Yes, by all means, let’s talk about income inequality

yeah, that way we can all BOW, click our heels together and say Hail the government


Says someone who's working a government job, just for the healthcare benefits.

I was working at the school for four years, worked my way up from a three hour assistant into being a Baker after two years..A little more pay BUT, they shorted me 15 min. a day so they didn't have to give me Insurance...guess what? I left...No hail the government or nothing
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I keep hearing this being said by Repubs that only Liberal solutions are acceptable.

When repubs are asked for solutions they either claim there is no problem (like with income inequality) or take a hands off approach like with Climate Change (earth will fix itself) or Free Market (it'll work out, just wait and see)

So, I find it strange that someone who says there isn't a problem or encourages everyone that they don't need a solution because it'll all work out pretends that they are being denied the opportunity to provide an answer.

They literally refuse to give an answer then get offended that someone considers a liberals answer. All you have to do repubs is OFFER A SOLUTION. Its crazy


income inequality--------stop illegal immigration. repeal obamacare. give tax credits to companies who invest in this country, do away with capital gains tax and corporate income tax. The economy would boom with good paying jobs and opportunity for everyone.

You just addressed not ONE thing that will do anything about Income Inequality. What you just suggested was if we do X then Y will happen. Just because it will!


Still doing better than you are, though. At least Redfish made some proposals to solve the "problem".

income inequality--------stop illegal immigration. repeal obamacare. give tax credits to companies who invest in this country, do away with capital gains tax and corporate income tax. The economy would boom with good paying jobs and opportunity for everyone.

You just addressed not ONE thing that will do anything about Income Inequality. What you just suggested was if we do X then Y will happen. Just because it will!


Still doing better than you are, though. At least Redfish made some proposals to solve the "problem".[/QUOTE]

Yes if you consider not addressing the problem as addressing the problem. Then sure!
CC: How do we get better jobs?
Redfish: By getting out of the way of companies!
CC: How will that create jobs?
Redfish: Because ....duh....Free Market
CC: Expound
Redfish: no
Income inequality!?!?!? It's like screaming that everyone who is against Barry and his criminal cronies are RACIST. Or those who do not blindly support same sex marriage is a homophobe. Boil everything that is opposite to what you want down to its basics, label it with a 'disease', marginalize it and dehumanize it. Those who oppose you are then 'shown' to be actually supporting a personality disorder or are greedy. It's about control. Nothing more, nothing less.

I don't know how any clearer it needs to be. In a free enterprise system, there are going to be winners and losers. The goal is to give everyone an equal START. You cannot guarantee the outcome unless you do away with the entire system. Some will achieve more and some will achieve less. Some, who do absolutely NOTHING, will have NOTHING. For those who do NOTHING, am I then required to provide for them? I've always said, this country gives you the opportunity to stand on the corner with your buddies and do nothing all day. But when you then don't have any place to live or you're hungry because you didn't find a job, you get EXACTLY what you deserve.

Now, the left wants to PUNISH those who have achieved. They scream that there are 1% of the country that is controlling 40% of the wealth. Hey, I have a little information for you. Even though I am fast approaching 65 years old, I still WANT to be part of that 1% and doing things to hopefully get me there. I'm supposed to feel bad that even in this incredibly stupid and fragile economy, I'm making money? Uh, I'll get right on that as soon as I sell some stock I bought that has climbed 105% over what I bought it at. And before you try and tell me how wonderful it is that Barry's economy is propelling stock upwards like that, I will tell you that it is an oil field infrastructure stock that has prospered DESPITE Barry trying everything to stop it.

I don't understand what it is like to be so GREEDY that you just hate it when others succeed. What is it about people who say, "Hey, you've done too well. Now we're going to take from you and give it to those who don't do squat." Talk about personality disorders.

:clap2::clap2: well said

Everyone doesn't have an equal start.

A corporate executive, born from a rich family that could send him an expensive college, who knows how to kiss ass gets a $25 million a year salary, but a high school graduate, born from a working class family, has to take a job paying $10 an hour to help support his disabled mother after her husband died of a heart attack.

How is that an equal start?

Hey, and if you are 65, and aren't part of the 1%, I got news for never will be part of it.

Man, you are full of shit.

And you are a freakin' idiot of monumental proportions. My mom and dad didn't have squat. I started with less. My son, who did absolutely HORRIBLE in college because he hated it, quit and had no idea what he would do. He flipped burgers because when he quit school, I told him he was on his own. And then, low and behold, I told him about a votech that taught welding. What the heck, he said he would give it a try. He was not only good at it, he was REALLY good at it. When he graduated, he flipped burgers and went to a welding school for a year where they taught him how to weld pipelines, pressure vessels and other items used in the oil field industry.

Now, he works for an oil company and they fly him literally everywhere in the world. He makes TWICE what I made when I had my own company. When he gets time off, other companies pay him OBSCENE amounts to fly to short-term jobs and do what he does best. When a pipeline ruptures, he's usually there within 24 hours with his crew. They assess the situation, call for the equipment they need and they do the job. Some companies who give him short-term jobs, pay for vacations and such as an added incentive. On one, he spent a week in Alaska doing a job, then for a week he went with a guide to hunt. They paid.

The opportunities are there dumbass. All you have to do is have the desire and do it. But its freakin' idiots like you who have excuses, whine and moan about how 'unfair' life is because you can't have a million dollars AND do nothing but play Xbox. If the good Lord is willing and I live another 10 years, I bet you that I turn the seven digit retirement I have saved into eight digits.

And I'm supposed to give more so you can have what you don't work for? I'll bury it in the backyard first numbnuts.
Nothing wrong with making suggestions. But don't piss and moan when your suggestions aren't considered.
So I give you an answer and this is the reaction? Come on dude...then you wonder why nobody bothered with you.

There was no solution to the problem in your answer.

Here's my quote that prompted your response.

I've asked for their solutions to this so-called problem and both people to whom I've asked have gone quiet.

Here's is the pure and simple fact.

Income equality will always be around.

Deal with it!

Notice, you offered nothing that addressed what I said.
Bumping wages up and reforming regulations would help these no youre wrong I did offer solutions
So I give you an answer and this is the reaction? Come on dude...then you wonder why nobody bothered with you.

There was no solution to the problem in your answer.

Here's my quote that prompted your response.

I've asked for their solutions to this so-called problem and both people to whom I've asked have gone quiet.

Here's is the pure and simple fact.

Income equality will always be around.

Deal with it!

Notice, you offered nothing that addressed what I said.
Bumping wages up and reforming regulations would help these no youre wrong I did offer solutions

You still have not specified the societal problem caused by income inequality.

Furthermore, you have not shown how increasing wages by almost 50% can increase profits.
There was no solution to the problem in your answer.

Here's my quote that prompted your response.

Notice, you offered nothing that addressed what I said.
Bumping wages up and reforming regulations would help these no youre wrong I did offer solutions

You still have not specified the societal problem caused by income inequality.

Furthermore, you have not shown how increasing wages by almost 50% can increase profits.

See housing bubble...see slower sluggish economy...

Profits...yeah sometimes its not about profits. Thats why capitalism doesnt work as a pure source
Bumping wages up and reforming regulations would help these no youre wrong I did offer solutions

You still have not specified the societal problem caused by income inequality.

Furthermore, you have not shown how increasing wages by almost 50% can increase profits.

See housing bubble...see slower sluggish economy...

Profits...yeah sometimes its not about profits. Thats why capitalism doesnt work as a pure source

What does the housing bubble have to do with income inequality?

I would expect CEOs who perform well during a sluggish economy to make larger bonuses. It doesn't take a genius to make a profit during the good times.

And it's all about the profit, it's only about the profit. a company can't stay in business very long without turning a profit.
CC: How do we get better jobs?
Redfish: By getting out of the way of companies!
CC: How will that create jobs?
Redfish: Because ....duh....Free Market
CC: Expound
Redfish: no

This is how Redfish operates with ANY argument he gets in to. Look up his genius commentary on Global warming or the fact that there are no countries prospering using Conservative policies. Every time he enters a thread, you're guaranteed a laugh.
You still have not specified the societal problem caused by income inequality.

Furthermore, you have not shown how increasing wages by almost 50% can increase profits.

See housing bubble...see slower sluggish economy...

Profits...yeah sometimes its not about profits. Thats why capitalism doesnt work as a pure source

What does the housing bubble have to do with income inequality?

I would expect CEOs who perform well during a sluggish economy to make larger bonuses. It doesn't take a genius to make a profit during the good times.

And it's all about the profit, it's only about the profit. a company can't stay in business very long without turning a profit.

You get people who cant afford the homes in get a market crash.i know its not the full reason but its partial.

Ah bonuses. Yeah very short sided..

No its not all about the profit.
BTW, you know that taking from one person to give to another, is called "theft", don't you?

Whether it's done by a guy with a black mask on, or by government.

It was done by guys in $5000 gray suits with expensive briefcases and offices in downtown Manhattan and second homes in the Hamptons.

It was also done by politicians of all stripes, overpaid Hollywood hypocrites, as well as sports stars. Your "1%-ers", I believe.
BTW, you know that taking from one person to give to another, is called "theft", don't you?

Whether it's done by a guy with a black mask on, or by government.

The act, and the moral basis, is the same.

And when one, or more, person(s) benefits from the forcible taking of the fruits of others' labors, that is slavery, as well.

Acquiring by force is called theft. Slavery is forcing someone to work without wages.
What happened to our economy 5 years ago is called fraud.

If the government confiscates my wages before they even cross my palm, I am working those wages and derive no benefit from my efforts. That's slavery, too.
It should be the duty of government, and government should have the authority, to impose a minimum level of human decency on those of its citizens who are not capable of such themselves.

That should apply to world of business and work as much as anywhere else.

Then you admit that government is your religion? Imposition of morality and the establishment of decent human behavior used to be the purview of various religious sects.
yeah, that way we can all BOW, click our heels together and say Hail the government


Says someone who's working a government job, just for the healthcare benefits.

Everybody has their price.
I thought your type was all about healthcare benefits? So why are your panties in a bunch about someone who would select a job in order to achieve those benefits?
So I give you an answer and this is the reaction? Come on dude...then you wonder why nobody bothered with you.

There was no solution to the problem in your answer.

Here's my quote that prompted your response.

I've asked for their solutions to this so-called problem and both people to whom I've asked have gone quiet.

Here's is the pure and simple fact.

Income equality will always be around.

Deal with it!

Notice, you offered nothing that addressed what I said.
Bumping wages up and reforming regulations would help these no youre wrong I did offer solutions

I understand how you would think that forcing a "bump" in pay would be an improvement. But what regulations are you proposing. Effective regulation would have to address an identified issue in a specific manner. So, what are we regulating?

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