Yes, by all means, let’s talk about income inequality

Do "Jihads on the private sector" = the DOW reaching all time record highs?

DOW is Bernanke Asset Bubble.

The economy is record unemployment, food stamp use, record low participation in the labor force

Oh I get it, the "Jihad on Private Sector" = falling unemployment rates. Got it.

Jihad on private section = record unemployment (7% for 5 years), food stamp use, record low participation in the labor force
"Income inequality," like a lot of other liberal catch-phrases is nothing more than two nonsense words hooked together to energize the envious Liberals. But no matter. There are a few things that might realistically be considered problems that are amenable to solution by modification of public policy.

Problem #1. This country is terribly lacking in good jobs for people with no skills and little ambition. This may seem perverse, but it is not so long ago, historically speaking, when we did have a lot of good jobs for such relative "slackers." When my older brothers were graduating from high school in the early 60's, young men in the Pittsburgh area who had no interest in college could run down to the local steel mill or manufacturing plant at age 18 or 19, put in an application, and wait to be called. They might have had to work pumping gas in a "service station" for a year or so until they got that call, but inevitably there would be a union job to be found.

Then, by the time they were 25 they would have the world by the ass. They would be married with a kid or two (wife didn't have to work), owned a house, had a new car, and so on. And they knew that they could retire in their early 50's with a lifetime guarantee of a good income, health care, and so on.

And these were the kids with no particular talent, education, or skills. In fact, there was a lot of social stress with their peers who went to college, because it might take YEARS for the college grad to catch up to the income and assets of the mill worker, and don't think they didn't remind their buddies about this fact at HS reunions, at the pool hall, and such.

And what do we have for kids like that now?

Nothing. Nada. Niente. Scheiss.

Now they might be into their 30's and even their 40's, and still don't have a pot to piss in.

They are not bad people, just average people. Democrats like to refer to them as "hard working Americans," but that is not necessarily the case. They are just folks. With nothing to look forward to.

It's a problem that is largely a result of a global economy, which cannot be eliminated by government decree. It is here to stay. The only solution is a robust economy, and this Government's approach to promoting a robust economy is to dump trillions in "fiat money" into the marketplace and hope that some of it finds its way into the pockets of the middle class.

How's that working out?

Barry is the biggest phony and liar who ever held that office. He demands that the Fed continue dumping this funny money into the markets, knows that it is one of the main drivers of "income inequality," and then he rails about the evils of income inequality.

You couldn't make this stuff up. No one would believe it.
Oh? How did "progressives" create the income inequality?

Socialism always causes income inequality.
Capitalism always brings more people out of poverty.

No it doesnt. You lack the intelligence to understand why it doesnt.

name the countries where socialism has worked and made the citizens better off.

But before you respond let me list a few of the countries where capitalism has worked
1. The USA
2. Pre WW2 UK
3. pre WW2 France
4. Japan
5. Argentina
6. pre WW2 canada
7. modern China
8. modern Russia
9. pre WW2 Italy
10. Australia
11. Chile

just to name a few. waiting for your list of successful socialist countries.
for our resident libtardians--------where is it written that incomes should be "equal"? where is income equalization in the constitution as a government duty?

You know, the constitution isn't a's a document of governance and is subject to change, like it has repeatedly over the years. Sometimes you guys fall back on "it's not in the constitution!!!" a little too often.

And it's not about what's in the constitution, it's what's good for the people in the country. Is it good that wages have been stagnate for the past 30 years? probably not. Is it good that the Waltons have more wealth then the bottom 40% of the country? probably not.

They're problems, problems we can solve...why shouldn't we solve them? It's the same as changing tax rates to solve problems or cutting programs to solve's all the same.

considering average wage is way ahead from 1971 when the average was 6497. per year. Today's average yearly wage is $44,221.

According to inflation calculators average should only be $37,465 today, a difference of $6756.00 ahead.
It's not fair that Jimmy Page is at the top of the Guitar Player Inequality!

It's not fair that Lebron James is in the top 1% of basketball players!

We must redistribute!

Yeah short white guys should get B ball contracts. We can take some of the tall guys' millions and pay them. Fair is fair after all.
BTW, you know that taking from one person to give to another, is called "theft", don't you?

Whether it's done by a guy with a black mask on, or by government.

The act, and the moral basis, is the same.
I've asked for their solutions to this so-called problem and both people to whom I've asked have gone quiet.

Here's is the pure and simple fact.

Income equality will always be around.

Deal with it!
Thats the point people are trying to deal with it. Again like always you need to strike that balance between regulation and capitalism.
Left to its own devices capitalism will eat its own tail and crash. The same goes for every other method. Socialism, communism, over regulate and things stall out. You under and it crashes under its own greed.

There is nothing wrong with making money, but you cant stack the deck in your watch these billion and million dollar companies pay their lower employess chump change. So the idea they cant afford to pay more is absurd, but they need those bonuses and higher paying "jobs".

Is it wrong to say " hey instead of paying yourself 2 million, how about 1.5 and you pay your employees a little more." Nothing wrong in suggesting this. ...just dont force them.

Welfare is a tool to be ised to get yourself out. But if the jobs pay so poorly then how do they get out of welfare?

At least this is my opinion on it...just food for thought.
Just a horrible man, (Divider in Chief) and biggest divider of this country ever...This is the type of Hope and Change you voted for?
links in article at site


posted at 10:01 am on December 8, 2013 by Jazz Shaw
I’m not sure exactly when the phrase “income inequality” crept into the US political lexicon, but it’s clearly here to stay… at least for a while. You’ve been hearing it a lot these days, from Bill de Blasio and Hillary Clinton to Elizabeth Warren and even the Pope. Never being one to miss a chance to talk about anything except Obamacare, even the President has promised to make the issue his next in a long series of pivots.

Yes, Barack Obama is jumping on the income inequality bandwagon. He’s even gone so far as to recently say that it threatens the American dream. So is this a problem? Of course it is. No matter where you stand on the political spectrum it’s impossible to deny that there are far too many people among the working class who aren’t earning enough to enjoy the dream of prosperity which America has typically embodied. The real question – and one of the defining schisms between the two major political parties – is what to do about it. But to really wrap our heads around the question it’s important to understand the widely differing approaches supported by liberals and conservatives and the core cause of the problem.

You don’t have to look far to see the “solutions” being pushed by the progressive arm of American politics, and they are plans which tie directly into their definition of what’s wrong with the system in the first place. The problem, to hear them describe it, is that there are a relative handful of greedy rich people who are keeping everyone else down. Their plans to address this situation fall essentially into two basic categories, each involving the guiding hand of a giant, benevolent government. The first prong of this two tine fork is to have the government force employers give everyone a huge pay raise.

But since that won’t do enough to directly punish those sneering, snarling Fat Cats at the top of the ladder, they also want to do more – a lot more – to take away as much money from the highly successful as possible. If we could only manage that, they say, the gulf between High and Low would be significantly closed. This need to punish those who have risen high is demonstrated in the Washington Post article referenced above in a quote from Democrat pollster Geoff Garin.

And how do progressives plan to “fix” this portion of the problem? The answer is as old as politics. We’ll simply keep raising taxes on those who have more until equality is achieved.

ALL of it here

^^^ Here being the red meat sure to attract the Echo Chamber. Hate and fear once again.

the people who are screaming about income equality are also the ones pushing a marxist collectivist agenda.

what those idiots don't get is that under the system they claim to want, all of the money and all of the power is concentrated in a very small group of super elites and everyone else is equally miserable.

yes, and unfortunately for us, a lot of people are eating this stuff up and Vote

our freedoms are dying right before our eyes
It's not fair that Jimmy Page is at the top of the Guitar Player Inequality!

It's not fair that Lebron James is in the top 1% of basketball players!

We must redistribute!

Yeah short white guys should get B ball contracts. We can take some of the tall guys' millions and pay them. Fair is fair after all.

the NBA is unfairly dominated by young black men, I demand that the NBA reflect the population of the USA equally. Its only fair---------we need some old white guys and some middle aged asians.

Its discrimination, damn it------------the govt must fix it :eek:
I don't consider it a problem. I don't owe you an income unless you work for it. I owe you an education. Take advantage of it , get a job and quit your whining.

The problem is that lots of people are working, but the fat cats pay them bupkes, while enjoying huge profits from what essentially is slave labor.

I recommend that you get out into the "Private sector" and see for yourself how it works
Socialism always causes income inequality.
Capitalism always brings more people out of poverty.

No it doesnt. You lack the intelligence to understand why it doesnt.

name the countries where socialism has worked and made the citizens better off.

But before you respond let me list a few of the countries where capitalism has worked
1. The USA
2. Pre WW2 UK
3. pre WW2 France
4. Japan
5. Argentina
6. pre WW2 canada
7. modern China
8. modern Russia
9. pre WW2 Italy
10. Australia
11. Chile

just to name a few. waiting for your list of successful socialist countries.
France canada Britain germany..

You moron capitalism is not the answer to the problem. Well at least not pure capitalism.

Modern china is not capitalism. Their government is so heavy handed it makes us look like a libertarian state.

Seriously go away before you hurt yourself.
I've asked for their solutions to this so-called problem and both people to whom I've asked have gone quiet.

Here's is the pure and simple fact.

Income equality will always be around.

Deal with it!
Thats the point people are trying to deal with it. Again like always you need to strike that balance between regulation and capitalism.
Left to its own devices capitalism will eat its own tail and crash. The same goes for every other method. Socialism, communism, over regulate and things stall out. You under and it crashes under its own greed.

There is nothing wrong with making money, but you cant stack the deck in your watch these billion and million dollar companies pay their lower employess chump change. So the idea they cant afford to pay more is absurd, but they need those bonuses and higher paying "jobs".

Is it wrong to say " hey instead of paying yourself 2 million, how about 1.5 and you pay your employees a little more." Nothing wrong in suggesting this. ...just dont force them.

Welfare is a tool to be ised to get yourself out. But if the jobs pay so poorly then how do they get out of welfare?

At least this is my opinion on it...just food for thought.

you are sort of on the right track, but your premise that in general corporations pay their workers "chump change" is simply wrong.

very few full time working people are making minimum wage, its most part time teens and those just starting out. No one is spending their entire working life at minimum wage.

Welfare should not be more lucrative than working, but thats the problem of welfare, not employers.
It's not fair that Jimmy Page is at the top of the Guitar Player Inequality!

It's not fair that Lebron James is in the top 1% of basketball players!

We must redistribute!

Yeah short white guys should get B ball contracts. We can take some of the tall guys' millions and pay them. Fair is fair after all.

the NBA is unfairly dominated by young black men, I demand that the NBA reflect the population of the USA equally. Its only fair---------we need some old white guys and some middle aged asians.

Its discrimination, damn it------------the govt must fix it :eek:

If they're stupid and lazy, we'll replace with the Best and the Brightest from India.
No it doesnt. You lack the intelligence to understand why it doesnt.

name the countries where socialism has worked and made the citizens better off.

But before you respond let me list a few of the countries where capitalism has worked
1. The USA
2. Pre WW2 UK
3. pre WW2 France
4. Japan
5. Argentina
6. pre WW2 canada
7. modern China
8. modern Russia
9. pre WW2 Italy
10. Australia
11. Chile

just to name a few. waiting for your list of successful socialist countries.
France canada Britain germany..

You moron capitalism is not the answer to the problem. Well at least not pure capitalism.

Modern china is not capitalism. Their government is so heavy handed it makes us look like a libertarian state.

Seriously go away before you hurt yourself.

you need a history lesson on pre WW2 europe.

china and russia are allowing capitalistic enterprises because they are successful in employing people and putting money in the national treasury. Yes, they are still very socialistic and controlling, but they are seeing the light of their failed socialism of the past.

The real answer is freedom. Individual freedom, business freedom, freedom within a set of laws and statutes that are not oppressive but that prevent abuses and corruption.

OH, still waiting for your list of successful socialist countries.
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Yes, by all means, let's talk about income inequality

"We have so many people who can't see a fat man standing beside a thin one without coming to the conclusion that the fat man got that way by taking advantage of the thin one!" - Ronald Reagan

Liberals in this forum keep re-proving Reagan's words, day after day. :cuckoo:
To what? Make a comfortable living? Sorry, I grew up poor. Had a one holer outhouse until I was 18. Paid for my own education. Worked 2 jobs. Paid my own way to get qualified for higher paying jobs. I owe no one an apology. Your welfare masters have trained you well.

You're loving the table scraps you've been handed. Good for you.

Nothing has ever been "handed" to me. I WORKED for everything I ever got. Project much?

Of course you have. You're a self made man. You built your house from scratch with your bare hands right before you created your fortune 500 company from the ground up all while pulling yourself up from the streets and eating out of the trash.
I've asked this question before with no answer but I'll try again

Who is stopping any of you from making more money and increasing your net worth??

Are you a millionaire?

If not, why?

Is it because you're lazy?
You're loving the table scraps you've been handed. Good for you.

Nothing has ever been "handed" to me. I WORKED for everything I ever got. Project much?

Of course you have. You're a self made man. You built your house from scratch with your bare hands right before you created your fortune 500 company from the ground up all while pulling yourself up from the streets and eating out of the trash.

You are right on one point. I am a self made man. And you're a government made welfare man. Jealous much?

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