Yes, by all means, let’s talk about income inequality

In the case of the progressives, to achieve an agenda, a problem must be created first, then the only solution is the one offered by progressives is acceptable.

This is what is happening in this country.

I keep hearing this being said by Repubs that only Liberal solutions are acceptable.

When repubs are asked for solutions they either claim there is no problem (like with income inequality) or take a hands off approach like with Climate Change (earth will fix itself) or Free Market (it'll work out, just wait and see)

So, I find it strange that someone who says there isn't a problem or encourages everyone that they don't need a solution because it'll all work out pretends that they are being denied the opportunity to provide an answer.

They literally refuse to give an answer then get offended that someone considers a liberals answer. All you have to do repubs is OFFER A SOLUTION. Its crazy

Can you define the problem that income inequality creates in our society?

No other liberal has yet to make it clear.

It concentrates power into the hands of the very few.
I keep hearing this being said by Repubs that only Liberal solutions are acceptable.

When repubs are asked for solutions they either claim there is no problem (like with income inequality) or take a hands off approach like with Climate Change (earth will fix itself) or Free Market (it'll work out, just wait and see)

So, I find it strange that someone who says there isn't a problem or encourages everyone that they don't need a solution because it'll all work out pretends that they are being denied the opportunity to provide an answer.

They literally refuse to give an answer then get offended that someone considers a liberals answer. All you have to do repubs is OFFER A SOLUTION. Its crazy

Can you define the problem that income inequality creates in our society?

No other liberal has yet to make it clear.

It concentrates power into the hands of the very few.

What the fuck do you think socialism does? only difference is the "few" is a much smaller group under socialism.

Power is votes, but money can buy votes--------how else would an idiot like obama ever become president?
You're right. You educated yourself, built the roads to your house. Hunted and caught your own food and healed yourself when you were sick. You're amazing!

actually, he was taught by a teacher who opted to go into that profession and earn the income that the profession offered. he drove on the roads that were built using tax payer money and paid to business owners who employed workers that opted to go into the road building industry and earn the income the profession offers. He bought food from those that sold food and the employees that opted to work for food sales establishments. He was healed by medical professionals who opted to go into the medical profession and earn the income the profession offers.

Right. All built upon a support network of people providing services and opportunities for others to succeed.

The problem is those opportunities are shrinking every day. Everywhere you look people are losing their health insurance, school is getting more expensive, jobs are going to China/India, etc.....who do these changes affect? The middle class, which is dwindling every year as the ranks of the poor increase. Yet, these changes don't seem to impact the wealthiest among us who are becoming wealthier every day. So to act, like he is "self made" is funny because he's had plenty of help along the way. Unfortunately that help is going away and he doesn't care or want to recognize it.

Aw, boo fricken hoo. the mean ole system hurt your little butt. you are pathetic.
actually, he was taught by a teacher who opted to go into that profession and earn the income that the profession offered. he drove on the roads that were built using tax payer money and paid to business owners who employed workers that opted to go into the road building industry and earn the income the profession offers. He bought food from those that sold food and the employees that opted to work for food sales establishments. He was healed by medical professionals who opted to go into the medical profession and earn the income the profession offers.

Right. All built upon a support network of people providing services and opportunities for others to succeed.

The problem is those opportunities are shrinking every day. Everywhere you look people are losing their health insurance, school is getting more expensive, jobs are going to China/India, etc.....who do these changes affect? The middle class, which is dwindling every year as the ranks of the poor increase. Yet, these changes don't seem to impact the wealthiest among us who are becoming wealthier every day. So to act, like he is "self made" is funny because he's had plenty of help along the way. Unfortunately that help is going away and he doesn't care or want to recognize it.

Aw, boo fricken hoo. the mean ole system hurt your little butt. you are pathetic.

I wouldn't expect any sort of real response from you. Stay classy.
Can you define the problem that income inequality creates in our society?

No other liberal has yet to make it clear.

It concentrates power into the hands of the very few.

What the fuck do you think socialism does? only difference is the "few" is a much smaller group under socialism.

Power is votes, but money can buy votes--------how else would an idiot like obama ever become president?

Are you literally clueless on every single topic?

Socialism - a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
In the case of the progressives, to achieve an agenda, a problem must be created first, then the only solution is the one offered by progressives is acceptable.

This is what is happening in this country.

I keep hearing this being said by Repubs that only Liberal solutions are acceptable.

When repubs are asked for solutions they either claim there is no problem (like with income inequality) or take a hands off approach like with Climate Change (earth will fix itself) or Free Market (it'll work out, just wait and see)

So, I find it strange that someone who says there isn't a problem or encourages everyone that they don't need a solution because it'll all work out pretends that they are being denied the opportunity to provide an answer.

They literally refuse to give an answer then get offended that someone considers a liberals answer. All you have to do repubs is OFFER A SOLUTION. Its crazy


income inequality--------stop illegal immigration. repeal obamacare. give tax credits to companies who invest in this country, do away with capital gains tax and corporate income tax. The economy would boom with good paying jobs and opportunity for everyone.

climate change---------its not a problem, its a natural occurance, man is not causing it and cannot change it, adopt and move on

free market---------it works, let it alone, government manipulation of markets does not work, stop it.

there, solutions. now lets hear yours and why they are better.
Can you define the problem that income inequality creates in our society?

No other liberal has yet to make it clear.

It concentrates power into the hands of the very few.

What the fuck do you think socialism does? only difference is the "few" is a much smaller group under socialism.

Power is votes, but money can buy votes--------how else would an idiot like obama ever become president?

2008 Crash.
It concentrates power into the hands of the very few.

What the fuck do you think socialism does? only difference is the "few" is a much smaller group under socialism.

Power is votes, but money can buy votes--------how else would an idiot like obama ever become president?

2008 Crash.

if you are saying the economy in 08 elected obama, you would be wrong. obama was elected by a biased media, black pride, and white guilt. it had nothing to do with the economy.
What the fuck do you think socialism does? only difference is the "few" is a much smaller group under socialism.

Power is votes, but money can buy votes--------how else would an idiot like obama ever become president?

2008 Crash.

if you are saying the economy in 08 elected obama, you would be wrong. obama was elected by a biased media, black pride, and white guilt. it had nothing to do with the economy.

Really? I know plenty of level headed Republicans whose disgust with the party led them to vote for O.
GW spent like a drunken sailor and shipped more than enough White Collar jobs overseas.
^^^ Here being the red meat sure to attract the Echo Chamber. Hate and fear once again.

the people who are screaming about income equality are also the ones pushing a marxist collectivist agenda.

what those idiots don't get is that under the system they claim to want, all of the money and all of the power is concentrated in a very small group of super elites and everyone else is equally miserable.

Oh, they get it. They just think they're going to be part of the group of elites.

If they aren't there yet, they aren't going to be, either.
I keep hearing this being said by Repubs that only Liberal solutions are acceptable.

When repubs are asked for solutions they either claim there is no problem (like with income inequality) or take a hands off approach like with Climate Change (earth will fix itself) or Free Market (it'll work out, just wait and see)

So, I find it strange that someone who says there isn't a problem or encourages everyone that they don't need a solution because it'll all work out pretends that they are being denied the opportunity to provide an answer.

They literally refuse to give an answer then get offended that someone considers a liberals answer. All you have to do repubs is OFFER A SOLUTION. Its crazy

Can you define the problem that income inequality creates in our society?

No other liberal has yet to make it clear.

It concentrates power into the hands of the very few.

What power? Power over what?

If the last two elections proved anything, it proved that kind of power doesn't exist.
2008 Crash.

if you are saying the economy in 08 elected obama, you would be wrong. obama was elected by a biased media, black pride, and white guilt. it had nothing to do with the economy.

Really? I know plenty of level headed Republicans whose disgust with the party led them to vote for O.
GW spent like a drunken sailor and shipped more than enough White Collar jobs overseas.

wrong again, those republicans and conservatives stayed home, they did not want to vote for either the lib or the rino, by doing that they helped elect obama.

tell me how Bush and not congress "spent like a drunken sailor". When did the president get control of govt spending? unions and taxes drove blue collar jobs out of the country, which white collar jobs left the country?
if you are saying the economy in 08 elected obama, you would be wrong. obama was elected by a biased media, black pride, and white guilt. it had nothing to do with the economy.

Really? I know plenty of level headed Republicans whose disgust with the party led them to vote for O.
GW spent like a drunken sailor and shipped more than enough White Collar jobs overseas.

wrong again, those republicans and conservatives stayed home, they did not want to vote for either the lib or the rino, by doing that they helped elect obama.

tell me how Bush and not congress "spent like a drunken sailor". When did the president get control of govt spending? unions and taxes drove blue collar jobs out of the country, which white collar jobs left the country?

The Republicans didn't stay home and allow Obama to win; in fact, every forum had Republicans virtually screaming ABO (Anybody but Obama), and you were probably one of them.

I guess you missed the first multi-billion dollar war where, for the first time US history, our Vice-President opted to manufacture or artillery in China and other nations to save money; how else does a nation lose money going to war?

And let's not forget about saving Africa with money we didn't have.
Oh I get it, the "Jihad on Private Sector" = falling unemployment rates. Got it.

It is easy to have falling unemployment rates when you make up the numbers ... Something the current administration has already been busted doing.
It is easier to achieve lower unemployment when people stop looking for jobs because the economy sucks ... While Congress sits around looking for ways to spend more money it doesn't have.

Over the weekend the President said ... "Unemployment insurance is one of the most effective ways there is to boost our economy."
I think we have pretty much arrived at the point Washington is playing "Pick a Lie and Run With It".

Really? I know plenty of level headed Republicans whose disgust with the party led them to vote for O.
GW spent like a drunken sailor and shipped more than enough White Collar jobs overseas.

wrong again, those republicans and conservatives stayed home, they did not want to vote for either the lib or the rino, by doing that they helped elect obama.

tell me how Bush and not congress "spent like a drunken sailor". When did the president get control of govt spending? unions and taxes drove blue collar jobs out of the country, which white collar jobs left the country?

The Republicans didn't stay home and allow Obama to win; in fact, every forum had Republicans virtually screaming ABO (Anybody but Obama), and you were probably one of them.

I guess you missed the first multi-billion dollar war where, for the first time US history, our Vice-President opted to manufacture or artillery in China and other nations to save money; how else does a nation lose money going to war?

And let's not forget about saving Africa with money we didn't have.

they did not vote at all, they stayed home. the stats prove that.

the money and lives that we wasted on stupid wars was authorized and funded by both parties. as president, bush could not do any of that on his own-----unlike obama who makes law with the stroke of a pen.
wrong again, those republicans and conservatives stayed home, they did not want to vote for either the lib or the rino, by doing that they helped elect obama.

tell me how Bush and not congress "spent like a drunken sailor". When did the president get control of govt spending? unions and taxes drove blue collar jobs out of the country, which white collar jobs left the country?

The Republicans didn't stay home and allow Obama to win; in fact, every forum had Republicans virtually screaming ABO (Anybody but Obama), and you were probably one of them.

I guess you missed the first multi-billion dollar war where, for the first time US history, our Vice-President opted to manufacture or artillery in China and other nations to save money; how else does a nation lose money going to war?

And let's not forget about saving Africa with money we didn't have.

they did not vote at all, they stayed home. the stats prove that.

the money and lives that we wasted on stupid wars was authorized and funded by both parties. as president, bush could not do any of that on his own-----unlike obama who makes law with the stroke of a pen.

Obama won by a slim margin so the Democrats also stayed home.
The bigger questions is why the Republicans who stayed home don't have more of an impact on who becomes the Presidential candidate, and until that issue is resolved the Republicans are going to keep losing by slim margins.
The Republicans didn't stay home and allow Obama to win; in fact, every forum had Republicans virtually screaming ABO (Anybody but Obama), and you were probably one of them.

I guess you missed the first multi-billion dollar war where, for the first time US history, our Vice-President opted to manufacture or artillery in China and other nations to save money; how else does a nation lose money going to war?

And let's not forget about saving Africa with money we didn't have.

they did not vote at all, they stayed home. the stats prove that.

the money and lives that we wasted on stupid wars was authorized and funded by both parties. as president, bush could not do any of that on his own-----unlike obama who makes law with the stroke of a pen.

Obama won by a slim margin so the Democrats also stayed home.
The bigger questions is why the Republicans who stayed home don't have more of an impact on who becomes the Presidential candidate, and until that issue is resolved the Republicans are going to keep losing by slim margins.

maybe, maybe not. I don't have a crystal ball, but I do see a lot of pissed off americans at what obama and the dem/libs have done to this country.

sometimes when you stand on principle you have to take some hits before you realize the win. being right always wins in the end, its just a matter of time.
wrong again, those republicans and conservatives stayed home, they did not want to vote for either the lib or the rino, by doing that they helped elect obama.

tell me how Bush and not congress "spent like a drunken sailor". When did the president get control of govt spending? unions and taxes drove blue collar jobs out of the country, which white collar jobs left the country?

The Republicans didn't stay home and allow Obama to win; in fact, every forum had Republicans virtually screaming ABO (Anybody but Obama), and you were probably one of them.

I guess you missed the first multi-billion dollar war where, for the first time US history, our Vice-President opted to manufacture or artillery in China and other nations to save money; how else does a nation lose money going to war?

And let's not forget about saving Africa with money we didn't have.

they did not vote at all, they stayed home. the stats prove that.

the money and lives that we wasted on stupid wars was authorized and funded by both parties. as president, bush could not do any of that on his own-----unlike obama who makes law with the stroke of a pen.

Glad to see you admitting that the average conservative is lazy.
I've asked this question before with no answer but I'll try again

Who is stopping any of you from making more money and increasing your net worth??

Are you a millionaire?

If not, why?

Is it because you're lazy?

actually my net worth is over a million.

I own 12 rental properties and have several other ownership stakes in other business ventures. But then again I live extremely far below my means and save something like 75% of my income. I'll wager that most of you complaining about other people holding you back live in a bigger house and have more crap than I and drive newer cars.

But that's not the point is it? Why is your measure of success a million dollars? So if you can't be a millionaire then why bother to improve your position? Is that your argument here?

And I have yet to call anyone lazy. I have said that if you're not where you want to be financially and you do nothing to improve your situation that it is your fault and no one else's because no one is stopping you from making more money and increasing your net worth.

So tell me who is stopping you other than the guy staring back at you in the mirror that is?
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In the case of the progressives, to achieve an agenda, a problem must be created first, then the only solution is the one offered by progressives is acceptable.

This is what is happening in this country.

I keep hearing this being said by Repubs that only Liberal solutions are acceptable.

When repubs are asked for solutions they either claim there is no problem (like with income inequality) or take a hands off approach like with Climate Change (earth will fix itself) or Free Market (it'll work out, just wait and see)

So, I find it strange that someone who says there isn't a problem or encourages everyone that they don't need a solution because it'll all work out pretends that they are being denied the opportunity to provide an answer.

They literally refuse to give an answer then get offended that someone considers a liberals answer. All you have to do repubs is OFFER A SOLUTION. Its crazy


income inequality--------stop illegal immigration. repeal obamacare. give tax credits to companies who invest in this country, do away with capital gains tax and corporate income tax. The economy would boom with good paying jobs and opportunity for everyone.

You just addressed not ONE thing that will do anything about Income Inequality. What you just suggested was if we do X then Y will happen. Just because it will!



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