the truth?

The matter has been settled. Obama was born in Hawaii. Every molecule of bullshit has been thoroughly debunked. That you are being willfully stupid about it is your problem, not ours.

You deserve to be lied to.

And I see what you did there. Anyone who is not a birfer is a lib, eh? Interesting.

No, its not settled. But the media has managed to cover it up. the truth is that obama paid lawyers over a million dollars to fight all suits requesting his college records. Now, why would someone with nothing to hide pay that kind of money to keep records hidden?

Maybe he was born in hawaii and committed fraud to get scholarships and grants reserved for foreign students.

This is about more than just his BC.

And again, if there is nothing to hide why not put it out there and make all those who question him look like fools? He and the dems could score some real political points by doing that. Why hasn't he?
Obama paid not a dime to anyone to keep his records confidential. Educational records are, by law, confidential. Stop fucking lying.

So why doesn't he just have em released? What's he hiding?

Because they are none of your business. And you'd ignore them anyway.

How do we know? Because you've already ignored every other document he's released. Making your demands for more documents pointless noise, which obligates no one to do anything.
That's truly the key to his college transcripts. Just like with his long form birth certificate, if he released his transcripts, they will only call them foreries anyway and heighten their nutty conspiracies. They are too committed to insanity to face reality.
ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when they have been destroyed by the truth?

The matter has been settled. Obama was born in Hawaii. Every molecule of bullshit has been thoroughly debunked. That you are being willfully stupid about it is your problem, not ours.

You deserve to be lied to.

And I see what you did there. Anyone who is not a birfer is a lib, eh? Interesting.

No, its not settled. But the media has managed to cover it up. the truth is that obama paid lawyers over a million dollars to fight all suits requesting his college records.

'the truth'?

Prove it.

Because I say you are just lying again.

I have proven that he paid lawyers a lot of money to keep his records from being released. Its up to you to prove that he wasted that money.
You have proven no such thing. You can't, because no such evidrnce exists. All you have proven is that you're a kazzer.
You go ahead out there and find all those Non-Muslims named Hussein. Check it out and then get back to us. We'll discuss what you found.

So Obama is a Muslim....because someone wrote 'Hussein' on a birth certificate? Wow.

Oh, Birthers. They are the gift that keeps on giving. All you've got to do is prod them just a little bit and all the batshit comes pouring out.

And all over the GOP.

Like i said, get back to us after you find all those Non-Muslims named 'Hussein.' We'll discuss it then.

Laughing.......and anyone named Hussein that isn't a Muslim, you imagine must be a Muslim because they're named Hussein. It a circular argument, where your evidence and your conclusion are the exact same thing.

Watch, I'll make you demonstrate it for us. Obama is a self declared Christian, married a Christian woman in a Christian ceremony, testified to his personal relationship to Jesus Christ, went to Catholic School, had his children baptized Christian and went to a Christian church for 20 years.

His middle name is Hussein. And he's not a Muslim. So apply your circular reasoning and make us all giggle.

Is Hussein a muslim arab name? yes or no

can you find any Christian who has the first, last, or middle name of Hussein?
Of course it's a Muslim name. So what? He didn't name himself, so his name doesn't express his faith.

holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

I never thought I would find myself typing these words, but .... you nutty birfers are getting even crazier. :ack-1:

And this is the reason you poke a birther with a stick: to let the crazy out.

These are truly irrational people with some of the most illogical, borderline insane assumptions imaginable. And you really can't communicate the scope and depth of their batshit without their help.
The matter has been settled. Obama was born in Hawaii. Every molecule of bullshit has been thoroughly debunked. That you are being willfully stupid about it is your problem, not ours.

You deserve to be lied to.

And I see what you did there. Anyone who is not a birfer is a lib, eh? Interesting.

No, its not settled. But the media has managed to cover it up. the truth is that obama paid lawyers over a million dollars to fight all suits requesting his college records. Now, why would someone with nothing to hide pay that kind of money to keep records hidden?

Maybe he was born in hawaii and committed fraud to get scholarships and grants reserved for foreign students.

This is about more than just his BC.

And again, if there is nothing to hide why not put it out there and make all those who question him look like fools? He and the dems could score some real political points by doing that. Why hasn't he?
Obama paid not a dime to anyone to keep his records confidential. Educational records are, by law, confidential. Stop fucking lying.

So why doesn't he just have em released? What's he hiding?

Because they are none of your business. And you'd ignore them anyway.

How do we know? Because you've already ignored every other document he's released. Making your demands for more documents pointless noise, which obligates no one to do anything.
That's truly the key to his college transcripts. Just like with his long form birth certificate, if he released his transcripts, they will only call them foreries anyway and heighten their nutty conspiracies. They are too committed to insanity to face reality.

Exactly. The Birther's demonstrated the why the release of documents is irrelevant to them with the 2008 COLB. They ignore any document provided. Making the demand for more documents for them to ignore an act of proactive willful ignorance.
ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when they have been destroyed by the truth?

The matter has been settled. Obama was born in Hawaii. Every molecule of bullshit has been thoroughly debunked. That you are being willfully stupid about it is your problem, not ours.

You deserve to be lied to.

And I see what you did there. Anyone who is not a birfer is a lib, eh? Interesting.

No, its not settled. But the media has managed to cover it up. the truth is that obama paid lawyers over a million dollars to fight all suits requesting his college records.

'the truth'?

Prove it.

Because I say you are just lying again.

I have proven that he paid lawyers a lot of money to keep his records from being released. Its up to you to prove that he wasted that money.

You've claimed that obama paid lawyers over a million dollars to fight all suits requesting his college records. You haven't proven any of that. You've merely typed it.

And now you're giving us excuses why you can't possibly back up your claim.

Evidence is Birthe kryptonite. It always sends their ilk running like cockroaches to a kitchen light.
Then it will be remarkably easy for you to back up your claims with evidence. If you're talking out of your ass, as you do almost exclusively, then you'll give us excuses why you can't.

Gee, I wonder which you'll pick?

If you weren't such an ignorant loyal Obamabot, you would already know that about his parents. They hated America. So it's not surprising their son does too. All in the genes.

And shocker, excuses why you can't possibly back up any of your bullshit. How did I know that was coming? Its like I'm psychic or something.

How's this, I'll make it super simple for you. You're clearly not a thinker. Just give us the link to whoever is doing your thinking for you. Save yourself the time of awkwardly trying t paraphrase them. And us the time of trying to interpret your near word salad.


read obozo's books, you will see who he and his parents really are.

Why don't you quote his book. Or is this another one of your myriad accusations that you flee from the moment you are challenged to back it up?!

unlike you, I have a life outside of this silly message board.

If you spent half the time backing your claims that you did giving us excuses why you can''d have way more time for living.

Time you have. Its evidence you lack. Which is why you keep trading the former giving us excuses why you don't have the latter.

As birthers always do.
Ha, a Muslim foreigner is a U.S. President. Man, who saw that one coming? Only the very powerful & evil NWO Globalist Elites could have pulled that off. What a mess.
Like i said, get back to us after you find all those Non-Muslims named 'Hussein.' We'll discuss it then.

Laughing.......and anyone named Hussein that isn't a Muslim, you imagine must be a Muslim because they're named Hussein. It a circular argument, where your evidence and your conclusion are the exact same thing.

Watch, I'll make you demonstrate it for us. Obama is a self declared Christian, married a Christian woman in a Christian ceremony, testified to his personal relationship to Jesus Christ, went to Catholic School, had his children baptized Christian and went to a Christian church for 20 years.

His middle name is Hussein. And he's not a Muslim. So apply your circular reasoning and make us all giggle.

Is Hussein a muslim arab name? yes or no

can you find any Christian who has the first, last, or middle name of Hussein?

He wasn't named 'Hussein' because he was Christian, or other. He was named 'Hussein' because he was Muslim. 'Hussein' is primarily a Muslim name. It is what it is.

He was named Hussein....because that's his father's name. How does that magically make him a Muslim?

Ummm Duh, his father was a muslim.

Initially he was. He later became a hateful Anti-American Communist asshole. The son merely followed in the father's footsteps. Mommy & Daddy issues.
Laughing.......and anyone named Hussein that isn't a Muslim, you imagine must be a Muslim because they're named Hussein. It a circular argument, where your evidence and your conclusion are the exact same thing.

Watch, I'll make you demonstrate it for us. Obama is a self declared Christian, married a Christian woman in a Christian ceremony, testified to his personal relationship to Jesus Christ, went to Catholic School, had his children baptized Christian and went to a Christian church for 20 years.

His middle name is Hussein. And he's not a Muslim. So apply your circular reasoning and make us all giggle.

Is Hussein a muslim arab name? yes or no

can you find any Christian who has the first, last, or middle name of Hussein?

He wasn't named 'Hussein' because he was Christian, or other. He was named 'Hussein' because he was Muslim. 'Hussein' is primarily a Muslim name. It is what it is.

He was named Hussein....because that's his father's name. How does that magically make him a Muslim?

Ummm Duh, his father was a muslim.

Initially he was. He later became a hateful Anti-American Communist asshole. The son merely followed in the father's footsteps. Mommy & Daddy issues.
So, which is it, Muslim or communist? You stupid fucks cannot make up your minds.
Good news for the GOP: The Don is not going to let the birther thing go.....just great PR for the GOP!

Trump I m still a birther - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Donald Trump is still not sure whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that aired Thursday night, the Republican presidential candidate said he was not that interested in talking about the issue, compared to other ones.

“Honestly, I don’t want to get into it,” Trump said.

Asked whether he thought Obama was born in the U.S., Trump responded: “I don’t know. I really don’t know. I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.”


Ahem, Donny:


Discuss. Will the birfers enjoy a fantastic comeback in the 2016 election??


what a maroon. lol..
Is Hussein a muslim arab name? yes or no

can you find any Christian who has the first, last, or middle name of Hussein?

He wasn't named 'Hussein' because he was Christian, or other. He was named 'Hussein' because he was Muslim. 'Hussein' is primarily a Muslim name. It is what it is.

He was named Hussein....because that's his father's name. How does that magically make him a Muslim?

Ummm Duh, his father was a muslim.

Initially he was. He later became a hateful Anti-American Communist asshole. The son merely followed in the father's footsteps. Mommy & Daddy issues.
So, which is it, Muslim or communist? You stupid fucks cannot make up your minds.

An odd mixture of both. His sympathies lie with Muslims and Anti-American Communist assholes.
Good news for the GOP: The Don is not going to let the birther thing go.....just great PR for the GOP!

Trump I m still a birther - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Donald Trump is still not sure whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that aired Thursday night, the Republican presidential candidate said he was not that interested in talking about the issue, compared to other ones.

“Honestly, I don’t want to get into it,” Trump said.

Asked whether he thought Obama was born in the U.S., Trump responded: “I don’t know. I really don’t know. I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.”


Ahem, Donny:


Discuss. Will the birfers enjoy a fantastic comeback in the 2016 election??


Obama really pulled a boner when he started that whole ridiculous movement by telling his publisher he was born in Kenya, didn't he? Obama is the original birther, patient zero of the movement

he didn't you brain dead, toon. :cuckoo:

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