Yes, by all means, let’s talk about income inequality

The biggest problem facing America today is Obama and his Jihad on the Private Sector which he called "Behind enemy lines"

I reject the entire notion of "income inequality" as "a problem we must fix"

Incomes will always be unequal; that's life, that's human nature

Better to focus on how to grow the whole economy, build a better education system and for the most part, have a government that stays out of the way

Do "Jihads on the private sector" = the DOW reaching all time record highs?

DOW is Bernanke Asset Bubble.

The economy is record unemployment, food stamp use, record low participation in the labor force
for our resident libtardians--------where is it written that incomes should be "equal"? where is income equalization in the constitution as a government duty?

You know, the constitution isn't a's a document of governance and is subject to change, like it has repeatedly over the years. Sometimes you guys fall back on "it's not in the constitution!!!" a little too often.

And it's not about what's in the constitution, it's what's good for the people in the country. Is it good that wages have been stagnate for the past 30 years? probably not. Is it good that the Waltons have more wealth then the bottom 40% of the country? probably not.

They're problems, problems we can solve...why shouldn't we solve them? It's the same as changing tax rates to solve problems or cutting programs to solve's all the same.

Who has most of the wealth in Canada, UK, Sweden, France, Greece, India, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, China, Mexico, Argentina???? A select few, Elite.

So what?
I didn't miss the point. I worked smarter and not harder. Got myself qualified for a higher paying job and guess what? I got it. Too many people aren't willing to improve themselves and still believe they are owed something.

Your corporate masters have trained you well.

To what? Make a comfortable living? Sorry, I grew up poor. Had a one holer outhouse until I was 18. Paid for my own education. Worked 2 jobs. Paid my own way to get qualified for higher paying jobs. I owe no one an apology. Your welfare masters have trained you well.

You're loving the table scraps you've been handed. Good for you.
Everything is a "crisis" in ObamaNation

the poor dear has so much to shoulder...income Inequality...

what a joke coming from someone who is a 1%er..If he was serious, he would do his job for FREEEEEEEEEEE

Horrible man and Divider of the people in this country

Preach on poor person! Why are you so lazy that you couldn't be bothered to work hard and get yourself free from being poor?
In the case of the progressives, to achieve an agenda, a problem must be created first, then the only solution is the one offered by progressives is acceptable.

This is what is happening in this country.

Oh? How did "progressives" create the income inequality?

Socialism always causes income inequality.
Capitalism always brings more people out of poverty.

LOL, which planet is this on?
The biggest problem facing America today is Obama and his Jihad on the Private Sector which he called "Behind enemy lines"

I reject the entire notion of "income inequality" as "a problem we must fix"

Incomes will always be unequal; that's life, that's human nature

Better to focus on how to grow the whole economy, build a better education system and for the most part, have a government that stays out of the way

Do "Jihads on the private sector" = the DOW reaching all time record highs?

DOW is Bernanke Asset Bubble.

The economy is record unemployment, food stamp use, record low participation in the labor force

Oh I get it, the "Jihad on Private Sector" = falling unemployment rates. Got it.
Just a horrible man, (Divider in Chief) and biggest divider of this country ever...This is the type of Hope and Change you voted for?
links in article at site


posted at 10:01 am on December 8, 2013 by Jazz Shaw
I’m not sure exactly when the phrase “income inequality” crept into the US political lexicon, but it’s clearly here to stay… at least for a while. You’ve been hearing it a lot these days, from Bill de Blasio and Hillary Clinton to Elizabeth Warren and even the Pope. Never being one to miss a chance to talk about anything except Obamacare, even the President has promised to make the issue his next in a long series of pivots.

Weakened by problems with his health-care initiative, President Obama turned back to the economy last week to rebalance his presidency with a speech about income inequality. He said he would devote much of his remaining time in office to the issue, calling it the “defining challenge of our time.” The bigger issue is how much he can or will do about it…

Obama has talked about the issue before. His advisers can draw a direct line from his speech in Osawatomie, Kan., in December 2011 through the 2012 campaign, when he made middle-class concerns the centerpiece of his message against Mitt Romney. Jon Favreau, one of his former speechwriters, said in an e-mail that those same themes were part of his speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004. But he has rarely been as direct or as pointed about the problem as he was at a community center in Southeast Washington last week.

Yes, Barack Obama is jumping on the income inequality bandwagon. He’s even gone so far as to recently say that it threatens the American dream. So is this a problem? Of course it is. No matter where you stand on the political spectrum it’s impossible to deny that there are far too many people among the working class who aren’t earning enough to enjoy the dream of prosperity which America has typically embodied. The real question – and one of the defining schisms between the two major political parties – is what to do about it. But to really wrap our heads around the question it’s important to understand the widely differing approaches supported by liberals and conservatives and the core cause of the problem.

You don’t have to look far to see the “solutions” being pushed by the progressive arm of American politics, and they are plans which tie directly into their definition of what’s wrong with the system in the first place. The problem, to hear them describe it, is that there are a relative handful of greedy rich people who are keeping everyone else down. Their plans to address this situation fall essentially into two basic categories, each involving the guiding hand of a giant, benevolent government. The first prong of this two tine fork is to have the government force employers give everyone a huge pay raise.

But since that won’t do enough to directly punish those sneering, snarling Fat Cats at the top of the ladder, they also want to do more – a lot more – to take away as much money from the highly successful as possible. If we could only manage that, they say, the gulf between High and Low would be significantly closed. This need to punish those who have risen high is demonstrated in the Washington Post article referenced above in a quote from Democrat pollster Geoff Garin.

“There is certainly a very deep feeling of resentment about the privileges that the people at the very top enjoy and that we have a system that is geared to gilding the lily to people at the top, as opposed to rewarding hard work and effort by middle-class and working-class Americans,” he said. “I think there is a deep desire in the country to unstack the deck economically.”

And how do progressives plan to “fix” this portion of the problem? The answer is as old as politics. We’ll simply keep raising taxes on those who have more until equality is achieved.

ALL of it here

^^^ Here being the red meat sure to attract the Echo Chamber. Hate and fear once again.
I've asked for their solutions to this so-called problem and both people to whom I've asked have gone quiet.

Here's is the pure and simple fact.

Income equality will always be around.

Deal with it!
Your corporate masters have trained you well.

To what? Make a comfortable living? Sorry, I grew up poor. Had a one holer outhouse until I was 18. Paid for my own education. Worked 2 jobs. Paid my own way to get qualified for higher paying jobs. I owe no one an apology. Your welfare masters have trained you well.

You're loving the table scraps you've been handed. Good for you.

Nothing has ever been "handed" to me. I WORKED for everything I ever got. Project much?
And once again, Socialism is a political paradigm, Capitalism is not.
Most "Socialist" nations are Capitalistic in terms of ownership.
In terms of ownership in the US, most people, due to municipal taxes and a Eminent Domain, don't have nearly as much of a hold on their private property as they believe.
Legislated Capitalism is still Capitalism.
I answered the purpose for the talking points.

It is not My fault you are unable to grasp that the issue is one made up by progressives to achieve their agenda. There is no issue with income inequality other than someone has more than you (this is the figurative you, though it may pertain to you personally). The income inequality simply is not a problem. The progressives making statements that it is hardly qualifies as truth.

If person X becomes rich, I do not lose a single thing because of it. Neither do you.

So, this is why I say to you, learn to comprehend what you are reading. You can disagree, but until you specifically spell out why someone having more wealth than you do harms you personally, you are pursuing an agenda to empower government to the detriment of the citizen.

I would also suggest that there is absolutely nothing to stop anyone concerned about the "less fortunate" in society to contribute their earnings and wealth to the betterment of the "less fortunate", as they see fit. They do not have the right, privilege, or mandate, to confiscate what anybody else has in order to serve their view of what should be done for the "less fortunate". Everyone crying for the "poor" should put their money where their mouth is and stop robbing the rest of us.
Income inequality!?!?!? It's like screaming that everyone who is against Barry and his criminal cronies are RACIST. Or those who do not blindly support same sex marriage is a homophobe. Boil everything that is opposite to what you want down to its basics, label it with a 'disease', marginalize it and dehumanize it. Those who oppose you are then 'shown' to be actually supporting a personality disorder or are greedy. It's about control. Nothing more, nothing less.

I don't know how any clearer it needs to be. In a free enterprise system, there are going to be winners and losers. The goal is to give everyone an equal START. You cannot guarantee the outcome unless you do away with the entire system. Some will achieve more and some will achieve less. Some, who do absolutely NOTHING, will have NOTHING. For those who do NOTHING, am I then required to provide for them? I've always said, this country gives you the opportunity to stand on the corner with your buddies and do nothing all day. But when you then don't have any place to live or you're hungry because you didn't find a job, you get EXACTLY what you deserve.

Now, the left wants to PUNISH those who have achieved. They scream that there are 1% of the country that is controlling 40% of the wealth. Hey, I have a little information for you. Even though I am fast approaching 65 years old, I still WANT to be part of that 1% and doing things to hopefully get me there. I'm supposed to feel bad that even in this incredibly stupid and fragile economy, I'm making money? Uh, I'll get right on that as soon as I sell some stock I bought that has climbed 105% over what I bought it at. And before you try and tell me how wonderful it is that Barry's economy is propelling stock upwards like that, I will tell you that it is an oil field infrastructure stock that has prospered DESPITE Barry trying everything to stop it.

I don't understand what it is like to be so GREEDY that you just hate it when others succeed. What is it about people who say, "Hey, you've done too well. Now we're going to take from you and give it to those who don't do squat." Talk about personality disorders.

:clap2::clap2: well said

Everyone doesn't have an equal start.

Show me where it's written that you're ENTITLED to an "equal start", or where it's written that the rest of the world is obligated to tolerate obnoxiously intrusive government for the purpose of "equalizing" your start for you.

Life sucks. Grow up, sack up, and deal with it, you whiner.

A corporate executive, born from a rich family that could send him an expensive college, who knows how to kiss ass gets a $25 million a year salary, but a high school graduate, born from a working class family, has to take a job paying $10 an hour to help support his disabled mother after her husband died of a heart attack.

First of all, Punkin, why don't you prove to us that all, or even most, corporate executives are born into rich families that sent them to expensive colleges. Second of all, prove to us that your life has somehow been diminished by someone else's family being wealthier than yours. Third of all, show me how it's my responsibility to render cosmic justice for you because you don't think life handed you a cushy enough deal.

How is that an equal start?

See above, regarding "Who told you you were entitled to one?"

Hey, and if you are 65, and aren't part of the 1%, I got news for never will be part of it.

Man, you are full of shit.

Why do I want, or need, to be part of the 1%? And if I do, why is it someone else's responsibility to make that happen for me?
Just a horrible man, (Divider in Chief) and biggest divider of this country ever...This is the type of Hope and Change you voted for?
links in article at site


posted at 10:01 am on December 8, 2013 by Jazz Shaw
I’m not sure exactly when the phrase “income inequality” crept into the US political lexicon, but it’s clearly here to stay… at least for a while. You’ve been hearing it a lot these days, from Bill de Blasio and Hillary Clinton to Elizabeth Warren and even the Pope. Never being one to miss a chance to talk about anything except Obamacare, even the President has promised to make the issue his next in a long series of pivots.

Weakened by problems with his health-care initiative, President Obama turned back to the economy last week to rebalance his presidency with a speech about income inequality. He said he would devote much of his remaining time in office to the issue, calling it the “defining challenge of our time.” The bigger issue is how much he can or will do about it…

Obama has talked about the issue before. His advisers can draw a direct line from his speech in Osawatomie, Kan., in December 2011 through the 2012 campaign, when he made middle-class concerns the centerpiece of his message against Mitt Romney. Jon Favreau, one of his former speechwriters, said in an e-mail that those same themes were part of his speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004. But he has rarely been as direct or as pointed about the problem as he was at a community center in Southeast Washington last week.

Yes, Barack Obama is jumping on the income inequality bandwagon. He’s even gone so far as to recently say that it threatens the American dream. So is this a problem? Of course it is. No matter where you stand on the political spectrum it’s impossible to deny that there are far too many people among the working class who aren’t earning enough to enjoy the dream of prosperity which America has typically embodied. The real question – and one of the defining schisms between the two major political parties – is what to do about it. But to really wrap our heads around the question it’s important to understand the widely differing approaches supported by liberals and conservatives and the core cause of the problem.

You don’t have to look far to see the “solutions” being pushed by the progressive arm of American politics, and they are plans which tie directly into their definition of what’s wrong with the system in the first place. The problem, to hear them describe it, is that there are a relative handful of greedy rich people who are keeping everyone else down. Their plans to address this situation fall essentially into two basic categories, each involving the guiding hand of a giant, benevolent government. The first prong of this two tine fork is to have the government force employers give everyone a huge pay raise.

But since that won’t do enough to directly punish those sneering, snarling Fat Cats at the top of the ladder, they also want to do more – a lot more – to take away as much money from the highly successful as possible. If we could only manage that, they say, the gulf between High and Low would be significantly closed. This need to punish those who have risen high is demonstrated in the Washington Post article referenced above in a quote from Democrat pollster Geoff Garin.

“There is certainly a very deep feeling of resentment about the privileges that the people at the very top enjoy and that we have a system that is geared to gilding the lily to people at the top, as opposed to rewarding hard work and effort by middle-class and working-class Americans,” he said. “I think there is a deep desire in the country to unstack the deck economically.”

And how do progressives plan to “fix” this portion of the problem? The answer is as old as politics. We’ll simply keep raising taxes on those who have more until equality is achieved.

ALL of it here

^^^ Here being the red meat sure to attract the Echo Chamber. Hate and fear once again.

the people who are screaming about income equality are also the ones pushing a marxist collectivist agenda.

what those idiots don't get is that under the system they claim to want, all of the money and all of the power is concentrated in a very small group of super elites and everyone else is equally miserable.
:clap2::clap2: well said

Everyone doesn't have an equal start.

A corporate executive, born from a rich family that could send him an expensive college, who knows how to kiss ass gets a $25 million a year salary, but a high school graduate, born from a working class family, has to take a job paying $10 an hour to help support his disabled mother after her husband died of a heart attack.

How is that an equal start?

Hey, and if you are 65, and aren't part of the 1%, I got news for never will be part of it.

Man, you are full of shit.

the world ain't fair, face reality and grow the fuck up. Make the most of what God has given you and lose the envy of others. The govt is not your momma.

Imagine what some of these whiners could achieve if they would expend even a tiny portion of the energy they expend on envy and hatred on actually improving their own lot in life in some productive way?
Yes, let's conveniently forget about the millions that MNCs and local Small Business Authorities spend on the candidates and legislators to convince them that all Americans are stupid and lazy and let's ship in a few hundred thousand business-visas to take the jobs or those incompetent American professionals with Master's degrees and PhDs.
Just a horrible man, (Divider in Chief) and biggest divider of this country ever...This is the type of Hope and Change you voted for?
links in article at site


posted at 10:01 am on December 8, 2013 by Jazz Shaw
I’m not sure exactly when the phrase “income inequality” crept into the US political lexicon, but it’s clearly here to stay… at least for a while. You’ve been hearing it a lot these days, from Bill de Blasio and Hillary Clinton to Elizabeth Warren and even the Pope. Never being one to miss a chance to talk about anything except Obamacare, even the President has promised to make the issue his next in a long series of pivots.

Yes, Barack Obama is jumping on the income inequality bandwagon. He’s even gone so far as to recently say that it threatens the American dream. So is this a problem? Of course it is. No matter where you stand on the political spectrum it’s impossible to deny that there are far too many people among the working class who aren’t earning enough to enjoy the dream of prosperity which America has typically embodied. The real question – and one of the defining schisms between the two major political parties – is what to do about it. But to really wrap our heads around the question it’s important to understand the widely differing approaches supported by liberals and conservatives and the core cause of the problem.

You don’t have to look far to see the “solutions” being pushed by the progressive arm of American politics, and they are plans which tie directly into their definition of what’s wrong with the system in the first place. The problem, to hear them describe it, is that there are a relative handful of greedy rich people who are keeping everyone else down. Their plans to address this situation fall essentially into two basic categories, each involving the guiding hand of a giant, benevolent government. The first prong of this two tine fork is to have the government force employers give everyone a huge pay raise.

But since that won’t do enough to directly punish those sneering, snarling Fat Cats at the top of the ladder, they also want to do more – a lot more – to take away as much money from the highly successful as possible. If we could only manage that, they say, the gulf between High and Low would be significantly closed. This need to punish those who have risen high is demonstrated in the Washington Post article referenced above in a quote from Democrat pollster Geoff Garin.

And how do progressives plan to “fix” this portion of the problem? The answer is as old as politics. We’ll simply keep raising taxes on those who have more until equality is achieved.

ALL of it here

^^^ Here being the red meat sure to attract the Echo Chamber. Hate and fear once again.

the people who are screaming about income equality are also the ones pushing a marxist collectivist agenda.

what those idiots don't get is that under the system they claim to want, all of the money and all of the power is concentrated in a very small group of super elites and everyone else is equally miserable.

Oh, they get it. They just think they're going to be part of the group of elites.
In the case of the progressives, to achieve an agenda, a problem must be created first, then the only solution is the one offered by progressives is acceptable.

This is what is happening in this country.

Oh? How did "progressives" create the income inequality?

Socialism always causes income inequality.
Capitalism always brings more people out of poverty.

No it doesnt. You lack the intelligence to understand why it doesnt.
The biggest problem facing America today is Obama and his Jihad on the Private Sector which he called "Behind enemy lines"

I reject the entire notion of "income inequality" as "a problem we must fix"

Incomes will always be unequal; that's life, that's human nature

Better to focus on how to grow the whole economy, build a better education system and for the most part, have a government that stays out of the way

Do "Jihads on the private sector" = the DOW reaching all time record highs?

The DJIA is at a high right now because the government has the printing presses on warp speed and the fed is artificially holding interest rates low.

It's a house of cards that will fall eventually.
I've asked this question before with no answer but I'll try again

Who is stopping any of you from making more money and increasing your net worth??
It's not fair that Jimmy Page is at the top of the Guitar Player Inequality!

It's not fair that Lebron James is in the top 1% of basketball players!

We must redistribute!

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