Yes, by all means, let’s talk about income inequality

I've asked this question before with no answer but I'll try again

Who is stopping any of you from making more money and increasing your net worth??

Are you a millionaire?

If not, why?

Is it because you're lazy?

actually my net worth is over a million.

I own 12 rental properties and have several other ownership stakes in other business ventures. But then again I live extremely far below my means and save something like 75% of my income. I'll wager that most of you complaining about other people holding you back live in a bigger house and have more crap than I and drive newer cars.

But that's not the point is it? Why is your measure of success a million dollars? So if you can't be a millionaire then why bother to improve your position. Is that your argument here?

And I have yet to call anyone lazy. I have said that if you're not where you want to be financially and you do nothing to improve your situation that it is your fault and no one else's because no one is stopping you from making more money and increasing your net worth.

So tell me who is stopping you other than the guy staring back at you in the mirror that is?

These are relative statements.
For instance, if you earn 10 million a year and live like you earn 2 million, that's a pretty darn good lifestyle and allows for further investment and buffering against an industry related crash.
If you earn 100K and live like you earn 25K, well, that's your prerogative and some people are happy doing just that.
The Republicans didn't stay home and allow Obama to win; in fact, every forum had Republicans virtually screaming ABO (Anybody but Obama), and you were probably one of them.

I guess you missed the first multi-billion dollar war where, for the first time US history, our Vice-President opted to manufacture or artillery in China and other nations to save money; how else does a nation lose money going to war?

And let's not forget about saving Africa with money we didn't have.

they did not vote at all, they stayed home. the stats prove that.

the money and lives that we wasted on stupid wars was authorized and funded by both parties. as president, bush could not do any of that on his own-----unlike obama who makes law with the stroke of a pen.

Glad to see you admitting that the average conservative is lazy.

lazy and pissed off are two completely different things.
I keep hearing this being said by Repubs that only Liberal solutions are acceptable.

When repubs are asked for solutions they either claim there is no problem (like with income inequality) or take a hands off approach like with Climate Change (earth will fix itself) or Free Market (it'll work out, just wait and see)

So, I find it strange that someone who says there isn't a problem or encourages everyone that they don't need a solution because it'll all work out pretends that they are being denied the opportunity to provide an answer.

They literally refuse to give an answer then get offended that someone considers a liberals answer. All you have to do repubs is OFFER A SOLUTION. Its crazy


income inequality--------stop illegal immigration. repeal obamacare. give tax credits to companies who invest in this country, do away with capital gains tax and corporate income tax. The economy would boom with good paying jobs and opportunity for everyone.

You just addressed not ONE thing that will do anything about Income Inequality. What you just suggested was if we do X then Y will happen. Just because it will!


sure I did. creating more good paying jobs would bring more people into the middle and upper middle classes.

question: why has the gap between rich and poor gotten larger under obama's left wing policies over the last 5 years?
Are you a millionaire?

If not, why?

Is it because you're lazy?

actually my net worth is over a million.

I own 12 rental properties and have several other ownership stakes in other business ventures. But then again I live extremely far below my means and save something like 75% of my income. I'll wager that most of you complaining about other people holding you back live in a bigger house and have more crap than I and drive newer cars.

But that's not the point is it? Why is your measure of success a million dollars? So if you can't be a millionaire then why bother to improve your position. Is that your argument here?

And I have yet to call anyone lazy. I have said that if you're not where you want to be financially and you do nothing to improve your situation that it is your fault and no one else's because no one is stopping you from making more money and increasing your net worth.

So tell me who is stopping you other than the guy staring back at you in the mirror that is?

These are relative statements.
For instance, if you earn 10 million a year and live like you earn 2 million, that's a pretty darn good lifestyle and allows for further investment and buffering against an industry related crash.
If you earn 100K and live like you earn 25K, well, that's your prerogative and some people are happy doing just that.

All statements are relative to something.

I talk about improving financial position and I get asked if I'm a millionaire as if one thing has anything to do with the other. it doesn't.

a million dollars is an arbitrary number.

Hell you could retire a millionaire if you invested 100 a month from age 18 to 68.

No one is stopping anyone from making more, saving more, or increasing their net worth. Period.
they did not vote at all, they stayed home. the stats prove that.

the money and lives that we wasted on stupid wars was authorized and funded by both parties. as president, bush could not do any of that on his own-----unlike obama who makes law with the stroke of a pen.

Glad to see you admitting that the average conservative is lazy.

lazy and pissed off are two completely different things.

Nope, we're just talking about lazy.
But that's not the point is it? Why is your measure of success a million dollars? So if you can't be a millionaire then why bother to improve your position? Is that your argument here?

And I have yet to call anyone lazy. I have said that if you're not where you want to be financially and you do nothing to improve your situation that it is your fault and no one else's because no one is stopping you from making more money and increasing your net worth.

So tell me who is stopping you other than the guy staring back at you in the mirror that is?

Fear is a beast ... And the deadliest of dream killers.
For those who are willing to take the risk ... life has a flavor the weak will never savor.
Each of us holds our own key ... The key is all you need ... Now use it.

actually my net worth is over a million.

I own 12 rental properties and have several other ownership stakes in other business ventures. But then again I live extremely far below my means and save something like 75% of my income. I'll wager that most of you complaining about other people holding you back live in a bigger house and have more crap than I and drive newer cars.

But that's not the point is it? Why is your measure of success a million dollars? So if you can't be a millionaire then why bother to improve your position. Is that your argument here?

And I have yet to call anyone lazy. I have said that if you're not where you want to be financially and you do nothing to improve your situation that it is your fault and no one else's because no one is stopping you from making more money and increasing your net worth.

So tell me who is stopping you other than the guy staring back at you in the mirror that is?

These are relative statements.
For instance, if you earn 10 million a year and live like you earn 2 million, that's a pretty darn good lifestyle and allows for further investment and buffering against an industry related crash.
If you earn 100K and live like you earn 25K, well, that's your prerogative and some people are happy doing just that.

All statements are relative to something.

I talk about improving financial position and I get asked if I'm a millionaire as if one thing has anything to do with the other. it doesn't.

a million dollars is an arbitrary number.

Hell you could retire a millionaire if you invested 100 a month from age 18 to 68.

No one is stopping anyone from making more, saving more, or increasing their net worth. Period.

It might depend on one's locality.
Business loans, since Sep 2008, have become almost impossible to attain.
If one has always had a low wage job or has just graduated from college it is nearly impossible to get a loan without a co-signer.
If one lost their money in the crash and didn't pull out they now have more money than ever.

Your past history of success may be the key to lenders and suppliers having confidence in your endeavors while many others don't have such an opportunity.

income inequality--------stop illegal immigration. repeal obamacare. give tax credits to companies who invest in this country, do away with capital gains tax and corporate income tax. The economy would boom with good paying jobs and opportunity for everyone.

You just addressed not ONE thing that will do anything about Income Inequality. What you just suggested was if we do X then Y will happen. Just because it will!


sure I did. creating more good paying jobs would bring more people into the middle and upper middle classes.

question: why has the gap between rich and poor gotten larger under obama's left wing policies over the last 5 years?[/QUOTE]

Yes good paying jobs would bring more people into the middle and upper middle classes. Your solutions say nothing about creating good paying jobs it only says give companies X and they WILL create jobs.

That's an assumption. That's like giving fishing advice like put your finger in your nose and fish WILL jump in your boat.

Answer: DUH. The answer is in the question. Obama's policies aren't as left wing as you pretend.
Glad to see you admitting that the average conservative is lazy.

lazy and pissed off are two completely different things.

Nope, we're just talking about lazy.

if thats the topic, then about 60% of ameican voters were too lazy to bother to vote.

the fact is that many on the right did not vote because they did not like either option, or they voted for a 3rd party that had no chance of winning. Either way they helped obama, because if they voted, none of them would have voted for him.
What the hell in income equality??

Does someone expect someone with a college education to make the same as someone flipping burgers??

There will never be income equality because those earning the income aren't equal via education and ability.

Anyone who thinks everyone should make the same irregardless of their ability should move to Cuba.
You just addressed not ONE thing that will do anything about Income Inequality. What you just suggested was if we do X then Y will happen. Just because it will!


sure I did. creating more good paying jobs would bring more people into the middle and upper middle classes.

question: why has the gap between rich and poor gotten larger under obama's left wing policies over the last 5 years?

Yes good paying jobs would bring more people into the middle and upper middle classes. Your solutions say nothing about creating good paying jobs it only says give companies X and they WILL create jobs.

That's an assumption. That's like giving fishing advice like put your finger in your nose and fish WILL jump in your boat.

Answer: DUH. The answer is in the question. Obama's policies aren't as left wing as you pretend.[/QUOTE]

businesses exist to make money for their shareholders, in a favorable climate they will expand and invest in new facilities and hire people, because more sales volume means more revenue and a higher stock price.

its not complicated.
These are relative statements.
For instance, if you earn 10 million a year and live like you earn 2 million, that's a pretty darn good lifestyle and allows for further investment and buffering against an industry related crash.
If you earn 100K and live like you earn 25K, well, that's your prerogative and some people are happy doing just that.

All statements are relative to something.

I talk about improving financial position and I get asked if I'm a millionaire as if one thing has anything to do with the other. it doesn't.

a million dollars is an arbitrary number.

Hell you could retire a millionaire if you invested 100 a month from age 18 to 68.

No one is stopping anyone from making more, saving more, or increasing their net worth. Period.

It might depend on one's locality.
Business loans, since Sep 2008, have become almost impossible to attain.
If one has always had a low wage job or has just graduated from college it is nearly impossible to get a loan without a co-signer.
If one lost their money in the crash and didn't pull out they now have more money than ever.

Your past history of success may be the key to lenders and suppliers having confidence in your endeavors while many others don't have such an opportunity.

I got my first loan when I was 21 with no cosigner.

but then again I had a 30% down payment because I had been working full time since I was 15 and two fulltime jobs since I was 17 and I saved almost every penny.

I had great credit because I got a low limit credit card at 18 and used it for all my daily expenses. I went to the local bank that issued it every Saturday and paid off the balance from the week.

And starting a business is not the only way to increase your net worth.
there are billboards popping up all over NYC that are saying something about rebuilding america and the 1% must pay their fair share.
All statements are relative to something.

I talk about improving financial position and I get asked if I'm a millionaire as if one thing has anything to do with the other. it doesn't.

a million dollars is an arbitrary number.

Hell you could retire a millionaire if you invested 100 a month from age 18 to 68.

No one is stopping anyone from making more, saving more, or increasing their net worth. Period.

It might depend on one's locality.
Business loans, since Sep 2008, have become almost impossible to attain.
If one has always had a low wage job or has just graduated from college it is nearly impossible to get a loan without a co-signer.
If one lost their money in the crash and didn't pull out they now have more money than ever.

Your past history of success may be the key to lenders and suppliers having confidence in your endeavors while many others don't have such an opportunity.

I got my first loan when I was 21 with no cosigner.

but then again I had a 30% down payment because I had been working full time since I was 15 and two fulltime jobs since I was 17 and I saved almost every penny.

I had great credit because I got a low limit credit card at 18 and used it for all my daily expenses. I went to the local bank that issued it every Saturday and paid off the balance from the week.

And starting a business is not the only way to increase your net worth.

Great! My son is doing the same thing because he has me as a guide.

Now we go on to other factors such as general market and industry specific crashes.
Also, CEOs, such as Larry Ellison, Bill Gates and John Chambers, who hire lobbyists to convince Congress that Americans, including yourself and myself, are incompetent and need to be replaced by business visas.

In some areas, such as Long Island, the Americans were fired by many local businesses, both large and small, and replaces by these business visas.
for our resident libtardians--------where is it written that incomes should be "equal"? where is income equalization in the constitution as a government duty?

You know, the constitution isn't a's a document of governance and is subject to change, like it has repeatedly over the years. Sometimes you guys fall back on "it's not in the constitution!!!" a little too often.

And it's not about what's in the constitution, it's what's good for the people in the country. Is it good that wages have been stagnate for the past 30 years? probably not. Is it good that the Waltons have more wealth then the bottom 40% of the country? probably not.

They're problems, problems we can solve...why shouldn't we solve them? It's the same as changing tax rates to solve problems or cutting programs to solve's all the same.

Before you can fix a problem, you have to recognize that there is one. The RW can't seem to recognize that there is an income inequality problem or they just don't see all the wealth concentrated at the top as being a problem.

I have a feeling they will come to regret that position.

A big shift of the inequality arrived just for Christmas 5 years ago. It's all over the news and has been for the last 5 years. But stupidity reigns.

Here let me help you Stephie.

Back in the 1990s did manufacturing workers ASK that their job go overseas?

No. Who did?

CEOs did.

In the 2000s who created a housing bubble, insured their own mortgages, sold them as AAA investments (even though many of them were NINJA loans), collected the money and then crashed themselves, then collected the insurance money for the defaults, but were revived by a $750,000,000,000 bail out from the taxpayers?



Wall Street banks did.

Now please. Unless you can come up with factual, historical data, please STFU.
Socialism always causes income inequality.
Capitalism always brings more people out of poverty.

No it doesnt. You lack the intelligence to understand why it doesnt.

No, you just lack the explanation for why it does, so you think, "I'm right, but you can't comprehend it, so just accept that I'm right" is going to work.

I think being too stupid to explain yourself and stupid enough to think anyone's going to buy this faux-loftiness go hand-in-hand.

Keep reading..
I've asked for their solutions to this so-called problem and both people to whom I've asked have gone quiet.

Here's is the pure and simple fact.

Income equality will always be around.

Deal with it!
Thats the point people are trying to deal with it. Again like always you need to strike that balance between regulation and capitalism.
Left to its own devices capitalism will eat its own tail and crash. The same goes for every other method. Socialism, communism, over regulate and things stall out. You under and it crashes under its own greed.

There is nothing wrong with making money, but you cant stack the deck in your watch these billion and million dollar companies pay their lower employess chump change. So the idea they cant afford to pay more is absurd, but they need those bonuses and higher paying "jobs".

Is it wrong to say " hey instead of paying yourself 2 million, how about 1.5 and you pay your employees a little more." Nothing wrong in suggesting this. ...just dont force them.

Welfare is a tool to be ised to get yourself out. But if the jobs pay so poorly then how do they get out of welfare?

At least this is my opinion on it...just food for thought.

Nothing wrong with making suggestions. But don't piss and moan when your suggestions aren't considered.
So I give you an answer and this is the reaction? Come on dude...then you wonder why nobody bothered with you.

sure I did. creating more good paying jobs would bring more people into the middle and upper middle classes.

question: why has the gap between rich and poor gotten larger under obama's left wing policies over the last 5 years?

Yes good paying jobs would bring more people into the middle and upper middle classes. Your solutions say nothing about creating good paying jobs it only says give companies X and they WILL create jobs.

That's an assumption. That's like giving fishing advice like put your finger in your nose and fish WILL jump in your boat.

Answer: DUH. The answer is in the question. Obama's policies aren't as left wing as you pretend.

businesses exist to make money for their shareholders, in a favorable climate they will expand and invest in new facilities and hire people, because more sales volume means more revenue and a higher stock price.

its not complicated.[/QUOTE]

Yes but you say nothing about a solution to get them to create more good paying jobs. Your entire solution is akin to putting a carrot under a box and hope business goes into the trap. When they do suddenly good jobs will materialize from the box.

How? You don't know and your solution doesn't say either.

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