Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

And why would anyone think a dude named Hussein could be a Muslim? That's completely preposterous. Non-Muslims name their children Hussein all the time. ;)
It was a biolgraphical summary of his life. So let me rephrase my question: if someone wrote a biography about you would you proof read it for accuracy before you authorized its release? Again, yes or no
Jesus, but you are stupid. It was not a biography. It was not a book. Do you know what a book is? It was a pamphlet that a company that represented him; tried to get him speaking engagements put out about him and forty other clients. The person who wrote it said it was her mistake.

it was a biographical summary, as I said. If it was untrue he let it go, if it was true he lied.
He did not lie. He did not write it. Someone with the company wrote it for circulation in the publishing industry. He never saw it before it went out. The woman who wrote it said this. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Aye, paddy mah boy, relax, take a pull on the bottle of Irish whiskey. No sane person lets anyone publish a biographical summary of them without reviewing and approving it. You are very naive.
You are a complete and total fucking idiot. Or, as the Irish say, Idjit. I good friend's father died a couple of months ago. My friend is a prominent politician in the area. His father was 96 when he passed and himself was well known. The local paper published a wonderful news Obituary and put a really nice picture of some other person who died. Not a picture of the father. Someone screwed up. It happens. For you to suggest that it is simply not possible that in 1991, before anyone ever heard of Barack Obama, some low level employee of a firm that represents authors could have made the simple mistake of putting that he was born in Kenya tell me that you are not working with a full deck.

My deck is quite full, thanks for asking.

Now, your rant seems to be saying that obama did not proof what was written about him and/or made no efforts to correct it.

I know that you worship him, but he is a fraud.
And why would anyone think a dude named Hussein could be a Muslim? That's completely preposterous. Non-Muslims name their children Hussein all the time. ;)

and celebrate a muslim holiday in the whitehouse the day after a muslim radical murdered 4 US marines.
Jesus, but you are stupid. It was not a biography. It was not a book. Do you know what a book is? It was a pamphlet that a company that represented him; tried to get him speaking engagements put out about him and forty other clients. The person who wrote it said it was her mistake.

it was a biographical summary, as I said. If it was untrue he let it go, if it was true he lied.
He did not lie. He did not write it. Someone with the company wrote it for circulation in the publishing industry. He never saw it before it went out. The woman who wrote it said this. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Aye, paddy mah boy, relax, take a pull on the bottle of Irish whiskey. No sane person lets anyone publish a biographical summary of them without reviewing and approving it. You are very naive.
You are a complete and total fucking idiot. Or, as the Irish say, Idjit. I good friend's father died a couple of months ago. My friend is a prominent politician in the area. His father was 96 when he passed and himself was well known. The local paper published a wonderful news Obituary and put a really nice picture of some other person who died. Not a picture of the father. Someone screwed up. It happens. For you to suggest that it is simply not possible that in 1991, before anyone ever heard of Barack Obama, some low level employee of a firm that represents authors could have made the simple mistake of putting that he was born in Kenya tell me that you are not working with a full deck.

My deck is quite full, thanks for asking.

Now, your rant seems to be saying that obama did not proof what was written about him and/or made no efforts to correct it.

I know that you worship him, but he is a fraud.
Wow, you finally get it. Yes, he did not "proofread" the entry someone at the company representing him put in their brochure that included 40 other brief biographical sketches of their authors that was sent to publishers in 1990. Why the fuck would he? How could he anticipate that idiots, 25 years later, would point that typo as irrefutable proof that he was born in Kenya, in the face of the irrefutable proof that he was born in Hawaii.
And why would anyone think a dude named Hussein could be a Muslim? That's completely preposterous. Non-Muslims name their children Hussein all the time. ;)

and celebrate a muslim holiday in the whitehouse the day after a muslim radical murdered 4 US marines.

If he isn't a Muslim now, he certainly was at one point. Non-Muslims don't name their children Hussein.
And why would anyone think a dude named Hussein could be a Muslim? That's completely preposterous. Non-Muslims name their children Hussein all the time. ;)

and celebrate a muslim holiday in the whitehouse the day after a muslim radical murdered 4 US marines.
Cause all billion Muslims are responsible for what this American Citizen did in his own country?

If Barack Hussein Obama had a son. Oh wait, does that apply to this one too? ;)
And why would anyone think a dude named Hussein could be a Muslim? That's completely preposterous. Non-Muslims name their children Hussein all the time. ;)

and celebrate a muslim holiday in the whitehouse the day after a muslim radical murdered 4 US marines.
Cause all billion Muslims are responsible for what this American Citizen did in his own country?

No one ever claimed that. But what is true is that not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists (in recent history except for McVeay) are muslims.

What is also true is the obozo called the Ft Hood murders workplace violence fully knowing that it was committed by a muslim in the name of islam.

It is also true that the asshole that you worship has yet to say a word about the innocent girl killed by an illegal alien in SFO.
it was a biographical summary, as I said. If it was untrue he let it go, if it was true he lied.
He did not lie. He did not write it. Someone with the company wrote it for circulation in the publishing industry. He never saw it before it went out. The woman who wrote it said this. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Aye, paddy mah boy, relax, take a pull on the bottle of Irish whiskey. No sane person lets anyone publish a biographical summary of them without reviewing and approving it. You are very naive.
You are a complete and total fucking idiot. Or, as the Irish say, Idjit. I good friend's father died a couple of months ago. My friend is a prominent politician in the area. His father was 96 when he passed and himself was well known. The local paper published a wonderful news Obituary and put a really nice picture of some other person who died. Not a picture of the father. Someone screwed up. It happens. For you to suggest that it is simply not possible that in 1991, before anyone ever heard of Barack Obama, some low level employee of a firm that represents authors could have made the simple mistake of putting that he was born in Kenya tell me that you are not working with a full deck.

My deck is quite full, thanks for asking.

Now, your rant seems to be saying that obama did not proof what was written about him and/or made no efforts to correct it.

I know that you worship him, but he is a fraud.
Wow, you finally get it. Yes, he did not "proofread" the entry someone at the company representing him put in their brochure that included 40 other brief biographical sketches of their authors that was sent to publishers in 1990. Why the fuck would he? How could he anticipate that idiots, 25 years later, would point that typo as irrefutable proof that he was born in Kenya, in the face of the irrefutable proof that he was born in Hawaii.

For the record, if that brochure said that Ted Cruz was born in Costa Rica, you libs would be posting it every day and the media would make it the lead story for months on every newscast.

But since its your messiah, you hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. You are fuckin sheep with no capacity for individual thinking. Your are fricken robots, slaves, idiots.
He did not lie. He did not write it. Someone with the company wrote it for circulation in the publishing industry. He never saw it before it went out. The woman who wrote it said this. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Aye, paddy mah boy, relax, take a pull on the bottle of Irish whiskey. No sane person lets anyone publish a biographical summary of them without reviewing and approving it. You are very naive.
You are a complete and total fucking idiot. Or, as the Irish say, Idjit. I good friend's father died a couple of months ago. My friend is a prominent politician in the area. His father was 96 when he passed and himself was well known. The local paper published a wonderful news Obituary and put a really nice picture of some other person who died. Not a picture of the father. Someone screwed up. It happens. For you to suggest that it is simply not possible that in 1991, before anyone ever heard of Barack Obama, some low level employee of a firm that represents authors could have made the simple mistake of putting that he was born in Kenya tell me that you are not working with a full deck.

My deck is quite full, thanks for asking.

Now, your rant seems to be saying that obama did not proof what was written about him and/or made no efforts to correct it.

I know that you worship him, but he is a fraud.
Wow, you finally get it. Yes, he did not "proofread" the entry someone at the company representing him put in their brochure that included 40 other brief biographical sketches of their authors that was sent to publishers in 1990. Why the fuck would he? How could he anticipate that idiots, 25 years later, would point that typo as irrefutable proof that he was born in Kenya, in the face of the irrefutable proof that he was born in Hawaii.

For the record, if that brochure said that Ted Cruz was born in Costa Rica, you libs would be posting it every day and the media would make it the lead story for months on every newscast.

But since its your messiah, you hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. You are fuckin sheep with no capacity for individual thinking. Your are fricken robots, slaves, idiots.

Yup, Spot On.
Aye, paddy mah boy, relax, take a pull on the bottle of Irish whiskey. No sane person lets anyone publish a biographical summary of them without reviewing and approving it. You are very naive.
You are a complete and total fucking idiot. Or, as the Irish say, Idjit. I good friend's father died a couple of months ago. My friend is a prominent politician in the area. His father was 96 when he passed and himself was well known. The local paper published a wonderful news Obituary and put a really nice picture of some other person who died. Not a picture of the father. Someone screwed up. It happens. For you to suggest that it is simply not possible that in 1991, before anyone ever heard of Barack Obama, some low level employee of a firm that represents authors could have made the simple mistake of putting that he was born in Kenya tell me that you are not working with a full deck.

My deck is quite full, thanks for asking.

Now, your rant seems to be saying that obama did not proof what was written about him and/or made no efforts to correct it.

I know that you worship him, but he is a fraud.
Wow, you finally get it. Yes, he did not "proofread" the entry someone at the company representing him put in their brochure that included 40 other brief biographical sketches of their authors that was sent to publishers in 1990. Why the fuck would he? How could he anticipate that idiots, 25 years later, would point that typo as irrefutable proof that he was born in Kenya, in the face of the irrefutable proof that he was born in Hawaii.

For the record, if that brochure said that Ted Cruz was born in Costa Rica, you libs would be posting it every day and the media would make it the lead story for months on every newscast.

But since its your messiah, you hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. You are fuckin sheep with no capacity for individual thinking. Your are fricken robots, slaves, idiots.

Yup, Spot On.

ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when they have been destroyed by the truth?
So I am curious- does Kaz call Michelle Obama a 'ho' because
a) she is black or
b) because he is accusing her of being a prostitute
c) or because he is a sick mofo who slanders the family of a President just because he disapproves of the President.
Correct, then you would only have suppositions / accusations. You can't look at the evidence you would need to prove your accusations because the courts won't let you look without proof of your suppositions. Catch 22.

Not if you apply an even remotely rational standard. For example, that the baseless accusations you demand be 'debunked' have a basis of evidence. Which they don't.

Otherwise, you're arguing your imagination. And demanding that anything you can possibly make up be debunked.

Which is quite irrational.
It's not irrational to ask if a guy born to a bigamist kenyan is American or not. It is however irrational to believe everything this government tells you.

Not to mention, his mother and father hated America. They were both virulent Anti-American Communists. Pretty much sums him up as well, no?

Not to mention that is just a Birther lie.

Pretty much sums up all Birthers have.

His parents despised America. They were Anti-American Communist dipshits like you.

Says who? Given that you'll obviously believe any accusation without the slightest evidence or the slightest question, you'll understand if I demand more than you citing yourself.
You are a complete and total fucking idiot. Or, as the Irish say, Idjit. I good friend's father died a couple of months ago. My friend is a prominent politician in the area. His father was 96 when he passed and himself was well known. The local paper published a wonderful news Obituary and put a really nice picture of some other person who died. Not a picture of the father. Someone screwed up. It happens. For you to suggest that it is simply not possible that in 1991, before anyone ever heard of Barack Obama, some low level employee of a firm that represents authors could have made the simple mistake of putting that he was born in Kenya tell me that you are not working with a full deck.

My deck is quite full, thanks for asking.

Now, your rant seems to be saying that obama did not proof what was written about him and/or made no efforts to correct it.

I know that you worship him, but he is a fraud.
Wow, you finally get it. Yes, he did not "proofread" the entry someone at the company representing him put in their brochure that included 40 other brief biographical sketches of their authors that was sent to publishers in 1990. Why the fuck would he? How could he anticipate that idiots, 25 years later, would point that typo as irrefutable proof that he was born in Kenya, in the face of the irrefutable proof that he was born in Hawaii.

For the record, if that brochure said that Ted Cruz was born in Costa Rica, you libs would be posting it every day and the media would make it the lead story for months on every newscast.

But since its your messiah, you hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. You are fuckin sheep with no capacity for individual thinking. Your are fricken robots, slaves, idiots.

Yup, Spot On.

ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when they have been destroyed by the truth?

What truth? I'm still waiting for you to back up your hapless bullshit about Obama going to college as a foreign student.

Which, of course, you can't. So much for 'truth'. You're clearly content with baseless accusations backed by jack shit.
Not if you apply an even remotely rational standard. For example, that the baseless accusations you demand be 'debunked' have a basis of evidence. Which they don't.

Otherwise, you're arguing your imagination. And demanding that anything you can possibly make up be debunked.

Which is quite irrational.
It's not irrational to ask if a guy born to a bigamist kenyan is American or not. It is however irrational to believe everything this government tells you.

Not to mention, his mother and father hated America. They were both virulent Anti-American Communists. Pretty much sums him up as well, no?

Not to mention that is just a Birther lie.

Pretty much sums up all Birthers have.

His parents despised America. They were Anti-American Communist dipshits like you.

Says who? Given that you'll obviously believe any accusation without the slightest evidence or the slightest question, you'll understand if I demand more than you citing yourself.

Told you. Even you loyal Obamabots know very little about your Dear Leader. His parents were America-hating douchebags.
My deck is quite full, thanks for asking.

Now, your rant seems to be saying that obama did not proof what was written about him and/or made no efforts to correct it.

I know that you worship him, but he is a fraud.
Wow, you finally get it. Yes, he did not "proofread" the entry someone at the company representing him put in their brochure that included 40 other brief biographical sketches of their authors that was sent to publishers in 1990. Why the fuck would he? How could he anticipate that idiots, 25 years later, would point that typo as irrefutable proof that he was born in Kenya, in the face of the irrefutable proof that he was born in Hawaii.

For the record, if that brochure said that Ted Cruz was born in Costa Rica, you libs would be posting it every day and the media would make it the lead story for months on every newscast.

But since its your messiah, you hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. You are fuckin sheep with no capacity for individual thinking. Your are fricken robots, slaves, idiots.

Yup, Spot On.

ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when they have been destroyed by the truth?

What truth? I'm still waiting for you to back up your hapless bullshit about Obama going to college as a foreign student.

Which, of course, you can't. So much for 'truth'. You're clearly content with baseless accusations backed by jack shit.

Uh huh, and Non-Muslims are named 'Hussein' all the time. Sure they are. ;)
It's not irrational to ask if a guy born to a bigamist kenyan is American or not. It is however irrational to believe everything this government tells you.

Not to mention, his mother and father hated America. They were both virulent Anti-American Communists. Pretty much sums him up as well, no?

Not to mention that is just a Birther lie.

Pretty much sums up all Birthers have.

His parents despised America. They were Anti-American Communist dipshits like you.

Says who? Given that you'll obviously believe any accusation without the slightest evidence or the slightest question, you'll understand if I demand more than you citing yourself.

Told you. Even you loyal Obamabots know very little about your Dear Leader. His parents were America-hating douchebags.

Laughing......notice you can't actually back up anything you've said. And when pressed to provide the slightest evidence of your run.

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?
Wow, you finally get it. Yes, he did not "proofread" the entry someone at the company representing him put in their brochure that included 40 other brief biographical sketches of their authors that was sent to publishers in 1990. Why the fuck would he? How could he anticipate that idiots, 25 years later, would point that typo as irrefutable proof that he was born in Kenya, in the face of the irrefutable proof that he was born in Hawaii.

For the record, if that brochure said that Ted Cruz was born in Costa Rica, you libs would be posting it every day and the media would make it the lead story for months on every newscast.

But since its your messiah, you hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. You are fuckin sheep with no capacity for individual thinking. Your are fricken robots, slaves, idiots.

Yup, Spot On.

ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when they have been destroyed by the truth?

What truth? I'm still waiting for you to back up your hapless bullshit about Obama going to college as a foreign student.

Which, of course, you can't. So much for 'truth'. You're clearly content with baseless accusations backed by jack shit.

Uh huh, and Non-Muslims are named 'Hussein' all the time. Sure they are. ;)

Another conspiracy you can't possibly back up? Or are you honestly convinced that someone's religion is defined by the name they are given?
ever notice how all the libs leave a thread when they have been destroyed by the truth?

The matter has been settled. Obama was born in Hawaii. Every molecule of bullshit has been thoroughly debunked. That you are being willfully stupid about it is your problem, not ours.

You deserve to be lied to.

And I see what you did there. Anyone who is not a birfer is a lib, eh? Interesting.
Not to mention, his mother and father hated America. They were both virulent Anti-American Communists. Pretty much sums him up as well, no?

Not to mention that is just a Birther lie.

Pretty much sums up all Birthers have.

His parents despised America. They were Anti-American Communist dipshits like you.

Says who? Given that you'll obviously believe any accusation without the slightest evidence or the slightest question, you'll understand if I demand more than you citing yourself.

Told you. Even you loyal Obamabots know very little about your Dear Leader. His parents were America-hating douchebags.

Laughing......notice you can't actually back up anything you've said. And when pressed to provide the slightest evidence of your run.

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?

Do you know anything about his parents? I do. They were Anti-American pieces of shit. And so is their son. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It's in the genes.

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