Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Still waiting for those records from Columbia and Harvard. You know, the ones that show him getting scholarships and grants as a foreign student.

He either was a foreign student or commited fraud to get the money. which is it?

actually, probably both.

And by 'probably', you mean you have no idea what you're talking about and can't back up either claim with the slightest evidence?

Because you can't, Redfish.

No, I can't prove how he paid his tuition, neither can you, thats the problem, idiot.
Probably with a check. But, then again, you have never actually paid tuition, have you?
Already said what's odd. You must have some sort of mental dysfunction.

No- I am not a Birther- I leave all the mental dysfunction to you and your pals.

then post his college records and make us all look like fools. Should be simple and something you would love to do. We'll be waiting.

Oh we don't have to post anything to make you look like fools.

You do all of that on your own.

well then complete our destruction. post the college records. end it in glory to your dear leader. put us down. prove us wrong----------------------post the records. Do it NOW, or STFU and admit that your messiah is a fraud and a liar.
Frankly, I would love it if he actually came forward on January 19, 2017 and said that it was all true. That he was born in Kenya, is a Muslim, faked his college and law school degrees, was gay and Michelle a Tranny. And then said "And you assholes can't do shit about it.?

He would never be that honest. But he would be correct that nothing could or would be done about it.

What is your opinion of Reid when he stood on the floor of the senate and lied about Romney not paying income taxes? Why are lies OK when dems tell them and grounds for execution when republicans tell them?

Its your hypocrisy that robs you of any credibility.
Still waiting for those records from Columbia and Harvard. You know, the ones that show him getting scholarships and grants as a foreign student.

He either was a foreign student or commited fraud to get the money. which is it?

actually, probably both.

And by 'probably', you mean you have no idea what you're talking about and can't back up either claim with the slightest evidence?

Because you can't, Redfish.

No, I can't prove how he paid his tuition, neither can you, thats the problem, idiot.

The difference between us is that you claim to know how he paid for it. And you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I've given you half a dozen ridiculously plausible, utterly boring funding sources. You ignored them all for no particular reason and clung to your batshit conspiracy theory.

Um, why? Your version is not only fact free.....its laughably implausible.
Still waiting for those records from Columbia and Harvard. You know, the ones that show him getting scholarships and grants as a foreign student.

He either was a foreign student or commited fraud to get the money. which is it?

actually, probably both.

And by 'probably', you mean you have no idea what you're talking about and can't back up either claim with the slightest evidence?

Because you can't, Redfish.

No, I can't prove how he paid his tuition, neither can you, thats the problem, idiot.
Well, I proved that your claim that the blurb about him being born in Kenya was not on a book he wrote. Not from a book at all. So, proving you lied about that pretty much establishes that you will lie about anything. Tell, us again, how that was from a book he wrote and had published.
Still waiting for those records from Columbia and Harvard. You know, the ones that show him getting scholarships and grants as a foreign student.

He either was a foreign student or commited fraud to get the money. which is it?

actually, probably both.

And by 'probably', you mean you have no idea what you're talking about and can't back up either claim with the slightest evidence?

Because you can't, Redfish.

No, I can't prove how he paid his tuition, neither can you, thats the problem, idiot.
Probably with a check. But, then again, you have never actually paid tuition, have you?

Don't be more stupid than you already are. "with a check" ? Do you know how much Harvard and Columbia cost? Obozo did not have that kind of money.

and yes, I paid a lot of tuition, for myself and my kids.
No- I am not a Birther- I leave all the mental dysfunction to you and your pals.

then post his college records and make us all look like fools. Should be simple and something you would love to do. We'll be waiting.

Oh we don't have to post anything to make you look like fools.

You do all of that on your own.

well then complete our destruction. post the college records. end it in glory to your dear leader. put us down. prove us wrong----------------------post the records. Do it NOW, or STFU and admit that your messiah is a fraud and a liar.
Frankly, I would love it if he actually came forward on January 19, 2017 and said that it was all true. That he was born in Kenya, is a Muslim, faked his college and law school degrees, was gay and Michelle a Tranny. And then said "And you assholes can't do shit about it.?

He would never be that honest. But he would be correct that nothing could or would be done about it.

What is your opinion of Reid when he stood on the floor of the senate and lied about Romney not paying income taxes? Why are lies OK when dems tell them and grounds for execution when republicans tell them?

Its your hypocrisy that robs you of any credibility.
More worried about your proven lies. Tell us again about that book the President wrote that had a blurb on it where he said he was born in Kenya.
Still waiting for those records from Columbia and Harvard. You know, the ones that show him getting scholarships and grants as a foreign student.

He either was a foreign student or commited fraud to get the money. which is it?

actually, probably both.

And by 'probably', you mean you have no idea what you're talking about and can't back up either claim with the slightest evidence?

Because you can't, Redfish.

No, I can't prove how he paid his tuition, neither can you, thats the problem, idiot.

The difference between us is that you claim to know how he paid for it. And you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I've given you half a dozen ridiculously plausible, utterly boring funding sources. You ignored them all for no particular reason and clung to your batshit conspiracy theory.

Um, why? Your version is not only fact free.....its laughably implausible.

I don't claim to know, I am saying that obama does not want YOU to know, and you don't care. Thats fricken crazy

actually, probably both.

And by 'probably', you mean you have no idea what you're talking about and can't back up either claim with the slightest evidence?

Because you can't, Redfish.

No, I can't prove how he paid his tuition, neither can you, thats the problem, idiot.
Probably with a check. But, then again, you have never actually paid tuition, have you?

Don't be more stupid than you already are. "with a check" ? Do you know how much Harvard and Columbia cost? Obozo did not have that kind of money.

and yes, I paid a lot of tuition, for myself and my kids.
So, you paid with cash? Credit card? You paid with a check, you fucking moron. Unless, of course, you are a deadbeat and let the government pay.
Still waiting for those records from Columbia and Harvard. You know, the ones that show him getting scholarships and grants as a foreign student.

He either was a foreign student or commited fraud to get the money. which is it?

actually, probably both.

And by 'probably', you mean you have no idea what you're talking about and can't back up either claim with the slightest evidence?

Because you can't, Redfish.

No, I can't prove how he paid his tuition, neither can you, thats the problem, idiot.
Well, I proved that your claim that the blurb about him being born in Kenya was not on a book he wrote. Not from a book at all. So, proving you lied about that pretty much establishes that you will lie about anything. Tell, us again, how that was from a book he wrote and had published.

It was a biolgraphical summary of his life. So let me rephrase my question: if someone wrote a biography about you would you proof read it for accuracy before you authorized its release? Again, yes or no

actually, probably both.

And by 'probably', you mean you have no idea what you're talking about and can't back up either claim with the slightest evidence?

Because you can't, Redfish.

No, I can't prove how he paid his tuition, neither can you, thats the problem, idiot.
Probably with a check. But, then again, you have never actually paid tuition, have you?

Don't be more stupid than you already are. "with a check" ? Do you know how much Harvard and Columbia cost? Obozo did not have that kind of money.

and yes, I paid a lot of tuition, for myself and my kids.
actually, probably both.

And by 'probably', you mean you have no idea what you're talking about and can't back up either claim with the slightest evidence?

Because you can't, Redfish.

No, I can't prove how he paid his tuition, neither can you, thats the problem, idiot.
Probably with a check. But, then again, you have never actually paid tuition, have you?

Don't be more stupid than you already are. "with a check" ? Do you know how much Harvard and Columbia cost? Obozo did not have that kind of money.

and yes, I paid a lot of tuition, for myself and my kids.
So, you paid with cash? Credit card? You paid with a check, you fucking moron. Unless, of course, you are a deadbeat and let the government pay.

the question is not the vehicle of payment, the question is where did his money come from. But you knew that and thought you were being clever-------------you weren't.

actually, probably both.

And by 'probably', you mean you have no idea what you're talking about and can't back up either claim with the slightest evidence?

Because you can't, Redfish.

No, I can't prove how he paid his tuition, neither can you, thats the problem, idiot.
Well, I proved that your claim that the blurb about him being born in Kenya was not on a book he wrote. Not from a book at all. So, proving you lied about that pretty much establishes that you will lie about anything. Tell, us again, how that was from a book he wrote and had published.

It was a biolgraphical summary of his life. So let me rephrase my question: if someone wrote a biography about you would you proof read it for accuracy before you authorized its release? Again, yes or no
Jesus, but you are stupid. It was not a biography. It was not a book. Do you know what a book is? It was a pamphlet that a company that represented him; tried to get him speaking engagements put out about him and forty other clients. The person who wrote it said it was her mistake.
And by 'probably', you mean you have no idea what you're talking about and can't back up either claim with the slightest evidence?

Because you can't, Redfish.

No, I can't prove how he paid his tuition, neither can you, thats the problem, idiot.
Probably with a check. But, then again, you have never actually paid tuition, have you?

Don't be more stupid than you already are. "with a check" ? Do you know how much Harvard and Columbia cost? Obozo did not have that kind of money.

and yes, I paid a lot of tuition, for myself and my kids.
So, you paid with cash? Credit card? You paid with a check, you fucking moron. Unless, of course, you are a deadbeat and let the government pay.

the question is not the vehicle of payment, the question is where did his money come from. But you knew that and thought you were being clever-------------you weren't.
He borrowed it. Just like I did. Just like my kids are doing. Are you that fucking stupid. He just paid off his loans from college and law school in 2004.
actually, probably both.

And by 'probably', you mean you have no idea what you're talking about and can't back up either claim with the slightest evidence?

Because you can't, Redfish.

No, I can't prove how he paid his tuition, neither can you, thats the problem, idiot.
Probably with a check. But, then again, you have never actually paid tuition, have you?

Don't be more stupid than you already are. "with a check" ? Do you know how much Harvard and Columbia cost? Obozo did not have that kind of money.

and yes, I paid a lot of tuition, for myself and my kids.

Nowhere does he say that all of his tuition, room, and board came from his personal student loans, nice try.
actually, probably both.

And by 'probably', you mean you have no idea what you're talking about and can't back up either claim with the slightest evidence?

Because you can't, Redfish.

No, I can't prove how he paid his tuition, neither can you, thats the problem, idiot.
Well, I proved that your claim that the blurb about him being born in Kenya was not on a book he wrote. Not from a book at all. So, proving you lied about that pretty much establishes that you will lie about anything. Tell, us again, how that was from a book he wrote and had published.

It was a biolgraphical summary of his life. So let me rephrase my question: if someone wrote a biography about you would you proof read it for accuracy before you authorized its release? Again, yes or no
Jesus, but you are stupid. It was not a biography. It was not a book. Do you know what a book is? It was a pamphlet that a company that represented him; tried to get him speaking engagements put out about him and forty other clients. The person who wrote it said it was her mistake.

it was a biographical summary, as I said. If it was untrue he let it go, if it was true he lied.

actually, probably both.

And by 'probably', you mean you have no idea what you're talking about and can't back up either claim with the slightest evidence?

Because you can't, Redfish.

No, I can't prove how he paid his tuition, neither can you, thats the problem, idiot.
Well, I proved that your claim that the blurb about him being born in Kenya was not on a book he wrote. Not from a book at all. So, proving you lied about that pretty much establishes that you will lie about anything. Tell, us again, how that was from a book he wrote and had published.

It was a biolgraphical summary of his life. So let me rephrase my question: if someone wrote a biography about you would you proof read it for accuracy before you authorized its release? Again, yes or no

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review

By FOX BUTTERFIELD, Special to The New York Times
Published: February 6, 1990

Correction Appended
BOSTON, Feb. 5— The Harvard Law Review, generally considered the most prestigious in the country, elected the first black president in its 104-year history today. The job is considered the highest student position at Harvard Law School.

The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.

So, in 1990, a year before the blurb you keep lying about, the New York Times did a story that identified his birth place as Hawaii. Did Micheal J. Fox go back in time to fix this?
Good news for the GOP: The Don is not going to let the birther thing go.....just great PR for the GOP!

Trump I m still a birther - Nick Gass - POLITICO


Ahem, Donny:


Discuss. Will the birfers enjoy a fantastic comeback in the 2016 election??


Obama really pulled a boner when he started that whole ridiculous movement by telling his publisher he was born in Kenya, didn't he? Obama is the original birther, patient zero of the movement
Stop kazzing about that. It's been firmly established that you can't prove your delusions are real.

Yup. He's Kazzing out again. Insisting that he knows better than the woman who wrote the pamphlet he's referencing. Despite the fact that she's the world's leading authority. And Kaz doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

Another liberal limp dick who has to copy the material of a moron. Do that again and you will go bye bye from my screen. You can write all the liberal crap you want, but write your own crap. I'm not playing the eight year old games you and the other blank shooters want to play

What else can you do, Kaz? I note the simple fact that destroys your argument: Miriam Goderich knows what she's talking about. And you don't have a clue.

Why would any rational person ignore Miriam on the very document she edited...and instead believe some random internet stooge who has no idea what he's talking about? Especially when said stooge is a confirmed liar, who randomly makes up hapless nonsense to support his argument?

Miriam is both credible and informed. You're neither.

I'm thinking people would ignore miriam because she's a self professed incompetent who gave a sieve of an explanation
And by 'probably', you mean you have no idea what you're talking about and can't back up either claim with the slightest evidence?

Because you can't, Redfish.

No, I can't prove how he paid his tuition, neither can you, thats the problem, idiot.
Probably with a check. But, then again, you have never actually paid tuition, have you?

Don't be more stupid than you already are. "with a check" ? Do you know how much Harvard and Columbia cost? Obozo did not have that kind of money.

and yes, I paid a lot of tuition, for myself and my kids.

Nowhere does he say that all of his tuition, room, and board came from his personal student loans, nice try.

So, fucking what? Nowhere does it say it did not? He had grandparents. He worked during college. You are sick, stupid fuck to obsess over this.
Good news for the GOP: The Don is not going to let the birther thing go.....just great PR for the GOP!

Trump I m still a birther - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Donald Trump is still not sure whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that aired Thursday night, the Republican presidential candidate said he was not that interested in talking about the issue, compared to other ones.

“Honestly, I don’t want to get into it,” Trump said.

Asked whether he thought Obama was born in the U.S., Trump responded: “I don’t know. I really don’t know. I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.”


Ahem, Donny:


Discuss. Will the birfers enjoy a fantastic comeback in the 2016 election??


Obama really pulled a boner when he started that whole ridiculous movement by telling his publisher he was born in Kenya, didn't he? Obama is the original birther, patient zero of the movement
Stop kazzing about that. It's been firmly established that you can't prove your delusions are real.

No, I won't stop kazzing, I'll never gulp the Democratic party kool aid you do no matter how many times you tell me to
Of course you won't stop lying. You can't.

true story, I don't accept the inherent truth of liberalism, which to useless political bitches like you is a "lie"
And by 'probably', you mean you have no idea what you're talking about and can't back up either claim with the slightest evidence?

Because you can't, Redfish.

No, I can't prove how he paid his tuition, neither can you, thats the problem, idiot.
Well, I proved that your claim that the blurb about him being born in Kenya was not on a book he wrote. Not from a book at all. So, proving you lied about that pretty much establishes that you will lie about anything. Tell, us again, how that was from a book he wrote and had published.

It was a biolgraphical summary of his life. So let me rephrase my question: if someone wrote a biography about you would you proof read it for accuracy before you authorized its release? Again, yes or no
Jesus, but you are stupid. It was not a biography. It was not a book. Do you know what a book is? It was a pamphlet that a company that represented him; tried to get him speaking engagements put out about him and forty other clients. The person who wrote it said it was her mistake.

it was a biographical summary, as I said. If it was untrue he let it go, if it was true he lied.
He did not lie. He did not write it. Someone with the company wrote it for circulation in the publishing industry. He never saw it before it went out. The woman who wrote it said this. What the fuck is wrong with you?

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