Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Nothing to see here folks. Nope. ;)

Back Hussein Obama was likely educated by way of foreign student-funded programs. Could be why they won't allow the records to be released to the Public. However, any records released now would be highly dubious. The cover-up has already been completed.

Because the diabolical plan of the NWO handlers went to all of the trouble to provide fake documentation that he is an American- and then enrolled him as a foreign student- all part of their devious plan......

No its not Catch 22.

Lets say I accuse you of stealing my identity- and sue you for it.

I have no evidence that you actually did steal my identity- but I think someone must have done it because my bank account has no money in it.

So I go to court and ask them for access to all of your financial records, and for access to your computer hard drive, and email records and cell phone records- to go find some evidence.

The courts tell me politely- to fuck off- because discovery only happens after several qualifications- among them I need to provide some evidence to support my allegations.
Correct, then you would only have suppositions / accusations. You can't look at the evidence you would need to prove your accusations because the courts won't let you look without proof of your suppositions. Catch 22.

Not if you apply an even remotely rational standard. For example, that the baseless accusations you demand be 'debunked' have a basis of evidence. Which they don't.

Otherwise, you're arguing your imagination. And demanding that anything you can possibly make up be debunked.

Which is quite irrational.
It's not irrational to ask if a guy born to a bigamist kenyan is American or not. It is however irrational to believe everything this government tells you.

Not to mention, his mother and father hated America. They were both virulent Anti-American Communists. Pretty much sums him up as well, no?

Not to mention that is just a Birther lie.

Pretty much sums up all Birthers have.
Not to those records.

What has happened is that there have been lawsuits seeking to declare Obama illegible.

Those lawsuits have all been dismissed.
The courts didn't block anything- the cases were dismissed before there was any discovery.

Because the litigants had no case.

The courts are not there to authorize fishing expeditions by people who can't find any evidence of wrong doing, so ask the courts to open the defendents records so that they can try to find some evidence.

No its not Catch 22.

Lets say I accuse you of stealing my identity- and sue you for it.

I have no evidence that you actually did steal my identity- but I think someone must have done it because my bank account has no money in it.

So I go to court and ask them for access to all of your financial records, and for access to your computer hard drive, and email records and cell phone records- to go find some evidence.

The courts tell me politely- to fuck off- because discovery only happens after several qualifications- among them I need to provide some evidence to support my allegations.
Correct, then you would only have suppositions / accusations. You can't look at the evidence you would need to prove your accusations because the courts won't let you look without proof of your suppositions. Catch 22.

Not catch 22.

Our system protects us(somewhat) from nutjobs who want to sue or prosecute without any evidence.

If I accuse you of stealing my identity- I have to provide some evidence of the claims.

Why does that bother you that the accuser has to have some evidence before getting access to your private records?
It doesn't bother me. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of protecting the POTUS' records while simultaneously browsing through every private email and text message of every American. As for said evidence I'm just asking for it. If he doesn't want anyone looking at his records that's his right, no? Even if it is HIGHLY HYPOCRITICAL OF HIM.

Hypocritical of him? think that the President is sitting in the Oval Office watching your keystrokes as you post?

No its not Catch 22.

Lets say I accuse you of stealing my identity- and sue you for it.

I have no evidence that you actually did steal my identity- but I think someone must have done it because my bank account has no money in it.

So I go to court and ask them for access to all of your financial records, and for access to your computer hard drive, and email records and cell phone records- to go find some evidence.

The courts tell me politely- to fuck off- because discovery only happens after several qualifications- among them I need to provide some evidence to support my allegations.
Correct, then you would only have suppositions / accusations. You can't look at the evidence you would need to prove your accusations because the courts won't let you look without proof of your suppositions. Catch 22.

Not catch 22.

Our system protects us(somewhat) from nutjobs who want to sue or prosecute without any evidence.

If I accuse you of stealing my identity- I have to provide some evidence of the claims.

Why does that bother you that the accuser has to have some evidence before getting access to your private records?
It doesn't bother me. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of protecting the POTUS' records while simultaneously browsing through every private email and text message of every American. As for said evidence I'm just asking for it. If he doesn't want anyone looking at his records that's his right, no? Even if it is HIGHLY HYPOCRITICAL OF HIM.

Hypocritical of him? think that the President is sitting in the Oval Office watching your keystrokes as you post?
No. What makes you think I think the President is sitting in the Oval Office watching my keystrokes? Are you smoking dope or something?
Not to those records.

What has happened is that there have been lawsuits seeking to declare Obama illegible.

Those lawsuits have all been dismissed.
The courts didn't block anything- the cases were dismissed before there was any discovery.

Because the litigants had no case.

The courts are not there to authorize fishing expeditions by people who can't find any evidence of wrong doing, so ask the courts to open the defendents records so that they can try to find some evidence.

No its not Catch 22.

Lets say I accuse you of stealing my identity- and sue you for it.

I have no evidence that you actually did steal my identity- but I think someone must have done it because my bank account has no money in it.

So I go to court and ask them for access to all of your financial records, and for access to your computer hard drive, and email records and cell phone records- to go find some evidence.

The courts tell me politely- to fuck off- because discovery only happens after several qualifications- among them I need to provide some evidence to support my allegations.
Correct, then you would only have suppositions / accusations. You can't look at the evidence you would need to prove your accusations because the courts won't let you look without proof of your suppositions. Catch 22.

Not if you apply an even remotely rational standard. For example, that the baseless accusations you demand be 'debunked' have a basis of evidence. Which they don't.

Otherwise, you're arguing your imagination. And demanding that anything you can possibly make up be debunked.

Which is quite irrational.
It's not irrational to ask if a guy born to a bigamist kenyan is American or not. It is however irrational to believe everything this government tells you.

If Bigamy had the slightest relevance to Obama's citizenship, no it wouldn't. But it doesn't. Making your inquiry irrational. Worse, you ignore any answer to your questions. Which is also irrational.

Neither your psuedo-legal gibberish nor your willful ignorance of any answer you receive has the slightest relevance to Obama's eligibility to be president.
No its not Catch 22.

Lets say I accuse you of stealing my identity- and sue you for it.

I have no evidence that you actually did steal my identity- but I think someone must have done it because my bank account has no money in it.

So I go to court and ask them for access to all of your financial records, and for access to your computer hard drive, and email records and cell phone records- to go find some evidence.

The courts tell me politely- to fuck off- because discovery only happens after several qualifications- among them I need to provide some evidence to support my allegations.
Correct, then you would only have suppositions / accusations. You can't look at the evidence you would need to prove your accusations because the courts won't let you look without proof of your suppositions. Catch 22.

Not catch 22.

Our system protects us(somewhat) from nutjobs who want to sue or prosecute without any evidence.

If I accuse you of stealing my identity- I have to provide some evidence of the claims.

Why does that bother you that the accuser has to have some evidence before getting access to your private records?
It doesn't bother me. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of protecting the POTUS' records while simultaneously browsing through every private email and text message of every American. As for said evidence I'm just asking for it. If he doesn't want anyone looking at his records that's his right, no? Even if it is HIGHLY HYPOCRITICAL OF HIM.

Hypocritical of him? think that the President is sitting in the Oval Office watching your keystrokes as you post?
No. What makes you think I think the President is sitting in the Oval Office watching my keystrokes? Are you smoking dope or something? are hilarious
Correct, then you would only have suppositions / accusations. You can't look at the evidence you would need to prove your accusations because the courts won't let you look without proof of your suppositions. Catch 22.

Not catch 22.

Our system protects us(somewhat) from nutjobs who want to sue or prosecute without any evidence.

If I accuse you of stealing my identity- I have to provide some evidence of the claims.

Why does that bother you that the accuser has to have some evidence before getting access to your private records?
It doesn't bother me. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of protecting the POTUS' records while simultaneously browsing through every private email and text message of every American. As for said evidence I'm just asking for it. If he doesn't want anyone looking at his records that's his right, no? Even if it is HIGHLY HYPOCRITICAL OF HIM.

Hypocritical of him? think that the President is sitting in the Oval Office watching your keystrokes as you post?
No. What makes you think I think the President is sitting in the Oval Office watching my keystrokes? Are you smoking dope or something? are hilarious
Why thank you, and back at ya!
You find nothing odd about Barry's birth? You must be one of drunk on the koolaid or to busy on your knees to pay attn to anything else.

What is odd about an American being born in a hospital in Honolulu?

There are thousands of them every year.
Already said what's odd. You must have some sort of mental dysfunction.

No- I am not a Birther- I leave all the mental dysfunction to you and your pals.

then post his college records and make us all look like fools. Should be simple and something you would love to do. We'll be waiting.

Oh we don't have to post anything to make you look like fools.

You do all of that on your own.

well then complete our destruction. post the college records. end it in glory to your dear leader. put us down. prove us wrong----------------------post the records. Do it NOW, or STFU and admit that your messiah is a fraud and a liar.
What is odd about an American being born in a hospital in Honolulu?

There are thousands of them every year.
Already said what's odd. You must have some sort of mental dysfunction.

No- I am not a Birther- I leave all the mental dysfunction to you and your pals.

then post his college records and make us all look like fools. Should be simple and something you would love to do. We'll be waiting.

Oh we don't have to post anything to make you look like fools.

You do all of that on your own.

well then complete our destruction. post the college records. end it in glory to your dear leader. put us down. prove us wrong----------------------post the records. Do it NOW, or STFU and admit that your messiah is a fraud and a liar.

Like I said you manage to make yourselves look like fools just fine.

I know you would like to be able to censor those who point out what a fraud you are- but it ain't happening.

Hey- maybe if you threaten to hold your breath, some President, someday will release his college records!

It could happen- feel free to try.
Still waiting for those records from Columbia and Harvard. You know, the ones that show him getting scholarships and grants as a foreign student.

He either was a foreign student or commited fraud to get the money. which is it?

actually, probably both.

And by 'probably', you mean you have no idea what you're talking about and can't back up either claim with the slightest evidence?

Because you can't, Redfish.
What is odd about an American being born in a hospital in Honolulu?

There are thousands of them every year.
Already said what's odd. You must have some sort of mental dysfunction.

No- I am not a Birther- I leave all the mental dysfunction to you and your pals.

then post his college records and make us all look like fools. Should be simple and something you would love to do. We'll be waiting.

Oh we don't have to post anything to make you look like fools.

You do all of that on your own.

well then complete our destruction. post the college records. end it in glory to your dear leader. put us down. prove us wrong----------------------post the records. Do it NOW, or STFU and admit that your messiah is a fraud and a liar.
Frankly, I would love it if he actually came forward on January 19, 2017 and said that it was all true. That he was born in Kenya, is a Muslim, faked his college and law school degrees, was gay and Michelle a Tranny. And then said "And you assholes can't do shit about it.?
Still waiting for those records from Columbia and Harvard. You know, the ones that show him getting scholarships and grants as a foreign student.

He either was a foreign student or commited fraud to get the money. which is it?

actually, probably both.
It is so much easier to reach conclusions about things without having to worry about things like facts or evidence.

And you just summed up the entire birther process in a sentence.
Still waiting for those records from Columbia and Harvard. You know, the ones that show him getting scholarships and grants as a foreign student.

He either was a foreign student or commited fraud to get the money. which is it?

actually, probably both.

And by 'probably', you mean you have no idea what you're talking about and can't back up either claim with the slightest evidence?

Because you can't, Redfish.

No, I can't prove how he paid his tuition, neither can you, thats the problem, idiot.
Nothing to see here folks. Nope. ;)


question for libs and dems. If you wrote a book would you proof read what the publisher said about you before it went to press? its a yes or no question.

He hadn't written any book. Try again.
From the author of that biographical blurb in a pamphlet she wrote touting the people her company represented:

"Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."
Read more at Promotional Booklet

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